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Phytoplankton composition and biomass, and microcystin content were determined on diverse dates between November 2001 and June 2006 in the final oxidation pond of the Nakuru town sewage treatment plant. The oxidation ponds as well as the rivulet that drains the same are important water sources for some wildlife in the park. The phytoplankton composition of the pond studied mostly comprised coccoid green alga species. However, occasionally cyanobacteria or euglenoids were dominant. Among the cyanobacteria, Microcystis sp. made periodic appearance in the phytoplankton, and was the dominant species on some occasions. Total phytoplankton biomass varied widely from 48 to 135 mg L−1 (wet weight) while cyanobacteria biomass ranged from undetectable levels to 130 mg L−1. Most phytoplankton biomass was due to one or a few species. Detectable cyanotoxin concentrations (sum of microcystins) of up to 551.08 μg mg−1 dry weight (DW) of cyanobacteria biomass or 0.28 μg mg−1 DW of total phytoplankton biomass were recorded in samples collected on different dates. Microcystin content did not appear to correspond to the biomass of cyanobacteria suggesting that toxin production is possibly triggered by environmental changes or changes in the proportion of toxic strains. An occasional presence of microcystins in the pond water suggests that the wildlife species, which regularly use the ponds as drinking water sources are potentially exposed to intoxication. A close monitoring of pond water phytoplankton composition is necessary to accurately quantify the potential impact of cyanotoxins on these wildlife species.  相似文献   
Th sorption and export models in the water column: A review   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
Over the past few decades, the radioisotope pair of 238U / 234Th has been widely and increasingly used to describe particle dynamics and particle export fluxes in a variety of aquatic systems. The present paper is one of five review articles dedicated to 234Th. It is focused on the models associated with 234Th whereas the companion papers (same issue) are focused on present and future methodologies and techniques (Rutgers van der Loeff et al.), C / 234Th ratios (Buesseler et al.), 234Th speciation (Santschi et al.) and present and future applications of 234Th [Waples, J.T., Benitez-Nelson, C.R., Savoye, N., Rutgers van der Loeff, M., Baskaran, M., Gustafsson, Ö., this issue. An Introduction to the application and future use of 234Th in aquatic systems. Marine Chemistry, FATE special issue]. In this paper, we review current 234Th scavenging models and discuss the relative importance of the non-steady state and physical terms associated with the most commonly used model to estimate 234Th flux. Based on this discussion we recommend that for future work the use of models should be accompanied by a discussion of the effect that model and data uncertainty have on the model results. We also suggest that future field work incorporate repeat occupations of sample sites on time scales of 1–4 weeks in order to evaluate steady state versus non-steady state estimates of 234Th export, especially during high flux events (> ca. 800 dpm m− 2 d− 1). Finally, knowledge of the physical oceanography of the study area is essential, particularly in ocean margins and in areas of established upwelling (e.g., Equatorial Pacific). These suggestions will greatly enhance the application of 234Th as a tracer of particle dynamics and flux in more complicated regimes.  相似文献   
Microplastics as contaminants in the marine environment: a review   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Since the mass production of plastics began in the 1940s, microplastic contamination of the marine environment has been a growing problem. Here, a review of the literature has been conducted with the following objectives: (1) to summarise the properties, nomenclature and sources of microplastics; (2) to discuss the routes by which microplastics enter the marine environment; (3) to evaluate the methods by which microplastics are detected in the marine environment; (4) to assess spatial and temporal trends of microplastic abundance; and (5) to discuss the environmental impact of microplastics. Microplastics are both abundant and widespread within the marine environment, found in their highest concentrations along coastlines and within mid-ocean gyres. Ingestion of microplastics has been demonstrated in a range of marine organisms, a process which may facilitate the transfer of chemical additives or hydrophobic waterborne pollutants to biota. We conclude by highlighting key future research areas for scientists and policymakers.  相似文献   
We describe finite-difference approximations to the equations of 2-D electromagnetic induction that permit discrete boundaries to have arbitrary geometrical relationships to the nodes. This allows finite-difference modelling with the flexibility normally ascribed to finite-element modelling. Accuracy is demonstrated by comparison with finite-element computations. We also show that related approximations lead to substantially improved accuracy in regions of steep, but not discontinuous, conductivity gradient.  相似文献   
Using two original copies of Hevelius' Selenographia and reducing spot positions with two different methods, we found that the solar angular rotation velocity at the beginning of the Maunder minimum was about the same as today. The gradient of the differential rotation was slightly steeper than given in modern reductions, but not significantly different. These findings are in contradiction to those published by Eddy et al. (1976).  相似文献   
Major and trace element and Sr–Nd–Hf–Pb isotopic data for the most primitive Tertiary lavas from the Veneto region (South-Eastern Alps, Italy) show the typical features of HIMU hotspot volcanism, variably diluted by a depleted asthenospheric mantle component (87Sr/86Sri=0.70306–0.70378; Ndi=+3.9 to +6.8; Hfi=+6.4 to +8.1, 206Pb/204Pbi=18.786–19.574). P-wave seismic tomography of the mantle below the Veneto region shows the presence of low-velocity anomalies at depth, which is consistent with possible upwellings of plume material. Between the depths of 100–250 km the velocity anomalies are approximately 2–2.5% slower than average, implying a temperature excess of about 220–280 K, in agreement with estimates for other mantle plumes in the world. In this context, the Veneto volcanics may represent the shallow expression of a mantle upflow. The presence of a HIMU-DM component in a collision environment has significant geodynamic implications. Slab detachment and ensuing rise of deep mantle material into the lithospheric gap is proposed to be a viable mechanism of hotspot magmatism in a subduction zone setting.  相似文献   
This paper is focused on the role of boron coordination in determining the 11B/10B isotopic fractionation between melt/glass and biotite at magmatic temperatures. For this purpose, three evolved volcanic rocks from Roccastrada, Mt. Amiata, and Mt. Cimini belonging to the Neogene-Quaternary magmatism of central Italy were studied. In these samples, the measured boron biotite-glass partition coefficient ranges between 0.004 and 0.011, indicating that boron behaves as an incompatible element during biotite crystallization. The 11B magic-angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra reveal the presence of trigonal BO3/2 units, tetrahedral BO4/2 sites, and three-coordinated BO2/2O species containing one nonbridging oxygen. The relative contributions of these different boron sites were estimated by spectral deconvolution, and it was observed that the fraction of trigonally coordinated boron decreases with increasing K2O concentration in the glass. The 11B/10B isotopic fractionation between biotite and melt/glass was observed to be large even at magmatic temperatures and was found to be 1.0066 (Roccastrada sample), 1.00535 (Mt. Amiata sample), and 1.00279 (Mt. Cimini sample). Fractionation is mostly related to the relative amount of trigonal and tetrahedral boron sites in the glass network rather than to other processes, including the speciation of hydrous species in the glass structure. The measured α values are significantly higher than the calculated ones obtained using the reduced partition function ratios (RPFRs) for B(OH)3 and B(OH)4 as reported by Kakihana et al. (1977) and the abundance of trigonal and tetrahedral boron obtained by 11B NMR spectra. Furthermore, a nonlinear relationship is observed between the percentage of BO4 in the glass structure and the measured 1000lnα, suggesting that the approximation of monomeric B(OH)3 and B(OH)4 species contributions through ideal mixing in calculating the RPFRs in polyanions (Oi et al., 1989) probably does not apply to silicate glasses.The large B isotopic fractionation measured between glass and biotite and its dependence on the boron coordination in the glass are a limitation to the use of δ11B in the mineral to characterize magmas. Nonetheless, the high incompatible behavior of boron in the most common magmatic minerals rules out that fractional crystallization significantly modified the B isotopic composition of the melt.  相似文献   
During late winter and spring of 2002 and 2003, 24, 2–3 day cruises were conducted to Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA, to examine the grazing, egg production, and hatching success rates of adult female Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus newmani. The results of the copepod grazing experiments for C. pacificus are discussed here. Each week, copepod grazing incubation experiments from two different depth layers were conducted. Grazing was measured by both changes in chlorophyll concentration and cell counts. In 2002, there was one moderate bloom consisting mainly of Thalassiosira spp. in early February, and a larger bloom in April comprised of two Chaetoceros species and Phaeocystis sp. Similarly, in 2003, there were two blooms, an early one dominated by Thalassiosira spp., and a later one consisting of Chaetoceros spp. and Thalassiosira spp. Clearance rates on individual prey species, as calculated by cell counts, showed that C. pacificus are highly selective in their feeding, and may have much higher clearance rates on individual taxa than rates calculated from bulk chlorophyll disappearance. During weeks of high phytoplankton concentration, the copepods generally ate phytoplankton. However, they often rejected the most abundant phytoplankton species, particularly certain Thalassiosira spp., even though the rejected prey were often of the same genus and similar size to the preferred prey. It is speculated that this avoidance may be related to the possible deleterious effects that certain of these diatom species have on the reproductive success of these copepods. During weeks of medium to low phytoplankton concentration, the copepods selectively ate certain species of phytoplankton, and often had high electivity for microzooplankton. The selection mechanism must consist of active particle rejection most likely based on detection of surface chemical properties, since the diatoms that were selected were of the same genus, nearly the same size, and at lower numerical abundance than those cells that were avoided. The grazing choices made by these copepods may have important consequences for the overall ecosystem function within coastal and estuarine systems through changes in the transfer efficiency of energy to higher trophic levels.  相似文献   
During late winter and spring of 2002 and 2003, 24 two- to three-day cruises were conducted to Dabob Bay, Washington State, USA, to examine the grazing, egg production, and hatching success rates of adult female Calanus pacificus and Pseudocalanus newmani. Here, we discuss the results of our grazing experiments for P. newmani. Each week, we conducted traditional microzooplankton dilution experiments and “copepod dilution” experiments, each from two different layers. Grazing was measured by changes in chlorophyll concentration and direct cell counts. Clearance rates on individual prey species, as calculated by cell counts, showed that Pseudocalanus are highly selective in their feeding, and may have much higher grazing rates on individual taxa than calculated from bulk chlorophyll disappearance. The grazing rates of the copepods, however, are typically an order of magnitude lower than the grazing rates of the microzooplankton community, or the growth rates of the phytoplankton. P. newmani ingested diatoms, but, at certain times fed preferentially on microzooplankton, such as ciliates, tintinnids, and larger dinoflagellates. Removal of the microzooplankton may have released the other phytoplankton species from grazing pressure, allowing those species’ abundance to increase, which was measured as an apparent “negative” grazing on those phytoplankton species. The net result of grazing on some phytoplankton species, while simultaneously releasing others from grazing pressure resulted in bulk chlorophyll-derived estimates of grazing which were essentially zero or slightly negative; thus bulk chlorophyll disappearance is a poor indicator of copepod grazing. Whether copepods can significantly release phytoplankton from the grazing pressure by microzooplankton in situ, thus causing a trophic cascade, remains to be verified, but is suggested by our study.  相似文献   
The distribution of benthic foraminiferal microfauna recovered from two offshore transects on the Amazon shelf was studied. Eight box-core samples were collected along the inner, middle, and outer parts of the continental shelf. Each box-core sample was divided into 10 subsamples, of 1- to 5-cm intervals, in order to investigate the foraminiferal microhabitat preferences. The variations of salinity, oxygen, lithology, and sediment accumulation rates were used to evaluate ecological patterns. Four benthic foraminiferal assemblages identified in the study area characterize a record of oceanographic changes from early Holocene to the present. An abundant assemblage, with opportunistic species, was found near the river mouth. Two assemblages were identified northwest of the river mouth, with dominant epifaunal and infaunal species, respectively. A relict assemblage was encountered northwest of the river mouth.  相似文献   
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