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In this study, on the basis of the Floquet transform method, a numerical model for the simulation of the vibration isolation via multiple periodic pile rows with infinite number of piles is established. By means of the fictitious pile method due to Muki and Sternberg, the second kind of Fredholm integral equations for the pile rows are developed by using the fundamental solutions for the half‐space and the compatibility conditions between the piles and half‐space. Employing the Floquet transform method, integral equations for the pile rows in the wavenumber domain are then derived. Solution of the integral equations yields the wavenumber domain solution for the pile rows. The space domain solution can then be retrieved by inversion of the Floquet transform. Numerical results show that the proposed model with the Floquet transform method is in a good agreement with those of the conventional direct superposition method. On the basis of the new model, influences of the spacing between neighboring piles, the Young's modulus of the piles, and the pile length on the vibration isolation effect of the pile rows are investigated. Numerical simulations conducted in this study show that compared with the direct superposition method, the efficiency of the proposed model for simulation of the vibration isolation via pile rows is very high. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A comprehensive study of a sandy aquifer of deltaic origin in southern Poland included water chemistry, isotopes, dissolved trace gases and transport modelling. Tritium, sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) and freons (F‐11, F‐12 and F‐113) showed the presence of modern waters in the recharge areas and shallow confined parts of the aquifer. The presence of older Holocene waters farther from the recharge areas was indicated by lack of 3H, SF6 contents ≤0·02 fmol l−1 and relatively low 14C values. The discharge from the system is by upward seepage in the valley of a major river. Pre‐Holocene waters of a cooler climate, identified on the basis of δ18O, δ2H, 14C, Ne and Ar data, were found in some distant wells. Concentrations of N2, Ne and Ar determined by gas chromatography were used for calculating the noble gas temperatures, air excess needed for correction of SF6, and nitrogen content released by denitrification process. The time series of 3H content available for some wells supplied quantitative information on age distributions and the total mean ages of flow through the unsaturated and saturated zones. The derived 3H age distributions turned out to be very wide, with mean values in the range of about 30 to 160 years. For each well with determined 3H age, the SF6 data showed either a lower age range or the possibility of a lower age as expected due to shorter travel times of SF6 through the unsaturated zone, which most probably also resulted in different types of age distributions of these tracers. Freons appeared to be of little use for individual age determinations. A quantitative estimation of two‐component mixing from SF63H relations is not possible unless the travel time of 3H through the unsaturated zone is comparable to that of SF6. The ratio of integrals of the response function over the age range with tracer and the whole response function yields the ratio of water with tracer to total flow of water. That ratio is a tracer‐dependent function of time. Transport modelling of SF6 tracer done with MT3D code yielded initially large discrepancies between calculated and measured tracer concentrations. Some discrepancies remained even after calibration of the transport model with SF6. Simulation of tritium contents with a calibrated transport model yielded reasonable agreement with measured contents in some wells and indicated a need for further investigations, particularly in the eastern part of the aquifer. The existence of distinct hydrochemical zones is consistent with the tracer data; young waters with measurable 3H and SF6 contents are aerobic and of HCO3 Ca or HCO3 SO4 Ca types. Slightly elevated Na and Cl contents, as well as the highest concentrations of SO4 and NO3 within this zone are due to anthropogenic influences. Anaerobic conditions prevail in the far field, under the confining cover, where pre‐bomb era Holocene waters dominate. In that zone, dissolved oxygen, NO3 and U contents are reduced, and Fe, Mn and NH4 contents increase. In the third zone, early Holocene and glacial waters occur. They are of HCO3 Ca Na or HCO3 Na types, with TDS values higher than 1 g l−1 and Na content higher than 200 mg l−1, due to either small admixtures of ascending or diffusing older water or freshening of marine sediments, a process that is probably occurring till the present time. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A mass‐balance approach was used to estimate in‐stream processes related to inorganic nitrogen species (NH4+, NO2? and NO3?) in a large river characterized by highly variable hydrological conditions, the Garonne River (south‐west France). Studies were conducted in two consecutive reaches of 30 km located downstream of the Toulouse agglomeration (population 760 000, seventh order), impacted by modification of discharge regime and high nitrogen concentrations. The mass‐balance was calculated by two methods: the first is based on a variable residence time (VRT) simulated by a one‐dimensional (1‐D) hydraulic model; the second is a based on a calculation using constant residence time (CRT) evaluated according to hydrographic peaks. In the context of the study, removal of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) for a reach of 30 km is underestimated by 11% with the CRT method. In sub‐reaches, the discrepancy between the two methods led to a 50% overestimation of DIN removal in the upper reach (13 km) and a 43% underestimation in the lower reach (17 km) using the CRT method. The study highlights the importance of residence time determination when using modelling approaches in the assessment of whole stream processes in short‐duration mass‐balance for a large river under variable hydrological conditions. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We want to develop a dialogue between geophysicists and hydrologists interested in synergistically advancing process based watershed research. We identify recent advances in geophysical instrumentation, and provide a vision for the use of electrical and magnetic geophysical instrumentation in watershed scale hydrology. The focus of the paper is to identify instrumentation that could significantly advance this vision for geophysics and hydrology during the next 3–5 years. We acknowledge that this is one of a number of possible ways forward and seek only to offer a relatively narrow and achievable vision. The vision focuses on the measurement of geological structure and identification of flow paths using electrical and magnetic methods. The paper identifies instruments, provides examples of their use, and describes how synergy between measurement and modelling could be achieved. Of specific interest are the airborne systems that can cover large areas and are appropriate for watershed studies. Although airborne geophysics has been around for some time, only in the last few years have systems designed exclusively for hydrological applications begun to emerge. These systems, such as airborne electromagnetic (EM) and transient electromagnetic (TEM), could revolutionize hydrogeological interpretations. Our vision centers on developing nested and cross scale electrical and magnetic measurements that can be used to construct a three‐dimensional (3D) electrical or magnetic model of the subsurface in watersheds. The methodological framework assumes a ‘top down’ approach using airborne methods to identify the large scale, dominant architecture of the subsurface. We recognize that the integration of geophysical measurement methods, and data, into watershed process characterization and modelling can only be achieved through dialogue. Especially, through the development of partnerships between geophysicists and hydrologists, partnerships that explore how the application of geophysics can answer critical hydrological science questions, and conversely provide an understanding of the limitations of geophysical measurements and interpretation. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Apatite fission track (AFT) and (U–Th)/He data from the High Atlas have been obtained for the first time to constrain the tectono‐thermal evolution of the central part of the chain. Results from Palaeozoic basement massifs indicate long residence at low temperatures, consistently with their original location out of the deepest Mesozoic rift troughs and indicating minor exhumation. The best rocks for extracting the Alpine history of the Atlas Mountains are Jurassic intrusives, which yield AFT ages centred on c. 80 Ma; thermal models based on AFT data and constrained by (U–Th)/He suggest that these ages are included in a slow cooling trend from intrusion age to c. 50 Ma ago that we attribute to post‐rift thermal relaxation. This is followed by a stability period of c. 30 Ma and then by a final exhumational cooling until present exposure. Eocene intrusives yield AFT ages similar to those of Rb–Sr and K–Ar suggesting rapid emplacement in the uppermost crust.  相似文献   
New single‐grain 40Ar/39Ar detrital white‐mica ages from the Lulehe section at the eastern Qaidam Basin yield uniform Permian ages between 250 ± 3 and 279 ± 3 Ma throughout the whole Cenozoic sequence. This is inconsistent with the present hinterland, which is composed of early Palaeozoic metamorphic units with subordinate early Palaeozoic and few Permian granites. The new data indicate that Permian tectonic units are likely more widespread at the north‐eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau as known at present, particularly within the Qilian Mountains. The preferred explanation is that the Qaidam block represents a rigid indenter, which indented during late Tertiary times into early Palaeozoic orogenic units. This is consistent with recent findings of a NW‐trending sinistral Permian ductile shear zone and a dextral, NW‐trending Tertiary fault system close to the north‐eastern margin of the Qaidam Basin.  相似文献   
Scattering of an elastic wave by a cylindrical shell embedded in poroelastic medium is investigated theoretically with the assumption that the shell material is also a porous elastic medium. The porous medium is modellized via Biot's theory and the scattering by cylindrical shell is expressed by the definition of scattering matrix. The normal mode expansion technique is employed for analysing the scattering field, and the asymptotic solutions of displacements, stresses and pore pressure are derived. Two limiting cases‐scattering by a poroelastic cylinder in Biot medium and a elastic cylindrical shell in elastic medium are obtained from the general solutions. The dispersion curves of displacement amplitude at the interface of shell and medium is compared with the case of elastic shell. The scattering amplitude associated with the fast, slow and transverse waves are identified by numerical simulation. Furthermore, the influence of the poroelastic property of shell material on scattering amplitude is analysed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to investigate the variation of geomorphology and runoff characteristics in saturated areas under different partial contributing area (PCA) conditions. Geomorphologic information and hydrologic records from two mid‐size watersheds in northern Taiwan were selected for analysis. The PCA ratio in the watershed during a storm was assumed equal to the ratio of the surface‐flow volume to the direct runoff volume from measured hydrologic data. The extents of PCA regions were then determined by using a topographic‐index threshold. Consequently, the geomorphologic factors in saturated and unsaturated areas could be calculated using a digital elevation model, and these factors could then be linked to a geomorphology‐based IUH model for runoff simulation, which can consider both the surface‐ and subsurface‐flow processes in saturated and unsaturated areas, respectively. The results show that geomorphologic characteristics in the saturated areas vary significantly with different PCA ratios especially for higher order streams. A large PCA ratio results in a sharp hydrograph because the quick surface flow dominates the runoff process, whereas the hydrologic response in a low PCA case is dominated by the delayed subsurface flow. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Groundwater temperature and electrical conductivity logs were applied in this study to gain an understanding of the hydrogeological behaviour of a complex system. This system, compartmentalized by a large number of fractures, which may even cause geothermal anomalies, is that of the Campo de Dalías in the south‐east of the Iberian Peninsula. In addition to this complexity one must consider the different levels with aquifer properties and their varying lithologies, which in some cases are in direct contact with the sea. Vertical sections based upon the various logs allow lateral correlation to be made between the anomalies detected, and provide information on the existence of both ascending and descending vertical flows, and the inflow of sea water into the system. Analysis of environmental isotopes (18O and D) indicate the areas of recharge with the greatest flow velocity. No seasonal variation in the isotopes was observed, which suggests that the residence time of the groundwater in the aquifer is several years. Radiocarbon dating gave estimates of generally long residence times, although in some sectors it is possible to detect the current recharge based on its tritium content, from rainwater infiltration or seawater intrusion. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Both laboratory experiments and numerical modelling were conducted to study the biodegradation and transport of benzene–toluene–xylenes (BTX) in a simulated semi‐confined aquifer. The factors incorporated into the numerical model include advection, hydrodynamic dispersion, adsorption, and biodegradation. The various physico‐chemical parameters required by the numerical model were measured experimentally. In the experimental portion of the study, BTX compounds were introduced into the aquifer sand. After the contaminants had been transported through the system, BTX concentrations were measured at 12 equally spaced wells. Subsequently, microorganisms obtained from the activated sludge of a sewage treatment plant and cultured in BTX mixtures were introduced into the aquifer through the 12 sampling wells. The distribution data for BTX adsorption by the aquifer sand form a nonlinear isotherm. The degree of adsorption by the sand varies, depending on the composition of the solute. The degradation time, measured from the time since the bacteria were added to the aquifer until a specific contaminant was no longer detectable, was 35–42 h for BTX. The dissolved oxygen, after degradation by BTX compounds and bacteria, was consumed by about 40–60% in the entire simulated aquifer; thus the aerobic conditions were maintained. This study provides insights for the biodegradation and transport of BTX in aquifers by numerical modelling and laboratory experiments. Experimental and numerical comparisons indicate that the results by Monod degradation kinetics are more accurate than those by the first‐order degradation kinetics. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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