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Bastnäsite is the end member of a large group of carbonate–fluoride minerals with the common formula (REE) CO3F·CaCO3. This group is generally widespread and, despite never occurring in large quantities, represents the major economic light rare earth element (LREE) mineral in deposits related to carbonatite and alkaline intrusions. Since bastnäsite is easily altered and commonly contains inclusions of earlier‐crystallised minerals, in situ analysis is considered the most suitable method to measure its U‐Th‐Pb and Sr‐Nd isotopic compositions. Electron probe microanalysis and laser ablation (multi‐collector) inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry of forty‐six bastnäsite samples from LREE deposits in China, Pakistan, Sweden, Mongolia, USA, Malawi and Madagascar indicate that this mineral typically has high Th and LREE and moderate U and Sr contents. Analysis of an in‐house bastnäsite reference material (K‐9) demonstrated that precise and accurate U‐Th‐Pb ages could be obtained after common Pb correction. Moreover, the Th‐Pb age with its high precision is preferable to the U‐Pb age because most bastnäsites have relatively high Th rather than U contents. These results will have significant implications for understanding the genesis of endogenous ore deposits and formation processes related to metallogenic geochronology research.  相似文献   
The evolution of incised valleys is an important area of research due to the invaluable data it provides on sea‐level variations and depositional environments. In this article the sedimentary evolution of the Ría de Ferrol (north‐west Spain) from the Last Glacial Maximum to the present is reconstructed using a multidisciplinary approach, combining seismic and sedimentary facies, and supported by radiocarbon data and geochemical proxies to distinguish the elements of sedimentary architecture within the ria infill. The main objectives are: (i) to analyse the ria environment as a type of incised valley to evaluate the response of the system to the different drivers; (ii) to investigate the major controlling factors; and (iii) to explore the differentiation between rias and estuaries. As a consequence of the sea‐level rise subsequent to the Last Glacial Maximum (ca 20 kyr bp ), an extensive basin, drained by a braided palaeoriver, evolved into a tide‐dominated estuary and finally into a ria environment. Late Pleistocene and Holocene high‐frequency sea‐level variations were major factors that modulated the type of depositional environments and their evolution. Another major modulating factor was the antecedent morphology of the ria, with a rock‐incised narrow channel in the middle of the basin (the Ferrol Strait), which influenced the evolution of the ria as it became flooded during Holocene transgression. The strait acted as a rock‐bounded ‘tidal inlet’ enhancing the tidal erosion and deposition at both ends, i.e. with an ebb‐tidal delta in the outer sector and tidal sandbanks in the inner sector. The final step in the evolution of the incised valley into the modern‐defined ria system was driven by the last relative sea‐level rise (after 4 kyr bp ) when the river mouths retreated landward and a single palaeoriver was converted into minor rivers and streams with scattered mouths in an extensive coastal area.  相似文献   
随着上海地下空间的开发利用,冻结法越来越广泛地用于隧道建设中。为了避免冻结法施工中可能产生的地质灾害问题,有必要对上海软土地区的土体冻融过程中物理力学性能进一步地研究。通过对上海软土某工程3种不同的土样原状土、一次冻融土、二次冻融土进行不同状态下土力学试验,得到了土体在二次冻融循环作用下物理力学特征的变化规律。研究结果对隧道的设计提供了有价值的参考。  相似文献   
We investigate the quasi‐static simple shear flow of a two‐dimensional assembly of cohesionless particles using discrete element method (DEM) simulations. We focus on the unsteady flow regime where the solid would experience significant evolution of stresses, mobilised shear strength and dilation. We construct the DEM model using a discretised‐wall confined granular cell where the apparent boundary is allowed to dilate or contract synchronously with the confined solid. A rather uniform simple shear field is achieved across the whole assembly, which benefits rheological studies in generalising constitutive laws for continuum methods. We examine two aspects of the simple shear behaviour: macroscopic stress and strain rate evolution, particularly the non‐coaxiality between the principal directions of the two; and micromechanics such as evolution of fabric. For an initially anisotropic specimen sheared under constant normal pressure, the direction of principal stress rotates towards that of the principal strain rate, gradually reducing the degree of non‐coaxiality from about 45° to fluctuating around 0°. The rate in approaching coaxiality is slower in samples with larger initial porosity, stress ratio and mean stress. Generally, a faster rate in approaching coaxiality in simple shear is observed in a more dilatant sample, which often shows a larger degree of mobilised fabric anisotropy, suggesting the possible important role of instantaneous internal friction angle. The evolution of principal fabric direction resembles that of the principal stress direction. © 2013 The Authors. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a numerical approach to the hyperstatic reaction method (HRM) for the analysis of segmental tunnel linings. The influence of segmental joints has been considered directly using a fixity ratio that is determined on the basis of the rotational stiffness. The parameters necessary for the calculation are presented. A specific implementation has been developed using a FEM framework. This code is able to consider the three‐dimensional (3D) effect of segment joints in successive rings on the tunnel lining behaviour. The present HRM allows one to take an arbitrary distribution of segment joints along the tunnel boundary into consideration. In addition, the rotational stiffness of segment joints has been simulated using nonlinear behaviour, as it is closer to the true behaviour of a joint than linear or bilinear behaviour. The numerical results of three hypotheses on ring interaction, which allow the 3D effect of a segmental tunnel lining to be taken into account, have been compared with data obtained from the shield‐driven tunnel of the Bologna–Florence high‐speed railway line project. The numerical results presented in the paper show that the proposed HRM can be used to effectively estimate the behaviour of a segmental tunnel lining. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
With implications for the origin of ore deposits, redox state of the atmosphere, and effects of volcanic outgassing, understanding the sulfur cycle is vital to our investigation of Earth processes. However, the paucity of sulfur concentration measurements in silicate rocks and the lack of well‐calibrated reference materials with concentrations relevant to the rocks of interest have hindered such investigations. To aid in this endeavour, this study details a new method to determine sulfur concentration via high mass resolution solution inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). The method is based on an aqua regia leach, involving relatively rapid sample preparation and analysis, and uses small test portion masses (< 50 mg). We utilised two independently prepared standard solutions to calibrate the analyses, resulting in 4% accuracy, and applied the method to eight geochemical reference materials. Measurements were reproducible to within ~ 10%. Sulfur concentrations and isotopes of six reference materials were measured additionally by elemental analyser‐combustion‐isotope ratio mass spectrometry to independently evaluate the accuracy of the ICP‐MS method. Reference materials that yielded reproducible measurements identical to published values from other laboratories (JGb‐1, JGb‐2 and MAG‐1) are considered useful materials for the measurement of sulfur. Reference materials that varied between studies but were reproducible for a given test portion perhaps suffer from sample heterogeneity and are not recommended as sulfur reference materials.  相似文献   
Anatexis of metapelitic rocks at the Bandelierkop Quarry (BQ) locality in the Southern Marginal Zone of the Limpopo Belt occurred via muscovite and biotite breakdown reactions which, in order of increasing temperature, can be modelled as: (1) Muscovite + quartz + plagioclase = sillimanite + melt; (2) Biotite + sillimanite + quartz + plagioclase = garnet + melt; (3) Biotite + quartz + plagioclase = orthopyroxene ± cordierite ± garnet + melt. Reactions 1 and 2 produced stromatic leucosomes, which underwent solid‐state deformation before the formation of undeformed nebulitic leucosomes by reaction 3. The zircon U–Pb ages for both leucosomes are within error identical. Thus, the melt or magma formed by the first two reactions segregated and formed mechanically solid stromatic veins whilst temperature was increasing. As might be predicted from the deformational history and sequence of melting reactions, the compositions of the stromatic leucosomes depart markedly from those of melts from metapelitic sources. Despite having similar Si contents to melts, the leucosomes are strongly K‐depleted, have Ca:Na ratios similar to the residua from which their magmas segregated and are characterized by a strong positive Eu anomaly, whilst the associated residua has no pronounced Eu anomaly. In addition, within the leucosomes and their wall rocks, peritectic garnet and orthopyroxene are very well preserved. This collective evidence suggests that melt loss from the stromatic leucosome structures whilst the rocks were still undergoing heating is the dominant process that shaped the chemistry of these leucosomes and produced solid leucosomes. Two alternative scenarios are evaluated as generalized petrogenetic models for producing Si‐rich, yet markedly K‐depleted and Ca‐enriched leucosomes from metapelitic sources. The first process involves the mechanical concentration of entrained peritectic plagioclase and garnet in the leucosomes. In this scenario, the volume of quartz in the leucosome must reflect the remaining melt fraction with resultant positive correlation between Si and K in the leucosomes. No such correlation exists in the BQ leucosomes and in similar leucosomes from elsewhere. Consequently, we suggest disequilibrium congruent melting of plagioclase in the source and consequential crystallization of peritectic plagioclase in the melt transfer and accumulation structures rather than at the sites of biotite melting. This induces co‐precipitation of quartz in the structures by increasing SiO2 content of the melt. This process is characterized by an absence of plagioclase‐induced fractionation of Eu on melting, and the formation of Eu‐enriched, quartz + plagioclase + garnet leucosomes. From these findings, we argue that melt leaves the source rapidly and that the leucosomes form incrementally as melt or magma leaving the source dumps its disequilibrium Ca load, as well as quartz and entrained ferromagnesian peritectic minerals, in sites of magma accumulation and escape. This is consistent with evidence from S‐type granites suggesting rapid magma transfer from source to high level plutons. These findings also suggest that leucosomes of this type should be regarded as constituting part of the residuum from partial melting.  相似文献   
We investigate the influence of mantle flow relative to the lithosphere on subduction dynamics. We use 2D thermo‐mechanical models assuming incompressible non‐Newtonian fluid rheology. Different mantle flow velocities consistent with absolute plate motion models are tested, as well as both directions of flow, either sustaining or opposing slab dip. The effects of different inflow/outflow velocity profiles, slab strengths and upper–lower mantle viscosity contrasts are also evaluated. Slab dip deviations between models with opposite mantle flow directions range from 37° for relatively strong slabs (ηmax = 1025 Pa s) to 50° for weaker slabs (ηmax = 1024 Pa s), accounting for a significant amount of natural slab dip variability. For imposed mantle flow supporting the slab, the initial stage of slab steepening is followed by a stage of continuous slab dip decrease. This slab shallowing eventually leads to mantle wedge closure, subduction cessation and slab break‐off, possibly driving subduction flips.  相似文献   
The North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is one of the most hazardous active faults on Earth, yet its Pliocene space‐time propagation across the north Aegean domain remains poorly constrained. We use low‐temperature multi‐thermochronology and inverse thermal modelling to quantify the cooling history of the upper crust across the Olympus range. This range is located in the footwall of a system of normal faults traditionally interpreted as resulting from superposed Middle–Late Miocene N–S stretching, related to the back‐arc extension of the Hellenic subduction zone, and a Pliocene‐Quaternary transtensional field, attributed to the south‐westward propagation of the NAFZ. We find that accelerated exhumational cooling occurred between 12 and 6 Ma at rates of 15–35 °C Ma?1 and decreased to <3 °C Ma?1 by 8–6 Ma. The absence of significant Plio‐Pleistocene cooling across Olympus suggests that crustal exhumation there is driven by late Miocene back‐arc extension, while the impact of the NAFZ remains limited.  相似文献   
This study describes normal fault zones formed in foreland arkosic turbidites (the Grès d'Annot Formation, SW French Alps) under deep diagenesis conditions (~200 °C) and highlights the occurrence of two markedly different fault‐rock types: (1) the foliated fault rocks of the Moutière‐Restefond area; and (2) the dilatant fault rocks of the Estrop area. The deformation of (1) is dominated by intra‐ and transgranular fracturing, pressure solution of quartz and feldspar grains and syn‐kinematic phyllosilicate precipitation resulting from feldspar alteration. The combination of these mechanisms results in a strongly anisotropic strain with intense shortening normal to the foliation (pressure solution) and extension parallel to the foliation (quartz‐ and calcite‐sealed extension veins). This deformation implies local mass transfer that may be achieved without (or with limited) volume change. The deformation of (2) is expressed as dilatant quartz‐sealed veins and breccia textures in which the main mechanisms are transgranular fracturing and quartz precipitation. Type (2) implies fault volume increase, isotropy of deformation and mass transfer at distances larger than in type (1). This study discusses the origins of (1) and (2) and shows that the permeability of (1) is anisotropic, with higher values than the host rocks parallel to the Y main deformation axis (i.e. perpendicular to the slip vector), whereas the permeability of (2) is isotropic and equivalent to that of the host rocks.  相似文献   
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