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相手蟹科的诸多种类因其形态极其相似成为方蟹总科分类中疑问较多的一个类群。通过对中国沿海相手蟹线粒体COI和16S rRNA基因序列进行分子系统发育分析,结果表明14种相手蟹COI和16S rRNA基因序列之间差异分别为5.7%~14.5%和1.5%~12.1%,均达到了种间差异水平。构建的系统发育树显示,14种相手蟹分别为独立有效物种,但分属于拟相手蟹属和近相手蟹属的4种拟相手蟹和3种近相手蟹,没有分别形成2个独立的支系,而是混合聚成一大支系。而属于螳臂相手蟹属的无齿螳臂相手蟹则首先与属于中相手蟹属的中华中相手蟹聚成一支,再与红螯螳臂相手蟹聚为一大支,表现出与形态分类的不一致。错综复杂的分子系统关系预示着相手蟹类为多系起源,也表明它们之间的种间关系乃至于属间关系尚有诸多问题有待进一步厘定。  相似文献   
卡里马塔海峡水体交换的季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Four trawl-resistant bottom mounts, with acoustic Doppler current profilers(ADCPs) embedded, were deployed in the Karimata Strait from November 2008 to June 2015 as part of the South China Sea-Indonesian Seas Transport/Exchange and Impact on Seasonal Fish Migration(SITE) Program, to estimate the volume and property transport between the South China Sea and Indonesian seas via the strait. The observed current data reveal that the volume transport through the Karimata Strait exhibits significant seasonal variation. The winteraveraged(from December to February) transport is –1.99 Sv(1 Sv=1×10~6 m~3/s), while in the boreal summer(from June to August), the average transport is 0.69 Sv. Moreover, the average transport from January 2009 to December2014 is –0.74 Sv(the positive/negative value indicates northward/southward transport). May and September are the transition period. In May, the currents in the Karimata Strait turn northward, consistent with the local monsoon. In September, the southeasterly trade wind is still present over the strait, driving surface water northward, whereas the bottom flow reverses direction, possibly because of the pressure gradient across the strait from north to south.  相似文献   
2015年以来,秦皇岛近岸海域暴发了绿潮,对北戴河旅游区的环境和生态系统造成了严重影响。绿藻微观繁殖体在绿潮的形成过程中起到重要作用,主要包括孢子、配子、幼苗和营养片段。绿藻微观繁殖体作为绿潮的“种源”,其分布规律可以反映绿潮的“藻源”位置。本研究于2016年4-9月和2017年1月对秦皇岛近岸海域绿藻微观繁殖体的调查,探究了其分布规律以及生物量变化。结果显示,绿藻微观繁殖体主要分布在近岸海域,由近岸向远岸海域逐渐降低。绿藻微观繁殖体的数量在7、8月份最高,在冬季最低。受绿潮影响严重的海域微观繁殖体数量高于其它海域。秦皇岛近岸海域的绿藻微观繁殖体为该海域绿潮的种源,其分布规律表明秦皇岛近岸海域绿潮起源于本地。  相似文献   
基于支持向量机的京津冀城市群热环境时空形态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市群热环境作为区域生态重要组成部分,已成为近年来的研究热点。而如何选择针对城市群这种复杂地地貌特征的热环境量化工具一直是亟待解决的技术难点,基于此本研究提出了一种解决多样本、非线性、非平稳及高维函数拟合的计算方法,并建立了基于支持向量机(SVM)的京津冀城市群热环境曲面模型来揭示城市群热环境的时空形态变化。研究结果表明:① SVM模型在刻画多核心、多种土地利用类型城市群热环境的空间分布方面具有理论与实践可行性,能够根据热环境的整体空间布局通过高斯核函数进行局部优化差值,最大限度减少缺省值对模型拟合结果的影响。相比于对照方法可以模拟出更高精度的复杂地貌特征城市群热岛空间分布格局;② 在SVM模型曲面拟合的过程中,拟合精度和拟合时间是衡量拟合结果的重要指标,而原始影像的分辨率则是影响该指标的决定性因素;③ 2003-2013年区域内北京市与天津市的城市热岛效应变化最为明显,热岛面积分别增加7091 km2与4196 km2,空间上呈现出逐年接近连片发展趋势,热岛重心移动轨迹具有明显的时空分异性。北京城市热岛特征为东南部地区异速增长,西部地区缓慢增长;天津城市热岛特征为以城市中心为圆心向周围扩展。本研究进一步丰富了城市群热环境评测的定量方法,可以在实践上对城市群的城市规划、城市建设、环境保护和区域可持续发展等提供定量化、可视化的决策支持。  相似文献   
Ran  Weimin  Luan  Xiwu  Lu  Yintao  Liu  Hong  Yang  Jiajia  Zhao  Yang  He  Wenchang  Yan  Zhonghui 《中国海洋湖沼学报》2019,37(1):47-61

Analysis of 2D seismic data over 4 500 km in length from the Madura Strait Basin in the East Java Sea reveals seismic reflection characteristics of reefs and associated sedimentary bodies, including asymmetrical or symmetrical dome reflections, slope progradational reflections, chaotic reflections and discontinuous strong reflections inside the reef, which onlap the flank of the reef. It is concluded that the developmental paleo-environment of most reefs is mainly conducive to shallow marine carbonate platform facies and platform margin facies, based on well core data, variations in seismic facies and strata thickness. The formation and evolution of all reefs are primarily influenced by the tectonic framework of the Madura Strait Basin. Platform margin reefs are principally controlled by two types of structures: one is a series of E-W trending Paleogene normal faults, and the other is an E-W trending Neogene inversion structures. In addition, wave actions, tidal currents and other ocean currents play an accelerated role in sorting, rounding and redeposition for the accumulation and evolution of reefs. Tertiary reefs in the MSB can be divided into four types: 1) an open platform coral reef of Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, 2) a platform margin coral reef controlled by normal faults in Late Oligocene to Early Miocene, 3) a platform margin Globigerina moundreef controlled by a “hidden” inversion structure in Early Pliocene, and 4) a platform margin Globigerina mound-reef controlled by thrust faults in the early Pliocene. Patterns of the formation and evolution of reefs are also suggested.

The Lancang-Mekong River has attracted much attention from researchers, but the cooperation on water issues in this river basin has been limited, even after the establishment of the Mekong River Commission(MRC). Cooperation on water resources has been determined as one of the key priority areas in the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Mechanism, but there are no details of targets. In order to establish the priorities of water cooperation under the mechanism, we adopted nine categories to classify the objectives of 87 water cooperation events based on the ‘Lancang-Mekong Water Cooperative Events Database' from 1995 to 2015. Based on the occurrence of cooperative events, cooperative objectives, cooperative scales, and approaches to cooperation, we conducted statistical, correlation, and text analyses. Our analyses indicated the following results: under the impact of economic conditions inside and outside the river basin, full cooperation appeared more difficult than bilateral and multilateral cooperation. Each of the partners adopted different preferences for cooperation targets. Cooperation with more definite objectives was easier to establish than cooperation with broader and more complex objectives. The potential objectives for water cooperation were navigation, hydropower, joint management, data sharing, flood control and water use. Because hydropower development is controversial, and because water cooperation is avoided by most existing regional cooperation mechanisms due to its complexity, we suggest the following priority areas for water cooperation in the Lancang-Mekong River Basin. 1) Navigation and flood control/drought relief are attractive objectives for all the riparian countries across the whole watershed. 2) Data sharing should be a priority for cooperation in the watershed due to its laying the foundation for the equitable and reasonable utilization of transboundary waters. 3) Hydropower is an objective best implemented mainly through bilateral cooperation, and on tributaries.  相似文献   
褚晓琳  唐议  陈勇 《海洋通报》2019,38(2):132-140
目前鲨鱼养护管理问题已引起国际社会的广泛关注,《鲨鱼养护管理国际行动计划》和《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》等国际文件从生态系统保护和贸易管控角度对鲨鱼问题做出规定。为了顺应国际社会加强鲨鱼养护管理的趋势,RFMOs出台了一系列决议和措施。对此,作为远洋渔业大国的我国应针对目前履行RFMOs管理规定中存在的问题,尽早做好各项准备,以彰显我国渔业大国的负责任态度,更好地维护我国远洋渔业合法权益。第一,对外加大宣传,树立我国远洋渔业的正面形象;第二,加强远洋渔业从业人员培训,强化远洋渔船监管;第三,加强国际渔业法律科学人才队伍建设,提升在国际渔业管理中的话语权和主导权;第四,转变我国渔业法规指导理念,确立以养护为主的渔业管理基本方针。  相似文献   
针对执行水质监测任务过程中固定浮标监测站单点监测存在局限性、船载观测人员取样耗时耗力等问题,本文设计了一种搭载多点、分层自动采水取样装置的智能无人船水质监测系统,可实现目标水域的多点、分层连续水质数据测量及取样。该智能无人船具备基于快速随机树(Rapid Random Tree)算法的自主避障和快速路径规划功能,解决了现有无人船技术存在的多障碍自主路径规划难等问题。同时,本设计结合了ARM9控制芯片、M5310无线传输模块,通过可视化的显示界面和远程WEB访问的功能,大大提升了科研人员及时处理特殊情况便捷性。通过实验测试及比对分析,证明本设计具有智能高效、稳定可靠等优点,能够满足职能部门对于水质监测工作的需要。  相似文献   
文中利用加拿大环境部气候研究中心研发的惩罚最大t检验方法,选取均一的邻近气象站为参考站,结合元数据信息,对1960-2017年成山头海洋站海表温度序列进行了均一性检验与订正。利用订正后的海表温度序列对成山头海温气候变化特征进行分析。结果表明,订正前后年平均海表温度趋势发生了明显改变,表现出海温上升趋势较订正前加强的特征,增暖趋势由订正前的0.04℃/10 a上升到0.15℃/10 a,其中最暖的5个年份多发生在1980年以后,分别为1973年、1989年、2002年、2007年和2017年。海表温度总体呈显著上升趋势和明显的年代际波动,20世纪60年代至80年代末为偏冷阶段,之后开始增暖,20世纪90年代至今为偏暖阶段。1960-2017年,成山头的海温突变点在1987年,是一次增暖性突变,与中国大陆的气温突变特征和气温变化阶段性特征非常一致。  相似文献   
以裙带菜(Undariapinnatifida(Harv.)Suringar)幼孢子体为材料,测定藻体对机械损伤的防御应答。结果显示:与对照组相比,机械损伤会诱导藻体内活性氧含量上升,以及抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化物含量的变化。当裙带菜受到机械损伤后,体内O2-和H2O2以及MDA等物质迅速积累,藻体的总抗氧化能力上升、CAT和POD活性在短时间内迅速升高、GSH和ASA迅速合成,从而在较短时间内控制活性氧以及MDA含量;与对照组相比,SOD活性仅在3h内高于对照组。该实验结果表明裙带菜幼孢子遭受机械损伤后的抗氧化系统会参与调节机体活性氧平衡,这种抗氧化机制的存在可以更快速、更节能、更有效地修复藻体所受损伤。  相似文献   
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