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Samples of quartz-bearing rocks were heated above the α (trigonal)–β (hexagonal) phase transformation of quartz (625–950°C) to explore changes in preferred orientation patterns. Textures were measured both in situ and ex situ with neutron, synchrotron X-ray and electron backscatter diffraction. The trigonal–hexagonal phase transformation does not change the orientation of c- and a-axes, but positive and negative rhombs become equal in the hexagonal β-phase. In naturally deformed quartzites measured by neutron diffraction a perfect texture memory was observed, i.e. crystals returned to the same trigonal orientation they started from, with no evidence of twin boundaries. Samples measured by electron back-scattered diffraction on surfaces show considerable twinning and memory loss after the phase transformation. In experimentally deformed quartz rocks, where twinning was induced mechanically before heating, the orientation memory is lost. A mechanical model can explain the memory loss but so far it does not account for the persistence of the memory in quartzites. Stresses imposed by neighboring grains remain a likely cause of texture memory in this mineral with a very high elastic anisotropy. If stresses are imposed experimentally the internal stresses are released during the phase transformation and the material returns to its original state prior to deformation. Similarly, on surfaces there are no tractions and thus texture memory is partially lost.  相似文献   
库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘盐构造分段差异变形特征   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
库车前陆褶皱-冲断带前缘秋里塔格构造带发育大量盐构造,其类型丰富多样。根据野外露头、钻井和地震资料识别出的盐构造样式主要有盐推覆、盐枕、盐墙、盐焊接、鱼尾构造、盐撤凹陷、突发构造、断层传播褶皱、断层转折褶皱和三角带构造等。秋里塔格构造带盐构造变形表现出明显的分段差异变形特征,其中西段却勒地区以古隆起(盐下)—盐枕(盐层)—逆冲推覆构造(盐上)为主;中段西秋地区以构造斜坡(盐下)—盐墙(盐层)—断层传播褶皱、向斜(盐上)为主;东段东秋地区则以断层转折褶皱(盐下)—盐推覆(盐层)—断层传播褶皱(盐上)为主。造成这种盐构造分段差异变形的主要控制因素包括基底断裂、含盐层系、构造转换带和变形空间等方面的差异性,其中基底构造和含盐层系的差异性起主导作用。  相似文献   
以塔里木盆地东北地区石炭系为例进行少井波阻抗反演,以此结果研究砂泥岩发育位置、剖面形态和厚度.波阻抗资料可分辨最小厚度为20 m,比常规剖面分辨率(30 m)高,可用于沉积相分析.但是用波阻抗资料进行泥岩视厚度计算,所得结果与钻井揭示厚度相比,相对误差为 12%~-15%.经过误差分析得知,相对误差与含泥率服从单峰态分布规律,且受沉积相控制.采用相控误差法校正泥岩视厚度得到真厚度,计算结果为勘探阶段烃源岩预测提供科学依据.  相似文献   
大岗山水电站坝肩边坡地质条件复杂,断层、岩脉、卸荷裂隙密集带、深部卸荷带及节理裂隙发育。为对该边坡在开挖支护过程中的应力、变形情况进行分析,采用弹黏塑性有限元软件EVP3D,利用弹塑性有限元法进行边坡稳定性的三维有限元计算,揭示边坡可能的失稳部位,对初拟的施工程序的合理性进行评价,并对边坡的支护方案提出建议。  相似文献   
In Europe, the Wide Wheel abrasion (WWA) test and the B?hme abrasion (BA) test are among the most widely used standard test methods for determining abrasion resistance of natural stones, the former being the reference test method in EN 14157 Standard. However, it is stated in the Annex-A (Informative) of EN 14157 Standard that very limited data are available to provide correlations between these two test methods. To be able to fill this gap, in this study, 25 different natural stones belonging to sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous groups were tested for their abrasion resistance as well as physico-mechanical properties. Also, for a better interpretation of abrasion resistance characteristics of the tested stone materials, relationships between abrasion resistance and physico-mechanical properties were statistically examined. A statistically significant linear correlation (R 2 = 0.85; P value = 0.000) was established between the WWA test and the BA test, which could be used in practice for converting the measured abrasion resistance values from one testing method to another. It was also found that the correlation between these two test methods improved significantly (R 2 = 0.93; P value = 0.001) when relatively high-porosity stone materials (porosity ≥1%) were separately evaluated. Both methods of abrasion resistance employed in the present study showed statistically significant linear correlations with uniaxial compressive strength and Brazilian tensile strength, the former proving to be a more influencing parameter on resistance to abrasion. Also, from the point view of representing actual abrasion mechanism of stone materials in practice, the necessity of simulating multi-directional foot traffic in abrasion testing methods was discussed. In this respect, the reference test method in the EN 14157 Standard was criticized for not fully meeting this requirement. It was also pointed out that the reference method could have some drawbacks when applied to coarse-grained granitic rocks having cleavable minerals such as plagioclase and orthoclase feldspars.  相似文献   
中国海相碳酸盐岩层系油气资源量大,但探明程度低,是油气资源战略接替的重要领域。中国海相碳酸盐岩层系具有形成时代老、改造强烈、沉积中心与生烃中心不吻合、储层具有多样性且非均质性强、多烃源层、多期生烃、多期成藏、多期调整与改造等显著特点,与陆相碎屑岩层系有明显差别,又有别于国外海相碳酸盐岩层系。在对不同地区海相碳酸盐岩层系油气地质条件进行分析解剖的基础上,分别对四川盆地、中下扬子及滇黔桂地区、塔里木盆地、鄂尔多斯盆地、渤海湾盆地和青藏地区的海相碳酸盐岩层系油气勘探战略选区急需解决的地质问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
概要分析了淮南新孜5号井煤矸石所含的重金属元素对塌陷区鱼塘水质的影响,指出除个别水样中Zn、Cu超标外,其他均不超标,该鱼塘水质适宜养鱼要求。矸石样与华北及整个地壳泥岩中元素的丰度比,矸石中Cr、Pb、Zn与泥岩丰度基本持平,而Cd、Cu均超过其他泥岩中丰度值。因此,煤矸石在地面遭受风化,其所含有害物质可能会释放到环境,在煤矸石堆放处适当进行监测还是必要的。  相似文献   
磷对过铝质岩浆液相线温度影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
以宜春414岩体中的钠长花岗岩作为实验初始物,利用"RQV-快速内冷淬火"高温高压装置实验研究了100MPa压力、含5%H2O条件下,P对过铝质花岗岩液相线温度的影响.实验结果表明,碱性长石是最早结晶的矿物;随着体系中P2O5含量从0.27%增加到7.71%,液相线温度从最初的810℃降低到740℃,表明P有效地降低了过铝质岩浆体系的液相线温度.在过铝质岩浆体系中,P5+与Al3+的结合形成AlPO4,降低了熔体中碱性长石组分的活度,很可能是液相线温度降低的机制.  相似文献   
西藏扎布耶碳酸盐型盐湖卤水相化学研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
中国盐湖资源丰富,且水化学类型齐全。西藏扎布耶盐湖位于西藏高原腹地,该湖卤水水化学类型为碳酸盐型,已处于盐湖演化晚期,是一个固液共存的盐湖矿床,具有很好的工业开发价值。笔者分别在15℃、25℃下对该卤水进行了等温蒸发实验,研究了在此两个温度下卤水中各元素富集行为和盐类矿物析出规律。并通过讨论其与国内外碳酸盐型和硫酸盐型锂盐湖的卤水蒸发路径和矿物析出异同,指出扎布耶盐湖具有其独特的卤水蒸发析盐路径。在本实验中低温有利于卤水中锂的富集,而高温有利于硼的富集,碳酸锂和钾盐交叉析出,低温时钾的矿物主要为钾石盐,高温时主要为钾芒硝,高温有利于获得高品位的碳酸锂混盐。  相似文献   
The spatial database of landslides in Fengdu County of the reservoir region of the Three Gorges project (TGP) on the Yangtze River was compiled from a variety of different sources including field investigations on landslides, existing catalogues and archives on landslides, reports of meteorological events and human engineering activities that triggered slope failures. The major factors that are found to have affected the slope stabilities are outlined, and an assessment and zonation of landslide hazards of the region is made using an integrated information model, which is divided into destructive, disastrous, likely disastrous and essentially non-disastrous areas from the assessment of landslide hazards. The destructive and disastrous areas are respectively 1.9 and 13.8% of the total region, mostly being nearby townships, highways along the south bank of the Yangtze River and residential quarters along two flanks of the Yangtze River and its distributaries, that will impose direct impact to highway transportation and residential lives, and may effect to some degree the navigation of the Yangtze River, reservoir banks, and building of cities and towns.  相似文献   
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