Recent mineral separate ages obtained on the Karoo large igneous province (southern Africa) suggest that the province was built by several distinct magmatic pulses over a rather long period on the order of 5–6 Ma concerning the main erupted volume [Jourdan, F., Féraud, G., Bertrand, H., Kampunzu, A.B., Tshoso, G., Watkeys, M.K., Le Gall., B., 2005. The Karoo large igneous province: Brevity, origin, and relation with mass extinction questioned by new 40Ar/39Ar age data, Geology 33, 745–748]. Although this apparently atypical province is dated in more detail compared to many other large igneous provinces, volumetrically important areas still lack sufficient high-quality data. The timing of the Karoo province is crucial as this event is correlated with the breakup activity of the Gondwana supercontinent. The Lesotho basalts represent a major lava sequence of the province, but have not yet been precisely dated by systematic analysis of mineral separates. We analyzed plagioclase separates from five lava flows encompassing the complete 1.4-km-thick Lesotho sequence from top to bottom using the 40Ar/39Ar method. We obtained five plateau and mini-plateau ages statistically indistinguishable and ranging from 182.3 ± 1.6 to 181.0 ± 2.0 Ma (2σ). We derived an apparent maximum duration for this event of 0.8 Ma by neglecting correlated errors embedded in the age uncertainties.
A critical review of previous ages obtained on the Lesotho sequence [Duncan R.A., Hooper, P.R., Rehacek, J., Marsh, J.S., Duncan, A.R., 1997. The timing and duration of the Karoo igneous event, southern Gondwana. Journal of Geophysical Research 102, 18127–18138] shows that groundmass analyses are unreliable for high-resolution geochronology, due to alteration and 39Ar recoil effects. Discrepancy between our ages and a previous plagioclase age at 184 Ma obtained by the later workers is tentatively attributed to the heterogeneity of the monitor used and/or cryptic excess 40Ar. The current age database suggests that at least three temporally and spatially distinct brief major events (the Lesotho and southern Botswana lava piles and the Okavango dyke swarm) are so far recognized in the Karoo province. Identification of brief and volumetrically important Karoo magmatic events allows detecting the migration of the Karoo magmatism and potentially the stress regime that affected the southern African lithosphere at this time. A filtered compilation of 60 ages obtained with homogeneous intercalibrated standards suggests a shorter duration for the main pulses of the magmatism between 3 and 4.5 Ma, compared to a whole province duration of 10 Ma, between 182 and 172 Ma. 相似文献
Summary The crystal structure of cornetite, Cu3(PO4)(OH)3, orthorhombic, a = 10.854(1), b = 14.053(3), c = 7.086(2), Å, V = 1080.8(3) Å3, Z = 8, space group Pbca, has been refined to an R-index of 3.9% for 1231 observed reflections (I > 3I), measured with MoK X-radiation on an automated four-circle diffractometer. The structure consists of edge sharing zig-zag chains of distorted octahedra, cross-linked by edge-sharing octahedral dimers into complex octahedral layers. Adjacent layers are corner-linked together by neighbouring octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra into a densely-packed heteropolyhedral framework, in which the phosphate tetrahedra share edges with the octahedral dimers. The polyhedral layers exhibit a commensurate modulation that results from the interaction between local relaxation of Jahn-Teller distorted octahedra and the long-range requirements of translational periodicity.
Cornetit: Ein moduliertes, dicht gepacktes Oxosalz des zweiwertigen Kupfers
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur des Cornetits, Cu3(PO4)(OH)3, orthorhombisch, a = 10,854(1), b = 14,053(3), c = 7,086(2,) Å, V = 1080,8(3) Å3, Z = 8, Raumgruppe Pbca, wurde mit 1231 beobachteten Röntgenreflexen (I > 3I), die mit MoK-Strahlung auf einem automatischen Vierkreis-Diffraktometer gesammelt worden waren, auf einen R-Wert von 3,9% verfeinert. Die Struktur besteht aus kantenverknüpften Zickzack-Ketten verzerrter Oktaeder, die über kantenverknüfte Oktaeder-Dimere zu komplizierten Oktaederschichten verbunden sind. Benachbarte Schichten sind über Ecken durch benachbarte Oktaeder und PO4-Tetraeder zu einem dichtgepackten, heteropolyedrischen Gerüst verknüpft, in welchem die Phosphattetraeder mit den Oktaeder-Dimeren Kanten gemeinsam haben. Die Polyederschichten zeigen eine kommensurable Modulierung, die aus der Wechselwirkung zwischen der lokalen Relaxation von Jahn-Teller-verzerrten Oktaedern und den Forderungen der translatorischen Periodizität über größere Entfernungen resultiert.
Glassy pillow basalts with unusual geochemical characteristics for mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) have been dredge sampled from the Southwest Indian Ridge between 12 and 15°E during Leg ANT IV/4 of the F.S. POLARSTERN. Lavas from 4 of 6 dredges are moderately nepheline normative, highly K-enriched (0.5–1.77 wt% K2O) alkali basalts and hawaiites. Mg-numbers indicate that many of the lavas are fairly primitive (Mg No.=63–67), yet show extreme enrichment in incompatible elements; e.g. Nb (24–60 ppm), Ba (170–470 ppm) and Sr (258–460 ppm). Incompatible-element ratios such as Zr/Nb (3–5) and Y/Nb (0.46–1.1) are extremely low even for E-type (enriched) MORB, whereas (La/Yb)n ratios are particularly high (3.4–7.8). 87Sr/86Sr (0.70290–0.70368), 143Nd/144Nd (0.51302–0.51284) and 206Pb/204Pb (18.708–19.564) isotopic ratios further indicate the geochemically enriched nature of these lavas, which range from the compositional field for depleted N-type (normal) MORB towards the composition of Bouvet Island lavas. Mutually correlated incompatible-element and Sr-, Nd- and Pb-isotopic ratios allow a fairly well constrained model to be developed for the petrogenesis of these unusually alkalic mid-ocean ridge lavas. The alkalic nature and degree of enrichment in incompatible elements is ascribed to particularly low degrees of partial melting (3–5 wt%), at greater than usual depth, of a source region that has experienced prior geochemical enrichment (by veining) related to the upwelling Bouvet mantle plume. To account for the observed compositional variations, a model is proposed whereby mixing between partial melts derived from these geochemically enriched silicate veins, and an incipient to low percentage (±2%) melt from the surrounding geochemically depleted suboceanic asthenosphere occurs as a consequence of increasing degree of melting with adiabatic upwelling. Eruption of these alkalic lavas in this spreading ridge environment is attributed to a temporary hiatus in tholeiitic volcanism and associated spreading along this section of the Southwest Indian Ridge, related to readjustment of spreading direction to a more stable plate geometry. 相似文献
Conclusions Some bituminous coals, mostly of high volatile rank, sampled from various coalfields contained on average 0.5 m3 t–1 nitrogen and 0.13 m3 t–1.Nitrogen is released more readily than methane during coal winning but the volumes of nitrogen released are small compared with ventilation quantities and are only likely to be of significance for detailed oxygen deficiency studies. 相似文献
U-Pb SHRIMP dating of zircons of metamagmatites from the Bayerischer Wald (Germany) reveals a complex evolution of this section of the Moldanubian Zone exposed in the western Bohemian Massif of the central European Variscan belt. In the south-western part of the Bayerischer Wald Upper Vendian magmatism is constrained by pooled 206Pb/238U mean ages of 555±12, 549±7 and 549±6 Ma from metarhyolites and a metabasite. Inherited zircon cores were not observed. Zircon overgrowths, yielding pooled 206Pb/238U ages of 316±10 and 319±5 Ma, provide evidence for Variscan metamorphic zircon growth; cathodoluminescence imaging reveals a two-stage metamorphic overprint.In contrast, Lower Ordovician magmatism and anatexis are documented in the north-eastern parts of the Bayerischer Wald by metagranitoids (480±6, 486±7 Ma), an eclogitic metabasite (481±8 Ma) and a leucosome (491 to 457 Ma). Inherited zircon cores are found in Lower Ordovician metagranitoids and the leucosome, indicating a Palaeoproterozoic-Archaean (ca. 2.7, 2.0 Ga) source region, presumably of Gondwana affinity (West African craton), and documenting Cadomian magmatism (ca. 640 Ma). Post-Cadomian metamorphism is inferred from concordant ages of 433±4 and 431±7 Ma.Upper Vendian magmatism is assumed at an active continental margin with ensialic back-arc development (εNd(t) –3.01 to +1.22); the lack of inherited zircon is due to either derivation from juvenile (?volcanic arc) material or complete isotopic resetting of pre-existing zircon. An active continental margin setting, possibly with some lateral variation (accretion/collision) is envisaged for the Lower Ordovician, producing granitoids, rhyolites and leucosomes (εNd(t) -0.5 to -6.27); MORB-type metabasites may be related to ZEV or Mariánské Lázně Complex metabasites. A tentative palaeogeographic reconstruction puts the “Bayerischer Wald” in close relationship with the Habach terrane (proto-Alps), as the “eastern” extension of terranes of the northern Gondwana margin. 相似文献
Carbon stable isotopes can be used to trace the sources of energy supporting food chains and to estimate the contribution of different sources to a consumer's diet. However, the δ13C signature of a consumer is not sufficient to infer source without an appropriate isotopic baseline, because there is no way to determine if differences in consumer δ13C reflect source changes or baseline variation. Describing isotopic baselines is a considerable challenge when applying stable isotope techniques at large spatial scales and/or to interconnected food chains in open marine environments. One approach is to use filter-feeding consumers to integrate the high frequency and small-scale variation in the isotopic signature of phytoplankton and provide a surrogate baseline, but it can be difficult to sample a single consumer species at large spatial scales owing to rarity and/or discontinuous distribution. Here, we use the isotopic signature of a widely distributed filter-feeder (the queen scallop Aequipecten opercularis) in the north-eastern Atlantic to develop a model linking base δ13C to environmental variables. Remarkably, a single variable model based on bottom temperature has good predictive power and predicts scallop δ13C with mean error of only 0.6‰ (3%). When the model was used to predict an isotopic baseline in parts of the overall study region where scallop were not consistently sampled, the model accounted for 76% and 79% of the large-scale spatial variability (101–104 km) of the δ13C of two fish species (dab Limanda limanda and whiting Merlangus merlangius) and 44% of the δ13C variability in a mixed fish community. The results show that source studies would be significantly biased if a single baseline were applied to food webs at larger scales. Further, when baseline δ13C cannot be directly measured, a calculated baseline value can eliminate a large proportion of the unexplained variation in δ13C at higher trophic levels. 相似文献