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Hydrothermal circulation of seawater has been suggested as a mass transport mechanism for the formation of sulphide ore deposits in the ophiolitic rocks of Cyprus. Since ophiolitic sequences are generally regarded as fragments of oceanic crust and upper mantle, hydrothermal circulation of a form inferred from geological observations on Cyprus may be analogous to that thought to occur in oceanic crust at spreading ridges. The hypothesis that ore deposits were formed in ascending plumes of hot, buoyant fluid is examined by considering thermal convection in a permeable medium. To match the inferred pattern of circulation, finite amplitude convection in a cylindrical geometry is studied using finite difference approximations. These results combined with available geological and geochemical data are applied to understand better the physical controls on mineralisation.A simple model for the formation of the hydrothermal ore deposits of Cyprus is discussed. The model is semi-quantitatively reasonable in terms of vertical fluid flow rate, thermal structure, permeability and basal heat flow, and predicts volumes of maximum mineralisation similar to those observed. Three factors are identified which were important in confining mineralisation to a small volume immediately beneath the sea water/rock boundary: (1) hot fluid was confined to a narrow core zone of a rising plume, (2) the upward fluid flux was greatest in this same core zone, and (3) significant temperature decrease occurred within a thin surface boundary layer.  相似文献   
This study revisits the kinematics and tectonics of Central America subduction, synthesizing observations of marine bathymetry, high-resolution land topography, current plate motions, and the recent seismotectonic and magmatic history in this region. The inferred tectonic history implies that the Guatemala–El Salvador and Nicaraguan segments of this volcanic arc have been a region of significant arc tectonic extension; extension arising from the interplay between subduction roll-back of the Cocos Plate and the ~ 10–15mm/yr slower westward drift of the Caribbean plate relative to the North American Plate. The ages of belts of magmatic rocks paralleling both sides of the current Nicaraguan arc are consistent with long-term arc-normal extension in Nicaragua at the rate of ~ 5–10mm/yr, in agreement with rates predicted by plate kinematics. Significant arc-normal extension can ‘hide’ a very large intrusive arc-magma flux; we suggest that Nicaragua is, in fact, the most magmatically robust section of the Central American arc, and that the volume of intrusive volcanism here has been previously greatly underestimated. Yet, this flux is hidden by the persistent extension and sediment infill of the rifting basin in which the current arc sits. Observed geochemical differences between the Nicaraguan arc and its neighbors which suggest that Nicaragua has a higher rate of arc-magmatism are consistent with this interpretation. Smaller-amplitude, but similar systematic geochemical correlations between arc-chemistry and arc-extension in Guatemala show the same pattern as the even larger variations between the Nicaragua arc and its neighbors.  相似文献   
Six new 40Ar/39Ar and three cosmogenic 36Cl age determinations provide new insight into the late Quaternary eruptive history of Erebus volcano. Anorthoclase from 3 lava flows on the caldera rim have 40Ar/39Ar ages of 23 ± 12, 81 ± 3 and 172 ± 10 ka (all uncertainties 2σ). The ages confirm the presence of a second, younger, superimposed caldera near the southwestern margin of the summit plateau and show that eruptive activity has occurred in the summit region for 77 ± 13 ka longer than previously thought. Trachyte from “Ice Station” on the eastern flank is 159 ± 2 ka, similar in age to those at Bomb Peak and Aurora Cliffs. The widespread occurrences of trachyte on the eastern flank of Erebus suggest a major previously unrecognized episode of trachytic volcanism. The trachyte lavas are chemically and isotopically distinct from alkaline lavas erupted contemporaneously in the summit region < 5 km away.  相似文献   
We consider the exterior Neumann problem of the Laplacian with boundary condition on spheroids. We propose to use spherical radial basis functions in the solution of the boundary integral equation arising from the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map. Our meshless approach with radial basis functions is particularly suitable for handling scattered satellite data. We also propose a preconditioning technique based on an overlapping domain decomposition method to deal with ill-conditioned matrices arising from the approximation problem.  相似文献   
In the East Ligurian segment of the North Apennines, eugeosynclinal sequences which contain ophiolitic rocks have been tectonically emplaced onto approximately coeval miogeosynclinal sediments. These allochthonous sequences represent the floor of a Mesozoic ocean which closed during the early Tertiary. The ophiolitic rocks consist of serpentinite, gabbro, pillowed and massive basalts, and breccias derived from these lithologies. They are overlain with depositional contacts by Upper Jurassic-Cretaceous pelagic cherts, limestones, and a shale/limestone sequence.The ophiolitic breccias attain thicknesses up to 100 m and strike lengths up to a few kilometres, and consist largely of unorganized accumulations of sand- to block-sized clasts. Compositions at specific horizons may range from oligomict breccias containing gabbro, basalt, or serpentinite fragments, to polymict breccias consisting of any mixture of these lithologies. Most of the breccias probably represent slow talus accumulations at the base of major submarine fault scarps which have exposed gabbro and serpentinite to submarine erosion. Direct exposure of gabbro and serpentinite on the ocean floor is also indicated by the occurrence of stratigraphically intact contacts between these lithologies and overlying pelagic sediments (generally cherts). The distribution and thickness of the breccias and volcanics, and the distribution of the gabbro and serpentinite, can vary greatly within distances of a few kilometres, thus producing complex heterogeneous sequences consisting of laterally impersistent lithological units.Recent observations and deep drilling of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and other rifted ridges have revealed occurrences of significant thicknesses of basaltic, serpentinitic, and gabbroic breccias upon and within the volcanic layer of the oceanic crust, as well as the direct submarine exposure of plutonic rocks. It is therefore likely that the East Ligurian sequences represent parts of rifted ridge-generated crust. If so, then the complexity of the East Ligurian sequences suggests that the upper part of rifted ridge-generated crust may in places possess large variations in its stratigraphy over small (<10 km2) areas.Smooth, non-rifted (fast-spreading) ridges, which have very reduced topography and lack major fault scarps, should form ophiolitic complexes deficient in breccias containing fragments of plutonic igneous rocks. Most large ophiolitic complexes do not contain plutonic rock-bearing breccias, and were therefore probably formed at smooth ridges. The apparently preferential preservation of this type of ophiolitic complex, as opposed to the rifted ridge-type crust in East Liguria, may be related to the less pervasive and less intense fracturing of smooth ridges. This resulted in greater “cohesion” and lateral continuity of smooth ridge-generated crust during later tectonic emplacement into allochthonous positions in orogenic belts.  相似文献   
Sr- and Ca-rich waylandite, $ {\left( {{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.{54}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{r}}_{0.{31}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.{25}}}{{\hbox{K}}_{0.0{1}}}{\hbox{B}}{{\hbox{a}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 1.12}}{{\hbox{H}}_{0.{18}}}{\left( {{\hbox{A}}{{\hbox{l}}_{{2}.{96}}}{\hbox{C}}{{\hbox{u}}_{0.0{2}}}} \right)_{\Sigma 2.98}}{\left[ {{{\left( {{{\hbox{P}}_{0.{97}}}{{\hbox{S}}_{0.0{3}}}{\hbox{S}}{{\hbox{i}}_{0.0{1}}}} \right)}_{\Sigma 1.00}}{{\hbox{O}}_4}} \right]_2}{\left( {\hbox{OH}} \right)_6} $ , from Wheal Remfry, Cornwall, United Kingdom has been investigated by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and electron microprobe analyses. Waylandite crystallises in space group R $ \overline 3 $ ? m, with the cell parameters: a?=?7.0059(7) Å, c?=?16.3431(12) Å and V?=?694.69(11) Å3. The crystal structure has been refined to R 1?=?3.76%. Waylandite has an alunite-type structure comprised of a rhombohedral stacking of (001) composite layers of corner-shared AlO6 octahedra and PO4 tetrahedra, with (Bi,Sr,Ca) atoms occupying icosahedrally coordinated sites between the layers.  相似文献   
西藏恰功铁矿岩浆演化序列及斑岩出溶流体特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
冈底斯成矿带是碰撞造山过程形成的最重要的成矿带,恰功矽卡岩铁(铜)矿床即位于冈底斯成矿带中部.本文在详细的野外地质填图和室内研究基础上确定了恰功铁矿与成矿有关的斑岩体为二长花岗斑岩,锆石的U-Pb定年结果为68.8±2.2 Ma,明显早于冈底斯东部与后碰撞伸展有关的斑岩型矿床和主碰撞期形成的矽卡岩型矿床,其应代表了冈底斯一次尚未被充分认识到的成矿事件.通过对成矿斑岩的岩石学、岩石化学、岩浆出溶流体的包裹体岩相学、显微测温分析及包裹体成分的LRM、LA-ICP-MS和PIXE分析,本文探讨了与该矽卡岩矿床有关的斑岩的岩浆起源、斑岩侵位机制及出溶流体特征.结果表明,成矿斑岩为矿区最早的侵入岩单元,具有壳幔源混源特征,其常量元素组成与冈底斯东部斑岩铜矿带的埃达克质岩相近,但稀土和微量元素组成与东部斑岩明显不同,为地幔物质上涌并诱发角闪岩相下地壳熔融的产物,岩体侵位深度大(>7 km)、剥蚀程度高.早期岩浆出溶的流体为高温、高压、高盐度流体,其中富含Fe、Pb、Zn、Cu等成矿金属,与世界其他斑岩铜矿床相比,相对富铁、铅而贫铜.流体的沸腾作用发生于钾硅化阶段,形成了一套富气、高盐、高固相和气液包裹体组合,不同于早期出溶流体的包裹体组合.从岩浆起源和出溶流体性质可以看出,该斑岩具有形成与斑岩有关的铁铅多金属矿床的成矿潜力,但从该矿区地表出露的蚀变和包裹体测压结果可以看出,该斑岩体目前剥蚀深度较大,对斑岩型矿床保存不利,对该斑岩体及与成矿关系的认识对理解该区内的矿床成因和指导区域找矿具有重要的指示意义.  相似文献   
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