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Biofouling is the undesirable accumulation of microorganisms, plants, algae and animals on submerged structures especially ship hulls. Biofouling also occurs on the surface of living marine organisms. It is also found on membrane systems such as membrane bioreactors and reverse osmosis spiral wound membranes. In the same manner, it is found in cooling water cycles of large industrial equipments and power stations. In the present study, totally 11 isolates were obtained from three ships from Royapuram harbour, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Among the 11 isolates only DR4 showed maximum biofouling activity in the microtiter plate assay with a significant optical density of 0.596. Also an attempt was made to characterize the different biofouling bacterial isolates analyzing their morphological, biochemical and molecular characteristics. The results of the present study based on the above characteristics revealed that the isolate DR4 was similar to Bacillus sp. This study also highlights the need for a safe and natural antifouling agent to control the biofouling bacteria in the marine environment.  相似文献   
We consider the general and specific features of the evolution of the composition of fine-grained terrigenous rocks in the Riphean sedimentary megasequences of the Southern Urals, Uchur-Maya region, and Yenisei Ridge. It has been established that the crust on the southwestern (in the modern frame of references) periphery of the Siberian craton was geochemically the most mature segment of the Riphean continental crust. For example, the fine-grained clastic rocks and metapelites of all Riphean lithostratigraphic units of the Yenisei Ridge have higher median contents of Th than the most mature Paleoproterozoic crust, and in median contents of Y and Cr/Th values they are the most similar to it. In the Southern Urals and Uchur-Maya region, some units of the Riphean sedimentary sequences show median contents of Y and Th and Cr/Th values close to those of primitive Archean crust. Analysis of Cr/Th variations in the fine-grained terrigenous rocks of all three megasequences shows that the minimum Cr/Th values, evidencing a predominance or the abundance of felsic rocks in provenances, are typical of the Riphean argillaceous shales and metapelites of the Yenisei Ridge. The distinct Cr/Th and Cr/Sc increase in the fine-grained clastic rocks of the Chingasan Group of the ridge reflects the large-scale destruction of continental crust during the formation of rift troughs as a result of the Rodinia breakup in the second half of the Late Riphean. The Cr/Th variations in the Lower and Middle Riphean argillaceous shales and mudstones of the Bashkirian mega-anticlinorium and Uchur-Maya region are in agreement, which evidences the subglobal occurrence of rifting in the early Middle Riphean (so-called “Mashak rifting”).  相似文献   
In 1989 open-cut gold mining commenced on Misima Island in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Open-cut mining by its nature causes a significant increase in sedimentation via the exposure of soils to the erosive forces of rain and runoff. This increased sedimentation affected the nearby fringing coral reef to varying degrees, ranging from coral mortality (smothering) to relatively minor short-term impacts. The sediment associated with the mining operation consists of weathered quartz feldspar, greenstone, and schist. These rocks have distinct chemical characteristics (rare earth element patterns and high abundances of manganese, zinc, and lead) and are entering the near-shore environment in considerably higher than normal concentrations. Using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), we analyzed eight colonies (two from high sedimentation, two transitional, two minor, and two unaffected control sites) for Y, La, Ce, Mn, Zn, and Pb. All sites show low steady background levels prior to the commencement of mining in 1988. Subsequently, all sites apart from the control show dramatic increases of Y, La, and Ce associated with the increased sedimentation as well as rapid decreases following the cessation of mining. The elements Zn and Pb exhibit a different behavior, increasing in concentration after 1989 when ore processing began and one year after initial mining operations. Elevated levels of Zn and Pb in corals has continued well after the cessation of mining, indicating ongoing transport into the reef of these metals via sulfate-rich waters. Rare earth element (REE) abundance patterns measured in two corals show significant differences compared to Coral Sea seawater. The corals display enrichments in the light and middle REEs while the heavy REEs are depleted relative to the seawater pattern. This suggests that the nearshore seawater REE pattern is dominated by island sedimentation. Trace element abundances of Misima Island corals clearly record the dramatic changes in the environmental conditions at this site and provide a basis for identifying anthropogenic influences on corals reefs.  相似文献   
The largest reservoir of crustal iodine is found in marine sediments, where it is closely associated with organic material. This presence, together with the existence of a long-lived, cosmogenic radioisotope 129I (t1/2 = 15.7 Ma), make this isotopic system well suited for the study of sediment recycling in subduction zones. Reported here are the results of 129I/I ratios in volcanic fluids, collected during a comprehensive study of fluids and gases in the Central American Volcanic Arc. 129I/I ratios, together with I, Br, and Cl concentrations, were determined in 79 samples from four geothermal centers and a number of crater lakes, fumaroles, hot springs, and surface waters in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and El Salvador. Geothermal and volcanic fluids were found to have iodine concentrations substantially higher than values in seawater or meteoric waters. 129I/I ratios in most of the geothermal fluids are below the preanthropogenic input ratio of 1500 × 10−15, demonstrating that recent anthropogenic additions are largely absent from the volcanic systems. The majority of the 129I/I ratios are between 500 and 800 × 10−15. These ratios indicate minimum iodine ages between 25 and 15 Ma, in good agreement with the age of subducted sediments in this region. In all four geothermal systems, however, a few samples were found with iodine ages older than 40 Ma—that is, considerably below the expected age range for subducted sediments from the Cocos Plate. These samples probably reflect the presence of iodine derived from sediments in older accreted oceanic terraines. The iodine ages indicate that the magmatic end member for the volcanic fluids originates in the deeper parts of the subducted sediment column, with small additions from older iodine mobilized from the overlying crust. The high concentrations of iodine in geothermal fluids, combined with the observed iodine ages, demonstrate that remobilization in the main volcanic zone (and probably also in the forearc area) is an important part in the overall marine cycle of iodine and similar elements.  相似文献   
Petrographical and geochemical characteristics of calc-alkalineandesites on Shodo-Shima Island, SW Japan, having bulk compositionslargely identical to the continental crust, are presented. Thefollowing petrographic observations suggest a role for magmamixing in producing such andesite magmas: (1) two types of olivinephenocrysts and spinel inclusions, one with compositions identicalto those in high-Mg andesites and the other identical to thosein basalts, are recognized in terms of Ni–Mg and Cr–Al–Fe3+relations, respectively; (2) the presence of orthopyroxene phenocrystswith mg-number >90 suggests the contribution of an orthopyroxene-bearinghigh-Mg andesite magma to production of calc-alkaline andesites;(3) reversely zoned pyroxene phenocrysts may not be in equilibriumwith Mg-rich olivine, suggesting the involvement of a differentiatedandesite magma as an endmember component; (4) the presence ofvery Fe-rich orthopyroxene phenocrysts indicates the associationof an orthopyroxene-bearing rhyolitic magma. Contributions fromthe above at least five endmember magmas to the calc-alkalineandesite genesis can also provide a reasonable explanation ofthe Pb–Sr–Nd isotope compositions of such andesites. KEY WORDS: calc-alkaline andesites; high-Mg andesites; magma mixing; continental crust; SW Japan  相似文献   
ZACK  T.; FOLEY  S. F.; RIVERS  T. 《Journal of Petrology》2002,43(10):1947-1974
Despite the widespread presence of hydrous phases in subduction-related systems, experimental DMin/Fluid trace element valuesfor many hydrous phases are lacking. To fill this gap, we presenta set of DMin/Clinopyroxene values (where Min indicates amphibole,zoisite, phengite, paragonite or apatite) derived from equilibriumparageneses of eclogites from Trescolmen (Central Alps, Switzerland).These data can be combined with experimental data for DClinopyroxene/Fluid,to estimate DMin/Fluid values for the hydrous phases, thus circumventingexperimental problems with the direct determination of suchvalues. We analysed Li, Be, B, Sr, Y, Zr, Nb, Ba, Ce, Nd, Sm,Pb, Th and U in coexisting phases by laser ablation microprobeinductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Many of the valuesare extremely low; for example, Nb, Ba, Ce, Th and U are inthe lower ppb range in clinopyroxene. Attainment of equilibriumwas evaluated by textural, and major and trace element characteristics.Non-equilibrated assemblages are common in most eclogite localities,including Trescolmen, and using such samples would lead to thederivation of erroneous values for equilibrium partitioning.However, four of the 10 studied eclogites from Trescolmen havinghomogeneous clinopyroxene compositions and preferred orientationof high-pressure phases yielded consistent DMin/Clinopyroxenevalues in all four samples (where Min indicates amphibole, phengite,paragonite, apatite), and hence were studied in detail. Thelow abundances in some phases result from strong preferentialincorporation of trace elements into other minor phases. Fromthe investigated hydrous phases (amphibole, zoisite, clinozoisite,phengite, paragonite, apatite and talc), zoisite was found tobe the most important carrier of Sr, light rare earth elements,Pb, Th and U, whereas phengite hosts Ba and is, along with clinopyroxeneand paragonite, an important phase for B. However, because oftheir low modal abundance in eclogite-facies rocks, phengiteand paragonite do not control the B whole-rock budget. We inferthat estimated DMin/Clinopyroxene values from equilibrium assemblagescan be used as a good approximation for partition coefficientsunder the given PT conditions (  相似文献   
The petrogenesis of calc-alkaline magmatism in the Eocene AbsarokaVolcanic Province (AVP) is investigated at Washburn volcano,a major eruptive center in the low-K western belt of the AVP.New 40Ar/39Ar age determinations indicate that magmatism atthe volcano commenced as early as 55 Ma and continued untilat least 52 Ma. Although mineral and whole-rock compositionaldata reflect near equilibrium crystallization of modal phenocrysts,petrogenetic modeling demonstrates that intermediate compositionmagmas are hybrids formed by mixing variably fractionated andcontaminated mantle-derived melts and heterogeneous siliciccrustal melts. Nd and Sr isotopic compositions along with traceelement data indicate that silicic melts in the Washburn systemare derived from deep-crustal rocks broadly similar in compositionto granulite-facies xenoliths in the Wyoming Province. Our preferredexplanation for these features is that mantle-derived basalticmagma intruded repeatedly in the deep continental crust leadingto fractional crystallization, silicic melt production, andhomogenization of magmas, followed by ascent to shallow reservoirsand crystallization of new plagioclase-rich mineral assemblagesin equilibrium with the intermediate hybrid liquids. The implicationsof this process are that (1) some calc-alkaline magmas may onlybe recognized as hybrids on purely chemical grounds, particularlyin systems where mixing precedes and is widely separated fromcrystallization in space and time, and (2) given the role ascribedto crustal processes at Washburn volcano, the variation betweenrocks that follow calc-alkaline trends in the western AVP andthose that follow shoshonitic trends in the east cannot simplyreflect higher pressures of fractionation to the east in Moho-levelmagma chambers in the absence of crustal interaction. KEY WORDS: petrogenesis; magma mixing; calc-alkaline; Absaroka Volcanic Province; 40Ar/39Ar dates  相似文献   
The Mascot–Jefferson City (M-JC) Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposits are in the Valley and Ridge province of the Appalachian orogen in East Tennessee. They have been a major source of zinc for the USA but their age is uncertain and thus their genesis controversial. About 10 specimens from each of 37 sites have been analysed paleomagnetically using alternating field and thermal step demagnetisation methods and saturation isothermal remanence methods. The sites sample limestones, dolostones, breccia clasts and sphalerite–dolomite MVT mineralisation from mines in the Lower Ordovician Kingsport and Mascot formations of the Knox Group. The characteristic remanent magnetisation (ChRM) is carried by magnetite in the limestones, by both magnetite and pyrrhotite in the dolostones and by pyrrhotite preferentially to magnetite in the mineralisation. Mineralized sites have a more intense ChRM than non-mineralised, indicating that the mineralising and magnetisation event are coeval. Paleomagnetic breccia tests on clasts at the three sites are negative, indicating that their ChRM is post-depositional remagnetisation, and a paleomagnetic fold test is negative, indicating that the ChRM is a remagnetisation, and a post-dates peak Alleghanian deformation. The unit mean ChRM direction for the: (a) limestones gives a paleopole at 129°E, 12°N (dp=18°, dm=26°, N=3), indicating diagenesis formed a secondary chemical remanent magnetisation during the Late Ordovician–Early Silurian; (b) dolomitic limestones and dolostone host rocks gives a paleopole at 125.3°E, 31.9°N (dp=5.3°, dm=9.4°, N=7), recording regional dolomitisation at 334±14 Ma (1σ); and (c) MVT mineralisation gives a paleopole at 128.7°E, 34.0°N (dp=2.4°, dm=4.4°, N=25), showing that it acquired its primary chemical remanence at 316±8 Ma (1σ). The mineralisation is interpreted to have formed from hydrothermal fluid flow, either gravity or tectonically driven, after peak Alleghanian deformation in eastern Tennessee with regional dolomitisation of the host rocks occurring as part of a continuum during the 20 Ma prior to and during peak deformation.  相似文献   
A new potassium uranyl selenate compound K(UO2)(SeO4)(OH)(H2O) has been synthesized for the first time using the technique of evaporation from water solution. Its crystal structure has been solved by direct methods (monoclinic, P21/c,a = 8.0413(9) Å, b = 8.0362(9) Å, c = 11.6032(14) Å, β = 106.925(2)°, V = 717.34(14) Å3) and refined to R 1 = 0.0319 (wR 2 = 0.0824) for 1285 reflections with |F 0| > 4σ F . The structure consists of [(UO2(SeO4)(OH)(H2O)]? chains extending along axis b. In the chains, the uranyl pentagonal bipyramids are linked via bridged hydroxyl anions and tetrahedral oxoanions [SeO4]2?. Potassium ions are situated between these chains. No chains of that type have been observed in uranyl compounds earlier, but they had been detected in the structures of butlerite, parabutlerite, uklonskovite, fibroferrite, and a number of synthetic compounds.  相似文献   
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