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The Upper Himenoura Subgroup exposed in the island of Amakusa-Shimojima, Kyushu, Japan shows an example of the terminal Cretaceous stratigraphic record in the circum Pacific region. This sequence is a part of the Upper Cretaceous intra-arc basins of southwest Japan. Four cycles of upward coarse-graded facies are recognized. Each cycle consists of a basinal mud facies in the lower part and a tide-dominated shallow marine to brackish coarse clastic facies in the upper part. Biostratigraphic correlation chiefly based on ammonites, inocerami and trigoniids indicates that this sequence is Campanian to Maastrichtian in age. The occurrence of the above three fossils decreases upward and is terminated at the top of the sequence, being replaced by a molluscan assemblage similar to the Danian. This suggests that the sedimentation may have continued to the very end of the Cretaceous period and possibly to the beginning of the Tertiary.  相似文献   
Field observations on ground motions from recent earthquakes imply that current knowledge is limited with regard to relating vertical and horizontal motions at liquefiable sites. This paper describes a study with the purpose of clarifying this emerging issue to some extent. A series of numerical analyses is carried out on a liquefiable soil deposit with a verified, fully coupled, nonlinear procedure. It is shown that the transformation of vertical motions in the deposit differs considerably from the transformation of horizontal motions. Both the amplitude and frequency content of the horizontal motions are strongly dependent on the shaking level or the associated nonlinear soil behavior. The transfer function for vertical motions is however likely to be independent of the intensity of input motions; no reduction in the amplitude occurs even in the case of strong shaking. The results are shown to be in consistence with the laboratory observations on shaking table tests and recent field observations that less nonlinearity exists for vertical motions. It is also shown that the possibility exists for using information on spectral ratios between the horizontal and vertical surface motions to quickly identify in situ soil behavior and liquefaction that are not readily covered by conventional field or laboratory experimentation procedures.  相似文献   
Strontium and Nd isotopic compositions and trace element abundances were determined for Cretaceous to late Cenozoic igneous rocks from the Japan Sea side of Southwest Japan in order to investigate the effect of the opening of the Japan Sea on igneous activity. The 87Sr/86Sr ratios for both high and low silica rocks decrease with decreasing age since the middle Miocene, when the opening occurred. Similarly, 143Nd/144Nd values for these rocks increase with decreasing age, and are negatively correlated with 87Sr/86Sr ratios. A two-component mixing process can best account for these isotopic and chemical characteristics. One end-member is likely the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) and its derivative mafic to intermediate materials which had ɛNd values of around +3. The other endmember consists of mafic to intermediate rocks with low ɛNd values (e.g., −8), probably located in the lower crust. The mantle upwelling associated with the opening of the Japan Sea did not supply typical MORB or MORB-source materials to the crust, but did provide the heat that caused the melting of lithospheric mantle and lower crust. Received: 29 August 1996 / Accepted: 6 May 1997  相似文献   
A dense seismic reflection survey with up to 250-m line-spacing has been conducted in a 15 × 15 km wide area offshore southwestern Taiwan where Bottom Simulating Reflector is highly concentrated and geochemical signals for the presence of gas hydrate are strong. A complex interplay between north–south trending thrust faults and northwest–southeast oblique ramps exists in this region, leading to the formation of 3 plunging anticlines arranged in a relay pattern. Landward in the slope basin, a north–south trending diapiric fold, accompanied by bright reflections and numerous diffractions on the seismic profiles, extends across the entire survey area. This fold is bounded to the west by a minor east-verging back-thrust and assumes a symmetric shape, except at the northern and southern edges of this area, where it actively overrides the anticlines along a west-verging thrust, forming a duplex structure. A clear BSR is observed along 67% of the acquired profiles. The BSR is almost continuous in the slope basin but poorly imaged near the crest of the anticlines. Local geothermal gradient values estimated from BSR sub-bottom depths are low along the western limb and crest of the anticlines ranging from 40 to 50 °C/km, increase toward 50–60 °C/km in the slope basin and 55–65 °C/km along the diapiric fold, and reach maximum values of 70 °C/km at the southern tip of the Good Weather Ridge. Furthermore, the local dips of BSR and sedimentary strata that crosscut the BSR at intersections of any 2 seismic profiles have been computed. The stratigraphic dips indicated a dominant east–west shortening in the study area, but strata near the crest of the plunging anticlines generally strike to southwest almost perpendicular to the direction of plate convergence. The intensity of the estimated bedding-guided fluid and gas flux into the hydrate stability zone is weaker than 2 in the slope basin and the south-central half of the diapiric fold, increases to 7 in the northern half of the diapiric fold and plunging anticlines, and reaches a maximum of 16 at the western frontal thrust system. Rapid sedimentation, active tectonics and fluid migration paths with significant dissolved gas content impact on the mechanism for BSR formation and gas hydrate accumulation. As we begin to integrate the results from these studies, we are able to outline the regional variations, and discuss the importance of structural controls in the mechanisms leading to the gas hydrate emplacements.  相似文献   
South Indian granulite terrain had witnessed significant part of Precambrian mafic igneous activity in the form of episodic mafic dyke intrusions of the Palaeoproterozoic period. Strike trends of these dykes are not uniform over the region and the dykes are generally fresh, massive, black dolerites except in the Bhavani shear zone bordering the southern fringes of Nilgiri massif. In Agali-Coimbatore area of our study in the western Bhavani shear zone, the dykes appear to be penecontemporaneous with shearing. Isotopic data place age of Agali-Coimbatore dyke intrusions at about 2.1 Ga. The age of these dykes is significant to constrain an early Palaeoproterozoic age for major shearing event in the Bhavani shear zone. Other dyke emplacement ages are placed at about 1.8 Ga and 1.65 Ga based on the Ar/Ar and K-Ar isotopic results of dykes in Dharmapuri and Tiruvannamalai areas. Older ages comparable to those of the Dharwar craton are not known and in this respect future isotopic dating is vital. Geochemically, these dykes are quartz/hypersthene normative subalkalic tholeiites. An attempt is made here to provide insights into the general petrogenetic history of the Precambrian dykes. Compositional trends are explained by the fractional crystallization of ferromagnesian phases and plagioclase control is conspicuous at the advanced stages of fractionation. Geochemical characteristics suggest that the dykes have tapped Fe-rich non-pyrolite mantle sources with LIL and LREE enrichment as in many continental basalts. The data suggest that role of crustal contamination is limited in petrogenesis; crustal signatures are noticed in the more mafic end members formed in early stage of evolution suggesting that contamination was temperature controlled with most primitive high temperature magmas being most vulnerable to the process. Nd-Sr isotopic data, at present restricted to Agali-Coimbatore dykes, suggest that Palaeoproterozoic magmas tapped subcontinental lithosphere that may have stabilized in the Archaean times at about 3 Ga during the major crustal building activity in the shield region. Further work coupled with isotopic and mineral chemistry will improve our knowledge on the petrological evolution of the dyke magmas and mafic magmatism in general.  相似文献   
The distribution of plasma density around a metallic cylinder in a collisionfree plasma is determined by the system of Vlassov equations and the Poisson equation. The plasma may have a streaming velocity perpendicular to the cylinder axis producing a wake behind the cylinder. In the region outside a thin double layer at the cylinder surface the problem allows some simplification. Then numerical solutions become possible-even if the streaming velocity is low. Some numerical solutions are presented. A magnetic field produces an asymmetric shape of the wake, if the gyration radius of the ion becomes comparable to the cylinder radius.  相似文献   
Large pyroclastic rhyolites are snapshots of evolving magma bodies, and preserved in their eruptive pyroclasts is a record of evolution up to the time of eruption. Here we focus on the conditions and processes in the Oruanui magma that erupted at 26.5 ka from Taupo Volcano, New Zealand. The 530 km3 (void-free) of material erupted in the Oruanui event is comparable in size to the Bishop Tuff in California, but differs in that rhyolitic pumice and glass compositions, although variable, did not change systematically with eruption order. We measured the concentrations of H2O, CO2 and major and trace elements in zoned phenocrysts and melt inclusions from individual pumice clasts covering the range from early to late erupted units. We also used cathodoluminescence imaging to infer growth histories of quartz phenocrysts. For quartz-hosted inclusions, we studied both fully enclosed melt inclusions and reentrants (connecting to host melt through a small opening). The textures and compositions of inclusions and phenocrysts reflect complex pre-eruptive processes of incomplete assimilation/partial melting, crystallization differentiation, magma mixing and gas saturation. ‘Restitic’ quartz occurs in seven of eight pumice clasts studied. Variations in dissolved H2O and CO2 in quartz-hosted melt inclusions reflect gas saturation in the Oruanui magma and crystallization depths of ∼3.5–7 km. Based on variations of dissolved H2O and CO2 in reentrants, the amount of exsolved gas at the beginning of eruption increased with depth, corresponding to decreasing density with depth. Pre-eruptive mixing of magma with varying gas content implies variations in magma bulk density that would have driven convective mixing. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   
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