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DMSP/OLS nighttime light (NTL) image is a widely used data source for urbanization studies. Although OLS NTL data are able to map nighttime luminosity, the identification accuracy of distribution of urban areas (UAD) is limited by the overestimation of the lit areas resulting from the coarse spatial resolution. In view of geographical condition, we integrate NTL with Biophysical Composition Index (BCI) and propose a new spectral index, the BCI Assisted NTL Index (BANI) to capture UAD. Comparisons between BANI approach and NDVI-assisted SVM classification are carried out using UAD extracted from Landsat TM/ETM+ data as reference. Results show that BANI is capable of improving the accuracy of UAD extraction using NTL data. The average overall accuracy (OA) and Kappa coefficient of sample cities increased from 88.53% to 95.10% and from 0.56 to 0.84, respectively. Moreover, with regard to cities with more mixed land covers, the accuracy of extraction results is high and the improvement is obvious. For other cities, the accuracy also increased to varying degrees. Hence, BANI approach could achieve better UAD extraction results compared with NDVI-assisted SVM method, suggesting that the proposed method is a reliable alternative method for a large-scale urbanization study in China’s mainland.  相似文献   
Summary At Broomstock Mine, three types of gold mineralization have been identified: (i) jaspilite-hosted ore, (ii) ore confined to shear zones within meta-basalts, and (iii) supergene ore. The present study, which is focused on the jaspilite-hosted ore, revealed that areas carrying economic gold grades are characterized by fracturing, brecciation and abundant arsenopyrite-pyrite mineralization. The mineralization was introduced by hydrothermal fluids which used dilatant fractures in the jaspilites as channelways. Deposition of gold and sulfides occurred in response to changing P-T conditions and through chemical reactions of the fluids with the iron-rich jaspilites. Gold and accompanying elements may either originate from processes of intraformational remobilization, or they were derived from external, distant sources.
Geologie, Mineralogie und Geochemie der Goldlagerstätte Broomstock im Kwekwe Greenstone Belt, Zimbabwe: Bedeutung für Goldvererzung in jaspitischen Eisenformationen
Zusammenfassung In der Broomstock Mine treten drei Typen von Goldmineralisationen auf: (i) Vererzungen in Jaspiliten, (ii) Vererzungen in Scherzonen, die Metabasalte durchsetzen, und (iii) supergene Vererzungen.Die vorliegende Untersuchung befaßt sich vornehmlich mit den Vererzungen der Jaspilite. Kartierungen und Beprobungen zeigten, daß ökonomische Goldgehalte an Be-reiche der Jaspilite gebunden sind, die tektonisch zerbrochen und brekziiert sind. Zudem treten in diesen Bereichen Arsenkies und Pyrit in hohen Konzentrationen auf. Die Mineralisation stellt den Absatz hydrothermaler Lösungen dar, die dilatante Bruchzonen innerhalb der Jaspilite als Zufuhrkanäle benutzten. Der Absatz der Sulfide und des Goldes erfolgte aufgrund sich ändernder P-T-Bedingungen und durch chemische Reaktionen zwischen den Lösungen und den eisenreichen Jaspiliten. Als Modell zur Herkunft des Goldes und der begleitenden Elemente wird entweder eine intraformationale Umlagerung, oder eine Zufuhr aus externen, entfernteren Quellen angenommen.
The 48-h straight-hinge larvae ofArgopecten irradians were exposed for 9 days to various concentrations of zinc in seawater. The growth rate of larvae in the 50 ppb Zn mediums was 77% that of the controls, and nearly zero in the 200 ppb Zn mediums. A progressive decrease in growth and increase in larval deformity and mortality was observed with increasing zinc concentrations from 50 to 200 ppb. 50 and 100 ppb Zn resulted in delayed development of eye spot and metamorphosis and reduced numbers of larvae at both stages. All larvae subjected to higher zinc concentrations died before attaining the eye-spot stage. The zinc concentrations which caused 50% reduction in growth (G C50) and 50% mortality (LC50) were 109 and 120 ppb respectively. Growing in the medium with 100 ppb Zn, the larvae fed withIsochrysis galbana cultured in a medium with 100 ppb Zn showed more suppressed growth and development than those fed with normal food. It is suggested that zinc contaminated food has strong influence on the bay scallop larvae. Contribution No. 1616 from the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica.  相似文献   
The study developed a feasible method for large-area land cover mapping with combination of geographical data and phenological characteristics, taking Northeast China (NEC) as the study area. First, with the monthly average of precipitation and temperature datasets, the spatial clustering method was used to divide the NEC into four ecoclimate regions. For each ecoclimate region, geographical variables (annual mean precipitation and temperature, elevation, slope and aspect) were combined with phenological variables derived from the moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data (enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and land surface water index (LSWI)), which were taken as input variables of land cover classification. Decision Tree (DT) classifiers were then performed to produce land cover maps for each region. Finally, four resultant land cover maps were mosaicked for the entire NEC (NEC_MODIS), and the land use and land cover data of NEC (NEC_LULC) interpreted from Landsat-TM images was used to evaluate the NEC_MODIS and MODIS land cover product (MODIS_IGBP) in terms of areal and spatial agreement. The results showed that the phenological information derived from EVI and LSWI time series well discriminated land cover classes in NEC, and the overall accuracy was significantly improved by 5.29% with addition of geographical variables. Compared with NEC_LULC for seven aggregation classes, the area errors of NEC_MODIS were much smaller and more stable than that of MODIS_IGBP for most of classes, and the wall-to-wall spatial comparisons at pixel level indicated that NEC_MODIS agreed with NEC_LULC for 71.26% of the NEC, whereas only 62.16% for MODIS_IGBP. The good performance of NEC_MODIS demonstrates that the methodology developed in the study has great potential for timely and detailed land cover mapping in temperate and boreal regions.  相似文献   
Local geophysical and geochemical anomalies affect the polymorphism of taste variations, berry shape, and content of some biologically active substances in Lonicera caerulea leaves in the tectonically active Altai Mountains (Dzhazator River basin).  相似文献   
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