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This paper discusses diamonds and their accessory minerals from the Koidu kimberlites, placers on the Bafit River in Sierra Leone, and Chikapa placers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Minerals from the placers are characterized by fine preservation and bear no evidence of long-term transportation. In placers, garnet, ilmenite and zircon have been found, but the specific features of their chemical composition do not coincide with those of minerals from kimberlites. Diamonds from the placers are of a mantle origin, but they have no direct analogs in the known kimberlite and lamproite pipes.  相似文献   
The age and habitat of the Bende fish fossils have remained a matter of controversy with interpretations ranging between the Paleocene Imo Formation and the Eocene Ameki Formation. Outcrop-based sequence stratigraphic analysis presented in this work shows that the Imo and Ameki Formations together include three laterally extensive estuarine central basin/offshore mud rock units that are associated with the 59.7, 58.1, and the 56.8 ma maximum flooding surfaces, respectively. Field evidence and stratigraphic analysis show that the Bende fossil bones are hosted by the mud rock unit containing the 58.1 ma maximum flooding surface, while the Ameke bone fossils are contained within the condensed section associated with the 56.8 ma maximum flooding surface. Apart from highlighting the relevance of sequence stratigraphy in paleobiological interpretations, this study shows that the Bende fish fauna which Arua first assigned to the Eocene Ameki Formation indeed belongs to the Paleocene Imo Formation.  相似文献   
The zooplankton community of Mission Bay, San Diego, California, was monitored over two years, to study spatial and temporal patterns and the response of zooplankton species composition to environmental variation. Data were collected every two weeks from six stations and included hydrographic parameters, dissolved nutrient concentrations, and phytoplankton and zooplankton species composition. Hydrography varied seasonally, along a spatial gradient from the mouth to the back of the bay, and between the two years around the influence of rainfall. Spatially, Mission Bay could be divided into three regions during this study based on hydrography and zooplankton species composition. Zooplankton species composition followed a predictable seasonal progression, with different groups of species being characteristic to particular times of the year. Variability in zooplankton species composition was also evident between years, as certain species were more common in one or the other year of the study. Spatial patterns were more consistent than temporal ones, and related to distance from the mouth of the bay during much of the year and distance from freshwater inlets during the relatively short rainy season. Multivariate analysis revealed that variation in zooplankton species composition was best related to measured abiotic factors (temperature, salinity, rainfall, and tidal velocity).  相似文献   
This exploratory study contributes to our knowledge about the relationships between interpersonal communication sources and risk perception regarding natural hazards. Survey data (N?=?186) from a small village in northwest China was used, and the correlations between eight types of interpersonal communication sources related to disaster risk reduction and the perceived severity and perceived likelihood of occurrence of eight types of natural hazards were explored. Past studies have suggested that interpersonal communication sources are more likely to influence individuals in their perceived severity of natural hazards than in their perceived likelihood of occurrence. The results of this study moderately corroborate this finding. The results indicated that different sources have different relationships to risk perception, as positive correlations were found between obtaining information via certain trained science professionals (science teachers, emergency responders, scientific experts) and certain natural hazard risk perceptions, while negative relationships were found between obtaining information via certain personal contacts (other villagers and relatives and friends) and certain natural hazard risk perceptions. However, the strength of these relationships was weak (??0.197?≥?r?≤? 0.245). Age showed statically significant correlations with the perceived severity of most of the natural hazards. Studies with more representative samples and controls for theoretical factors are needed to better understand how interpersonal communication sources affect individuals' natural hazard risk perceptions.  相似文献   
Fish-farming structures are widespread in coastal waters and are highly attractive to wild fish. Several studies have estimated that tons to tens of tons of wild fish aggregate around fish farms. These estimates assumed that the majority of wild fish are concentrated immediately beneath farms, although this assumption has never been explicitly tested. We tested the hypothesis that abundances of wild fish would be greatest immediately beneath farms and progressively diminish with distance at 4 full-scale coastal salmon (Salmo salar) farms in Norway. At each farm, fish were counted with a video-camera system at 5 different distances from the cages (farm = 0 m, 25, 50, 100 and 200 m) throughout the water column on three separate days. Combined across all locations and times, the total abundance of wild fish was 20 times greater at the farm than at the 200 m sampling distance. Saithe (Pollachius virens) dominated assemblages at all 4 farms and were consistently significantly more abundant at the farm than at the 25–200 m distances. This ‘tight aggregation’ around farms corresponds to the reliance of saithe on waste feed when they school near farms. In contrast, patterns of distribution of both cod (Gadus morhua) and poor cod (Trisopterus minutus) varied among farms, with either highest abundances at the farm or a more even distribution of abundance across all 5 distances sampled. No specific pattern of aggregation was evident for the bottom-dwelling haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus). Our results suggest that the present 100 m no-fishing zone around salmon farms protects the greatest proportion of farm-aggregated saithe and cod from fishing during the daytime. However, whether this reduces their overall susceptibility to fishing requires further research regarding nighttime distribution and movements.  相似文献   
Multi-borehole pumping and tracer tests on the 10 to 100-m scale were conducted in a fractured chalk aquitard in the Negev Desert, Israel. Outcrop and core fracture surveys, as well as slug tests in packed-off intervals, were carried out at this site to obtain the parameters needed for construction of a stochastic discrete fracture network (DFN). Calibration of stochastic DFNs directly to the multiple borehole test data was inadequate. Instead, two equivalent deterministic DFN flow models were used: the vertical-fractures (VF) model, consisting of only vertical fractures, and the fractures’ intersections (INT) model, consisting of vertical and horizontal fractures with enhanced transmissivity at their intersections. Both models were calibrated against the multi-borehole response of one pumping test and their predictions were tested against three other independent pumping tests. The average accuracies of all transient drawdown predictions of the VF and INT models were 65 and 66%, respectively. In contrast to this equality in average drawdown predictions of both models, the INT model predicted better important breakthrough curve features (e.g., first and peak arrival times), than the VF model. This result is in line with previously assumed channeled flow, derived from analytical analysis of these pumping and tracer tests. Ronit Nativ, deceased, may her memory be blessed.  相似文献   
During the excavation of underground opening, the rock may experience a complex loading path that includes the highly confined compression before excavation, unloading of confining stress and further disturbance of dynamic loading after excavation. By using Rock Failure Process Analysis for Dynamics (RFPA-Dynamics), the failure of rock sequentially subjected to this complex loading path is numerically simulated, in order to examine the rock failure mechanism induced by excavation. The RFPA-Dynamics is firstly used to reproduce the failure of rock under confined compression, followed by unloading of confining pressure, and it is validated against with the existing experimental observation. Then, the failure characteristics of rock specimen sequentially subjected to the quasi-static triaxial loading, unloading of confining pressure and dynamic disturbance are numerically simulated, where the effect of magnitude of axial loading and confining pressure, and duration and amplitude of the dynamic disturbance on the final failure patterns of rock are examined. The numerical results indicate that the arc-shaped spalling damage zone is prone to develop with the increase in the axial pressure and lateral pressure coefficient. As for the effect of dynamic disturbance, the contribution of duration and amplitude of dynamic disturbance on the energy input are similar, where the area of damage zone increases with the energy input into the rock specimen. In this regard, the area of the damage zone is influenced by both the magnitude of in situ stress and waveform of dynamic disturbance. This study denotes that it is of great significance to trace the complex loading path induced by excavation in order to capture the rock failure mechanism induced by underground excavation.  相似文献   
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