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Nearshore suspended sediment concentration along the muddy Surinam coast is highly variable; maximum values are many times greater than on other muddy coasts. Water samples taken at four field stations during various stages of the tide range in concentration from 15 to 3,700 mg/l near the surface and from 100 to 30,000 mg/l near the bottom. Highest overall concentrations and greatest variability in concentration occur in water over large banks of fluid mud (thixotropic gel) that extend 2–3 km offshore and 5–10 km along-shore. On both the intertidal and subaqueous portions of these mudbanks highest concentrations are found at low tide. Results provide evidence that an exchange between fluid mud and suspended sediment takes place during each tidal cycle.  相似文献   
Tetraploid induction was carried out by inhibiting mitosis I in fertilized eggs ofChlamys farreri. Mitosis I was blocked with cold shock (5–7°C), Cytochalasin B (0.75 mg/L) and 6-dimethylaminopurine (6-DMAP) (60–75 mg/L) when 60% fertilized eggs released polar body II at 20°C. At 4-cells embryo stage, the ploidy was determined by counting chromosome number. In control groups, most embryos were diploids (72.22%) and aneuploids (24.78%). In Cytochalasin B, cold shock and 6-DMAP treated groups, tetraploids were respectively 10.51%, 4.08%, and 13.34%; aneuploids were 43.10%, 35.93% and 29.16%, and triploids were 7.84%, 8.52% and 18.33%. At D-larva stage, ploidy was determined by flow cytometry (FCM). The ploidy analysis of day 2 larvae showed diploids in control group and also in three treated groups. Juvenile scallops (0.2–0.3cm) which were harvested in two control groups and two CB treated groups were all diploids through checking ploidy individually by FCM. Contribution No. 3648 from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Contribution No. 238 from the Experimental Marine Biology Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Project funded by grant (No. 819-01-07) from the Chinese Science and Technology Ministry and also by “Hundred Talents Plan” grant from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   
枣庄南部岩溶塌陷发育,严重制约着当地经济的发展,并对居民生产、生活构成威胁。通过对影响岩溶塌陷的各要素进行系统的调查,结合当地社会经济发展资料,采用信息预测的方法,对枣庄南部岩溶塌陷进行风险预测及评估,并对不同地段的岩溶塌陷风险等级进行划分,从而为枣庄市地下水资源合理开发利用、环境治理、保护与规划提供了决策依据。  相似文献   
mODUCnONGravityflowsedimentationonthenorthwsterncontinentalsl0PeoftheSOuthChinaSea(SCS)are0fgreatinterestfromthescientificandengineeringP0intofview-Th0roughknOWedgofcontinentalsloPepmeessesanddepositionfeatUresispreregUisiteforhydID-carbenexploraion0fdeepwaerandforprotectionofoffhoredrineeopneeringstrUcbes(PlaifonnsandpiPelines)againstnaedhed.ManykindsofmassmovmentPIDCess-eswerefoUndtobeactiveonthen0rthernSCS(Damuth,l979;l98O).High-freqUency(3.5ffo)echo-chaIaCterInaPPingisawell…  相似文献   
以综合催熟措施和移植精荚手术相结合的技术方法,解决了鱼塭产斑节对虾催熟效应期长,产卵率低,易蜕壳失去精荚等难题。使用 278 尾雌虾,催熟率达90% 以上,在40 d 内共产卵608 尾次,卵量18 530 万粒,孵出无节幼体11 998 万尾,平均孵化率 64.7% ,平均每尾雌虾孵出无节幼体 43.1 万尾,育成商品虾苗 1 028.5 万尾,育苗平均成活率 13.6% ,试养成活率57.1%  相似文献   
芒萁是华南退化坡地上最具代表性的先锋种、优势种和关键种,能够快速形成密集的单优种层片结构。与传统阻碍更新的观点不同,野外观察发现芒萁层片内仍有少数物种能够成功定居,被认为具有生态筛效应。文章通过设置4种芒萁层片处理(芒萁层片完全剔除-UR;仅保留地上层-AF;仅保留根毯层-AR;芒萁层片全部保留-CK),分别在不同处理下移植目标种幼苗并结合土壤性状,探究芒萁层片生态筛效应及其潜在机理。结果发现:1)桉林芒萁根毯层中土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换性钠、交换性钙、交换性镁和阳离子交换量均显著高于芒萁红壤层和裸地红壤;2)多数乔木种和草本种在芒萁根毯层保留时无法存活,仅荷木、桃金娘、梅叶冬青和野牡丹等目标种幼苗在保留芒萁根毯层处理(AR和CK)下能够存活与生长。这表明芒萁层片确实具有生态筛效应,且其关键在于根毯层的作用而并非土壤养分改善作用。理论上,芒萁层片(尤其是根毯层)与生态恢复的生物阈值突破密切相关,未来需要进一步解析芒萁根毯层的结构与功能。应用上,华南地区存在大量以芒萁为单优林下植物的人工林类型(如桉林等),在进行结构优化与林分改造时需注意芒萁的生态筛效应。  相似文献   
张自强  陈萍  杨重玉 《热带地理》2021,41(5):1096-1109
高铁快速发展极大地提升了目的地可达性,民族地区交通条件落后但旅游资源独特,高铁开通能否成为推动民族地区旅游业发展的引擎,抑或加剧发展差距,亟待检验高铁的旅游经济效应。基于2000—2017年中国20个民族地区的省级面板数据,运用多期双重差分法评估高铁开通对民族地区旅游业发展的影响。结果发现,高铁开通促进了民族地区的国内旅游总人次和国内旅游总收入分别平均增长16.52%和23.29%,对站点地区具有增长效应,但对地区间旅游业发展差距的影响不显著,不具有分配效应,表明高铁开通能成为民族地区旅游业发展的引擎;影响机制检验发现,高铁开通具有扩散效应和结构效应,但未观察到虹吸效应和过道效应;动态性检验发现,高铁开通对旅游业发展的增长效应在开通后第一二年仍显著,而分配效应均不显著。  相似文献   
Increased attention has been given to ground-borne vibrations induced by railway vehicles and to the effects of these vibrations as they propagate through the ground into nearby buildings.Various studies,mainly based on numerical methods as well as physical modelling,have been carried out to investigate this problem.To study the dynamic response of tunnels and the surrounding soil due to train-induced vibration loads,a centrifuge te st was conducted with a small-scale model in 1 g and 50 g stres...  相似文献   
哈陇休玛钼多金属矿床是东昆仑成矿带东段目前仅有的中型斑岩型矿床。为了查明其成矿流体性质及成矿物质来源,构建矿床成矿模式,本文进行了详细的流体包裹体和H-O-S同位素研究。流体包裹体显微测温显示,哈陇休玛矿床发育气液两相和含CO2三相两种类型包裹体,成矿流体呈现中高温(集中于280~340℃)、高盐度(w(NaCl),集中于6.00%~18.00%)和中等密度(集中于0.64~0.92 g/cm3)特点,成矿深度为2.4~4.1 km,形成于中浅成环境。H-O同位素显示,成矿流体具有岩浆水和大气降水混合的特征,但主体以岩浆水为主;S同位素显示,成矿物质主要来自于深部岩浆。结合区域构造演化认为,哈陇休玛矿床成矿模式为印支晚期东昆仑地区发生强烈壳幔混合作用,形成富含成矿元素的混合岩浆,含矿流体在随混合岩浆上升的过程中发生流体沸腾,并与大气降水混合冷却,导致成矿物理化学条件发生变化,促使成矿物质沉淀成矿。  相似文献   
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