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Near-infrared (J, H and K bands) spectra of nine dark asteroids (chosen among a sample of supposed primitive objects between C and D classes) have been obtained at the Mauna Kea Observatory (Hawaii) with the 2.2-m telescope using KSPEC as spectrograph. The aim of this work was to search for evidence of the presence of organic materials in these objects as found in other planetary bodies as 5145 Pholus, and in some cometary nuclei. A careful analysis of the data has revealed flat or slightly redder spectra than the solar one for all observed asteroids. No evidence of distinct absorption features was found.  相似文献   
In a joint effort between engineers and scientists at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology, a near-infrared (0.8–2.6 m) direct imaging system has been developed and integrated into the Caltech Palomar Observatory detector series. The camera system has been tested and operated in a science mode at the prime-focus (f/3.3) of the Hale 5-m Telescope. This paper outlines the system components and performance, including discussion of the detector linearity.  相似文献   
The near infrared camera (NIRC) was used for a science demonstration run on the Keck telescope during 16–24 March 1993. The camera used a 256×256 InSb array manufactured by Santa Barbara Research Corporation. Observations were obtained using narrowband and broad band filters from 1 to 2.4 microns, and grisms with a spectral resolution of 0.6 percent in the J, H and K atmospheric windows. The instrument was fully background limited over the entire wavelength range. The sky background was quite low, reaching 14.3 mag/square arc sec in the broadband K s filter. The image quality of the camera + telescope was excellent, being seeing limited in the range 0.5–0.9.The science demonstration observations of the NIRC on the Keck Telescope included observations of the most distant galaxy known, 4C41.17 at a redshift z=3.8 and the most luminous object known, the IRAS source FSC10214+4724 at a redshift z=2.29. Observations of the radio galaxy address the problem of the alignment effect in high redshift radio galaxies as well as the environments of such systems. FSC10214+4724 appears to be a merging galaxy that is at least 5×108 years old.Based on observations obtained at the W.M.Keck Observatory, which is operated jointly by the California Institute of Technology and the University of CaliforniaThe W.M. Keck Observatory is operated as a scientific partnership between the California Institute of Technology and the University of California. It was made possible by the generous gift of the W.M. Keck foundation and the support of its president, Howard Keck.  相似文献   
We discuss preliminary results of an 11.7 m imaging survey of ultracompact H II regions from the Wood and Churchwell radio survey. We find that that the morphologies of ionized gas and warm dust are often significantly different, indicating that an H II region classification scheme should be based on more than radio data.  相似文献   
Correlation methods in fingerprint detection studies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This investigation addresses two general issues regarding the role of pattern similarity statistics in greenhouse warming detection studies: normalization, and the relative merits of centered versus uncentered statistics. A pattern correlation statistic is used to search for the greenhouse warming signals predicted by five different models in the observed records of land and ocean surface temperature changes. Two forms of this statistic were computed: R (t), which makes use of nonnormalized data, and (t), which employs point-wise normalized data in order to focus the search on regions where the signal-to-noise ratio is large. While there are no trends in the R (t) time series, the time series of (t) show large positive trends. However, it is not possible to infer from the (t) results that the observed pattern of temperature change is, in fact, becoming increasingly similar to the model-predicted signal. This is because point-wise normalization of the observed and simulated mean change fields by a single common field introduces a common factor effect, which means that the quantities being compared should show some similarity a priori. This does not necessarily make normalization inapplicable, because the detection test involves seeking a trend in the similarity statistic. We show, however, that trends in (t) must arise almost completely from the observed data, and cannot be an indicator of increasing observed data/signal similarity. We also compare the information provided by centered statistics such as R(t) and the uncentered C(t) statistic introduced by Barnett. We show that C(t) may be expressed as the weighted sum of two terms, one proportional to R(t) and the other proportional to the observed spatial mean. For near-surface temperatures, the spatial average term dominates over the R(t) term. In this case the use of C(t) is equivalent to the use of spatial-mean temperature. We conclude that at present, the most informative pattern correlation statistic for detection purposes is R(t), the standard product-moment correlation coefficient between the observed and model fields. Our failure to find meaningful trends in R(t) may be due to the fact that the signal is being obscured by the background noise of natural variability, and/or because of incorrect model signals or sensitivities.  相似文献   
The solid solution sanmartinite (ZnWO4)—cuproscheelite (CuWO4) has been studied using Cu 2p X-ray absorption spectroscopy. While a single L3 absorption peak is observed for CuWO4, two distinct L3 absorption peaks with a separation of ~0.8 eV are observed for the intermediate samples in the solid solution. The two peaks represent distinct Cu sites: one with all CuO6 next nearest neighbours in the (Cu,Zn)O6 chains, another having at least one ZnO6 next nearest neighbour. Both sites show a linear increase in covalency as a function of increasing Cu-content. The relative intensities of the two absorption peaks is dependent upon the Cu-content and has been used to model the site occupancies. The results reveal that the local structural effects can be associated with a composition-dependent structural phase transition from P2/c (ZnWO4) to P $\bar 1$ (CuWO4). Deviations from a single-site model are explained in terms of the local environments, and evidence for site preferences and local clustering are explored.  相似文献   
Field measurements of wind, air temperature and humidity were taken at the eastern part of the Attika district in June 1991, to examine the topographic influences exerted on the local sea breezes. These influences are due either to the elongated Evia island, faced by the northern half of Attica coastline some tens of kilometers offshore, or to the coast-parallel range of Hymettos mountain, rising steeply 12 km onshore. The instrumentation consisted mainly of three tethered meteorological balloons released at characteristic sires (i.e., the coast, a location between shoreline and mountain foot and the mountain top) and three autographic ground-based anemometers operating at selected locations. Data from the ground-based and upper air stations of the Hellenic National Meteorological Service, as well as the diurnal weather maps were also obtained and analyzed. Observations were made under different synoptic wind and the latter was found to determine remarkably the significance of the topographic effects. A preliminary two-dimensional numerical approach was also made concerning the sea breeze capability to reach the Hymettos mountain top in the case of a weak opposing geostrophic flow.  相似文献   
A depth migration method is presented that uses Radon-transformed common-source seismograms as input. It is shown that the Radon depth migration method can be extended to spatially varying velocity depth models by using asymptotic ray theory (ART) to construct wavefield continuation operators. These operators downward continue an incident receiver-array plane wave and an assumed point-source wavefield into the subsurface. The migration velocity model is constrained to have longer characteristic wavelengths than the dominant source wavelength such that the ART approximations for the continuation operators are valid. This method is used successfully to migrate two synthetic data examples:
  • 1 a point diffractor, and
  • 2 a dipping layer and syncline interface model.
It is shown that the Radon migration method has a computational advantage over the standard Kirchhoff migration method in that fewer rays are computed in a main memory implementation.  相似文献   
Summary The crystal structure of cesstibtantite has been solved from diffractometer data collected on samples from Leshaia, Russia and the Tanco pegmatite, Manitoba. Cesstibtantite from the Leshaia pegmatite (type locality) hasa 10.515(2) Å, space groupFd3m, composition Cs0.31(Sb0.57Na0.31Pb0.02Bi0.01)O.91(Ta1.88Nb0.12)2(O5.69[OH, F]0.31)6(OH, F)0.69, Z 8; its structure was refined toR 3.8,wR 4.3% using 96 observed (F > 3[F]) reflections (MoK). Cesstibtantite from the Tanco pegmatite hasa 10.496(1) Å, space groupFd3m, composition (Cs0.22K0.01)0.23(Na0.45Sb0.39Pb0.14· Ca0.06Bi0.02)1.06(Ta1.95Nb0.05)2(O5.78[OH,F]0.22)6(OH,F)0.55,Z 8; its structure was refined toR 3.9w R 3.7% using 104 observed reflections. Cesstibtantite differs from the normal pyrochlores in that it contains significant amounts of very large cations such as Cs. As these cations are too large (VIII[r] > 1.60 Å) for the conventional [8]-coordinated A site, they occupy the [18]-coordinated site, which normally contains monovalent anions. Natural cesstibtantite samples are non-ideal in that both Cs and monovalent anions occur at the site; thus cesstibtantite is intermediate to thenormal pyrochlores (with only monovalent anions at the site) and theinverse pyrochlores (with only large cations at the site).
Cesstibtantit—eine geologische Einfiihrung in die inversen Pyrochlore
Zusammenfassung Die Kristallstruktur von Cesstibtantit wurde auf der Basis von Diffraktometerdaten von Proben von Leshaia, Russland and dem Tanco Pegmatit, Manitoba, gelöst. Cesstibtantit aus dem Leshaia Pegmatit (Typlokalität) hat a 10.515(2) Å, RaumgruppeFd3m, die Zusammensetzung CS0.31(Sb0.57Na0.31Pb0.02Bi0.01)0.91(Ta1.88Nb0.12)2· (O5.69OH, F0.31)6(OH, F)0.69 Z 8; die Struktur wurde aufR 3.8,wR 4.3% verfeinert unter Benützung von 96 beobachteten Reflexen. Cesstibtantit vom Tanco Pegmatit hat a 10.496(1) Å, RaumgruppeFd3m, die Zusammensetzung (Cs0.22K0.01)0.23(Na0.45· Sb0.39Pb0.14Ca0.06Bi0.02)1.06(Ta1.95Nb0.05)2(O5.78OH,F0.22)6(OH,F)0.55,Z 8; seine Struktur wurde aufR 3.9wR 3.7% auf der Basis von 104 beobachteten Rettexen verfeinert. Cesstibtantit unterscheidet sich von normalen Pyrochloren insofern, als er signifikante Mengen von sehr großen Kationen, wie z.B. Cs enthält. Da these Kationen zu groß sind (VIII r 1.60 Å) für eine konventionelle [8]-koordinierteA Stelle, nehmen she die [18]-koordinierten Positionen ein, welche normalerweise monovalente Anionen enthalten. Natürliche Cesstibtantitproben sind nicht ideal insofern als sowohl Cs als auch monovalente Anionen in der Position vorkommen. Somit ist Cesstibtantit intermediär zu den normalen Pyrochloren (mit nur monovalenten Anionen auf der Position) and den inversen Pyrochloren (mit ausschließlichen großen Kationen an der Position).
We report the results of an experiment that produced a residue which closely matches the hydrocarbon component of the Murchison carbonaceous chondrite. This experiment suggests that the parent material of the meteoritic component originated as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon species in carbon stars during their later stages of evolution. The experiments also indicate that the pathway from those formation sites to eventual incorporation into the meteorite parent body involved hydrogenation in a plasma in the solar nebula or in H II regions prior to the solar nebula. This model is consistent with what is known about the meteoritic hydrocarbon component including deuterium abundance, the observation of cosmic infrared emission bands best attributed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules, and the inherent stability of these molecules that allows their formation in stars and subsequent survival in the interstellar medium.  相似文献   
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