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Water column profiles and near-bed time series of pressure, current velocity, suspended-particulate matter (SPM) concentration and seawater temperature and salinity were collected during three short cruises carried out in May 2005 in the shoreface and inner shelf area adjacent to Cassino Beach, southern Brazil. The measurements were part of the Cassino Experiment, a project conducted at an open, sandy coastal area known for the occurrence of patches of fairly large amounts of muddy sediments that are sporadically fluidized, transported onshore and eventually stranded on the beach. The study area is close to the Patos Lagoon mouth, being influenced by its water and suspended-sediment discharge. The presence of the Patos Lagoon outflow on the inner shelf was detected in one of the cruises (May 13) through measurements of near-surface salinity: while close to shore salinity was 29.4, a minimum value of 13.8 was measured at ∼10 km from the coast. Four days later, no trace of the plume was detected in the area. Regarding seawater temperature, no large temporal or spatial variability was documented with measured values ranging from 19.3 to 20 °C. Water column currents were prominently to N and NE, except at the outermost station, located ∼42 km from the coast, where NW-directed flows were observed at surface and mid-depth. Maximum near-bed current velocity oscillated between 18 and 42 cm s−1 in the east–west direction and between 14 and 42 cm s−1 in the north–south direction. Near-surface concentration of SPM oscillated between 11 and 99 mg L−1, in general one order of magnitude lower than near-bed values. However, near-bed concentration of SPM showed large spatial variability: the highest value (2200 mg L−1) was yielded by a water sample collected at ∼8 m water depth, at a station located ∼2 km away from the shoreline; two water samples collected 500 m, apart from this station, yielded SPM concentrations of 148 and 205 mg L−1, one order of magnitude lower. Spectral analyses of near-bed current speed and SPM concentration indicate the relevance of oscillations in the low-frequency (<0.05 Hz) range. Detailed sampling of bottom sediment indicated that in May 2005 the mud patch was centered at ∼8.5 m water depth.  相似文献   
The hydrological and geomorphological effects of an exceptional rainstorm event that occurred in the central Spanish Pyrenees during 19–21 October 2012 were studied in five experimental catchments under various land covers: (i) subhumid badlands; (ii) dense forest; (iii) an abandoned farmland area recolonized by shrubs and forest patches; and (iv) subalpine grasslands. Hydrographs and sedigraphs demonstrated that vegetation cover is a major factor affecting the control of floods even during exceptional rainstorms, at least at the spatial scale at which the phenomenon was studied (catchment sizes: 0.3–2.8 km2) and under dry catchment conditions. The combined precipitation over the two days (c. 250 mm) was the greatest for any two‐day event recorded since 1950 in the central‐western Pyrenees for all but one of the stations in the study. Five pulses of most intense rainfall were recorded. The forested catchment did not react to the two most intense rainfall pulses, because of the very low antecedent level of the water table. The main peak flow occurred only when at least a part of the catchment was saturated. The abandoned farmland catchment had two small peak discharges at the beginning of the event, which were produced by infiltration excess overland flow from eroded areas close to the main stream. During the third most intense rainfall period a large part of this catchment contributed to runoff and a relatively high peak discharge was produced. The badland catchment reacted immediately from the beginning of the rainstorm, yielding very high discharges accompanied by high suspended sediment concentrations. The subalpine catchment showed a hydrograph mirroring the hyetograph, with brief but intense hydrological responses to increased precipitation, because of the marked gradients and the presence of bare rock in the headwaters. A high volume of bedload was carried during the peak discharge. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The ground track of the annular eclipse of 3 October 2005 crossed the Iberian Peninsula. The main objective of this work was to analyze the variability of the solar irradiance and the total ozone column during the course of this event at El Arenosillo (Southwestern Spain). For achieving this goal, two Kipp & Zonen broadband radiometers (one for measuring total solar irradiance and other for measuring ultraviolet erythemal solar irradiance), one NILU-UV multi-band instrument and one Brewer spectroradiometer were used in this work. Total irradiance (310–2800 nm), and ultraviolet erythemal radiation (UVER) were recorded at a high frequency of 5 s, showing a strong reduction (higher than 80%) of the irradiance at the maximum solar obscuration which was of 79.6%. The irradiance decrease during the course of the eclipse was positively correlated with the percentage of eclipse obscuration, showing a very high agreement (R2~0.99). The irradiance recorded at selected wavelengths from the NILU-UV instrument shows a more pronounced decrease in the UV irradiance at the lower wavelengths during the solar eclipse. Finally, the evolution of the total ozone column (TOC) derived from Brewer and NILU instruments during the eclipse presented an opposite behavior: while the Brewer derived TOC values increase about 15 DU, the NILU derived TOC values decrease about 11 DU. This opposite behavior is mainly related to an artifact in the spectral irradiances recorded by the two instruments.  相似文献   
Diet and feeding intensity of the portunid crab Polybius henslowii were studied during the spring of 2004 along Galician and Cantabrian continental shelves (NW Iberian Peninsula) between 78 and 287 m. The area had been affected by the Prestige oil spill in November 2002, with different sectors at different levels of pollution: highest in between Miño River and Cape Finisterre (MF) and from there to Estaca de Bares Point (FE) and lowest from Estaca to Cape Peñas (EP). From 37272 specimens collected in 59 bottom hauls, 342 were analysed for stomach fullness and diet composition. Stomach fullness was lower in FE, but with no significant differences among sectors. Diet was a mixture of pelagic and benthic prey: cephalopods (Ilex coindetti), brachyurans (P. henslowii) and polychaetes (Glycera sp.). Other prey were beloniform eggs and fish remains. Two stress markers were also studied in some specimens: Acetylcholinesterase (a neurotoxicity marker) varied among sampled areas, while lipid peroxidation (an oxidative stress marker) did not. Changes in trophic variables, distribution and density were analysed in relation to depth, surface and bottom T, surface Chl a from satellite imagery and tar aggregate concentration in sediments. Along Galician and Cantabrian coasts prey availability, linked to productivity level, seems to be the main factor affecting P. henslowii diet and distribution. Interannual abundance variability seems to be controlled by large-scale climatic conditions (NAO index). This natural variability masks possible effects induced by the oil spill.  相似文献   
Passive treatment systems are widely used for remediation of acid mine drainage (AMD), but existing designs are prone to clogging or loss of reactivity due to Al- and Fe-precipitates when treating water with high Al and heavy metal concentrations. Dispersed alkaline substrate (DAS) mixed from a fine-grained alkaline reagent (e.g. calcite sand) and a coarse inert matrix (e.g. wood chips) had shown high reactivity and good hydraulic properties in previous laboratory column tests. In the present study, DAS was tested at pilot field scale in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (SW Spain) on metal mine drainage with pH near 3.3, net acidity 1400–1650 mg/L as CaCO3, and mean concentrations of 317 mg/L Fe (95% Fe(II)), 311 mg/L Zn, 74 mg/L Al, 20 mg/L Mn, and 1.5–0.1 mg/L Cu, Co, Ni, Cd, As and Pb. The DAS-tank removed an average of 870 mg/L net acidity as CaCO3 (56% of inflow), 25% Fe, 93% Al, 5% Zn, 95% Cu, 99% As, 98% Pb, and 14% Cd, but no Mn, Ni or Co. Average gross drain pipe alkalinity was 181 mg/L as CaCO3, which increased total Fe removal to 153 mg/L (48%) in subsequent sedimentation ponds. Unfortunately, the tank suffered clogging problems due to the formation of a hardpan of Al-rich precipitates. DAS lifetime could probably be increased by lowering Al-loads.  相似文献   
Coastal geomorphology results from the combined effects of contemporary dynamics, sea‐level rise and the inherited geological framework, yet the relative importance of these driving mechanisms may change throughout the evolutionary history of coastal deposits. In this contribution, we analyse the depositional history of the Cíes Islands barrier‐lagoon system, based on lithofacies, radiocarbon ages, and pollen analysis. Our results reveal a sedimentary sequence that provides evidence for striking changes in the dynamical functioning of this complex since the mid‐Holocene. The sedimentary sequence commenced about 7700 cal years bp by fresh‐water ponding of an upland depression located about 4 m below present mean sea‐level. Fresh‐water ponds were infilled by aeolian sediments following a gradual lowering of the water‐table 4000 cal years bp . Post‐3600 cal years bp sea‐level rise allowed water oscillations to reach the elevation of the bedrock causing the inundation of fresh‐water ponds and subsequent lagoonal and marine sedimentation. Subsequently, landward and upward migration of a sand‐barrier led to overwash and deposition of sand in the newly formed lagoon. The resultant sedimentary sequence suggests that climatic conditions played an important role controlling the sedimentation regime during the entire history of the basin; changing water‐table levels during early stages of evolution and increasing storminess during more recent times. In addition, background sea‐level rise related to the Holocene transgression was a key factor in controlling the evolution of the system, yet its influence depended to an extent on the relative elevation of the bedrock topography. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Geomorphic mapping and stratigraphic analysis of a lake core document the late Quaternary glacial history of the Central and Eastern Massifs of the Picos de Europa, northwestern Spain. The distribution of glacial deposits indicates that at their most advanced positions glaciers occupied 9.1 km2, extended as far as 7 km down-valley and had an estimated equilibrium-line altitude (ELA) ranging between 1666 and 1722 m. Radiocarbon dating of sediment deposited in a lake dammed by moraines of this advance show that the maximum glacial extent was prior to 35,280 ± 440 cal yr BP. This advance was followed by two subsequent but less extensive late Pleistocene advances, recorded by multiple moraines flanking both massifs and sedimentary characteristics in the lake deposits. The last recognized glacial episode is the 19th-century maximum extent of small Little Ice Age glaciers in the highest cirques above 2200 m.  相似文献   
Oxygen, alkalinity, nutrients, pH, temperature and salinity were measured through tidal cycles in two points of Blanca Bay. A clear dependence of nutrients, oxygen and alkalinity with salinity and tide conditions was observed in the inner point, being attenuated in the outer one.  相似文献   
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