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Mutual Potential of Homogeneous Polyhedra   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mutual gravitational potential between a pair of homogeneous polyhedra is expressed using an infinite series. The nested volume integrals are evaluated analytically and result in simple tensor expressions containing no special functions. However, complexity increases as O(6 n ), where n is the term degree. An alternate formulation due to Liebenthal is also presented.  相似文献   
The biological and technological consequences of long-duration, solar-related, energetic particle radiation for manned/unmanned spacecraft warrant that consideration be given to providing reliable space weather predictions for future space missions to planet Mars. An account is, herein, provided of how the HAFv.2 numerical model was applied to predict the arrivals of four, flare-related, shocks at Mars generated during a >20-day active period on the Sun in March 1989, and of the arrival of another composite shock produced in association with a 10-day period of solar activity in December 2006. These predictions are compared with in-situ measurements of shock signatures at Mars recorded, in the former case, by the solar-low-energy-detector (SLED) and by the low-energy-telescope (LET) aboard the Phobos-2 spacecraft and, in the latter case, in data recorded by the ASPERA-3/IMA instrument aboard Mars Express. The success of the predictions is discussed and the requirement for further validation of the modeling technique using a large statistical sample pointed out. In-situ measurements made aboard Mars Express by the ASPERA-3/IMA experiment during the rising phase of Solar Cycle 24 can provide data relevant to such validation. The successful application of a SOLar Particle ENgineering COde (SOLPENCO), that estimates solar energetic particle (SEP) fluxes and fluences at the Earth, to the case of an energetic particle event at Mars (6 March 1989) is discussed. Measurements of SEP events recorded by the Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) supplemented by Mars Express measurements can potentially allow the predictions of SOLPENCO to be further studied downstream using a large statistical sample. However, we are presently only at the beginning of our understanding of the complex Sun-Earth-Mars scenarios that give rise to shock/particle events in the close Martian environment.  相似文献   
Sediment cores from Lone Spruce Pond (60.007°N, 159.143°W), southwestern Alaska, record paleoenvironmental changes during the global Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), and during the last 14,500 calendar years BP (14.5?cal?ka). We analyzed the abundance of organic matter, biogenic silica, carbon, and nitrogen, and the isotope ratios of C and N, magnetic susceptibility, and grain-size distribution of bulk sediment, abundance of alder shrub (Alnus) pollen, and midge (Chironomidae and Chaoboridae) assemblages in a 4.7-m-long sediment sequence from the depocenter at 22?m water depth. The basal unit contains macrofossils dating to 25?C21?cal?ka (the global LGM), and is interpreted as glacial-lacustrine sediment. The open water requires that the outlet of the Ahklun Mountain ice cap had retreated to within 6?km of the range crest. In addition to cladocerans and diatoms, the glacial-lacustrine mud contains chironomids consistent with deep, oligotrophic conditions; several taxa associated with relatively warm conditions are present, suggestive of relative warmth during the global LGM. The glacial-lacustrine unit is separated from the overlying non-glacial lake sediment by a possible disconformity, which might record a readvance of glacier ice. Non-glacial sediment began accumulating around 14.5?cal?ka, with high flux of mineral matter and fluctuating physical and biological properties through the global deglacial period, including a reversal in biogenic-silica (BSi) content during the Younger Dryas (YD). During the global deglacial interval, the ??13C values of lake sediment were higher relative to other periods, consistent with low C:N ratios (8), and suggesting a dominant atmospheric CO2 source of C for phytoplankton. Concentrations of aquatic faunal remains (chironomids and Cladocera) were low throughout the deglacial interval, diversity was low and warm-indicator taxa were absent. Higher production and air temperatures are inferred following the YD, when bulk organic-matter (OM) content (LOI 550?°C) increased substantially and permanently, from 10 to 30?%, a trend paralleled by an increase in C and N abundance, an increase in C:N ratio (to about 12), and a decrease in ??13C of sediment. Post-YD warming is marked by a rapid shift in the midge assemblage. Between 8.9 and 8.5?cal?ka, Alnus pollen tripled (25?C75?%), followed by the near-tripling of BSi (7?C19?%) by 8.2?cal?ka, and ??15N began a steady rise, reflecting the buildup of N and an increase in denitrification in soils. Several chironomid taxa indicative of relatively warm conditions were present throughout the Holocene. Quantitative chironomid-based temperature inferences are complicated by the expansion of Alnus and resulting changes in lake nutrient status and production; these changes were associated with an abrupt increase in cladoceran abundance and persistent shift in the chironomid assemblage. During the last 2,000?years, chironomid-assemblage changes suggest cooler temperatures, and BSi and OM values were generally lower than their maximum Holocene values, with minima during the seventh and eighth centuries, and again during the eighteenth century.  相似文献   
Small‐scale hyporheic zone (HZ) models often use a spatial periodic boundary (SPB) pair to simulate an infinite repetition of bedforms. SPB's are common features of commercially available multiphysics modeling packages. MODFLOW's lack of this boundary type has precluded it from being effectively utilized in this area of HZ research. We present a method to implement the SPB in MODFLOW by development of the appropriate block‐centered finite‐difference expressions. The implementation is analogous to MODFLOW's general head boundary package. The difference is that the terms on the right hand side of the solution equations must be updated with each iteration. Consequently, models that implement the SPB converge best with solvers that perform both inner and outer iterations. The correct functioning of the SPB condition in MODFLOW is verified by two examples. This boundary condition allows users to build HZ‐bedform models in MODFLOW, facilitating further research using related codes such as MT3DMS and PHT3D.  相似文献   
The Quaternary stratigraphy of the Alpine Foreland consists of distinct terrace levels, which have been assigned to four morphostratigraphic units: Höhere (Higher) Deckenschotter, Tiefere (Lower) Deckenschotter, Hochterrasse (High Terrace) and Niederterrasse (Lower Terrace). Here, we focus on the terrace gravels at Hohle Gasse, SSE of Pratteln near Basel, which are mapped as Tiefere Deckenschotter. Petrographic and morphometric data established from clasts allowed to infer the transport mechanisms and sources of the gravels. Sedimentological analyses indicate that the gravels were transported by a braided river and deposited in a distal glaciofluvial setting. In addition, it can be shown that the majority of the clasts display multiple reworking and only a minority maintained a distinct glaciofluvial shape. Cosmogenic multi-isotope dating using 10Be and 36Cl allowed direct dating of the sediments at the study site. A depth-profile age of \(2 70_{ - 1 90}^{ + 8 30}\) ka for 10Be was achieved for the deposits at Hohle Gasse. Unfortunately, no age could be modelled from the 36Cl concentrations as the blank correction was too high. Furthermore, this age proves that the studied terrace level should be assigned to the morphostratigraphic unit Hochterrasse.  相似文献   
Support for a Freeze on nuclear weapons is greatest in the East with pockets of support in the Middle West and Pacific Coast States. Factors influencing the spatial pattern are Walker's innovativeness rankings, the number of peace/Freeze activist groups and the pattern of defense employment.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Entwicklung des Adoudounien (Infrakambrium) und Géorgien (Unterkambrium) ist im Mittleren Antiatlas durch einen Wechsel von marinen und kontinentalen Sedimenten gekennzeichnet. Wildbachablagerungen an der Basis und an den Beckenrändern werden von marin-marginalen stromatolithischen Karbonaten abgelöst. Ignimbrite belegen wiederholte terrestrische Sedimentation.Mit fluviatilen Sanden und wiederum Stromatolithen und lagunären Karbonaten (mit ersten Trilobiten!) setzt ein zweiter transgressiver Großzyklus ein, der an der Wende Infra-/Unter-Kambrium einen ersten Höhepunkt erreicht. Durch regressive Kleinzyklen charakterisierte Abfolgen leiten zu Sandsteinen über, die als Ablagerungen eines Deltas gedeutet werden.Vom Mittelkambrium bis Ordovizium dominiert marine Schelfsedimentation.
The formations of Adoudounien (Infra Cambrian) and Géorgien (Lower Cambrian) of the middle Anti-Atlas are characterized by an alternation of marine and continental sediments. Torrent conglomerates at the base and the margins of the basin took turns to marine-marginal stromatolitic carbonates. Ignimbrites prove repeated terrestrial sedimentation.A second transgressiv megasequence begins with fluviatil sands and goes on with stromatolites and lagoon carbonates (first Trilobites). This transgression reachs his first culmination at the Infra-/Lower-Cambrian boundary. Typical regressiv cycles form a transition to sandstones, which are interpreted as sediments of a delta.Marine shelf environment dominates from Middle Cambrian to Ordovician beds.

Résumé Dans le moyen Anti-Atlas, l'évolution de l'Adoudounien et du Géorgien est caractérisée par un changement des sédiments marins et continentaux. Les dépôts des torrents à la base et dans la bordure du bassin font place à des carbonates marins marginaux stromatolithiques. Les ignimbrites marquent le retour fréquent à la sédimentation terrestre.Une deuxième mégaséquence transgressive débute avec des sables fluviatiles, des stromatolithes et des carbonates lagunaires (premiers trilobites). La transgression atteint une première phase culminante à la transition de l'Adoudounien au Géorgien. Des séquences caractérisées par de petits cycles régressifs conduisent à des grès qui pourraient être interpré tés comme des sédiments deltaïques.A partir du Cambrien moyen jusqu'à l'Ordovicien prédomine un milieu de plate-forme externe.

Adoudounien — — Géorgien — — . — — . , - , , . , , . .
Aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin (Atacama Desert, northern Chile) are the sole source of water for the coastal city of Iquique and the economically important mining industry. Despite this, the regional groundwater system remains poorly understood. Although it is widely accepted that aquifer recharge originates as precipitation in the Altiplano and Andean Cordillera to the east, there remains debate on whether recharge is driven primarily by near-surface groundwater flow in response to periodic flood events or by basal groundwater flux through deep-seated basin fractures. In addressing this debate, the present study quantifies spatial and temporal variability in regional-scale groundwater flow paths at 20.5°S latitude by combining a two-dimensional model of groundwater and heat flow with field observations and δ18O isotope values in surface water and groundwater. Results suggest that both previously proposed aquifer recharge mechanisms are likely influencing aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin; however, each mechanism is operating on different spatial and temporal scales. Storm-driven flood events in the Altiplano readily transmit groundwater to the eastern Pampa del Tamarugal Basin through near-surface groundwater flow on short time scales, e.g., 100–101 years, but these effects are likely isolated to aquifers in the eastern third of the basin. In addition, this study illustrates a physical mechanism for groundwater originating in the eastern highlands to recharge aquifers and salars in the western Pampa del Tamarugal Basin over timescales of 104–105 years.  相似文献   
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