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The Dry Valleys of Antarctica are an excellent analog of the environment at the surface of Mars. Soil formation histories involving slow processes of sublimation and migration of water-soluble ions in polar desert environments are characteristic of both Mars and the Dry Valleys. At the present time, the environment in the Dry Valleys is probably the most similar to that in the mid-latitudes on Mars although similar conditions may be found in areas of the polar regions during their respective Mars summers. It is thought that Mars is currently in an interglacial period, and that subsurface water ice is sublimating poleward. Because the Mars sublimation zones seem to be the most similar to the Antarctic Dry Valleys, the Dry Valleys-type Mars climate is migrating towards the poles. Mars has likely undergone drastic obliquity changes, which means that the Dry Valleys analog to Mars may be valid for large parts of Mars, including the polar regions, at different times in geologic history. Dry Valleys soils contain traces of silicate alteration products and secondary salts much like those found in Mars meteorites. A martian origin for some of the meteorite secondary phases has been verified previously; it can be based on the presence of shock effects and other features which could not have formed after the rocks were ejected from Mars, or demonstrable modification of a feature by the passage of the meteorite through Earth's atmosphere (proving the feature to be pre-terrestrial). The martian weathering products provide critical information for deciphering the near-surface history of Mars. Definite martian secondary phases include Ca-carbonate, Ca-sulfate, and Mg-sulfate. These salts are also found in soils from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica. Results of earlier Wright Valley work are consistent with what is now known about Mars based on meteorite and orbital data. Results from recent and current Mars missions support this inference. Aqueous processes are active even in permanently frozen Antarctic Dry Valleys soils, and similar processes are probably also occurring on Mars today, especially at the mid-latitudes. Both weathering products and life in Dry Valleys soils are distributed heterogeneously. Such variations should be taken into account in future studies of martian soils and also in the search for possible life on Mars.  相似文献   
Summary. Small amplitude oscillations of a rotating, density-stratified fluid bounded by a spherical shell are examined. No restrictions are placed on the thickness of the shell. The internal mode spectrum is examined in the complete rotation-stratification parameter range including the regime that is appropriate for a plausible stratification distribution in the Earth's fluid core. A mathematical model is derived in terms of an eigenvalue PDE of mixed type. The existence of oscillatory solutions is exhibited in the limits of no rotation and no stratification. The frequency spectrum is extended asymptotically away from these limiting cases. A reduction in the complexity of the PDE for modes oscillating at the inertial frequency is exploited. A variational formulation is constructed in which the stratification parameter is treated as an eigenvalue of the system for fixed wave frequency. The spectral information is again extended asymptotically away from these 'accessible' points. Although the PDE reduces to Laplace's tidal equations (LTE) only under stringent parameter restrictions, it is observed that aspects of the behaviour of low frequency LTE modes are reproduced in the general model.  相似文献   
Evidence for Precambrian fossil eukaryotic microorganisms has been based on: (1) the presence of internal ‘spots’ which have been variously interpreted to be remains of nuclei or pyrenoids of photosynthetic plastids or other organelles; (2) tetrahedral tetrad arrangement of cells; (3) trilete scars interpreted to be indicative of meiotic division: (4) large cell diameters; and (5) putative mitotic cell divisions. These features have been reported in fossils preserved in Precambrian cherts. We have studied modern microbial mats, thought to be analogues of Precambrian fossil communities, and found they may be silicified by laboratory procedures. In microbial mats from Baja California we have found many ‘spot cells’ that we could identify as remains of cyanophytes. We have silicified the newly discovered large prokaryotic coccoid green alga Prochloron and have found that it, like many cyanophytes previously silicified, preserves its structure and maintains its initial dimensions. In laboratory-silicified prokaryotic organisms we have found that all of the above criteria, supposedly characteristic of eukaryotes, can be observed. We conclude that there is no compelling morphological evidence for fossil eukaryotic microbes from Precambrian cherts.  相似文献   
Since Berry argued in 1976 that counterurbanization had replaced urbanization in the U.S., a debate has ensued as to whether the phenomenon also exists in Western Europe. Proponents of a developmental theory of counterurbanization contend that the phenomenon should be evident in countries which have achieved a very high level of socioeconomic development, including the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG). Most of the German and English language literature on the topic suggests the contrary for the FRG. Here urbanization and counterurbanization are restricted to specific geographic meanings, i.e., spatial agglomeration and deglomeration. Results from four interrelated tests show a trend toward counterurbanization evident as early as the 1960s in the post-war regional demographic data of the FRG.  相似文献   
Summary. Sea-level records at nine ports along the coasts of Namibia and South Africa are used to establish the existence of coastal trapped disturbances in sea-level as a response to the passage of synoptic weather systems. Using spectral analysis the characteristics and spatial variability of the sea-level fluctuations are identified. The results of cross-correlation analyses performed on sea-level data at adjacent ports for two periods during 1982 are discussed in detail to examine the propagation of coastal trapped waves round the coast.  相似文献   
Abstract– We optically classified 5682 micrometeorites (MMs) from the 2000 South Pole collection into textural classes, imaged 2458 of these MMs with a scanning electron microscope, and made 200 elemental and eight isotopic measurements on those with unusual textures or relict phases. As textures provide information on both degree of heating and composition of MMs, we developed textural sequences that illustrate how fine‐grained, coarse‐grained, and single mineral MMs change with increased heating. We used this information to determine the percentage of matrix dominated to mineral dominated precursor materials (precursors) that produced the MMs. We find that at least 75% of the MMs in the collection derived from fine‐grained precursors with compositions similar to CI and CM meteorites and consistent with dynamical models that indicate 85% of the mass influx of small particles to Earth comes from Jupiter family comets. A lower limit for ordinary chondrites is estimated at 2–8% based on MMs that contain Na‐bearing plagioclase relicts. Less than 1% of the MMs have achondritic compositions, CAI components, or recognizable chondrules. Single mineral MMs often have magnetite zones around their peripheries. We measured their isotopic compositions to determine if the magnetite zones demarcate the volume affected by atmospheric exchange during entry heating. Because we see little gradient in isotopic composition in the olivines, we conclude that the magnetites are a visual marker that allows us to select and analyze areas not affected by atmospheric exchange. Similar magnetite zones are seen in some olivine and pyroxene relict grains contained within MMs.  相似文献   
A fast cyclone frame prediction is proposed in this paper that fits a Gaussian Mixture model on the spatio-temporal data extracted from the three penultimate time-lapse frames, prior to fuzzy regression. Unlike the previous work in Verma and Pal (In: Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), pp. 1–8, 2010) that models the entire history on a per pixel basis, a single Gaussian mixture is used for fitting the spatio-temporal data within the time-span of the last three frames, making the process faster and more accurate. The increase in accuracy is attributed to the fact that cyclones evolve over time and thus the recent frames give a more meaningful insight into the predictions for the next frame. The number of components in the Gaussian mixture is determined from the occurrence of equally likely modes that correspond to high entropy peaks. Our results on satellite videos of recent cyclones that hit the Indian seas show a high accuracy of frame prediction.  相似文献   
Abstract— We studied patinas on lunar rocks 75075 and 76015 from the Apollo collection using a multi-disciplinary approach, including scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry (EDS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), wavelength-dispersive x-ray (WDS) mapping, Mössbauer spectroscopy, spectral reflectance, and microspectrophotometry. Based on SEM petrography, we have defined three textural types of patina: glazed, fragmental, and classic (cratered). The presence of classic patina is diagnostic of lunar samples that have been exposed directly to the space weathering environment. It is characterized by the presence of microcraters and glass pancakes and is the patina type studied by earlier workers. Classic patina is found on 76015 but not on 75075. Glazed patina is found on both 76015 and 75075, whereas fragmental patina is found only on 75075. The glazed and fragmental patinas on 75075 were probably formed as a result of relatively large nearby impacts; and although these two types of patina are not strictly the result of direct exposure to the space weathering environment, they are important because they affect the optical properties of the rocks. Field emission gun SEM (FE-SEM) of classic patina on 76015 shows evidence of possible solar wind sputtering erosion. Transmission electron microscope studies of 76015 reveal the presence of impact-generated deposits and solar flare particle tracks which, like microcraters and pancakes, are diagnostic of direct exposure to space weathering processes. The outermost surface of the 76015 patina consists of an amorphous rim very much like the rims found on individual lunar soil grains; this amorphous patina rim probably formed by similar processes of impact-generated vapor condensation and possible sputter deposition. Wavelength-dispersive x-ray element maps of polished thin sections of 75075 and 76015 indicate that patina compositions are poor indicators of the compositions and mineralogies of the rocks underlying them. On average, the reflectance spectra of patinas on both samples are slightly darker than those of their unweathered equivalents. Microreflectance measurements show that a thick patina can dramatically alter the optical properties of the rock on which it forms. The backscatter Mössbauer (BaMS) spectrum of a patina-covered surface of 76015 is very similar to that of an unweathered surface, indicating that the Mössbauer signal is generated from beneath the patina. Because BaMS “sees” through surface space-weathering effects to the underlying rock, this technique has great potential for use in robotic missions to other planetary bodies.  相似文献   
During a series of substorm events on November 12 2004, the Neutral Atom Detector Unit(NUADU) flying onboard the TC-2 spacecraft observed, close to perigee, bright low-altitude Energetic Neutral Atom(ENA) emissions from both north and south poles. Through utilizing high temporal and spatial resolution data inversion techniques we present here a global view the associated processes of energetic ion deposition and injection at the uniquely high temporal resolution of a few minutes. It is demonstrated that the ENA emissions observed came mainly from the, low-altitude, high magnetic latitude polar region. Since precipitating ions follow magnetic field lines and have more chance to produce ENA emissions through charge exchange there.Therefore, the employment of a low-orbit satellite to record at high temporal and spatial resolution ENA image data is inferred to be the best way to monitor those dynamic ring current variations that occur during geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   
Determining sediment transfer times is key to understanding source-to-sink dynamics and the transmission of environmental signals through the fluvial system. Previous work on the Bolivian Altiplano applied the in situ cosmogenic 14C-10Be-chronometer to river sands and proposed sediment storage times of ~10–20 kyr in four catchments southeast of Lake Titicaca. However, the fidelity of those results hinges upon isotopic steady-state within sediment supplied from the source area. With the aim of independently quantifying sediment storage times and testing the 14C-10Be steady-state assumption, we dated sediment storage units within one of the previously investigated catchments using radiocarbon dating, cosmogenic 10Be-26Al isochron burial dating, and 10Be-26Al depth-profile dating. Palaeosurfaces appear to preserve remnants of a former fluvial system, which has undergone drainage reversal, reduction in catchment area, and local isostatic uplift since ~2.8 Ma. From alluvium mantling the palaeosurfaces we gained a deposition age of ~580 ka, while lower down fluvial terraces yielded ≤34 ka, and floodplains ~3–1 ka. Owing to restricted channel connectivity with the terraces and palaeosurfaces, the main source of channel sediment is via reworking of the late Holocene floodplain. Yet modelling a set of feasible scenarios reveals that floodplain storage and burial depth are incompatible with the 14C-10Be disequilibrium measured in the channel. Instead we propose that the 14C-10Be offset results from: (i) non-uniform erosion whereby deep gullies supply hillslope-derived debris; and/or (ii) holocene landscape transience associated with climate or human impact. The reliability of the 14C-10Be chronometer vitally depends upon careful evaluation of sources of isotopic disequilibrium in a wide range of depositional and erosional landforms in the landscape. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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