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Uplift rates of the Loyalty Islands (S.W. Pacific) have been determined from 230Th234U dating of raised coral terraces standing 2 to 7.5 m above sea level. The ages of the terraces on Ouvéa and Lifou correspond closely to previously documented periods of high sea levels at 120,000 and 180,000 yr BP. A +2-m terrace on Beautemps-Beaupré is considered to be beyond the range of the dating technique. The uplift rates of the various islands show a decrease toward the west. This lends support to the hypothesis of a lithospheric bulge of the leading edge of the Australian plate prior to its subduction at the level of the New Hebrides trench.  相似文献   
The period and Q of the Chandler wobble   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary. We have extended our calculation of the theoretical period of the Chandler wobble to account for the non-hydrostatic portion of the Earth's equatorial bulge and the effect of the fluid core upon the lengthening of the period due to the pole tide. We find the theoretical period of a realistic perfectly elastic Earth with an equilibrium pole tide to be 426.7 sidereal days, which is 8.5 day shorter than the observed period of 435.2 day. Using Rayleigh's principle for a rotating Earth, we exploit this discrepancy together with the observed Chandler Q to place constraints on the frequency dependence of mantle anelasticity. If Qμ in the mantle varies with frequency σ as σα between 30 s and 14 months and if Qμ in the lower mantle is of order 225 at 30 s, we find that 0.04 ρα≤ 0.11; if instead Qμ in the lower mantle is of order 350 near 200 s, we find that 0.11 ≤α≤ 0.19. In all cases these limits arise from exceeding the 68 per cent confidence limits of ± 2.6 day in the observed period. Since slight departures from an equilibrium pole tide affect the Q much more strongly than the period we believe these limits to be robust.  相似文献   
This paper describes the wave-front correction system developed for the Sunrise balloon telescope, and it provides information about its in-flight performance. For the correction of low-order aberrations, a Correlating Wave-Front Sensor (CWS) was used. It consisted of a six-element Shack??C?Hartmann wave-front sensor (WFS), a fast tip-tilt mirror for the compensation of image motion, and an active telescope secondary mirror for focus correction. The CWS delivered a stabilized image with a precision of 0.04?arcsec (rms), whenever the coarse pointing was better than ???45?arcsec peak-to-peak. The automatic focus adjustment maintained a focus stability of 0.01?waves in the focal plane of the CWS. During the 5.5?day flight, good image quality and stability were achieved during 33?hours, containing 45?sequences, which lasted between 10 and 45?min.  相似文献   
The satellites of the Global Positioning System (GPS) offer an important new geodetic resource making possible a highly accurate portable radio geodetic system. A concept called SERIES (Satellite Emission Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying) makes use of GPS radio transmissions without any satellite modifications. By employing the technique of very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) and its calibration methods, 0.5 to 3 cm three dimensional baseline accuracy can be achieved over distances of 2 to 200 km respectively, with only 2 hours of on-site data acquisition. The use of quasar referenced ARIES Mobile VLBI to establish a sparse fundamental control grid will provide a basis for making SERIES GPS measurements traceable to the time-invariant quasar directions. Using four SERIES stations deployed at previously established ARIES sites, allows the GPS satellite apparent positions to be determined. These apparent positions then serve as calibrations for other SERIES stations at unknown locations to determine their positions in a manner traceable to the quasars. Because this proposed radio interferometric configuration accomplishes its signal detection by cross-correlation, there is no dependence upon knowledge of the GPS transmitted waveforms which might be encrypted. Since GPS radio signal strengths are 105 stronger than quasar signals, a great reduction in telecommunications sophistication is possible which will result in an order of magnitude less cost for a SERIES GPS station compared to a quasar based mobile VLBI system. The virtually all-weather capability of SERIES offers cost-effective geodetic monitoring with applications to crustal dynamics and earthquake research.  相似文献   
The distributions of polycyclic alkanes were monitored in a Neocomian sequence (well 1-ESS-34) from the Espirito Santo Basin, southeast Brazil. The profiles included, apart from regular hopanes, significant concentrations of 18α(H), 28,30-bisnorhopane and subordinate amounts of gammacerane. Sterane concentrations, normally with hopane/sterane <5, were compatible with other geochemical data indicating a predominantly planktonic/microbial source of the deposited organic matter. Sample maturities ranged from very immature to the onset of oil generation, allowing biomarker distributions to be followed along a broad maturation range. The ability of certain molecular ratios (e.g. C27 17α(H)/17β(H)hopanes) to reflect a maturity sequence with depth in the closely-spaced strata of the immature upper levels (Jiquiá Stage) showed the value of molecular techniques over classical geochemical methods (e.g. vitrinite reflectance) for the study of immature sequences. The presence in the oils of southern Espirito Santo of 28,30-bisnorhopane, gammacerane and methyl steranes in similar concentrations as in extracts of the deepest levels of the 1-ESS-34 well qualify the Jiquia Stage as the probable source rock of oils accumulated in the basin.  相似文献   
A simple method of determining the strike and dip of the AB planes of mica flakes in etched slides of arenaceous sediments by means of a universal stage mounted on a stereomicroscope is described. The polar stereograms constructed from such measurements in fluviatile sandstones show monoclinic symmetry due to up-current imbrication which compares well with the orientation of plant fossils, current bedding structures and the general current pattern. An angular discordance exists between these features and the direction of sole marks. An example is given of how analyses of the orientation and imbrication of mica flakes can assist in the solution of sedimentation problems of coalfield geology.  相似文献   
The expected emission features from an ensemble of naturally-occurring aromatic molecules is shown to be in satisfactory agreement with the emission properties of `PAH molecules' associated with planetary nebulae. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Twenty samples of hornblendes from rocks of 14 plutonic unitsin the central Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountains, California,have been studied in detail. Optical, density, single-crystaland powder X-ray diffraction, and major and minor element chemicaldata are reported. The compositions of the hornblendes show only limited correlationwith the chemistry of the rocks in which they occurred. Hornblendesfrom granitic rocks of the eastern Sierra Nevada and Inyo Mountainshave a wide range of tetrahedral aluminum content which is oftenas low as three-quarters of an atom per formula unit, whereashornblendes from younger granitic rocks elsewhere in the SierraNevada batholith contain more than one atom of tetrahedral aluminumper formula unit. Because an increase of aluminum in tetrahedralco-ordination is considered indicative of higher temperaturesof crystallization, the observed differences in the hornblendessuggest that older plutonic rocks of the batholith may havebeen metamorphosed regionally or may have been affected by widespreadhydrothermal action prior to consolidation of later graniticrocks.  相似文献   
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