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Rishi Kumar Tiwari 《中国天文和天体物理学报》2010,10(4)
Einstein's field equations with variable gravitational and cosmological constants are considered in the presence of perfect fluid for the Bianchi type-Ⅰ universe by assuming that the cosmological term is proportional to R-m(R is a scale factor and m is a constant).A variety of solutions are presented.The physical significance of the respective cosmological models are also discussed. 相似文献
Ashok Kumar 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》1999,27(1):13-22
Alaunja watershed, located on ‘Chotanagpur’ plateau of Bihar, is mainly under single cropping. The area receives more than 1000 mm of rainfall but it has not been utilised properly to increase the agricultural output. The remote sensing, geophysical, DBTM (Digital Basement Terrain Model) and GIS (Geographic information System) techniques were used for providing scientific database for sustainable utilisation of water resources in watershed perspective. The landuse, soil and surface water body maps have been prepared using remotely sensed data. DBTM has been generated based on depth of basement information derived from geophysical data to provide information regarding aquifer geometry, fracture zones and sub-surface basins. Analysis indicated that surface and groundwater resources have potential to irrigate 53 per cent of geographical area of the watershed. But at present, this available potential has been utilised only to irrigate 7.03 per cent area of the watershed. Feasibility for large scale development of groundwater through dugwell is possible only in 2 per cent area of the watershed. The available groundwater potential to irrigate 28 per cent area of watershed can not be utilised through dugwells. The surface water potential is also poorly utilised. The present study also helped in prioritising the water resource development activities. 相似文献
In the central Nepal Himalaya, landslides form the major natural hazards annually resulting in many casualties and damage. Structural as well as non-structural measures are in place to minimize the risk of landslide hazard. To reduce the landslide risk, a Landslide Early Warning System (LEWS) as a non-structural measure has been piloted at Sundrawati village (Kalinchowk rural municipality, Dolakha district) to identify its effectiveness. Intensive discussions with stakeholders, aided by landslide susceptibility map, resulted in a better understanding of surface dynamics and the relationship between rainfall and surface movement. This led to the development of a LEWS comprised of extensometers, soil moisture sensors, rain gauge stations, and solar panels as an energy source that blows siren receiving signals via a micro-controller and interfacing circuit. The data generated through the system is transmitted via a Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) network to responsible organizations in real-time to circulate the warning to local residents. This LEWS is user-friendly and can be easily operated by a community. The successful pilot early warning system has saved 495 people from 117 households in August 2018. However, landslide monitoring and dissemination of warning information remains a complex process where technical and communications skill should work closely together. 相似文献
MAHARJAN Seerjana SHRESTHA Bharat Babu JOSHI Mohan Dev DEVKOTA Anjana MUNIAPPAN Rangaswamy ADIGA Abhijin JHA Pramod Kumar 《山地科学学报》2019,43(10):2243-2256
Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) in central Nepal is known for its rich biodiversity and the landscape is expected to provide corridors for species range shift in response to climate change. Environmental assessments have identified biological invasions and other anthropogenic activities as major threats to the biodiversity in the CHAL. One of the rapidly spreading Invasive Alien Plant species (IAPs) in the CHAL is Parthenium hysterophorus L., a neotropical invasive weed of global significance. This study aimed to investigate the current and future projected suitable habitat of P. hysterophorus in the CHAL using MaxEnt modelling in three 相似文献
The field equations of Barber's (1982) second self-creation theory of gravitation are solved for 5D Friedmann-Robertson-Walker
space time using perfect fluid energy momentum tensor. By assuming an equation of state p= ε ρ, (0 ≤ ε ≤ 1), the solutions of the field equations, in different scenarios, in Barber's second self-creation theory
are presented and discussed. Some properties of these models are also discussed. 相似文献
K. K. Singh V. D. Mishra R. K. Garg 《Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing》2007,35(3):243-251
Snow cover is an important variable for climatic and hydrologic models due to its effects on surface albedo, energy, and moisture budgets. Passive microwave sensors can be used to monitor temporal and spatial variations in large-scale snow cover parameters, avoiding problems of cloud cover and polar nights. In the present study, brightness temperature values were estimated (using calibration curves) for moist snow on natural and blackbody/metal surface. TB response on snow depth, density, SWE and angular variation from nadir were measured and found that TB decreases with increase of snow depth and with increase of angle from nadir. Empirical relations were used to estimate emissivity, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor. It was observed that emissivity decreases with the increase of dielectric constant. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor both increases with the increase of density. Experiments were performed during winter of year 2005 at Dhundi and Solang (H.P.), India, using ground based passive microwave radiometer having 6.9 and 18.7 GHz antenna frequencies at dual polarization. 相似文献
Comparative analysis of contributing parameters for rainfall-triggered landslides in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
Ranjan Kumar Dahal Shuichi Hasegawa Minoru Yamanaka Santosh Dhakal Netra Prakash Bhandary Ryuichi Yatabe 《Environmental Geology》2009,58(3):567-586
In the Himalaya, people live in widely spread settlements and suffer more from landslides than from any other type of natural
disaster. The intense summer monsoons are the main factor in triggering landslides. However, the relations between landslides
and slope hydrology have not been a focal topic in Himalayan landslide research. This paper deals with the contributing parameters
for the rainfall-triggered landslides which occurred during an extreme monsoon rainfall event on 23 July 2002, in the south-western
hills of Kathmandu valley, in the Lesser Himalaya, Nepal. Parameters such as bedrock geology, geomorphology, geotechnical
properties of soil, and clay mineralogy are described in this paper. Landslide modeling was performed in SEEP/W and SLOPE/W
to understand the relationship of pore water pressure variations in soil layers and to determine the spatial variation of
landslide occurrence. Soil characteristics, low angle of internal friction of fines in soil, medium range of soil permeability,
presence of clay minerals in soil, bedrock hydrogeology, and human intervention were found to be the main contributing parameters
for slope failures in the region. 相似文献
Indra Bir Singh 《International Journal of Earth Sciences》1979,68(1):342-350
Based on the sedimentological studies and the distribution of fossil-bearing horizons in the Himalaya a new model for the evolution of Himalaya is visualized. It is proposed that the Lesser and Central Himalaya constitute an integral part of the Peninsular Indian shield. The unfossiliferous orthoquartzite-shale-carbonate sequences of Lesser and Central Himalaya represent Precambrian sediments, deposited in a shallow tidal sea. Within the Lesser Himalaya there are thin detached marine fossiliferous horizons of three ages, viz. Carboniferous-Permian, Jurassic-Cretaceous and Eocene, located in a narrow E-W running zone (Dogadda-Subathu Zone), representing deposits of three transgressions in this zone.This zone is analogous to the Narbada Valley zone of the Peninsular India, where rocks of Permian, Cretaceous and Eocene ages are present. This model properly explains the unfossiliferous nature of the Lesser Himalayan sediments and demands the northern limit of Indian Plate north of Himalaya.
Zusammenfassung Aufgrand sedimentologischer Untersuchungen und der Verteilung fossilführender Schichten im Himalaya wird ein neues Modell der Himalayaentwicklung dargestellt. Es wird angenommen, daß der Außen- und Zentralhimalaya fester Bestandteil des indischen Schildes waren. Die fossilleeren Abfolgen von Orthoquarziten, Tonen und Kalken des Außen- und Zentralhimalaya bestehen aus präkambrischen Sedimenten, die ehemals in einem Flachmeer unter Gezeiteneinfluß abgelagert wurden. Im Bereich des Außenhimalaya finden sich geringmächtige Einschaltungen mit mariner Fauna, die dem Permokarbon, Jura/Kreide und Eozän zuzuordnen sind. Sie liegen innerhalb einer schmalen E/W-verlaufenden Zone (Dogadda-Subathu Zone) und entsprechen 3 Transgressionen in diesem Gebiet.Diese Zone ist dem Narbada Valley-Bereich der indischen Halbinsel vergleichbar, wo ebenfalls Ablagerungen aus Perm, Kreide und Eozän angetroffen werden.Durch dieses Modell läßt sich die Art der fossilleeren Sedimente des Außenhimalaya erklären. Es führt zu der Annahme, daß die Nordgrenze der indischen Platte nördlich des Himalaya zu suchen ist.
Résumé Un nouveau modèle de l'évolution de l'Himalaya est présenté, basé sur des études sédimentologiques et sur la répartition des horizons fossilifères, suivant lequel l'Himalaya Central et Externe ferait intégralement partie du boncliez péninsulaire Indien.Les séquences non fossilifères d'orthoquartzites-schistes-carbonates de l'Himalaya Central et Externe représentent des sédiments précambriens déposés dans un environnement marin peu profond soumis aux marées. Dans la région de l'Himalaya Externe, on observe de minces intercalations fossiliferes marines correspondant à trois phases de transgression, au Permo-Carbonifére, au Jurassique-Crétacé et à l'Eocène. Ces horizons sont localisés dans une zone étroite, de direction E-W, la zone de Dogadda-Subathu.Cette zone est comparable à la Valleé de Narbada en Inde péninsulaire, qui comporte également des dépôts permiens, crétacés et éocènes. Le modèle propose permet d'expliquer la nature non fossilifère de la plupart des sédiments de l'Himalaya Externe et conduit á rechercher la limite Nord de la plaque indienne au Nord de l'Himalaya.
. , . , , - . , -, - . ( Dogadda-Subathu), E/W, , . Narbudu Valley , , . ; , .相似文献