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During the Variscan orogeny in Central Europe, partial melting in the lower continental crust formed granitic magmas, which intruded into the upper crust and left compounds of Ca (plus Eu2+), Mg, etc. in the lower crust. From the late Paleozoic decomposition of the tonalitic upper crust, sedimentary graywackes were produced reflecting the composition of this crust. The repeated reworking of the sedimentary cover caused the formation of sands. Sandstones as their products of consolidation contain increasing fractions of quartz and decreasing feldspar from Carboniferous and Triassic to Cretaceous age. A distinct negative Eu anomaly characterizes the majority of these rocks. The latter is imprinted by the Variscan magmatism. Quartz as used for numerous Medieval wood ash glasses is marked for its Central European origin by a distinct negative Eu anomaly in contrast to many soda glasses produced outside Germany mostly with a small or none Eu anomaly.  相似文献   
During the last two decades, there has been growing interest in the integration of existing ideas and data to produce new synthetic models and hypotheses leading to discovery and advancement in estuarine and coastal science. This essay offers an integrated definition of what is meant by synthesis research and discusses its importance for exploiting the rapid expansion of information availability and for addressing increasingly complex environmental problems. Approaches and methods that have been used in published synthetic coastal research are explored and a list of essential steps is developed to provide a foundation for conducting synthetic research. Five categories of methods used widely in coastal synthesis studies are identified: (1) comparative cross-system analysis, (2) analysis of time series data, (3) balance of cross-boundary fluxes, (4) system-specific simulation modeling, and (5) general systems simulation modeling. In addition, diverse examples are used to illustrate how these methods have been applied in previous studies. We discuss the urgent need for developing curricula for classroom and experiential teaching of synthesis in coastal science to undergraduate and graduate students, and we consider the societal importance of synthetic research to support coastal resource management and policy development. Finally, we briefly discuss the crucial challenges for future growth and development of synthetic approaches to estuarine and coastal research.  相似文献   
The Kapitan-Dimitrievo pluton was emplaced within the 15 km wide Maritsa shear zone during the Late Cretaceous. It has well-known U–Pb zircon age (78.54 ± 0.13 Ma) and appears as a late-syntectonic intrusion that marked the last ductile deformation in the Maritsa shear zone. Magnetite is believed to be the main carrier of the magnetic fabric in this pluton, and crystallized mainly late, after the main rock-forming minerals. Two fabrics are recorded, a visible syn-magmatic fabric (due to magma flow) and magnetic late-magmatic fabric (related to regional stresses). Although different, both are mainly related to the shearing along this shear zone. These results constrain in age the dextral strike-slip controlled emplacement and evolution of the Late Cretaceous plutons from Central Bulgaria.  相似文献   
The Isla Cristalina de Rivera crystalline complex in northeastern Uruguay underwent a multistage magmatic and metamorphic evolution. Based on SHRIMP U–Pb zircon, Th–U–Pb monazite (CHIME-EPMA method) and K–Ar age data from key units several events can be recognized: (1) multistage magmatism at 2,171–2,114?Ma, recorded on zircon of the granulitic orthogneisses and their 2,093–2,077?Ma overgrowths; (2) a distinct amphibolite facies metamorphism at ~1,980?Ma, recorded by monazite; (3) greenschist facies reworking and shearing at ca. 606?Ma (monazite and K–Ar on muscovite) along the Rivera Shear Zone, and finally (4) intrusion of the post-tectonic Sobresaliente and Las Flores granites at around 585?Ma. Lithological similarities, geographic proximity and coeval magmatic and metamorphic events indicate a similar tectonometamorphic evolution for the Isla Cristalina de Rivera, the Valentines Block in Uruguay and the Santa María Chico Granulitic Complex in southern Brazil, since at least 2.1?Ga.  相似文献   
Lowe et al. (Estuaries and Coasts, 34:630–639, 2011) hypothesized that juvenile southern flounder Paralichthys lethostigma (Jordan and Gilbert 1884) would migrate from the Gulf of Mexico into the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta (AL, USA) and use low-salinity (oligohaline/freshwater) habitats during, at least, a portion of their first year of life. Thus, they analyzed the Sr/Ca ratio profiles along the sagittal otoliths of southern flounder collected in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta and observed that one third of the flounders had low Sr/Ca levels in the otoliths’ core and throughout the otolith, suggesting that these fishes hatched in freshwater or low-salinity habitats where they spend the majority of their life. The other two thirds of southern flounder showed high levels of Sr/Ca ratio in the otoliths’ core following a marked decline of Sr/Ca ratio, which then maintained along the remainder of the otolith. This pattern was interpreted as larvae hatched in higher salinity waters before entering the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta; however, in this paper, I list several arguments to support an alternative interpretation for this pattern. I suggest that the high levels of Sr/Ca ratios in the otoliths’ core of southern flounder does not reflect the saline conditions where larvae hatched, instead it reflects the location where the female progenitor hydrated the eggs. Thus, adding my interpretation on the data of Lowe et al. (Estuaries and Coasts, 34:630–639, 2011), it seems that southern flounder might hatch in or near freshwater habitats and the migration of southern flounder into an estuarine ecosystem to spawn might exist.  相似文献   
The purpose of this work was to study the risks of water pollution due to the use of mixtures containing wood ash and sewage sludge. Mixtures including sludge and ash may be recycled as fertilizers, and they are economical as they do not integrate commercial limes, but Escherichia coli counts may keep significantly high in such mixtures, because their pH is not alkaline enough. In view of that, it seems interesting to study the E. coli survival in lixiviate from ash?Csludge mixtures including limes rather than from ash?Csludge mixtures alone. Two kinds of experiments were performed using laboratory column trials under saturated flow conditions. The first experiment investigated the chemical leaching behaviour of a mixture of 70% timber-industry wood ashes and 30% urban sewage sludge (% dry weight) at doses equivalent to 10 and 30?Mg/ha. The second experiment studied the survival of E. coli in lixiviates generated from 30?Mg/ha of a mixture consisting in 75% wood ash, 20% sewage sludge and 5% quicklime (% dry weight). In the first experiment, admixture of the ash and sludge achieved a stabilization of elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, nickle, carbon monoxide, cadmium, chromium and molybdenum that reduced their solubility compared with that in the ash or sludge alone. Significant solubilisation of heavy metals was not observed, with overall minor risk of chemical water pollution. In the second experiment, although including quicklime E. coli counts were still detected in the lixiviate, indicating risk of water contamination.  相似文献   
This paper presents the hydrological coupling of the software framework OpenGeoSys (OGS) with the EPA Storm Water Management Model (SWMM). Conceptual models include the Saint Venant equation for river flow, the 2D Darcy equations for confined and unconfined groundwater flow, a two-way hydrological coupling flux in a compartment coupling approach (conductance concept), and Lagrangian particles for solute transport in the river course. A SWMM river–OGS aquifer inter-compartment coupling flux is examined for discharging groundwater in a systematic parameter sensitivity analysis. The parameter study involves a small perturbation (first-order) sensitivity analysis and is performed for a synthetic test example base-by-base through a comprehensive range of aquifer parametrizations. Through parametrization, the test cases enables to determine the leakance parameter for simulating streambed clogging and non-ocillatory river-aquifer water exchange rates with the sequential (partitioned) coupling scheme. The implementation is further tested with a hypothetical but realistic 1D river–2D aquifer model of the Poltva catchment, where discharging groundwater in the upland area affects the river–aquifer coupling fluxes downstream in the river course (propagating feedbacks). Groundwater contribution in the moving river water is numerically determined with Lagrangian particles. A numerical experiment demonstrates that the integrated river–aquifer model is a serviceable and realistic constituent in a complete compartment model of the Poltva catchment.  相似文献   
One of the uncertainties in the field of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is caused by the parameterization of geochemical models. The application of geochemical models contributes significantly to calculate the fate of the CO2 after its injection. The choice of the thermodynamic database used, the selection of the secondary mineral assemblage as well as the option to calculate pressure dependent equilibrium constants influence the CO2 trapping potential and trapping mechanism. Scenario analyses were conducted applying a geochemical batch equilibrium model for a virtual CO2 injection into a saline Keuper aquifer. The amount of CO2 which could be trapped in the formation water and in the form of carbonates was calculated using the model code PHREEQC. Thereby, four thermodynamic datasets were used to calculate the thermodynamic equilibria. Furthermore, the equilibrium constants were re-calculated with the code SUPCRT92, which also applied a pressure correction to the equilibrium constants. Varying the thermodynamic database caused a range of 61% in the amount of trapped CO2 calculated. Simultaneously, the assemblage of secondary minerals was varied, and the potential secondary minerals dawsonite and K-mica were included in several scenarios. The selection of the secondary mineral assemblage caused a range of 74% in the calculated amount of trapped CO2. Correcting the equilibrium constants with respect to a pressure of 125 bars had an influence of 11% on the amount of trapped CO2. This illustrates the need for incorporating sensitivity analyses into reaction pathway modeling.  相似文献   
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