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The feasibility of using fluorescence excitation-emission matrix (EEM) along with parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC) and nonnegative least squares (NNLS) method for the differentiation of phytoplankton taxonomic groups was investigated. Forty-one phytoplankton species belonging to 28 genera of five divisions were studied. First, the PARAFAC model was applied to EEMs, and 15 fluorescence components were generated. Second, 15 fluorescence components were found to have a strong discriminating capability based on Bayesian discriminant analysis (BDA). Third, all spectra of the fluorescence component compositions for the 41 phytoplankton species were spectrographically sorted into 61 reference spectra using hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), and then, the reference spectra were used to establish a database. Finally, the phytoplankton taxonomic groups was differentiated by the reference spectra database using the NNLS method. The five phytoplankton groups were differentiated with the correct discrimination ratios (CDRs) of 100% for single-species samples at the division level. The CDRs for the mixtures were above 91% for the dominant phytoplankton species and above 73% for the subdominant phytoplankton species. Sixteen of the 85 field samples collected from the Changjiang River estuary were analyzed by both HPLC-CHEMTAX and the fluorometric technique developed. The results of both methods reveal that Bacillariophyta was the dominant algal group in these 16 samples and that the subdominant algal groups comprised Dinophyta, Chlorophyta and Cryptophyta. The differentiation results by the fluorometric technique were in good agreement with those from HPLC-CHEMTAX. The results indicate that the fluorometric technique could differentiate algal taxonomic groups accurately at the division level.  相似文献   
Debris flows and landslides, extensively developing and frequently occurring along Parlung Zangbo, seriously damage the Highway from Sichuan to Tiebt(G318) at Bomi County. The disastrous debris flows of the Tianmo Watershed on Sept. 4, 2007, July 25, 2010 and Sept. 4, 2010, blocked Parlung Zangbo River and produced dammed lakes, whose outburst flow made 50 m high terrace collapse at the opposite bank due to intense scouring on the foot of the terrace. As a result, the traffic was interrupted for 16 days in 2010 because that 900 m highway base was destructed and 430 m ruined. These debris flows were initiated by the glacial melting which was induced by continuous higher temperature and the following intensive rainfall, and expanded by moraines along channels and then blocked Parlung Zangbo. At the outlet of watershed,the density, velocity and peak discharge of debris flow was 2.06 t/m3, 12.7 m/s and 3334 m3/s, respectively. When the discharge at the outlet and the deposition volume into river exceeds 2125 m3/s and 126×103 m3, respectively, debris flow will completely blocked Parlung Zangbo. Moreover,if the shear stress of river flow on the foot of terrace and the inclination angel of terrace overruns 0. 377 N/m2 and 26°, respectively, the unconsolidated terrace will be eroded by outburst flow and collapse. It was strongly recommended for mitigation that identify and evade disastrous debris flows, reduce the junction angel of channels between river and watershed, build protecting wall for highway base and keep appropriate distance between highway and the edge of unconsolidated terrace.  相似文献   
平阴县位于济南市西南部,现辖6镇1乡1个办事处,346个行政村,36万人,全县总面积827km2,其中耕地面积3.12万hm2,山区滩区面积占90%左右,素有“六山三滩一平原”之称。平阴县坚持以科学发展观为统领,按照“政府调控管理,市场引导竞争,群众参与监督”的思路,开发与保护并重,开源与节流并举,土地开发整理工作成效显著。2000年以来,全县共实施土地开发整理项目95个,其中国家级1个,省级4个,市级17个,县级73个,总投资达到3.08亿元,建设总规模0.90万hm2,累计新增耕地0.24万hm2,耕地总量连续7年实现动态平衡,全县131个村的17万群众直接受益。1坚持“三…  相似文献   
水下磁性目标产生的磁场成为重要的水下目标非声探测信号源,因此对水下磁性目标的静磁场建模原理开展了研究。实现了均匀磁化的旋转椭球体模型和磁偶极子模型,并对2种模型在目标磁异常信号仿真上的适应性进行了分析。研究表明:相比于磁偶极子模型,旋转椭球体模型在传感器与目标距离较近时也能表现很好的适应性。由此,利用旋转椭球体模型,首先通过仿真计算构建了目标在不同运动速度状态下的近距离磁异常信号数据集,然后开展基于深度学习方法的水下磁性目标运动速度识别方法研究,最后识别效果在验证集和测试集上分别取得了0.17m/s和0.74m/s良好的误差精度,为后续目标的航向等状态识别奠定重要基础。  相似文献   
通过象山港水域的潮波运动数值模拟,分析了象山港M4分潮的生成和增长机制.结果说明,潮波传播中的非线性底摩擦效应是M4分潮生成和增长的主要控制因子,M4分潮在湾内的共振现象也起着重要的放大作用二平流效应在绝大部分区域中抑制了M4分潮的发展,只有在佛渡水道中一些岛屿周围极小区域内对M4分潮有增强作用.潮滩在湾内对M4分潮的影响极其微弱.  相似文献   
2008年河南持续低温、冻雨和暴雪成因   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
应用常规气象观测和1°×1°NCEP资料,分析了2008年1月中下旬河南持续低温、冻雨、暴雪的成因,结果表明:1月中下旬500 hPa极涡较历史同期明显偏东偏南,咸里海和孟加拉湾地区的高度明显偏低;冻雨出现时大气的温度垂直分布呈现中暖下冷的特征,存在明显的逆温层和>0 ℃的暖层;暴雪产生时底层东北风明显加大.极涡位置偏东,有利于极地冷空气不断沿贝加尔湖脊前西北气流南下,中纬环流东高西低,有利于孟加拉湾水汽持续向东北方向输送,两者是导致河南出现持续低温雨雪天气的主因.冻雨发生时上空需存在厚度超过500 m的暖层(t>0 ℃),暖层下有近2 000 m的t<0 ℃的冷层,且950-750 hPa大气相对湿度>90%.近地面东北急流的出现或东北风的加强,促进了低层的辐合或抬升,有助于垂直风切变加强和上升运动发展,对降水的加强有指示意义.  相似文献   
长江水下三角洲层序地层学研究有助于全面了解长江三角洲地层特征和沉积环境演化模式。通过对长江水下三角洲下切河谷区YD0901和YD0903孔岩心的详细沉积物粒度、特征元素比值(Cl/Ti和Zr/Rb)、沉积相对比分析,恢复了冰后期以来长江水下三角洲层序地层格架。研究区冰后期以来自下而上依次出现河流相、潮汐河流相、河口湾相、浅海相和三角洲相的沉积相序。末次冰期海平面下降,古长江形成下切河谷,古河间地发育硬黏土层,构成五级Ⅰ型层序界面。之后海平面回升,分别于15 cal ka BP和8.0 cal ka BP形成最大海退和最大海侵界面,水下三角洲区域最大海侵发生时间略滞后于平原区,约为7.5 cal ka BP。据此3个层序界面将冰后期地层划分为低位体系域、海侵体系域和高位体系域。钻孔岩心记录揭示了14.8 cal ka BP海侵到达研究区;14.8~13 cal ka BP期间,受MWP-1A冰融水事件影响海平面快速上升,海岸线向陆推进速率可达71.9,km/ka;海退期间各钻孔沉积速率较低,直至2 cal ka BP开始,沉积速率明显增加。  相似文献   
This exploratory study contributes to our knowledge about the relationships between interpersonal communication sources and risk perception regarding natural hazards. Survey data (N?=?186) from a small village in northwest China was used, and the correlations between eight types of interpersonal communication sources related to disaster risk reduction and the perceived severity and perceived likelihood of occurrence of eight types of natural hazards were explored. Past studies have suggested that interpersonal communication sources are more likely to influence individuals in their perceived severity of natural hazards than in their perceived likelihood of occurrence. The results of this study moderately corroborate this finding. The results indicated that different sources have different relationships to risk perception, as positive correlations were found between obtaining information via certain trained science professionals (science teachers, emergency responders, scientific experts) and certain natural hazard risk perceptions, while negative relationships were found between obtaining information via certain personal contacts (other villagers and relatives and friends) and certain natural hazard risk perceptions. However, the strength of these relationships was weak (??0.197?≥?r?≤? 0.245). Age showed statically significant correlations with the perceived severity of most of the natural hazards. Studies with more representative samples and controls for theoretical factors are needed to better understand how interpersonal communication sources affect individuals' natural hazard risk perceptions.  相似文献   
MD06-3050岩芯位于西菲律宾海吕宋岛以东本哈姆高原,利用钙质超微化石下透光带种属Florisphaera profunda占总颗石的相对丰度,恢复了中更新世以来该海区的上层水体结构演化特征。结果显示,西菲律宾海区自1040ka以来,温跃层/营养跃层经历了由浅—深—浅—深的长周期变动,可能是由于全球碳库的长周期变化对气候系统的大规模调整所致; 同时温跃层/营养跃层也具有明显的冰期-间冰期旋回性特征。温跃层变动的另一个重要特征是在中布容事件前后呈现出相反的冰期-间冰期变化趋势,认为可能是由东亚冬、夏季风强度变化引起。  相似文献   
对2003年2月10日至11日发生在南京的一次寒潮降温降雨(雪)的主要影响系统,如阻塞高压、高空槽、横槽、中低层暖式切变线、地面冷锋以及地面暖低压倒槽等进行了描述和分析,并对某些物理量进行了分析。分析得出:这次寒潮降温降雨(雪)天气是在高空500hPa乌拉尔山阻塞高压崩溃、巴尔喀什湖至准噶尔盆地的横槽转竖,冷空气从西北路径东移南下,中低层冷槽与暖式切变线接合以及地面冷锋切入暖低压倒槽等天气系统的作用下发生的,并归纳出此类天气预报的指示系统,对于做好寒潮天气预报具有指导作用。  相似文献   
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