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The dates of recession of eleven outlet glaciers of the Hielo Patagónico Norte (Northern Patagonian Icefield) from their recent maximum positions have been inferred from dendrochronology, lichenometry, radiocarbon dating and historical sources. We have refined the dating for part of the Little Ice Age period in this area placing a glacial advance to between AD 1650 and 1766 with the latter date favoured as conformable with historical records and an uncalibrated radiocarbon determination. Glacier recession from maximal positions began in the early 1860s–1870s. Recession was largely synchronous on the western and eastern sides of the Icefield. This synchronicity suggests that climate forcing over-rides second-order controls on glacier behaviour such as the nature of the terminal environment (e.g. calving/non-calving) or differences in glacier drainage basin area. We argue that this icefield-wide glacier recession represents a response to post-Little Ice Age warming, and provides further evidence for the global extent and near synchronous termination of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   
Microfossils have been critical in unravelling the complex postglacial history of Georgian Bay. Thecamoebians (testate amoebae/rhizopods) record paleolimnological conditions, and pollen stratigraphy allows correlation across the basin, where sedimentation has been spatially and temporally discontinuous. Because parts of Georgian Bay have been non-depositional or erosional since the end of the Nipissing transgression (~5,000 (5,800 cal) BP), early Holocene features are exposed on the lakebed. Among these are shoreline features, such as submerged beaches and relict channels, associated with low-level Lake Hough that was driven far below the level of basin overflow. Cores taken throughout Georgian Bay record the existence of closed basin conditions that persisted several centuries around 7,500 (8,300 cal) BP, corresponding to the late Lake Hough lowstand. Evidence for hydrologic closure includes a low-diversity centropyxid-dominated thecamoebian fauna around the boundary between pollen subzones 2a and 2b in the Flowerpot Beach core, Flowerpot and Killarney basins, and in Severn Sound. This low-diversity centropyxid-dominated fauna is interpreted as recording the development of slightly brackish conditions as a result of a hydrologic deficit associated with relatively arid conditions in the Great Lakes basin during the early Holocene pine zone (~8,800–7,200 (9,900–8,050 cal) BP). The rest of the Holocene record in Georgian Bay (where it is preserved) is more diverse and dominated by difflugiid thecamoebians: predominantly Difflugia oblonga prior to human settlement, and Cucurbitella tricuspis since high-density human occupation and agriculture (and resulting eutrophication) began with the Wendat First Nations people around Severn Sound about 750 years ago. The implication that water budget fluctuations leading to discernible variations in lake level and water chemistry occurred in the relatively recent geologic past is significant to studies of global climate change and resource management in the Great Lakes, one of the world’s largest freshwater resources.  相似文献   
Through the interconnectedness of global business, the local consumption of products and services is intervening in the hydrological cycle throughout the world to an unprecedented extent. In order to address the unsustainable use of global freshwater resources, indicators are needed which make the impacts of production systems and consumption patterns transparent. In this paper, a revised water footprint calculation method, incorporating water stress characterisation factors, is presented and demonstrated for two case study products, Dolmio® pasta sauce and Peanut M&M's® using primary production data. The method offers a simple, yet meaningful way of making quantitative comparisons between products, production systems and services in terms of their potential to contribute to water scarcity. As such, capacity is created for change through public policy as well as corporate and individual action. This revised method represents an alternative to existing volumetric water footprint calculation methods which combine green and blue water consumption from water scarce and water abundant regions such that they give no clear indication about where the actual potential for harm exists.  相似文献   
The properties of underluminous Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) of the 91bg subclass have yet to be theoretically understood. Here, we take a closer look at the structure of the dim SN Ia 2005bl. We infer the abundance and density profiles needed to reproduce the observed spectral evolution between −6 d and  +12.9 d  with respect to B maximum. Initially, we assume the density structure of the standard explosion model W7; then we test whether better fits to the observed spectra can be obtained using modified density profiles with different total masses and kinetic energies. Compared to normal SNe Ia, we find a lack of burning products especially in the rapidly expanding outer layers  ( v ≳ 15 000 km s−1)  . The zone between ∼8500 and 15 000 km s−1 is dominated by oxygen and includes some amount of intermediate-mass elements. At lower velocities, intermediate-mass elements dominate. This holds down to the lowest zones investigated in this work. This fact, together with negligible-to-moderate abundances of Fe-group elements, indicates large-scale incomplete Si burning or explosive O burning, possibly in a detonation at low densities. Consistently with the reduced nucleosynthesis, we find hints of a kinetic energy lower than that of a canonical SN Ia: the spectra strongly favour reduced densities at  ≳13 000 km s−1  compared to W7, and are very well fitted using a rescaled W7 model with original mass  (1.38 M)  , but a kinetic energy reduced by ∼30 per cent (i.e. from  1.33 × 1051  to  0.93 × 1051 erg  ).  相似文献   
The chemical and isotopic composition of pore fluids is presented for five deep-rooted mud volcanoes aligned on a transect across the Gulf of Cadiz continental margin at water depths between 350 and 3860 m. Generally decreasing interstitial Li concentrations and 87Sr/86Sr ratios with increasing distance from shore are attributed to systematically changing fluid sources across the continental margin. Although highest Li concentrations at the near-shore mud volcanoes coincide with high salinities derived from dissolution of halite and late-stage evaporites, clayey, terrigenous sediments are identified as the ultimate Li source to all pore fluids investigated. Light δ7Li values, partly close to those of hydrothermal vent fluids (δ7Li: +11.9‰), indicate that Li has been mobilized during high-temperature fluid/sediment or fluid/rock interactions in the deep sub-surface. Intense leaching of terrigenous clay has led to radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7106) in pore fluids of the near-shore mud volcanoes. In contrast, non-radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7075) at the distal locations are attributed to admixing of a basement-derived fluid component, carrying an isotopic signature from interaction with the basaltic crust. This inference is substantiated by temperature constraints from Li isotope equilibrium calculations suggesting exchange processes at particularly high temperatures (>200 °C) for the least radiogenic pore fluids of the most distal location.Advective pore fluids in the off-shore reaches of the Gulf of Cadiz are influenced by successive exchange processes with both oceanic crust and terrigenous, fine-grained sediments, resulting in a chemical and isotopic signature similar to that of fluids in near-shore ridge flank hydrothermal systems. This suggests that deep-rooted mud volcanoes in the Gulf of Cadiz represent a fluid pathway intermediate between mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal vent and shallow, marginal cold seep. Due to the thicker sediment coverage and slower fluid advection rates, the overall geochemical signature is shifted towards the sediment-diagenetic signal compared to ridge flank hydrothermal environments.  相似文献   
Otavite, witherite, calcite, strontianite, hydrozincite and hydrocerussite nucleation was induced by CO2 diffusion through a polyethylene membrane into a metal bearing solution. Nucleation and ongoing precipitation was followed at 25 ± 1 °C by the chemical evolution of the solution and the consumption of sodium hydroxide (pH-stat conditions). X-ray diffraction patterns as well as FT-infrared and Raman spectra confirmed the formation of well crystallized solids, except for less crystalline hydrozincite. In several experiments simonkolleite and laurionite precipitated concurrently with hydrozincite and hydrocerussite. The carbonate end-member minerals, smithsonite and cerussite, however were not formed. Carbonate minerals crystallized as spherical aggregates of thin layered otavite, spherical orientated witherite needles, rhombohedral calcite, pseudo-hexagonal strontianite laths, fibrous lumps of hydrozincite and planar hexagonal hydrocerussite crystals. Crystal and aggregate sizes range between 1 and 100 μm. Nucleation occurred at well defined reaction times and distinct critical supersaturation indices (SIcrit). The time for nucleation at constant pH decreased as the initial metal concentration increased for a given solid. The SIcrit values decreased in the order of hydrocerussite (3.2), otavite (2.5), strontianite (1.6), witherite (0.9) and calcite (0.7).  相似文献   
The fronts of two rock glaciers located in South Tyrol (Italian Alps) failed on 13 August 2014, initiating debris flows in their downslope channels. A multimethod approach including climate, meteorological, and ground temperature data analysis, aerial image correlation, as well as geotechnical testing and modeling, led to the reconstruction of the two events. An integrated investigation of static predisposing factors, slowly changing preparatory factors, and potential triggering events shed light on the most likely reasons for such failures. Our results suggest that the occurrence of front destabilization at the two rock glaciers can only partly be explained by the occurrence of heavy rainfall events. Indeed, antecedent hydrological and thermal ground conditions were characterized by a saturated active layer favored by a snow-rich winter and extensive precipitation in late spring and summer. Also, the rising trend of air temperature during spring and summer months since 1950s might explain the concurrent marked displacement of the two rock glaciers. Indeed, geotechnical investigations have provided strong indications that one of the investigated rock glacier fronts was at a marginally stable state prior to 2014. As rainfall events more intense than the one that occurred in August 2014 were previously recorded in the same area without resulting failures at the studied rock glaciers, we propose that both predisposing and preparatory destabilizing factors have played a key role in the 2014 rock glacier front failures.  相似文献   
The surface of Enceladus consists almost completely of water ice. As the band depths of water ice absorptions are sensitive to the size of particles, absorptions can be used to map variations of icy particles across the surface. The Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer (VIMS) observed Enceladus with a high spatial resolution during three Cassini flybys in 2005 (orbits EN 003, EN 004 and EN 011). Based on these data we measured the band depths of water ice absorptions at 1.04, 1.25, 1.5, and 2 μm. These band depths were compared to water ice models that represent theoretically calculated reflectance spectra for a range of particle diameters between 2 μm and 1 mm. The agreement between the experimental (VIMS) and model values supports the assumption that pure water ice characterizes the surface of Enceladus and therefore that variations in band depth correspond to variations in water ice particle diameters. Our measurements show that the particle diameter of water ice increases toward younger tectonically altered surface units with the largest particles exposed in relatively “fresh” surface material. The smallest particles were generally found in old densely cratered terrains. The largest particles (∼0.2 mm) are concentrated in the so called “tiger stripes” at the south pole. In general, the particle diameters are strongly correlated with geologic features and surface ages, indicating a stratigraphic evolution of the surface that is caused by cryovolcanic resurfacing and impact gardening.  相似文献   
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