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Cholera has been a public health burden in Ghana since the early 1970s. Between 1999 and 2005, a total of 25,636 cases and 620 deaths were officially reported to the WHO. In one of the worst affected urban cities, fecal contamination of surface water is extremely high, and the disease is reported to be prevalent among inhabitants living in close proximity to surface water bodies. Surface runoff from dump sites is a major source of fecal and bacterial contamination of rivers and streams in the study area. This study aims to determine (a) the impacts of surface water contamination on cholera infection and (b) detect and map arbitrary shaped clusters of cholera. A Geographic Information System (GIS) based spatial analysis is used to delineate potential reservoirs of the cholera vibrios; possibly contaminated by surface runoff from open space refuse dumps. Statistical modeling using OLS model reveals a significant negative association between (a) cholera prevalence and proximity to all the potential cholera reservoirs (R2 = 0.18, p < 0.001) and (b) cholera prevalence and proximity to upstream potential cholera reservoirs (R2 = 0.25, p < 0.001). The inclusion of spatial autoregressive coefficients in the OLS model reveals the dependency of the spatial distribution of cholera prevalence on the spatial neighbors of the communities. A flexible scan statistic identifies a most likely cluster with a higher relative risk (RR = 2.04, p < 0.01) compared with the cluster detected by circular scan statistic (RR = 1.60, p < 0.01). We conclude that surface water pollution through runoff from waste dump sites play a significant role in cholera infection.  相似文献   
Object‐oriented (OO) image analysis provides an efficient way to generate vector‐format land‐cover and land‐use maps from remotely sensed images. Such image‐derived vector maps, however, are generally presented with congested and twisted polygons with step‐like boundaries. They include unclassified polygons and polygons with geometric conflicts such as unreadable small areas and narrow corridors. The complex and poorly readable representations usually make such maps not comply well with the Gestalt principle of cartography. This article describes a framework designed to improve the representation by resolving these problematic polygons. It presents a polygon similarity model integrating semantic, geometric and spectral characteristics of the image‐derived polygons to eliminate small and unclassified polygons. In addition, an outward‐inward‐buffering approach is presented to resolve the narrow‐corridor conflicts of a polygon and improve its overall appearance. A case study demonstrates that the implementation of the framework reduces the number of the polygons by 32% and the length of the polygon boundaries by 20%. At the same time, it does not cause distinct changes the distribution of land‐use types (less than 0.05%) and the overall accuracy (decreased only 0.02%) as compared with the original image‐derived land‐use maps. We conclude that the presented framework and models effectively improve the overall representation of image‐derived maps without distinct changes in their semantic characteristics and accuracy.  相似文献   
Host rocks to the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit in northern Sweden are strongly altered and deformed Early Proterozoic mica(-amphibole) schists and gneisses. The deposit is characterised by numerous mineralisation styles, vein and alteration types. Four samples were selected for Re–Os molybdenite dating and 12 samples for U–Pb titanite dating in order to elucidate the magmatic/hydrothermal and metamorphic history following primary ore deposition in the Aitik Cu–Au–Ag deposit. Samples represent dyke, vein and alteration assemblages from the ore zone, hanging wall and footwall to the deposit. Re–Os dating of molybdenite from deformed barite and quartz veins yielded ages of 1,876±10 Ma and 1,848±8 Ma, respectively. A deformed pegmatite dyke yielded a Re–Os age of 1,848±6 Ma, and an undeformed pegmatite dyke an age of 1,728±7 Ma. U–Pb dating of titanite from a diversity of alteration mineral associations defines a range in ages between 1,750 and 1,805 Ma with a peak at ca. 1,780 Ma. The ages obtained, together with previous data, bracket a 160-Ma (1,890–1,730 Ma) time span encompassing several generations of magmatism, prograde to peak metamorphism, and post-peak cooling; events resulting in the redistribution and addition of metals to the deposit. This multi-stage evolution of the Aitik ore body suggests that the deposit was affected by several thermal events that ultimately produced a complex ore body. The Re–Os and U–Pb ages correlate well with published regional Re–Os and U–Pb age clusters, which have been tied to major magmatic, hydrothermal, and metamorphic events. Primary ore deposition at ca. 1,890 Ma in connection with intrusion of Haparanda granitoids was followed by at least four subsequent episodes of metamorphism and magmatism. Early metamorphism at 1,888–1,872 Ma overlapping with Haparanda (1,890–1,880 Ma) and Perthite-monzonite (1,880–1,870 Ma) magmatism clearly affected the Aitik area, as well as late metamorphism and Lina magmatism at 1,810–1,774 Ma and TIB1 magmatism at 1,800 Ma. The 1,848 Ma Re–Os ages obtained from molybdenite in a quartz vein and pegmatite dyke suggests that the 1,850 Ma magmatism recorded in parts of northern Norrbotten also affected the Aitik area.  相似文献   
The ACIS front-illuminated CCDs on board the Chandra X-Ray Observatory were damaged in the extreme environment of the Earth's radiation belts, resulting in enhanced charge transfer inefficiency (CTI). This produces a row dependence in gain, event grade, and energy resolution. We model the CTI as a function of input photon energy, including the effects of detrapping (charge trailing), shielding within an event (charge in the leading pixels of the 3x3 event island protects the rest of the island by filling traps), and nonuniform spatial distribution of traps. This technique cannot fully recover the degraded energy resolution, but it reduces the position dependence of gain and grade distributions. By correcting the grade distributions as well as the event amplitudes, we can improve the instrument's quantum efficiency. We outline our model for CTI correction and discuss how the corrector can improve astrophysical results derived from ACIS data.  相似文献   
We compare horizontal velocities, vertical magnetic fields, and the evolution of trees of fragmenting granules (TFG, also named families of granules) derived in the quiet Sun at disk center from observations at solar minimum and maximum of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT on board Hinode) and results of a recent 3D numerical simulation of the magneto-convection. We used 24-hour sequences of a 2D field of view (FOV) with high spatial and temporal resolution recorded by the SOT Broad band Filter Imager (BFI) and Narrow band Filter Imager (NFI). TFG were evidenced by segmentation and labeling of continuum intensities. Horizontal velocities were obtained from local correlation tracking (LCT) of proper motions of granules. Stokes V provided a proxy of the line-of-sight magnetic field (BLOS). The MHD simulation (performed independently) produced granulation intensities, velocity, and magnetic field vectors. We discovered that TFG also form in the simulation and show that it is able to reproduce the main properties of solar TFG: lifetime and size, associated horizontal motions, corks, and diffusive index are close to observations. The largest (but not numerous) families are related in both cases to the strongest flows and could play a major role in supergranule and magnetic network formation. We found that observations do not reveal any significant variation in TFG between solar minimum and maximum.  相似文献   
The Solar Dynamics Observatory/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (SDO/HMI) filtergrams, taken at six wavelengths around the Fe i 6173.3 Å line, contain information about the line-of-sight velocity over a range of heights in the solar atmosphere. Multi-height velocity inferences from these observations can be exploited to study wave motions and energy transport in the atmosphere. Using realistic convection-simulation datasets provided by the STAGGER and MURaM codes, we generate synthetic filtergrams and explore several methods for estimating Dopplergrams. We investigate at which height each synthetic Dopplergram correlates most strongly with the vertical velocity in the model atmospheres. On the basis of the investigation, we propose two Dopplergrams other than the standard HMI-algorithm Dopplergram produced from HMI filtergrams: a line-center Dopplergram and an average-wing Dopplergram. These two Dopplergrams correlate most strongly with vertical velocities at the heights of 30?–?40 km above (line center) and 30?–?40 km below (average wing) the effective height of the HMI-algorithm Dopplergram. Therefore, we can obtain velocity information from two layers separated by about a half of a scale height in the atmosphere, at best. The phase shifts between these multi-height Dopplergrams from observational data as well as those from the simulated data are also consistent with the height-difference estimates in the frequency range above the photospheric acoustic-cutoff frequency.  相似文献   
Remotely sensed images as a major data source to observe the earth, have been extensively integrated into spatial-temporal analysis in environmental research. Information on spatial distribution and spatial-temporal dynamic of natural entities recorded by series of images, however, usually bears various kinds of uncertainties. To deepen our insight into the uncertainties that are inherent in these observations of natural phenomena from images, a general data modeling methodology is developed to embrace different kinds of uncertainties. The aim of this paper is to propose a random set method for uncertainty modeling of spatial objects extracted from images in environmental study. Basic concepts of random set theory are introduced and primary random spatial data types are defined based on them. The method has been applied to dynamic wetland monitoring in the Poyang Lake national nature reserve in China. Four Landsat images have been used to monitor grassland and vegetation patches. Their broad gradual boundaries are represented by random sets, and their statistical mean and median are estimated. Random sets are well suited to estimate these boundaries. We conclude that our method based on random set theory has a potential to serve as a general framework in uncertainty modeling and is applicable in a spatial environmental analysis.  相似文献   
We report high-precision 44Ca/40Ca measurements (2σm < 0.06‰) of Hawaiian shield stage tholeiites. Our data reveal ∼0.3‰ variation in their 44Ca/40Ca, which comprises ∼20% of the 44Ca/40Ca variation observed in global carbonates. The 44Ca/40Ca variation is correlated with Sr/Nb and 87Sr/86Sr, and this pattern is best explained by adding up to 4% ancient carbonate into the Hawaiian plume. Mass-balance calculations show that up to 40% of the Ca budget and 65% of the Sr budget in some Hawaiian (Makapuu-stage Koolau) lavas are derived from recycled carbonates. Our finding demonstrates, for the first time with the application of Ca isotopes, that ancient recycled carbonates are important components of mantle plumes which feed some of the largest terrestrial volcanoes. Thus, recycling of carbonates into the mantle is an essential part of the global Ca and C cycles.  相似文献   
Lessons that employ authentic environmental data can enhance the ability of students to understand fundamental science concepts. This differs from traditional "environmental education" in that school curricula need not set aside time for educators to teach only environmental topics. Rather, the "environment" is used to advance student learning in science and technology. The success of this approach depends on programs that encourage scientists to communicate more effectively with teachers at all education levels. The expanding diversity of research and monitoring activities on the world's marine waters constitutes an outstanding potential education resource. Many of these projects involve remote sensing with sophisticated instrumentation and employ Internet technology to compile measurements, interpret data using graphs and satellite imagery, and share the results among scientific colleagues and the general public alike. Unfortunately, these resources, which constitute a much shortened path between research findings and textbook presentation, are seldom interpreted for use by K-12 educators. We have developed an example that uses the Chesapeake Bay as a paradigm to demonstrate how such interpretation can assist educators in teaching important principles in physical oceanography and marine ecology. We present this example using PowerPoint to conduct a virtual tour of selected Internet sources. Our example begins with the conceptual "salt wedge" circulation model of Chesapeake Bay as a partially mixed estuary. Teachers have the opportunity to explore this model using salinity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen data taken from a research vessel platform during summer professional development programs. This source of authentic data, originally obtained by teachers themselves, clearly demonstrates the presence of a picnocline and deep-water anoxia. Our lesson plan proceeds to interpret these data using additional Internet-based resources at increasing scales of time and space. The "salt wedge," picnocline, and anoxia are examined using graphics derived from data taken by researchers using "ScanFish," a towed instrument that samples temperature, salinity, and dissolved oxygen at a resolution of only a few meters vertically and horizontally. The seasonal dynamics of these parameters at a given location are interpreted using biweekly monitoring data obtained as part of the state-federal Chesapeake Bay Program. The influence of annual variations in freshwater input is examined using stream flow data from US. Geological Survey gauging stations. Satellite remote sensing images from the TOPEX/Poseidon project are used to show how El Ni?o and La Ni?a events in the mid-Pacific affect the Chesapeake Bay system via rainfall on its watershed. Finally, the life cycle of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) is presented to show how an estuarine organism has adapted to this truly unique and dynamic coastal environment.  相似文献   
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