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We have developed a new approach for the numerical modeling of deformation processes combining brittle fracture and viscous flow. The new approach is based on the combination of two meshless particle-based methods: the discrete element method (DEM) for the brittle part of the model and smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for the viscous part. Both methods are well established in their respective application domains. The two methods are coupled at the particle scale, with two different coupling mechanisms explored: one is where DEM particles act as virtual SPH particles and one where SPH particles are treated like DEM particles when interacting with other DEM particles. The suitability of the combined approach is demonstrated by applying it to two geological processes, boudinage, and hydrofracturing, which involve the coupled deformation of a brittle solid and a viscous fluid. Initial results for those applications show that the new approach has strong potential for the numerical modeling of coupled brittle–viscous deformation processes.  相似文献   
A geological feature in the Qaidam Basin known as the “Shell Bar” contains millions of freshwater clam shells buried in situ. Since the 1980s, this feature in the now hyper-arid basin has been interpreted to be lake deposits that provide evidence for a warmer and more humid climate than present during late marine isotope stage 3 (MIS 3). Global climate during late MIS 3 and the last glacial maximum, however, was cold and dry, with much lower sea levels. We re-investigated the feature geomorphologically and sedimentologically, and employed optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to verify the chronology of the sediments. We interpret the Shell Bar to be a remnant of a river channel formed by a stream that ran across an exposed lake bed during a regressive lake phase. Deflation of the surrounding older, fine-grained lacustrine deposits has left the fluvial channel sediments topographically inverted, indicating the erosive nature of the landscape. Luminescence ages place the formation of the Shell Bar in MIS 5 (~113–99 ka), much older than previous radiocarbon ages of <40 ka BP, but place the paleoclimatic inferences more in accord with other regional and global climate proxy records. We present a brief review of the age differences derived from 14C and OSL dating of some critical sections that were thought to represent a warmer and more humid climate than present during late MIS 3. We attribute the differences to underestimation of 14C ages. We suggest that 14C ages older than ~25 ka BP may require re-investigation, especially dates on samples from arid regions.  相似文献   
The Tibetan Plateau is a region that is highly sensitive to recent global warming, but the complexity and heterogeneity of its mountainous landscape can result in variable responses. In addition, the scarcity and brevity of regional instrumental and palaeoecological records still hamper our understanding of past and present patterns of environmental change. To investigate how the remote, high-alpine environments of the Nianbaoyeze Mountains, eastern Tibetan Plateau, are affected by climate change and human activity over the last ~600 years, we compared regional tree-ring studies with pollen and diatom remains archived in the dated sediments of Dongerwuka Lake (33.22°N, 101.12°E, 4,307 m a.s.l.). In agreement with previous studies from the eastern Tibetan Plateau, a strong coherence between our two juniper-based tree-ring chronologies from the Nianbaoyeze and the Anemaqin Mountains was observed, with pronounced cyclical variations in summer temperature reconstructions. A positive directional trend to warmer summer temperatures in the most recent decades, was, however, not observed in the tree-ring record. Likewise, our pollen and diatom spectra showed minimal change over the investigated time period. Although modest, the most notable change in the diatom relative abundances was a subtle decrease in the dominant planktonic Cyclotella ocellata and a concurrent increase in small, benthic fragilarioid taxa in the ~1820s, suggesting higher ecosystem variability. The pollen record subtly indicates three periods of increased cattle grazing activity (~1400–1480 AD, ~1630–1760 AD, after 1850 AD), but shows generally no significant vegetation changes during past ~600 years. The minimal changes observed in the tree-ring, diatom and pollen records are consistent with the presence of localised cooling centres that are evident in instrumental and tree-ring data within the southeastern and eastern Tibetan Plateau. Given the minor changes in regional temperature records, our complacent palaeoecological profiles suggest that climatically induced ecological thresholds have not yet been crossed in the Nianbaoyeze Mountains region.  相似文献   
An initial characterization of the L5 and S-Band navigation signals transmitted by the first satellite of the Indian regional navigation satellite system (IRNSS) is presented. In the absence of a public signal specification, a 30 m high-gain antenna has been used to record the signal spectrum and the modulated chip sequences. For the IRNSS standard positioning service, use of a Gold ranging code is confirmed and relevant shift register parameters for the two frequencies are identified. Based on a prototype receiver, L5 single-frequency code and phase observations of IRNSS-1A have also been collected. The tracking performance is described, and the measurements are used to characterize the short-term clock stability of IRNSS-1A.  相似文献   
Zirconium (Zr), together with strontium and yttrium, is an important element in the understanding of the Galactic nucleosynthesis. In fact, the triad Sr‐Y‐Zr constitutes the first peak of s‐process elements. Despite its general relevance not many studies of the solar abundance of Zr were conducted. We derive the zirconium abundance in the solar photosphere with the same CO5BOLD hydrodynamical model of the solar atmosphere that we previously used to investigate the abundances of C‐N‐O. We review the zirconium lines available in the observed solar spectra and select a sample of lines to determine the zirconium abundance, considering lines of neutral and singly ionised zirconium. We apply different line profile fitting strategies for a reliable analysis of Zr lines that are blended by lines of other elements. The abundance obtained from lines of neutral zirconium is very uncertain because these lines are commonly blended and weak in the solar spectrum. However, we believe that some lines of ionised zirconium are reliable abundance indicators. Restricting the set to Zr II lines, from the CO5BOLD 3D model atmosphere we derive A (Zr) = 2.62 ± 0.06, where the quoted error is the RMS line‐to‐line scatter (© 2011 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
A vibrocore from the sea floor of the southern North Sea provides a ~1,500-year record of early Holocene vegetation history and mire development in a landscape now 33 m below sea-level. Pollen, plant macrofossil and geochemical analyses of an AMS 14C dated sand–peat–marine mud sequence document the paludification on Pleistocene sands ~10,700 cal BP, the subsequent development of eutraphentic carr vegetation and the gradual inundation by the transgressing sea ~9,350 cal BP. PinusCorylus woodland prevailed on terrestrial grounds after hazel had immigrated ~10,700 cal BP. Salix dominated the carr vegetation throughout 1,300 years of peat formation, because Alnus did not spread in the Borkum Riffgrund area until 9,300 BP. Brackish reed vegetation with Phragmites established after inundation and siliciclastic marine sediments were being deposited. This article also examines the detection and suitability of key horizons indicative of marine influence. XRF-Scanning provides the most detailed results in the briefest possible time to pinpoint spectra best suitable for AMS 14C dating of classical key horizons such as start of peat formation and transgressive contact. The combined application of botanical and geochemical methods allows determining new key horizons indicative of marine influence, namely the earliest marine inundation and the onset of sea-level influence on coastal ground water level.  相似文献   
Amarga Lagoon, lat. 50°29 S and long. 73°45 S, it is located at the Torres del Paine National Park, Chile. The physical, chemical, and biological features of the lake were studied. According to salinity, the lake is mesosaline. Sodium and chloride were the dominant ions. Nitrogen was potentially limiting for phytoplankton growth. One Cyanophyceae species andArtemia were the predominant species in the plankton.Artemia provided abundant food for flamingoes.  相似文献   
This is the fourth installment in a series of papers on the Asturian (Westphalian D) disrupted mire margins, termed the “ragged edge” in previous papers, and limestone distributions in the Herrin–Baker coal interval in the Western Kentucky extension of the Illinois Basin. New data, indicating in-situ peat development and marine influence, collected from the first in-mine exposure of this interval are presented. Borehole data from the region are examined in the context of “ragged edge” exposures and a carbonate platform depositional model for this portion of the Illinois Basin is presented. This shows that deposition of the sequence was influenced both by the underlying sediments and by a marine transgression. The former influence is seen in variations in coal and limestone thickness over sandstone-filled channels versus over shale bayfill deposits. The latter is marked by the progressive upwards loss of coal benches (i.e., the bottom bench of both coals is the most extensive and the Herrin coal is more extensive than the overlying Paradise coal) and by marine partings in both coals. Further, the brecciated margins seen in both coal seams are similar to brecciated peats encountered along the Everglades margins of Southwest Florida. Overall coal distributions are similar to both those along the Everglades margins and those along a transect from the Belize coast to Ambergis Caye.  相似文献   
The solubility of bunsenite (NiO) in Cl-bearing fluids in the range of 450°–700°C, 1–2 kbar was determined using the Ag + AgCl acid buffer technique. Based on the results of the experiments, it is concluded that the associated NiCl02 complex is the dominant Ni species in the fluid over the entire temperature-pressure range investigated. The temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant for the reaction NiO(s) + 2HCl0(aq) = NiCl02(aq) + H2O is given by logK = ?4.17(±0.55) + 4629(±464)/T(K) at 1 kbar, and logK = ?4.75(±0.91) + 5933(±756)/T(K) at 2 kbar. The calculated difference in standard state Gibbs free energy of formation between NiCl02 and 2HCl0 in kcal is G0(NiCl02) ? 2G0(HCl0) = ?20.77(±2.22) + 0.03264(±0.0026)T(K), at 1 kbar and G0(NiCl02) ? 2G0(HCl0) = ?25.01(±1.35) + 0.03264(±0.0016)T(K) at 2 kbar. Comparison of the solubilities of Ni end-member minerals with those of Ca, Mn, Fe, and Mg indicates that nickel minerals generally are the least soluble at a given temperature and pressure. The relatively low solubility of Ni end-member minerals, combined with the relatively low concentration of Ni in most rocks, should result in a quite low mobility of Ni in hydrothermal fluids.  相似文献   
1 IntroductionKingGeorgeIsland (SouthShetlandIslands,Antarctica)isoneofthemostdenselypopulatedar easinAntarctica .Permanentstationsofninediffer entnationsandanairstripsuitableforhugeair craftsarelocatedonitsicefreeareas.Theseareascompriselessthan 5%oftheisl…  相似文献   
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