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Isaac Larbi Emmanuel Obuobie Anne Verhoef Stefan Julich Karl-Henz Feger Aymar Yaovi Bossa 《水文科学杂志》2020,65(13):2196-2209
ABSTRACT The need for a detailed investigation of the Vea catchment water balance components cannot be overemphasized due to its accelerated land-cover dynamics and the associated impacts on the hydrological processes. This study assessed the possible consequences of land-use change scenarios (i.e. business as usual, BAU, and afforestation for the year 2025) compared to the 2016 baseline on the Vea catchment’s water balance components using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model. The data used include daily climate and discharge, soil and land use/land cover maps. The results indicate that the mean annual water yield may increase by 9.1% under the BAU scenario but decrease by 2.7% under the afforestation scenario; actual evapotranspiration would decrease under BAU but increase under afforestation; and groundwater recharge may increase under both scenarios but would be more pronounced under the afforestation scenario. These outcomes highlight the significance of land-cover dynamics in water resource management and planning at the catchment. 相似文献
Veit Nottebaum Frank Lehmkuhl Georg Stauch Kai Hartmann Bernd Wünnemann Stefan Schimpf Huayu Lu 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2014,39(14):1960-1978
Sediment distribution is investigated applying grain size analysis to 279 surface samples from the transitional zone between high mountains (Qilian Shan) and their arid forelands (Hexi Corridor) in north‐western China. Six main sediment types were classified. Medium scale (103 m) geomorphological setting is carefully considered as it may play an important role concerning sediment supply and availability. A tripartite distribution of sedimentological landscape units along the mountain to foreland transition is evident. Aeolian sediments (e.g. loess and dune sands) are widespread. They are used to identify aeolian transport pathways. The mU/fS‐ratio (5–11 µm/48–70 µm) among primary loess opposes the two grain size fractions being most sensitive to varying accumulation conditions. The first fraction is attributed to long‐distance transport in high suspension clouds whereas the latter represents local transport in saltation mode. The ratio shows strong correlation with elevation (R2 = 0.77). Thus, it indicates a relatively higher far‐traveled dust supply in mountainous areas (>3000 m above sea level [a.s.l.]) compared to the foreland. The contribution of westerlies to high mountain loess deposits is considered likely. Hereby, the influence of the geomorphological setting on grain size composition of aeolian sediments becomes apparent: the contribution from distant dust sources is ubiquitous in the study area. However, the far‐distance contribution may be reduced by the availability of fine sand provided in low topography settings. Plain foreland areas support fine sand deflation from supplying river beds, allowing the formation of sandy loess in foreland areas and intramontane basins. In contrast, high mountain topography inhibits strong sand deflation into loess deposits. Eastern parts of the Hexi Corridor show higher aeolian sand occurrence. In contrast, the western parts are dominated by gravel gobi surfaces. This is attributed to higher sand supply in eastern parts provided by the Badain Jaran Desert and fluvial storages as sand sources. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Stefan Jansen Eva Walpersdorf Ursula Werner Markus Billerbeck Michael E Böttcher Dirk de Beer 《Ocean Dynamics》2009,59(2):317-332
In this article, we describe the dynamics of pH, O2 and H2S in the top 5–10 cm of an intertidal flat consisting of permeable sand. These dynamics were measured at the low water line
and higher up the flat and during several seasons. Together with pore water nutrient data, the dynamics confirm that two types
of transport act as driving forces for the cycling of elements (Billerbeck et al. 2006b): Fast surface dynamics of pore water chemistry occur only during inundation. Thus, they must be driven by hydraulics (tidal
and wave action) and are highly dependent on weather conditions. This was demonstrated clearly by quick variation in oxygen
penetration depth: Seeps are active at low tide only, indicating that the pore water flow in them is driven by a pressure
head developing at low tide. The seeps are fed by slow transport of pore water over long distances in the deeper sediment.
In the seeps, high concentrations of degradation products such as nutrients and sulphide were found, showing them to be the
outlets of deep-seated degradation processes. The degradation products appear toxic for bioturbating/bioirrigating organisms,
as a consequence of which, these were absent in the wider seep areas. These two mechanisms driving advection determine oxygen
dynamics in these flats, whereas bioirrigation plays a minor role. The deep circulation causes a characteristic distribution
of strongly reduced pore water near the low water line and rather more oxidised sediments in the centre of the flats. The
two combined transport phenomena determine the fluxes of solutes and gases from the sediment to the surface water and in this
way create specific niches for various types of microorganisms. 相似文献
We describe the solutions of a numerical two-layer primitive equation model of an idealized Strait of Gibraltar and an adjacent eastward basin. The quasi-steady circulation pattern in the basin features an anticyclonic gyre southward of the strait exit and an eastward boundary current attached to the southern boundary of the basin. A variation of the initial upper-layer depth and the target interface height at the eastern boundary causes minor changes of the upper-layer circulation in a basin with rectangular coastline and larger changes when a cape is added to the coastline of the southern boundary. 相似文献
(U-Th)/He年龄在沉积盆地构造-热演化研究中的应用——以塔里木盆地KQ1井为例 总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3
(U-Th)/He热定年技术是近年来用于沉积盆地热史研究的新技术,目前主要是利用磷灰石和锆石的He年龄来揭示地层的构造抬升和热历史.本文依据塔里木盆地钻井样品的实测磷灰石和锆石(U-Th)/He年龄数据,初步得出了该地区磷灰石(U-Th)/He年龄的封闭温度为85℃,并建立了深度/温度-年龄演化模式;锆石则未达到其较高的封闭温度.综合利用本次实测的He年龄数据结合磷灰石裂变径迹和等效镜质组反射率等古温标,模拟计算了塔里木盆地孔雀1井(KQ1)自奥陶纪末期以来的热历史.模拟结果表明,孔雀1井区奥陶纪末期的地温梯度可达35.5℃/km,志留纪—泥盆纪时期的地温梯度为33.3~34.5℃/km,白垩纪末期地温梯度27.6℃/km左右.因此,(U-Th)/He年龄结合其他古温标综合模拟的方法可以很好地揭示沉积盆地的热历史.特别是该技术为缺乏常规古温标的塔里木盆地下古生界碳酸盐岩层系所经受热史的恢复提供了新的方法. 相似文献
Christoph Butscher Adrian Auckenthaler Stefan Scheidler Peter Huggenberger 《Ground water》2011,49(1):66-76
Rapid changes in spring water quality in karst areas due to rapid recharge of bacterially contaminated water are a major concern for drinking water suppliers and users. The main objective of this study was to use field experiments with fecal indicators to verify the vulnerability of a karst spring to pathogens, as determined by using a numerical modeling approach. The groundwater modeling was based on linear storage models that can be used to simulate karst water flow. The vulnerability of the karst groundwater is estimated using such models to calculate criteria that influence the likelihood of spring water being affected by microbial contamination. Specifically, the temporal variation in the vulnerability, depending on rainfall events and overall recharge conditions, can be assessed and quantified using the dynamic vulnerability index (DVI). DVI corresponds to the ratio of conduit to diffuse flow contributions to spring discharge. To evaluate model performance with respect to predicted vulnerability, samples from a spring were analyzed for Escherichia coli, enterococci, Clostridium perfringens, and heterotrophic plate count bacteria during and after several rainfall events. DVI was shown to be an indication of the risk of fecal contamination of spring water with sufficient accuracy to be used in drinking water management. We conclude that numerical models are a useful tool for evaluating the vulnerability of karst systems to pathogens under varying recharge conditions 相似文献
We classified homogenous river types across Europe and searched for fish metrics qualified to show responses to specific pressures (hydromorphological pressures or water quality pressures) vs. multiple pressures in these river types. We analysed fish taxa lists from 3105 sites in 16 ecoregions and 14 countries. Sites were pre-classified for 15 selected pressures to separate unimpacted from impacted sites. Hierarchical cluster analysis was used to split unimpacted sites into four homogenous river types based on species composition and geographical location. Classification trees were employed to predict associated river types for impacted sites with four environmental variables. We defined a set of 129 candidate fish metrics to select the best reacting metrics for each river type. The candidate metrics represented tolerances/intolerances of species associated with six metric types: habitat, migration, water quality sensitivity, reproduction, trophic level and biodiversity. The results showed that 17 uncorrelated metrics reacted to pressures in the four river types. Metrics responded specifically to water quality pressures and hydromorphological pressures in three river types and to multiple pressures in all river types. Four metrics associated with water quality sensitivity showed a significant reaction in up to three river types, whereas 13 metrics were specific to individual river types. Our results contribute to the better understanding of fish assemblage response to human pressures at a pan-European scale. The results are especially important for European river management and restoration, as it is necessary to uncover underlying processes and effects of human pressures on aquatic communities. 相似文献
Sophie GODIN-BEEKMANN Irina PETROPAVLOSKIKH Stefan REIS Paul NEWMAN Wolfgang STEINBRECHT Markus REX Michelle L. SANTEE Richard S. ECKMAN Xiangdong ZHENG Matthew B. TULLY David S. STEVENSON Paul YOUNG John PYLE Mark WEBER Johanna TAMMINEN Gina MILLS Alkis F. BAIS Clare HEAVISIDE Christos ZEREFOS 《大气科学进展》2017,34(3):283-288
<正>1.Overview The 2016 Quadrennial Ozone Symposium(QOS-2016)was held on 4–9 September 2016 in Edinburgh,UK.The Symposium was organized by the International Ozone Commission(IO3C),the NERC Centre for EcologyHydrology and the University of Edinburgh,and was co-sponsored by the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics,the International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric 相似文献
Raphael Neukom David J. Nash Georgina H. Endfield Stefan W. Grab Craig A. Grove Clare Kelso Coleen H. Vogel Jens Zinke 《Climate Dynamics》2014,42(9-10):2713-2726
This study presents the first consolidation of palaeoclimate proxy records from multiple archives to develop statistical rainfall reconstructions for southern Africa covering the last two centuries. State-of-the-art ensemble reconstructions reveal multi-decadal rainfall variability in the summer and winter rainfall zones. A decrease in precipitation amount over time is identified in the summer rainfall zone. No significant change in precipitation amount occurred in the winter rainfall zone, but rainfall variability has increased over time. Generally synchronous rainfall fluctuations between the two zones are identified on decadal scales, with common wet (dry) periods reconstructed around 1890 (1930). A strong relationship between seasonal rainfall and sea surface temperatures (SSTs) in the surrounding oceans is confirmed. Coherence among decadal-scale fluctuations of southern African rainfall, regional SST, SSTs in the Pacific Ocean and rainfall in south-eastern Australia suggest SST-rainfall teleconnections across the southern hemisphere. Temporal breakdowns of the SST-rainfall relationship in the southern African regions and the connection between the two rainfall zones are observed, for example during the 1950s. Our results confirm the complex interplay between large-scale teleconnections, regional SSTs and local effects in modulating multi-decadal southern African rainfall variability over long timescales. 相似文献
Interactive resource planning is an increasingly important aspect of emission trading markets. The conferences of Rio de Janeiro, 1992, and Kyoto, 1997, originally focusing on environmental protection at both macro- and micro-economic levels, called for new economic instruments of this kind. An important economic tool in this area is Joint Implementation (JI), defined in Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol. Sustainable development can be guaranteed only if JI is embedded in optimal energy management. In this contribution we describe and evaluate one international procedure within uncertain markets which helps to establish optimal energy management and interactive resource planning processes within uncertain emission trading markets. 相似文献