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The purpose of this study was to develop a diffusion model for a continuous point source which takes into account the increase of wind speed with height, and to compare this model with short-range diffusion experiments. The main problem was to find a good expression for the vertical diffusion coefficient. It turned out that good agreement between theory and experiment could only be obtained by introducing a settling speed W for the tracer combined with a conventional expression for the vertical diffusion (K(Z) = K 0Z1−p). An empirical relation was found between K 0 and τ vU and between W and bar σ vU2.  相似文献   
The Woodlands Formation (uppermost Pretoria Group) of eastern Botswana overlies thick quartzites of the Sengoma Formation (Magaliesberg Formation) and comprises a lower unit of interbedded mudrocks and fine-grained recrystallised quartzitic sandstones, succeeded by chaotic and very coarse-grained inferred slump deposits. Within the adjacent western region of South Africa, interbedded mudrocks and quartzitic sandstones stratigraphically overlying the Magaliesberg Formation are now assigned to the lower Woodlands Formation. Within the entire region, interference folding produced by northeast-southwest (F1 and F3) and northwest-southeast (F2) compression, and concomitant faulting characterised inversion of the Pretoria Group basin. This deformation is of pre-Bushveld age and affected all units in the Pretoria Group, including the uppermost Silverton, Magaliesberg and Woodlands Formations, and intrusive Marico Hypabyssal Suite (pre-Bushveld) mafic sills. The Nietverdiend lobe of the Bushveld Complex, intrusive into this succession, was not similarly deformed. Movement along the major Mannyelanong Fault in the northwest of the study area post-dated Transvaal Basin inversion, after which the “upper Woodlands” chaotic slump deposits were formed. The latter must thus belong to a younger stratigraphical unit and is possibly analogous to apparently syntectonic sedimentary rocks (Otse Group) in the Otse Basin of eastern Botswana.  相似文献   
On February 13, 1981 a relatively strong earthquake occurred in the Lake Vänern region in south-central Sweden. The shock had a magnitude ofML = 3.3 and was followed within three weeks by three aftershocks, with magnitudes 0.5 ≤ ML ≤ 1.0. The focal mechanism solution of the main shock indicates reverse faulting with a strike in the N-S or NE-SW direction and a nearly horizontal compressional stress. The aftershocks were too small to yield data for a full mechanism solution, but first motions of P-waves, recorded at two stations, are consistent for the aftershocks. Dynamic source parameters, derived from Pg- and Sg-wave spectra, show similar stress drops for the main shock (2 bar) and the aftershocks (1 bar), while the differences in seismic moment (1.5·1020 resp. 4·1018dyne cm), fault length (0.7 resp. 0.2 km) and relative displacement (0.15 resp. 0.03 cm) are significant.  相似文献   
在滇东南富宁地区,出露一系列以辉绿岩为主、含少量辉长辉绿岩和辉绿玢岩的基性侵入岩。根据地球化学、同位素地球化学以及锆石U-Pb年代学等分析结果,前人将这些基性侵入岩视作峨眉山大火成岩省的组成部分,源自峨眉山地幔柱。国内外研究的共识认为,峨眉山地幔柱活动发生于263~252Ma之间,持续时间极短。在开展1∶2.5万大比例尺地质调查与填图(洞波幅和皈朝幅1∶5万地质调查手图)过程中,我们发现,这些基性侵入岩不仅侵入古生代地层,还侵入了富宁县皈朝一带的晚二叠世-中三叠世岛弧玄武安山岩(255~241Ma)以及早-中三叠世地层。这些地质事实表明,富宁地区基性侵入岩的形成时代至少晚于中三叠世Anisian期或更晚,与峨眉山地幔柱活动时代存在很大的时差,岩石类型与组合上也与峨眉山大火成岩省的有很大差异。根据我们填图过程中获得的基本地质事实分析,滇东南富宁地区的基性侵入岩是华南地块与北越地块间的古特提斯分支洋盆闭合、两个地块碰撞造山(即印支造山)后的岩浆活动产物,与峨眉山地幔柱没有成因关系。  相似文献   
Spatial and temporal analysis of global seismological data 1964–2005 reveals a distinct teleseismic earthquake activity producing a columnar-like formation in the continental wedge between the Krakatau volcano at the surface and the subducting slab of the Indo-Australian plate. These earthquakes occur continuously in time, are in the body-wave (m b) magnitude range 4.5–5.3 and in the depth range 1–100 km. The Krakatau earthquake cluster is vertical and elongated in the azimuth N30°E, suggesting existence of a deep-rooted fault zone cutting the Sunda Strait in the SSW-NNE direction. Possible continuation of the fault zone in the SW direction was activated by an intensive 2002/2003 aftershock sequence, elongated in the azimuth of N55°E. Beneath the Krakatau earthquake cluster, an aseismic gap exists in the Wadati-Benioff zone of the subducting plate at the depths 100–120 km. We interpret this aseismic gap as a consequence of partial melting inhibiting stress concentration necessary to generate stronger earthquakes, whereas the numerous earthquakes observed in the overlying lithospheric wedge beneath the volcano probably reflect magma ascent in the recent plumbing system of the Krakatau volcano. Focal depth of the deepest events (~100 km) of the Krakatau cluster constrains the location of the primary magma generation to greater depths. The ascending magmatic fluids stress fault segments within the Sunda Strait fault zone and change their friction parameters inducing the observed tectonic earthquakes beneath Krakatau.  相似文献   
Résumé On donne les résultats de l'analyse de la dérive des pendules horizontaux de la station Píbram-Bezové Hory au cours des années 1927–1938. Différemment aux résultats publiés déjà antérieurement[2], on a tout d'abord séparé par la méthode des moindres carrés la dérive linéaire et le terme à période de durée d'un an exactement et ce n'est que le reste qu'on a analysé par la méthode de l'analyse spectrale spéciale[4, 6]. On a trouvé dans les deux éléments une période de 222, respectivement 223 jours, non considérée jusqu'alors et ne pouvant pas être interprétée jusqu'à présent du point de vue physique. Les autres résultats sont en bon accord avec ceux reçus à l'origine. On peut conclure de la comparaison des phases des composantes annuelles des pendules horizontaux et du mouvement du pôle[5] que les deux événements sont du même origine.  相似文献   
Résumé L'auteur montre comment il faut déduire les formes approchées des bilans énergétiques des mouvements atmosphériques en variables , ,p ett de leurs formes générales exactes. Il a tenu compte de la variabilité de la pression à la surface du globe.
Summary It is shown how the approximate energy equations of atmospheric motions expressed with the independent variables , ,p andt must bederived from their exact general form. The variability of surface pressure has been taken into account.

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, wie sich Näherungsformeln der Energiebilanzen der atmosphärischen Bewegungsvorgänge durch die unabhängigen Variablen , ,p undt von ihrer exakten Formulierung ableiten lassen; dabei wird der Veränderlichkeit des Luftdrucks an der Erdoberfläche Rechnung getragen.
The Mössbauer fractions f for various ferrous- and/or ferric-containing oxides and oxyhydroxides, silicates and carbonates were evaluated from the experimental temperature dependence of their center shifts, using the Debye approximation for the second-order Doppler shift. It is concluded that ferrous ions exhibit a lower fraction as compared to ferric ions. Using standard mixtures of -Fe2O3 with selected Fe2+ or Fe3+ compounds, it is found that the calculated Fe3+ f values are somewhat overestimated with respect to those of Fe2+. Possible explanations for this shortcoming are discussed and it is suggested that a different temperature dependence of the intrinsic isomer shift is the most likely reason. This suggestion is corroborated by analyses of hematite and hedenbergite data which are available for temperatures up to 900 K and 800 K respectively.  相似文献   
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