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Clementine Chirol Kate L. Spencer Simon J. Carr Iris Möller Ben Evans Jason Lynch Helen Brooks Katherine R. Royse 《地球表面变化过程与地形》2021,46(11):2279-2297
The vulnerability of saltmarshes to lateral erosion at their margin depends on the local biogeomorphological properties of the substrate. In particular, the 3D architecture of pore and root systems is expected to influence shear strength, with repercussions for the wider-scale stability of saltmarshes. We apply X-ray computed microtomography (μCT) to visualize and quantify subsurface structures in two UK saltmarshes at Tillingham Farm, Essex (silt/clay rich substrate) and Warton Sands (sand-rich substrate), with four types of ground cover: bare ground, Spartina spp, Salicornia spp and Puccinellia spp. We extracted μCT structural parameters that characterize pore and root morphologies at each station, and compared them with field measurements of shear strength using a principal component analysis and correlation tests. The 3D volumes show that species-dependent variations in root structures, plant colonization events and bioturbation activity control the morphology of macropores, while sediment cohesivity determines the structural stability and persistence of these pore structures over time, even after the vegetation has died. Areas of high porosity and high mean pore thickness were correlated to lower values of shear strength, especially at Tillingham Farm, where well-connected vertical systems of macropores were associated with current or previous colonization by Spartina spp. However, while well-connected systems of macropores may lower the local deformation threshold of the sediment, they also encourage drainage, promote vegetation growth and reduce the marsh vulnerability to hydrodynamic forces. The highest values of shear strength at both sites were found under Puccinellia spp, and were associated with a high density of mesh-like root structures that bind the sediment and resist deformation. Future studies of marsh stability should ideally consider time series of vegetation cover, especially in silt/clay-dominated saltmarshes, in order to consider the potential effect of preserved buried networks of macropores on water circulation, marsh functioning and cliff-face erosion. 相似文献
We analyzed the state of practice for software development in the seismology domain by comparing 30 software packages on four aspects: product, implementation, design, and process. We found room for improvement in most seismology software packages. The principal areas of concern include a lack of adequate requirements and design specification documents, a lack of test data to assess reliability, a lack of examples to get new users started, and a lack of technological tools to assist with managing the development process. To assist going forward, we provide recommendations for a document-driven development process that includes a problem statement, development plan, requirement specification, verification and validation (V&V) plan, design specification, code, V&V report, and a user manual. We also provide advice on tool use, including issue tracking, version control, code documentation, and testing tools. 相似文献
In recent years, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) has emerged as a new research area in civil engineering. Most existing health monitoring methodologies require direct measurement of input excitation for implementation. However, in many cases, there is no easy way to measure these inputs - or alternatively to externally excite the structure. Therefore, SHM methods based on ambient vibration have become important in civil engineering. In this paper, an approach is proposed based on the Damage Location Vector (DLV) method to handle the ambient vibration case. Here, this flexibility-matrix-based damage localization method is combined with a modal expansion technique to eliminate the need to measure the input excitation. As a by-product of this approach, in addition to determining the location of the damage, an estimate of the damage extent also can be determined. Finally, a numerical example analyzing a truss structure with limited sensors and noisy measurement is provided to verify the efficacy of the proposed approach. Sponsored by: Notional Science Foundation Grant CMS 99-00234 相似文献
Problems associated with luminescence dating of Late Quaternary glacial sediments in the NW Scottish Highlands 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sven Lukas Joel Q.G. Spencer Ruth A.J. Robinson Douglas I. Benn 《Quaternary Geochronology》2007,2(1-4):243-248
Linking the timing of glacial episodes and behaviour to climatic shifts that are documented in ice and marine sedimentary archives is key to understanding ocean-land interactions. In the NW Scottish Highlands a large number of closely spaced (‘hummocky’) moraines formed at retreating glacier margins. Independent age control on one palaeo-glacier limit is consistent with the timing of Younger Dryas (YD) glaciation in the area, but adjacent glacier lobes have remained undated due to the lack of sites and material for 14C dating. Direct dating of ice-marginal moraines using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques has never been attempted before in Scotland, but if successful, they may be the most appropriate methods for constraining the age of sediment deposition in the absence of organic material. Coarse-grained quartz and K-feldspar minerals from supraglacial sheet flow deposits and glacilacustrine sediments within ice-marginal moraines were analysed using the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol. Independent age control and clear geomorphological relationships indicate that all samples should yield YD or post-Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ages. Quartz OSL shine down curves showed low luminescence sensitivity, significant medium-to-slow components, a weak fast component, and scattered SAR data; Linearly Modulated-OSL (LM-OSL) measurements confirmed that the fast component was weak or absent. In contrast, feldspar infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) was highly sensitive with excellent SAR data. However, SAR data from 3 mm diameter aliquots of feldspar (200 grains) give higher than expected equivalent doses (De) by an order of magnitude. SAR measurements of small clusters of feldspar grains (ranging from 1–8) considerably broaden the apparent De distribution, but even the lowest value is about 2–3 times the expected De. Two possibilities arise to explain the quartz and feldspar data: (1) that glacial sequences in the NW Highlands re-work inherited (older) glacial deposits and that some of the pre-Devensian existing glacial landforms have only been modified during Devensian glaciation; or (2) that the sedimentary processes operating in these ice-marginal environments are not conducive to adequate bleaching of quartz and feldspar grains. Our study implies that ice-proximal supraglacial sediments from this region in NW Scotland reflect older ages of deposition, but dating YD sediments has not been possible. 相似文献
The three-dimensional configuration of sedimentary landforms in intertidal environments represents a major control on regional hydrodynamics. It modulates the location and magnitude of forces exerted by tidal currents and waves on the landform itself and on engineered infrastructure such as sea walls or coastal defences. Furthermore, the effect is reflexive, with the landforms representing an integrated, long-term response to the forces exerted on them. There is a strong reciprocal linkage between form and process (morphodynamics) in the coastal zone which is significantly lagged and poorly understood in the case of cohesive, vegetated sediments in the intertidal zone. A method is presented that links the geometric properties of the tidal flat–salt marsh interface to the history and potential future evolution of that interface. A novel quantitative classification scheme that is capable of separating marsh margins based on their functional form is developed and is applied to demonstrate that relationships exist between landform configuration and morphological evolution across a regional extent. This provides evidence of a spatially variable balance between self-organized and external controls on morphodynamic evolution and the first quantitative basis for a quick assessment procedure for likely future dynamism. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Lacustrine groundwater discharge (LGD) can be an important pathway for delivering pollutants to lakes but this pathway is often poorly characterized. Evaluating the potential impact of LGD on lake water quality requires understanding the magnitude and spatial variability of LGD, as well as understanding the age and flow paths of the discharging groundwater (e.g., recharge area, groundwater flow paths, and travel times). This study first compares LGD rates along two ~40 km shoreline lengths of a large glacial lake, Lake Simcoe, Canada, that were independently estimated via a radon-222 (222Rn) field survey and via regional scale groundwater-surface water modelling. Backward particle tracking analysis is then used to examine the age and flow paths of the LGD and thereby assess the potential for the LGD to deliver anthropogenic pollutants to the lake. The field and modelling results compare well with respect to the magnitude and spatial variability of LGD. However, the comparison highlights the need for well-defined hydrogeological characterization if regional scale models are to be applied for LGD estimation. The particle tracking analysis indicates large variation in the groundwater flow path lengths and travels times (>1000 years to <50 years) for LGD along the shoreline. This illustrates that the LGD along different shoreline areas has varying potential to deliver anthropogenic pollutants to the lake. The study findings demonstrate the benefits of comparing independent field measured and model-simulated LGD estimates, and moreover suggest that it may be possible, in some cases, to use existing regional scale groundwater-surface water models, purpose-built for other water resource and quality objectives, to conduct preliminary evaluation of LGD contributions to lakes. Preliminary model-based evaluation would enable field efforts aiming to quantify and manage LGD to be better targeted rather than relying solely on regional scale field techniques that are often highly resource intensive. 相似文献
Due to their intrinsically nonlinear characteristics, development of control strategies that are implementable and can fully utilize the capabilities of semiactive control devices is an important and challenging task. In this study, two control strategies are proposed for protecting buildings against dynamic hazards, such as severe earthquakes and strong winds, using one of the most promising semiactive control devices, the magnetorheological (MR) damper. The first control strategy is implemented by introducing an inverse neural network (NN) model of the MR damper. These NN models provide direct estimation of the voltage that is required to produce a target control force calculated from some optimal control algorithms. The major objective of this research is to provide an effective means for implementation of the MR damper with existing control algorithms. The second control strategy involves the design of a fuzzy controller and an adaptation law. The control objective is to minimize the difference between some desirable responses and the response of the combined system by adaptively adjusting the MR damper. The use of the adaptation law eliminates the need to acquire characteristics of the combined system in advance. Because the control strategy based on the combination of the fuzzy controller and the adaptation law doesn’t require a prior knowledge of the combined building-damper system, this approach provides a robust control strategy that can be used to protect nonlinear or uncertain structures subjected to random loads. Supported by: Hong Kong Research Grant Council Competitive Earmarked Research Grant HKUST 6218 / 99E and by the National Science Foundation under grant CMS 99-00234. 相似文献
The application of frequency distribution statistics to data provides objective means to assess the nature of the data distribution and viability of numerical models that are used to visualize and interpret data. Two commonly used tools are the kernel density estimation and reduced chi-squared statistic used in combination with a weighted mean. Due to the wide applicability of these tools, we present a Java-based computer application called KDX to facilitate the visualization of data and the utilization of these numerical tools. 相似文献