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对虾的人工养殖已成为我国养殖业中的支柱产业,不仅拓宽了农村劳动力市场渠道,同时也是农村脱贫致富的重要经济产业。但是近几年来,由于生态环境日益恶化,病毒或细菌感染、水质污染、饵料变坏引起的应激反应。造成对虾大面积遭灾,有的甚至全军覆灭。 我国北方沿海一些地区,为躲避高温期的对虾流行疾病,提出早育苗、育大苗的建议。而虾苗质量的好坏,又最终会直接影响对虾的成长和产量。我国部分育苗场采用提高育苗池温度和加大抗生素用量,促使虾苗在长度上达到0.7-1cm,从而符合放养规格。日本学者Nakamura(1987)用组织学方法研究日本对虾的流行疾病时发现,仔虾在P20期以前,特别是P4-10期时,发育的淋巴器官大小的转换值较低,仔虾期抵抗力亦较低,是仔虾易发病死亡的原因,而这段时期又正是中国对虾的放养期,从育苗池到虾塘,环境的改变较大,若加上育苗场急功近利的作法,则会加速仔虾的死亡或成为孱弱的个体。 据酒井(1992)、梶田(1990)、 Kajita等(1992)、 Sakai等(1991)、 Edwards等(1988)报道,生长激素对鱼类不仅有促进生长的作用,而且还有提高免疫力的效果。本课题组在完成山东省“八五”攻关课题“基因工程人工合成饵料的研制”过程中,同样证实了生长激素对鲤鱼有显著的促生长和抗病作用。但是在对虾的养殖中,有关生长激素的报道不多。本文为利用浸渍生长激素对中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)仔虾生长和耐盐度影响的研究结果。  相似文献   
南海北部陆缘位于特提斯与古太平洋两大构造域的叠合部位,构造特征十分复杂,其构造属性一直是国内外学者争论的焦点,从主动陆缘到被动陆缘,火山型被动陆缘到非火山型被动陆缘等均有表述。南海复杂的形成机制以及东、西部构造差异性所引起的地球物理、岩浆活动等认识的异同,是造成南海北部陆缘构造属性认识差异的主要原因。通过与全球典型地区的比较研究,进一步加强对南海形成演化过程分析,开展大洋钻探与多学科综合分析,揭示南海海盆的多期扩张与多盆张裂特征,是认识南海北部陆缘构造属性的关键。探讨了南海三叉裂谷张裂模式,初步认为南海第1次扩张具有非火山型被动陆缘性质,第2次扩张具有火山型陆缘性质。  相似文献   
Spatial variations in dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) were surveyed in the surface microlayer and in the subsurface waters of the low productivity South China Sea in May 2005. Overall, average subsurface water concentrations of DMS and DMSP of dissolved (DMSPd) and particulate (DMSPp) fractions were 1.74 (1.00-2.50), 3.92 (2.21-6.54) and 6.06 (3.40-8.68) nM, respectively. No enrichment in DMS and DMSPp was observed in the microlayer. In contrast, the microlayer showed a DMSPd enrichment, with an average enrichment factor (EF, defined as the ratio of the microlayer concentration to subsurface water concentration) of 1.40. In the study area, none of the sulfur components were correlated with chlorophyll a. An important finding in this study was that DMS, DMSP and chlorophyll a concentrations in the surface microlayer were respectively correlated with those in the subsurface water, suggesting a close linkage between these two water bodies. The ratios of DMS:Chl-a and DMSPp:Chl-a showed a gradually increasing trend from North to South. This might be due to changes in the proportion of DMSP producers in the phytoplankton community with the increased surface seawater temperature. A clear diurnal variation in the DMS and DMSP concentrations was observed at an anchor station with the highest concentrations appearing during the day and the lowest concentrations during the night. The higher DMS and DMSP concentrations during daytime might be attributed to the light-induced increase in both algal synthesis and exudation of DMSP and biological production of DMS. The mean flux of DMS from the investigated area to the atmosphere was estimated to be 2.06 micromo lm(-2)d(-1). This low DMS emission flux, together with the low DMS surface concentrations was attributed to the low productivity in this sea.  相似文献   
For a long time, people have believed that the vertical displacement of seafloor due to undersea earthquakes is the primary cause of tsunami genesis. However, seismically-inverted seafloor deformation of the 2004 Sumatra–Andaman earthquake shows that the total vertical displacement is not enough to have generated the powerful Indian Ocean tsunami. Based on the seismically-inverted data and a three-dimensional ocean general circulation model (OGCM), we show that the momentum force, transferred by the horizontal impulses of the faulting continental slope in that earthquake, has accounted for two thirds of the satellite-observed tsunami height and generated kinetic energy 5 times larger than the potential energy due to the vertical displacement. The asymmetric tsunami pattern, recorded by tide-gauges showing leading-elevation waves toward Sri Lanka and leading-depression waves toward Thailand, is best explained by the horizontally-forced mechanism. The same mechanism has also explained the March 2005 Nias earthquake and tsunami data, suggesting that the horizontal motions of faulting have played more important roles in tsunami genesis than previously thought.  相似文献   
In this study, a polysaccharide from Enteromorpha prolifera (EP) was extracted and its effect on maize seedlings under NaCl stress was investigated. Firstly, the components and structure of the EP were determined. We found that EP is a sulfated polysaccharide of high-molecular weight (Mw, 1 840 KDa) heteropolysaccharides and the main monosaccharide is rhamnose. The polysaccharide was applied to explore its effect on the growth of maize seedlings and its defense response under a salt stress. The results show that EP could promote the growth of maize seedlings under the salt stress. In addition, EP was shown able to significantly regulate membrane permeability and adjustment of osmotic substances such as soluble protein, soluble sugar, and proline, antioxidant enzymes containing superoxide dismutase, catalase, peroxidase, and ascorbate peroxidase. Therefore, EP is an effective salt-resistant substance for the growth of maize seedlings under NaCl stress.  相似文献   
为探明三角褐指藻(Phaeodactylum tricornutum)对抑食金球藻(Aureococcus anophagefferens)是否具有化感作用,本研究以三角褐指藻和抑食金球藻为实验材料,研究了抑食金球藻在单培养和共培养条件下的生长情况及三角褐指藻培养滤液对其生长和叶绿素荧光参数的影响。结果表明:三角褐指藻对抑食金球藻有明显的化感抑制作用。在单培养体系中,抑食金球藻的生长曲线可用逻辑斯谛增长模型拟合,随着起始密度的增加,环境容量(K)逐渐减小,而抑食金球藻的种群瞬间增长率(r)、进入拐点时间及稳定期细胞密度均较为接近;当三角褐指藻与抑食金球藻以不同起始密度比共同培养时,抑食金球藻的生长均受到了显著地抑制(P<0.05),但其抑制作用并未与三角褐指藻的密度呈明显的线性关系;滤液培养实验发现,10 mL和15 mL三角褐指藻培养滤液的加入可对抑食金球藻的生长产生显著影响(P<0.05),对其叶绿素荧光参数没有影响(P>0.05),25 mL和35 mL三角褐指藻培养滤液的加入可对抑食金球藻的生长和叶绿素荧光参数均产生显著的抑制作用(P<0.05),叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、alpha的值降低,Ik的值增加,PSⅡ受到损害。  相似文献   
2015年4月在烟台市区4条主要河流(辛安河、逛荡河、鱼鸟河和夹河)入海口处采集12个样品,利用PCR-DGGE方法分析了此区域的细菌群落组成和优势菌群。通过统计学手段对DGGE图谱进行分析,结果表明4条河流入海口细菌群落丰富度都较高,12个取样点扩增的DGGE条带数都在30以上,样品的Shannon指数均高于3.3,个别甚至可达3.61。其中,辛安河和逛荡河的Shannon指数平均值均高于鱼鸟河和夹河,夹河多样性最低;而且UPGMA聚类分析结果显示地理位置越接近,其细菌组成的相似度越高。在DGGE电泳条带中选取14条主要条带进行扩增和序列测定,所得到的序列进行了系统进化分析发现4条河流入海口的优势菌群主要为变形杆菌门(Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)。这与近年来关于山东近岸海域细菌多样性的研究结果相符合,为研究和保护烟台市区河口处环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   
光纤探针法是一种适合观测波浪破碎瞬间卷入微气泡羽流的方法,现有的观测探针探头多采用塑料、玻璃等材质,存在脆性大、损耗大、不耐低温、易腐蚀等缺点,拟设计一种蓝宝石光纤探针克服其局限性,提升探测性能.文章在介绍光纤探针传感器测量原理的基础上,采用光学仿真软件Zemax建立了光纤探针传感器探头的仿真模型,并利用模型对其每针的材质、形状、角度等结构设计关键因素进行了优化设计,由仿真结果确定了每针形状为圆锥形、传输材质为蓝宝石.该仿真结果将为后续光纤探针传感器系统的整体设计及光路优化奠定基础.  相似文献   
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