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The chemical characteristics of surface, groundwater and mine water of the upper catchment of the Damodar River basin were studied to evaluate the major ion chemistry, geochemical processes controlling water composition and suitability of water for domestic, industrial and irrigation uses. Water samples from ponds, lakes, rivers, reservoirs and groundwater were collected and analysed for pH, EC, TDS, F, Cl, HCO3, SO4, NO3, Ca, Mg, Na and K. In general, Ca, Na, Mg, HCO3 and Cl dominate, except in samples from mining areas which have higher concentration of SO4. Water chemistry of the area reflects continental weathering, aided by mining and other anthropogenic impacts. Limiting groundwater use for domestic purposes are contents of TDS, F, Cl, SO4, NO3 and TH that exceed the desirable limits in water collected from mining and urban areas. The calculated values of SAR, RSC and %Na indicate good to permissible use of water for irrigation. High salinity, %Na, Mg-hazard and RSC values at some sites limit use for agricultural purposes.  相似文献   
A major problem of the islanders is the availability of fresh water for drinking purpose. Groundwater is the only source of fresh water for the islanders. The demand for groundwater is increasing very year due to growing population and urbanization. A proper understanding of the groundwater condition is important in order to meet this increasing demand and to formulate future development and management strategies. It is in this context, principal hydrogeologic units; water table fluctuation pattern, general groundwater potential, existing groundwater withdrawal structures and draft, water quality, etc. have been studied in an elliptical shape Andrott Island of Union Territory of Lakshadweep, India, through field investigation and secondary data collection. Groundwater occurs under phreatic condition and seawater is in hydraulic continuity with the groundwater as evidenced by the tidal influence in almost all the wells. Groundwater level fluctuation due to seasonal variation varies from 0 to 0.542 m depending on the distance of the well from the coast. Depth to groundwater level varies from less than 1.234 to 3.520 m depending on the topography. Groundwater level fluctuation is due to the combination of factors like rainfall, tidal activities, sub-surface runoff, and draft. Large diameter dug wells are the main groundwater extraction structures in this island. There are 2,143 dug wells with almost each family having its own well and the density of the dug wells is about 437/km2. The stage of groundwater development is estimated as 37% and hence “Safe” for further groundwater development in this island. However, considering the very limited fresh-water resources and also the growing demand for groundwater, various management strategies such as rainwater harvesting, artificial recharge of groundwater, public participation in water conservation and wise use of groundwater, etc., have been suggested.  相似文献   
Two dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) investigation along with Time Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) investigation covering 1.6 km line were carried out at 3 natural recharge sites in a overexploited groundwater granite watershed, situated in a semi arid region in the state of Telangana, India. At these sites, shallow and/ or deep moisture influx measurements were also carried out using injected tritium tracer and neutron moisture probe. The watershed is covered by sandy loam to silt loam soil, receives an average annual rainfall of 620 mm with the pre monsoon groundwater level ranging from 8m to 29m bgl. The spot investigations were done to assess and understand the recharge process and groundwater potential in terms of resistivity/conductivity and moisture characteristics of the subsurface rock formation.  相似文献   
Summary ¶The 0°C isotherm height, a parameter needed for the estimation of attenuation of microwave and millimetre wave for earth-space communication, has been estimated for different stations spread over India. The variations of 0°C isotherm height for different seasons over these stations are presented. Attenuations of radio wave due to rain at frequencies 10GHz and above have also been estimated for few stations using the 0°C isotherm height so derived. The results are useful for radio systems designers.  相似文献   
Groundwater is the prime source of fresh water in most part of world. The groundwater floats in the form of thin lens which is vulnerable to various stresses such as tide, cyclone, draught, abstraction, etc. The problem of getting this meager resource of fresh groundwater sustained for longer time, becomes more difficult task on tiny atoll with large population depending on it. In order to develop sustainable management scheme and identify vulnerable part of aquifer, systematic assessment of groundwater quality on such island have become imperative. Detailed hydrochemical study has been carried out to identify potential fresh groundwater resources on Andrott Island, UT of Lakshadweep, India. The analysis has given an early signal of deterioration in groundwater quality in some parts of the island during non-monsoon period, whereas the quality becomes slightly better during monsoon period. The study suggests immediate measures for arresting the deterioration in groundwater quality as well as augmentation for restoration of aquifer in some parts of the island.  相似文献   
Petrographic analysis and chemical analysis of major and trace elements including rare earth elements of the Neoproterozoic sandstones from the Chandarpur Group and the Tiratgarh Formation have been carried out to determine their provenance, tectonic setting and weathering conditions. All sandstone samples are highly enriched in quartz but very poor in feldspar and lithic fragments. Petrographically and geochemically these sandstones are classified as subarkose, sublitharenite and arenite. The Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA mean 68) and Th/U ratios (mean 4.2) for these sandstones suggest their moderate weathering nature. Generally, all sandstone samples are strongly depleted in major elements (except SiO2), trace elements (except Zr) and REE in comparison with Post Archean Australian Shale (PAAS) and Upper Continental Crust (UCC). Their mineralogy and mean of elemental ratios suitable for determination of provenance and tectonic setting, e.g. Al2O3/SiO2 (0.02), K2O/Na2O (10), Eu/Eu* (0.67), (La/Lu)n (10.4), La/Sc (3), Th/Sc (1.2), La/Co (0.22), Th/Co (0.08), and Cr/Th (7.2), support a felsic source and a passive margin tectonic setting for these sandstones. Also these key elemental ratios do not show much variation over a range of SiO2. Thus we attest their significance in determining source rock characteristics of quartz rich sandstones. Chondrite‐normalized REE patterns with LREE enrichment and a strong negative Eu anomaly are also attributed to felsic source rock characteristics for these sandstones. The source rocks identified are granite and gneiss of the Bastar craton. Minor amounts may have been derived from older supracrustals of the Bastar craton. However, the major element data of the Paleoproterozoic Sakoli schists when compared with those of the Neoproterozoic sandstones indicate that the schists were derived from a mafic source and deposited in an active continental margin tectonic setting. There is, however, little difference in CIA values between the Paleoproterozoic Sakoli schists and Neoproterozoic sandstones, indicating prevailing of similar (moderate‐intense) weathering conditions throughout the Proterozoic in the Bastar craton. Our study also suggests a change in the provenance and tectonic setting of deposition of sediments from dominantly a mafic source and an active continental margin in the Paleoproterozoic to dominantly granite and gneiss (felsic source) and a passive continental margin in the Neoproterozoic in the Bastar craton.  相似文献   
Calculation of excess disease burden for As exposed populations is becoming increasingly important to enable quantitative estimation of the impacts of various As mitigation options. There are several methods by which such calculations may be carried out. In this study, two methods, recently applied to estimating groundwater As-related health risks in southern Asia, to estimate disease burden arising from lung, bladder and liver cancer from As exposure for an As-effected area of West Bengal have been compared. Both utilized calculated distributions of exposure of the studied population to As from groundwater. Method (I) then entailed calculating disease burden by combining published background rates for death and disability adjusted life years (DALYs) and standard mortality ratios (SMRs) for excess health impacts related to As exposure, whilst for Method (II), disease burden from As exposure was estimated using the basic DALY formula, combined with incidence rates based on the NRC multistage Weibull model. Dose–response data for both methods were based on studies in Taiwan.  相似文献   
The gneisses and granitoids of Bastar craton (with rock suites up to 3.5 Ga) show calc-alkaline trondhjemitic characteristics. The rocks are enriched in both LILE and HFSE than primordial mantle. They have also relatively higher abundances of LILE and strong depletion at P and Ti in the multielement diagram. The depletion of Ti and P indicates retention of these elements by titanite and/or apatite during partial melting. It is proposed that subduction of an oceanic slab and its consequent melting led to the formation of the protoliths of the gneisses without much interaction with the mantle wedge. The granitoids represent temporally distinct suites formed in response to further melting of slab at greater depth and interaction of magma with the mantle wedge during their transport to the crust.  相似文献   
The variability in water chemistry of samples taken on a monthly basis (March 1999 to February 2000) from two shallow tropical ponds was studied. The effect of location and pond depth on water chemistry was also examined. The study demonstrated that intraannual variability in nutrient concentration is high. Thus, a high annual sampling frequency is required to provide representative annual mean water quality data. Routine monitoring during the monsoons is important for studies on dissolved oxygen and macrophyte growth. Significant differences were found between the topmost and bottommost points for samples of dissolved oxygen collected from the deepest part of both ponds. For nutrient analysis (nitrogen and phosphorus), sample from any location was found to be representative of the whole pond.  相似文献   
The Mesoarchean Nuasahi chromite deposits of the Singhbhum Craton in eastern India consist of a lower chromite-bearing ultramafic unit and an upper magnetite-bearing gabbroic unit. The ultramafic unit is a ∼5 km long and ∼400 m wide linear belt trending NNW-SSE with a general north-easterly dip. The chromitite ore bodies are hosted in the dunite that is flanked by the orthopyroxenite. The rocks of the ultramafic unit including the chromitite crystallized from a primitive boninitic magma, whereas the gabbro unit formed from an evolved boninitic magma. A shear zone (10–75 m wide) is present at the upper contact of the ultramafic unit. This shear zone consists of a breccia comprising millimeter- to meter-sized fragments of chromitite and serpentinized rocks of the ultramafic unit enclosed in a pegmatitic and hybridized gabbroic matrix. The shear zone was formed late synkinematically with respect to the main gabbroic intrusion and intruded by a hydrous mafic magma comagmatic with the evolved boninitic magma that formed the gabbro unit. Both sulfide-free and sulfide-bearing zones with platinum group element (PGE) enrichment are present in the breccia zone. The PGE mineralogy in sulfide-rich assemblages is dominated by minerals containing Pd, Pt, Sb, Bi, Te, S, and/or As. Samples from the gabbro unit and the breccia zone have total PGE concentrations ranging from 3 to 116 ppb and 258 to 24,100 ppb, respectively. The sulfide-rich assemblages of the breccia zone are Pd-rich and have Pd/Ir ratios of 13–1,750 and Pd/Pt ratios of 1–73. The PGE-enriched sulfide-bearing assemblages of the breccia zone are characterized by (1) extensive development of secondary hydrous minerals in the altered parts of fragments and in the matrix of the breccia, (2) coarsening of grain size in the altered parts of the chromitite fragments, and (3) extensive alteration of primary chromite to more Fe-rich chromite with inclusions of chlorite, rutile, ilmenite, magnetite, chalcopyrite, and PGE-bearing chalcogenides. Unaltered parts of the massive chromitite fragments from the breccia zone show PGE ratios (Pd/Ir = 2.5) similar to massive chromitite (Pd/Ir = 0.4–6.6) of the ultramafic unit. The Ir-group PGE (IPGE: Ir, Os, Ru) of the sulfide-rich breccia assemblages were contributed from the ultramafic–chromitite breccia. Samples of the gabbro unit have fractionated primitive mantle-normalized patterns, IPGE depletion (Pd/Ir = 24–1,227) and Ni-depletion due to early removal of olivine and chromite from the primitive boninitic magma that formed the ultramafic unit. Samples of the gabbro and the breccia zone have negative Nb, Th, Zr, and Hf anomalies, indicating derivation from a depleted mantle source. The Cu/Pd ratios of the PGE-mineralized samples of the breccia zone (2.0 × 103–3.2 × 103) are lower than mantle (6.2 × 103) suggesting that the parental boninitic magma (Archean high-Mg lava: Cu/Pd ratio ∼1.3 × 103; komatiite: Cu/Pd ratio ∼8 × 103) was sulfur-undersaturated. Samples of the ultramafic unit, gabbro and the mineralized breccia zone, have a narrow range of incompatible trace element ratios indicating a cogenetic relationship. The ultramafic rocks and the gabbros have relatively constant subchondritic Nb/Ta ratios (ultramafic rocks: Nb/Ta = 4.1–8.8; gabbro unit: Nb/Ta = 11.5–13.2), whereas samples of the breccia zone are characterized by highly variable Nb/Ta ratios (Nb/Ta = 2.5–16.6) and show evidence of metasomatism. The enrichment of light rare earth element and mobile incompatible elements in the mineralized samples provides supporting evidence for metasomatism. The interaction of the ultramafic fragments with the evolved fluid-rich mafic magma was key to the formation of the PGE mineralization in the Nuasahi massif.  相似文献   
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