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Microearthquake spectra from Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad are analyzed to observe the effect of attenuation and site on these spectra. The ratios of spectral amplitudes at lower and higher frequency are measured for three different stations at varying epicentral distances to estimate Q value for both P-and S-wave in near and sub-surface layer. Average estimates of Qp and Qs are 235 and 278 respectively. Value of Qs/Qp larger than 1.0 suggests dry crust for most of the Jubilee Hills region. The near-surface low Qp and Qs for 0 km to 0.9 km depth coincide with the soil layer, top and semi-weathered and highly fractured zone. In contrast, at a shallower depth beneath the Jubilee Hills area, Hyderabad, we obtain high Qp and Qs zone, which corresponds to the dense and high velocity rocks of the region. The varying corner frequencies for these spectra are inferred to be characteristics of site. Comparisons of disparity in spectral content with reference to hard rock site conclude that lithology of the northwest part of Jubilee Hills area amplify about twice the incoming seismic signal, as compared to the southern part best outlined at 8 to 10 Hz only.  相似文献   
Water relations of four tree species were studied in four sites in the drylands of northern Ethiopia. Predawn water potentials were significantly higher at all sites as compared to midday measurements for Acacia etbaica and Boswellia papyrifera. In contrast, Lannea fruticosa revealed this significant difference only once, while Terminalia brownii at only two of the four sites. An analysis of variance showed that A. etbaica has a wider tolerance range as compared to the other species. There was no significant difference among the four sites in terms of predawn, midday and diurnal ranges of water potential. The study revealed that A. etbaica and B. papyrifera are performing better as compared to T. brownii and L. fruticosa under the current climatic conditions. Understanding the physiological basis of survival, productivity, ability to cope with low moisture availability, and growth potential of indigenous species in the drylands is essential for the utilization and promotion of these and other species.  相似文献   
Cobalt,nickel and selenium in sulphides as indicators of ore genesis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Trace element studies of sulphides have been used to estimate temperatures of mineral formation, to identify metallogenic provinces, and to investigate the environment of mineral deposition. In the investigation of depositional environments, the Co:Ni and S:Se ratios are potentially useful as discriminators between magmatic-hydrothermal and sedimentary environments. A wide range of ore-types occurs in the Lower Palaeozoic rocks of West Tasmania (Australia) which lies in the southern part of the Tasman Geosyncline. The cobalt and nickel contents of pyrites from a number of these ores have been determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Preliminary results show that the pyrites may be grouped as follows: a) those of sedimentary or diagenetic origin in shales (high cobalt and nickel and Co:Ni<1), b) those of probable volcanic origin without accompanying lead and zinc minerals (Co:Ni>1), and c) those of probable volcanic origin associated with lead and zinc minerals, and those with cassiterite or argentiferous galena related to granitic intrusions (low cobalt and nickel and Co:Ni<1). In some areas there is evidence that relatively high cobalt and selenium contents in pyrite may be related to volcanic processes.
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von Untersuchungen des Spurenelement-Gehaltes von Sulfiden wurden die Temperaturen der Mineralbildung abgeschätzt. Ziel war es, metallogene Zonen zu indentifizieren und das Milieu von Mineralablagerungen zu erforschen. Bei den Untersuchungen der Ablagerungsbedingungen können die Co:Ni- und S:Se-Verhältnisse unter Umständen zur Unterscheidung zwischen magma-hydrothermalem und sedimentärem Milieu dienen. Eine beachtliche Vielfalt von Erzarten ist in den Unter-Paläozoischen Gesteinen von West-Tasmanien (Australien) vorhanden, welches im südlichen Teil der Tasman-Geosynklinale liegt. Die Kobalt- und Nickelgehalte von Pyriten und einer Reihe entsprechender Erze wurden durch Atom-Absorptions-Spektrophotometrie bestimmt. Vorläufige Ergebnisse zeigen, daß die Pyrite in folgender Weise klassifiziert werden können: a) Pyrite sedimentärer oder diagenetischer Herkunft in Schiefern, mit hohem Kobalt- und Nickelgehalt und Co:Ni<1; b) Pyrite wahrscheinlich vulkanischen Ursprungs, frei von Blei und Zinkmineralien (Co:Ni>1); c) Pyrite wahrscheinlich vulkanischen Ursprungs verbunden mit Blei- und Zinkmineralien, und solche mit Kassiterit oder silberhaltigem Bleiglanz, verbunden mit Granit-Eindringungen (mit einem niedrigen Kobalt- und Nickelgehalt und Co:Ni<1). In manchen Gegenden sind Anzeichen dafür vorhanden, daß verhältnismäßig hohe Kobalt- und Selengehalte in Pyriten mit vulkanischen Prozessen zusammenhängen.
The magnitude of shear stress in the lithosphere is bounded from below by the apparent stress and stress drop during intraplate earthquakes. Apparent stresses and stress drops for a number of mid-plate earthquakes are calculated from the earthquake magnitude, SH wave amplitude spectra, and estimates of the length of the fault zone. Apparent stresses vary between 0.1 and 2 bars, ifm b is used as a measure of seismic energy, and stress drops lie between 2 and 70 bars. There is no systematic difference in either apparent stress or stress drop between these intraplate events and typical plate boundary earthquakes. These bounds on intraplate shear stresses are consistent with the inference from current models of plate tectonic driving forces that regional stress differences in the plates are typically on the order of 100 bars. The highest stress drops measured for midplate earthquakes under this model represent nearly total release of local tectonic stress.  相似文献   
Double-couple point-source parameters for 11 of the largest intraplate earthquakes in the northern Indian Ocean during the last 20 y were determined from a formal inversion of long-period P and SH waveforms. Nine of the events have centroid depths at least 17 km below the seafloor, well into the upper mantle; two have centroid depths as great as 39 km. Using the source mechanisms of these earthquakes, we distinguish two major intraplate tectonic provinces in the northern Indian Ocean. To the west of the Ninetyeast Ridge, in the southern Bay of Bengal, intraplate earthquakes have thrust-faulting mechanisms with P axes oriented N-S. The centroid depths of these earthquakes range from 27 to 39 km below the seafloor. Lithospheric shortening in this region is thus accomplished by thrust faulting in the strong core of the oceanic upper mantle, while other geophysical evidence suggests that shallow sedimentary and crustal layers apparently deform predominantly by folding. In the immediate vicinity of the Ninetyeast Ridge, earthquakes display strike-slip mechanisms with left-lateral motion on planes parallel to the ridge. This type of faulting occurs from at least 10°S to the northern end of the Ninetyeast Ridge near 10°N, where the ridge meets the Sunda Arc. Seismic activity diminishes to the east of the Ninetyeast Ridge, but is also characterized by strike-slip faulting. Despite these variations in deformational style, the inferred orientation of greatest compressive stress in the northern Indian Ocean displays a consistent long-wavelength pattern over a large portion of the Indian plate, varying smoothly from nearly N-S in the Bay of Bengal to NW-SE in the northeastern Indian Ocean. This plate-wide stress pattern and the high level of intraplate seismicity in the northern Indian Ocean are likely the results of substantial resistance, along the Himalayan continental collision zone, to the continued northward motion of the western portion of the Indian plate. Oceanic intraplate earthquakes in other regions, where the level of deviatoric stress associated with the long-wavelength part of the stress field is likely to be smaller, need not be comparably reliable indicators of the plate-wide stress field.  相似文献   
At subduction zones that have only recently ceased to be active, the lithospheric slab may retain a seismic velocity greater than that of the surrounding mantle even after the slab becomes seismically dead. To seek the subduction zone thought to have been recently active along the western margin of North America, we examined the variation with propagation direction of P-wave travel time residuals from sources at various distances and azimuths to seismograph stations in Washington and California. The uncertainty in source location and origin time was removed by referring the travel-time delay to a nearby station overlying presumably more uniform mantle. An eastward-dipping band of anomalously early arrivals at several stations on the western flank of the Sierra Nevada and California Cascades may imply that a dead slab is present beneath northern California, though a definitive conclusion is premature at present because of a paucity of seismic sources in eastern North America. The position of the dead slab speculatively suggested by the travel-time data is roughly consistent with that predicted by others on the basis of heat flow and geochemistry in the Sierra Nevada, and the southward decrease in the magnitude of the travel-time advance associated with such a slab is in agreement with the history of subduction of the Farallon plate as reconstructed from ocean floor magnetic anomalies and continental tectonic activity.  相似文献   
Tracing groundwater flow in the Borden aquifer using krypton-85   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Krypton-85 was measured in air, soil gas, and ground water at the Borden aquifer in Ontario in October 1989. The measured specific activities in air and soil gas were 52.0 ± 2.0 and 53.6 ± 1.8 disintegrations per min (dpm) cm−3 krypton. These measurements are in excellent agreement with the global atmospheric trend and demonstrate that krypton-85 enters the water table at the Borden site without a lag in the soil gas reservoir. The krypton-85 specific activity in five groundwater samples ranged from 44.9 to 9.5 dpm cm−3 corresponding to groundwater ages of 2–17 years with a monotonic decrease in specific activity (increase in age) along the groundwater flow path. Travel times calculated from a two-dimensional steady-state model of groundwater flow agree well with the krypton-85 ages in the main recharge region of the aquifer where flow is predominantly vertical, but were 30–40% older than the krypton-85 age downstream of the main recharge area where the flow is mainly horizontal. The effect of dispersion on the distribution of krypton-85 was determined by modelling the transport of krypton-85 in the Borden aquifer with a two-dimensional time-dependent advection dispersion model using the steady-state flow field. Agreement between model specific activity and observed specific activity was excellent for samples in the main recharge region, but the model specific activities were 30–50% lower than observed specific activities in the region of horizontal flow. The differences in travel times and krypton-85 ages and in model krypton-85 and observed krypton-85 specific activities are considered to be small given the heterogeneities that exist in the hydraulic conductivity and aquifer geometry and hence in the groundwater flow field. The model simulated krypton-85 distribution was not sensitive to changes in longitudinal dispersivity and was only weakly sensitive to changes in transverse dispersivity. The geochemical inertness, well-defined source function, and insensitivity to dispersion of krypton-85 allow estimates of groundwater age to be made in a straightforward manner and measurement of krypton-85 can significantly enhance the characterization of groundwater flow in many shallow subsurface systems.  相似文献   
The elementary properties of internal Rossby waves in a horizontally infinite two-layer ocean with a uniform east-west current, apparently not previously reported in the literature, are documented.  相似文献   
Six years of quasi-meridional crossings of the Antarctic Ocean from Antarctica to southern Africa between 4°W and 16°E longitude are analyzed, with emphasis on temperature and salinity distributions. Data are sparse, but (particularly in the southern part of the sections) adequate to show significant variations in the latitude/depth distributions and T-S characteristics of the principal water masses. In particular, the cross-sectional area occupied by Warm Deep Water (Weddell Deep Water) dropped by about one third in 1968. Positions of major features associated with the Antarctic Divergence varied by up to 5 degrees of latitude. The surface temperature gradient often observed at the Antarctic Divergence appears to be the surface expression of a shallow (possibly seasonal) thermocline which sometimes slopes upward to intersect the sea surface. There is a clear need for more closely spaced and consistently planned data from Antarctic cruises, particularly those on which physical oceanography is an ancillary activity. As a bare minimum, much more closely spaced surface temperature (and if possible also salinity) measurements would be useful.  相似文献   
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