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The use of GPS for personal location using wireless devices requires satellite signal measurements both outdoors and indoors. In the outdoor environment propagation paths may range from line-of-sight to shaded or blocked. The indoor environment may range from single-floor wooden constructions to high-rise buildings and underground facilities. In this paper, a high-sensitivity receiver which operates in unaided stand-alone mode is tested under a range of shaded and blocked signal environments, ranging from residential outdoor areas to urban canyons and residential houses. The measurement analysis is performed in both the observation and position domains. The results show that the receiver tested is able to yield measurements with C/N0 degradations in excess of 20 dB-Hz, as compared to line-of-sight measurements. Position results are a function of the geometry of the remaining satellites, which in turn is a function of the environment. Electronic Publication  相似文献   
Green-lipped mussels, Perna viridis, were exposed to 0, 0.3, 3 and 30 micrograms l-1 (nominal concentrations) B[a]P under laboratory conditions over a period of 24 days. Mussels were collected on day 0, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24, and the levels of DNA adducts and DNA strand breaks in their hepatopancreas tissues monitored. Mussels exposed to 0.3 and 3 micrograms l-1 B[a]P showed marked increases in strand breaks after 1 day of exposure. DNA strand break levels in these mussels remained high and significantly different from the control values until day 3 for the 0.3 microgram l-1 treatment group, and day 6 for the 3 micrograms l-1 treatment group. This was followed by a gradual reduction in strand breaks. After 12 days, the levels of both groups had returned to the same level as that of the control. No increase in DNA strand breaks was observable in mussels exposed to 30 micrograms l-1 B[a]P in the first 12 days of exposure, but a significant increase was observed from day 12 to day 24. Increasing B[a]P concentrations resulted in elevated DNA adduct levels after 3-6 days of exposure, but this pattern of dose-related increase disappeared after 12 days. These results indicate that a better understanding of the complex interactions between exposure levels and durations is crucially important before DNA adduct levels and DNA strand breaks in P. viridis can be used as effective biomarkers for monitoring genotoxicants in marine waters.  相似文献   
中国地质调查局天津地质调查中心与黑龙江省地质调查研究总院齐齐哈尔分院合作,在内蒙古霍林郭勒地区发现昌图锡力锰、银、铅、锌多金属矿床。矿床所在大地构造位置为中亚造山带东段,矿床产于中生代白音高老组中发育的北西向破碎蚀变带中。经地表槽探揭露可见7条矿脉沿北西向平行展布。矿体及围岩中仅发现低温蚀变,主要包括硅化、绢云母化、绿泥石化、褐铁矿化及碳酸盐化。根据蚀变矿物类型及矿体强烈受北西向构造控制等特征,初步判断矿床可能为浅成低温热液矿床。在大兴安岭中南段首次发现锰多金属热液矿床,暗示在太平洋构造域控制下,大兴安岭中南段北东向成矿带内部可能存在受北西向构造控制的次级成矿带。  相似文献   
三江源生态保护和建设一期工程生态成效评估   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
基于生态系统结构--服务动态过程趋势分析,针对生态保护与建设工程预期目标,构建了由生态系统结构,质量,服务及其变化因素构成的生态成效评估指标体系,研究发展野外观测,遥感监测和生态过程定量模拟一体化的监测评估技术体系,评估了三江源生态保护和建设一期工程的生态成效.结果表明:工程实施8年以来,三江源区宏观生态状况趋好但尚未达到1970s比较好的生态状况,草地持续退化趋势得到初步遏制但难以达到预期"草地植被盖度提高平均20%~40%"的目标,水体与湿地生态系统整体有所恢复,生态系统水源涵养和流域水供给能力提高,区域水源涵养量达到了增加13.20亿m3目标;重点工程区内生态恢复程度好于非工程区,除了气候影响以外,工程的实施对促进植被恢复具有明显而积极的作用;然而,草地退化局面没有获得根本性扭转,工程实施尚未遏制土壤水蚀增加趋势,一期工程局部性和初步性特点突显出三江源区生态保护任务的长期性和艰巨性.  相似文献   
尚义杂岩是冀西北地区有代表性的变质地质体,由变质表壳岩和侵入岩组成。其中的变质表壳岩曾认为是新太古代晚期蛇绿岩洋壳残片。该区也有红旗营子群存在。我们对尚义黄土窑地区尚义杂岩和红旗营子群不同类型岩石进行了锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年。含石榴黑云斜长片麻岩(HB1410)核部锆石年龄为310~2500Ma,边部变质锆石年龄为255Ma左右。黑云片麻岩(HB1411)和石英岩(HB1415)碎屑锆石年龄都为2.5Ga左右。辉长岩(HB1518)和石英闪长岩(HB1519)岩浆锆石年龄为278~279Ma。根据这些资料和前人研究,该地区的原红旗营子群和尚义杂岩变质表壳岩主体可能不是新太古代地质作用产物,而是形成于晚古生代,由不同时代地质体组成的构造杂岩。不存在所谓的太古宙蛇绿岩残片。晚古生代时期,中亚造山带对华北克拉通北缘的影响十分强烈。  相似文献   
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