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The Rharb basin is located in northwestern Morocco. It is a part of one of the most important hydrogeological basins of Morocco, and extends over some 4000 km2. The nature of its Plio-Quaternary sedimentary fill and its structural and palaeoenvironmental contexts are reflected by great variations in aerial and temporal facies distribution. This distribution, in turn, is a direct cause of the observed complexity in the geometry of potentially water-bearing beds. In the present work, we present an image of potential new hydrogeological reservoirs and define new structures that partially explain their architecture. To cite this article: M. Kili et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   
石漠化给区域发展带来了一系列生态环境和社会经济问题,国家自实施生态治理工程以来,区域石漠化得到一定改善。为探讨生态治理工程实施后石漠化格局变化,研究以滇东南典型喀斯特区域广南县为例,以2000年、2010年和2018年3期遥感影像为数据源,通过人机交互式解译获得石漠化空间分布数据,运用时间变化度、转移矩阵和叠加分析等方法,分析广南县石漠化时空格局演变特征。结果表明:(1)时间变化上,广南县石漠化类型仍以重度石漠化为主,但是石漠化面积总体在不断减少。灌木林地和未利用地石漠化面积最大,其中灌木林地以潜在石漠化为主,未利用地以重度石漠化为主,是石漠化重点治理的用地类型。2000-2010年石漠化转移方向是向无石漠化和相邻等级石漠化转移,2010-2018年主要向低等级石漠化转移;(2)空间分布上,广南县喀斯特区域石漠化南多北少,呈现南重北轻的分布格局,沿篆角乡—黑支果乡—南屏镇南部—八宝镇西南部一线、珠琳镇和五珠乡相邻区域、珠街镇和曙光乡的相邻区域是石漠化集中分布区;(3)19年间,广南县喀斯特南部区域的石漠化大面积改善,而中部及北部区域的石漠化不断恶化。整体而言,退耕还林等生态治理工程的实施,能有效改善喀斯特区域的石漠化状况,使广南县石漠化总面积减少了288.98km2。  相似文献   
This study defines the source area, sub-aerial weathering, and sedimentary cycle level, as well as heavy metal content and origin, of the Çoruh River bed sediments. The studied sediments are geochemically classified as litharenite based on the ratio of the major element contents. Relative to the Upper Continental Crust (UCC), trace elements Rb, Sr, Ba, Th, U, Zr, Hf, Y, Nb, and Pb are generally depleted; Co, Ni, Cu, Sc, and V are generally enriched; and Au is depleted in some places and enriched in other places. The rare earth element (REE) distributions of the samples exhibit a trend similar to that of the upper continental crust (UCC); however, low to moderate depletion occurs in the bed sediments in UCC. The analyzed samples exhibit low Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) values, Plagioclase Index of Alteration (PIA) values (<50), CIA/WIP (Weathering Index ratios <1), and substantially high Index of Compositional Variability values (ICV) (>1). Thus, the samples are not chemically mature and are mainly derived from non-altered sources and were exposed the simple cycling history. REEs are depleted in the river bed sediments, unlike the world river average silt, world river average clay, and suspended sediment in world rivers. Minor enrichment of Zn, Sn, and Sc contents, low-to-moderate enrichment of Cu content, very severe enrichment of as content, and extremely severe enrichment of Ni content of the analyzed samples are observed. Consequently, stream bed sediments are derived from intermediate sources close to mid-continental crust rather than felsic sources Low-to-moderate degrees of chemical weathering of these sediments indicate increased tectonic activity, increased erosion, and rapid sedimentation in semiarid to arid conditions in the source regions over time. Thus, the sediments are chemically immature. These sediments are exposed to lithogenic and anthropogenic contamination.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates a recent record selection and scaling procedure of the authors that can determine the probabilistic structural response of buildings behaving either in the elastic or post‐elastic range. This feature marks a significant strength on the procedure as the probabilistic structural response distribution conveys important information on probability‐based damage assessment. The paper presents case studies that show the utilization of the proposed record selection and scaling procedure as a tool for the estimation of damage states and derivation of site‐specific and region‐specific fragility functions. The method can be used to describe exceedance probabilities of damage limits under a certain target hazard level with known annual exceedance rate (via probabilistic seismic hazard assessment). Thus, the resulting fragility models can relate the seismicity of the region (or a site) with the resulting building performance in a more accurate manner. Under this context, this simple and computationally efficient record selection and scaling procedure can be benefitted significantly by probability‐based risk assessment methods that have started to be considered as indispensable for developing robust earthquake loss models. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This study presents a ground-motion selection and scaling methodology that preserves the basic seismological features of the scaled records with reduced scatter in the nonlinear structural response. The methodology modifies each strong-motion recording with known fundamental seismological parameters using the estimations of ground-motion prediction equations for a given target hazard level. It provides robust estimations on target building response through scaled ground motions and calculates the dispersion about this target. This alternative procedure is not only useful for record scaling and selection but, upon its further refinement, can also be advantageous for the probabilistic methods that assess the engineering demand parameters for a given target hazard level. Case studies that compare the performance of the proposed procedure with some other record selection and scaling methods suggest its usefulness for building performance assessment and loss models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The range of response frequencies for which spectral ordinates obtained from accelerograms may be considered reliable is limited by several factors, primary among them being the effects of filters that are routinely applied to remove noise from the records. Considerable attention has been focused on the low‐frequency limit of the usable spectral ordinates because of various engineering applications requiring long‐period spectral accelerations or displacements but only recently have rational approaches to selecting the high‐frequency limit been proposed. Since there are applications for which the high‐frequency spectral ordinates are important, the approaches to this issue presented in the recent studies are reviewed and their application to the ground‐motion database from Europe and the Middle East is explored. On the basis of the results of these analyses, it is concluded that a large proportion of this dataset can be used to provide reliable estimates of response spectral ordinates at much shorter periods than may have previously been considered feasible. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Low cost adsorbents were prepared from dried plants for the removal of heavy metals, nitrate, and phosphate ions from industrial wastewaters. The efficiency of these adsorbents was investigated using batch adsorption technique at room temperature. The dried plant particles were characterized by N2 at 77 K adsorption, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and phytochemical screening. The adsorption experiments showed that the microparticles of the dried plants presented a good adsorption of heavy metals, phosphate, and nitrate ions from real wastewaters. This adsorption increased with increasing contact time. The equilibrium time was found to be 30 min for heavy metals and nitrate ions and 240 min for phosphate ions. After the adsorption process, the Pb(II) concentrations, as well as those of Cd(II), Cu(II), and Zn(II) were below the European drinking water norms concentrations. The percentage removal of heavy metals, nitrates, and phosphates from industrial wastewaters by dried plants was ~94% for Cd2+, ~92% for Cu2+, ~99% for Pb2+, ~97% for Zn2+, ~100% for ${\rm NO}_{{\rm 3}}^{{-} } $ and ~77% for ${\rm PO}_{{\rm 4}}^{3{-} } $ ions. It is proved that dried plants can be one alternative source for low cost absorbents to remove heavy metals, nitrate, and phosphate ions from municipal and industrial wastewaters.  相似文献   
Continuum model is a useful tool for approximate analysis of tall structures including moment-resisting frames and shear wall-frame systems. In continuum model, discrete buildings are simplified such that their overall behavior is described through the contributions of flexural and shear stiffnesses at the story levels. Therefore, accurate determination of these lateral stiffness components constitutes one of the major issues in establishing reliable continuum models even if the proposed solution is an approximation to actual structural behavior. This study first examines the previous literature on the calculation of lateral stiffness components (i.e. flexural and shear stiffnesses) through comparisons with exact results obtained from discrete models. A new methodology for adapting the heightwise variation of lateral stiffness to continuum model is presented based on these comparisons. The proposed methodology is then extended for estimating the nonlinear global capacity of moment resisting frames. The verifications that compare the nonlinear behavior of real systems with those estimated from the proposed procedure suggest its effective use for the performance assessment of large building stocks that exhibit similar structural features. This conclusion is further justified by comparing nonlinear response history analyses of single-degree-of-freedom (sdof) systems that are obtained from the global capacity curves of actual systems and their approximations computed by the proposed procedure.  相似文献   
In this study, we aim to examine past dry and wet events for the western Anatolia, performing local and spatial reconstructions. 17 new black pine site chronologies were developed, May–June precipitation time series were reconstructed for four localities, and the first spatial May–June precipitation reconstruction was achieved for western Anatolia. The long-term local May–June precipitation reconstructions contain mostly one-year and, less commonly, two-year drought events. The longest consecutive dry period (AD 1925–1928) in the reconstructed time series for Kütahya lasted four years. Spatial reconstructions revealed that between AD 1786 and 1930 the extreme dry years for all of western Anatolia were AD 1887, 1893, 1794 and 1740. The driest year during the 215-year-long period under consideration was 1887. The wettest years for the entire western Anatolia were determined to be AD 1835, 1876, 1881 and 1901. There is a big overlap between agricultural famine years and dry years as determined from reconstructions. In this context, our study provides a basis for understanding agricultural drought and better management of regional water resources.  相似文献   
Li  Yi  Yao  Ning  Sahin  Sinan  Appels  Willemijn M. 《Theoretical and Applied Climatology》2017,129(3-4):1017-1034

Global increases in duration and prevalence of droughts require detailed drought characterization at various spatial and temporal scales. In this study, drought severity in Xinjiang, China was investigated between 1961 and 2012. Using meteorological data from 55 weather stations, the UNEP (1993) index (I A), Erinç’s aridity index (I m), and Sahin’s aridity index (I sh) were calculated at the monthly and annual timescales and compared to the Penman-Monteith based standard precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEIPM). Drought spatiotemporal variability was analyzed for north (NX), south (SX), and entire Xinjiang (EX). I m could not be calculated at 51 stations in winter as T max was below 0. At the monthly timescale, I A, I m, and I sh correlated poorly to SPEIPM because of seasonality and temporal variability, but annual I A, I m, and I sh correlated well with SPEIPM. Annual I A, I m, and I sh showed strong spatial variability. The 15 extreme droughts denoted by monthly SPEIPM occurred in NX but out of phase in SX. Annual precipitation, maximum temperature, and relative and specific humidity increased, while air pressure and potential evapotranspiration decreased over 1961–2012. The resulting increases in the four drought indices indicated that drought severity in Xinjiang decreased, because the local climate became warmer and wetter.

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