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The continental shelf and slope of southern Central Chile have been subject to a number of international as well as Chilean research campaigns over the last 30 years. This work summarizes the geologic setting of the southern Central Chilean Continental shelf (33°S–43°S) using recently published geophysical, seismological, sedimentological and bio-geochemical data. Additionally, unpublished data such as reflection seismic profiles, swath bathymetry and observations on biota that allow further insights into the evolution of this continental platform are integrated. The outcome is an overview of the current knowledge about the geology of the southern Central Chilean shelf and upper slope. We observe both patches of reduced as well as high recent sedimentation on the shelf and upper slope, due to local redistribution of fluvial input, mainly governed by bottom currents and submarine canyons and highly productive upwelling zones. Shelf basins show highly variable thickness of Oligocene-Quaternary sedimentary units that are dissected by the marine continuations of upper plate faults known from land. Seismic velocity studies indicate that a paleo-accretionary complex that is sandwiched between the present, relatively small active accretionary prism and the continental crust forms the bulk of the continental margin of southern Central Chile.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der permische Vulkanismus hat in Sardinien zuerst basische Laven und nur zum Schluß saure Typen gefördert. Echte Ergüsse sind verhältnismäßig selten; lokal ist die Tuff- und Breccienbildung stark entwickelt. In allen Fällen liegen die pyroklastischen Sedimente (Tuffe und Breccien) auf den Konglomeraten, Sandsteinen und Tonen des Rotliegenden und sind am besten in den kleinen Becken des varistischen Festlandes erhalten.
Riassunto Con la venuta del plutone ercinico in Sardegna si stabiliscono condizioni d'ambiente continentale, documentate dalla facies di Verrucano del Permico inferiore.Questi depositi clastici sono più vari e potenti (fino a 200 m circa) entro piccoli bacini lacustri antracitiferi con flora autuniana aWalchia (Rotliegend).I bacini pare coincidano di preferenza con le originarie depressioni sinclinali di quel ciclo orogenetico.Entro questi bacini si incontrano, superiormente interstratificati, tufi e brecce vulcaniche nonchè conglomerati di lava. Dapprima prevalgono lave basiche (porfiriti e andesiti) e la loro eruzione è stata localmente preceduta da violente esplosioni. Le successive eruzioni di porfidi quarziferi sono invece meno frequenti. Lave a pasta felsitica e tessitura fluidale, a cpmposizione riolitica o trachitica, formano più spesso riempimenti di camini vulcanici; solo raramente si notano espandimenti di piccola estensione. Composizione e aspetto di molte di queste lave sono simili ai prodotti del vulcanismo terziario della regione, con i quali potrebbero essere confuse.Le manifestazioni vulcaniche del Permico sono meglio conservate e più evidenti nel settore schistoso (filladi siluriche prevalenti) a S del Gennargentu, dal bacino dell'Alto e Medio Flumendosa fino alla costa del Mare Tirreno (Barbagia, Ogliastra, Gerrei). Ne incontriamo anche sotto la coltre mesozoica nell'entroterra del Golfo di Orosei, a N di Baunei e presso Galtelli. Pure sopra i limitati settori schistosi della Sardegna settentrionale (Nurra e Gallura) si conoscono depositi in facies di Verrucano attraversati e in parte coperti dai porfidi del Permico.Probabilmente sono manifestazioni coeve quelle della Sardegna sud-occidentale, dove però la mancanza di depositi permici a contatto con le lave porfiriche (Iglesiente) e porfiritiche (Sulcis) non acconsente una precisazione cronologica.Certamente pre-permici sono invece i porfidi grigi del Sarrabus e i porfiroidi del Gerrei e di altre parti della Sardegna.
The relationship between atmospheric blocking over Europe and the Atlantic eddy-driven jet stream is investigated in the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and in a climate model. This is carried out using a bidimensional blocking index based on geopotential height and a diagnostic providing daily latitudinal position and strength of the jet stream. It is shown that European Blocking (EB) is not decoupled from the jet stream but it is mainly associated with its poleward displacements. Moreover, the whole blocking area placed on the equatorward side of the jet stream, broadly ranging from Azores up to Scandinavia, emerges as associated with poleward jet displacements. The diagnostics are hence applied to two different climate model simulations in order to evaluate the biases in the jet stream and in the blocking representation. This analysis highlights large underestimation of EB, typical feature of general circulation models. Interestingly, observed blocking and jet biases over the Euro-Atlantic area are consistent with the blocking-jet relationship observed in the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis. Finally, the importance of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) is investigated showing that realistic SSTs can reduce the bias in the jet stream variability but not in the frequency of EB. We conclude highlighting that blocking-related diagnostics can provide more information about the Euro-Atlantic variability than diagnostics simply based on the Atlantic jet stream.  相似文献   
A high-resolution multi-proxy study including the elemental and isotopic composition of bulk organic matter, land plant-derived biomarkers, and alkenone-based sea-surface temperature (SST) from a marine sedimentary record obtained from the Jacaf Fjord in northern Chilean Patagonia (44°20′S) provided a detailed reconstruction of continental runoff, precipitation, and summer SST spanning the last 1750 yr. We observed two different regimes of climate variability in our record: a relatively dry/warm period before 900 cal yr BP (lower runoff and average SST 1°C warmer than present day) and a wet/cold period after 750 cal yr BP (higher runoff and average SST 1°C colder than present day). Relatively colder SSTs were found during 750–600 and 450–250 cal yr BP, where the latter period roughly corresponds to the interval defined for the Little Ice Age (LIA). Similar climatic swings have been observed previously in continental and marine archives of the last two millennia from central and southern Chile, suggesting a strong latitudinal sensitivity to changes in the Southern Westerly Winds, the main source of precipitation in southern Chile, and validating the regional nature of the LIA. Our results reveal the importance of the Chilean fjord system for recording climate changes of regional and global significance.  相似文献   
An increasing number of seismological studies indicate that slabs of subducted lithosphere penetrate the Earth's lower mantle below some island arcs but are deflected, or, rather, laid down, in the transition zone below others. Recent numerical simulations of mantle flow also advocate a hybrid form of mantle convection, with intermittent layering. We present a multi-disciplinary analysis of slab morphology and mantle dynamics in which we account explicitly for the history of subduction below specific island arcs in an attempt to understand what controls lateral variations in slab morphology and penetration depth. Central in our discussion are the Izu-Bonin and Mariana subduction zones. We argue that the differences in the tectonic evolution of these subduction zones—in particular the amount and rate of trench migration—can explain why the slab of subducted oceanic lithosphere seems to be (at least temporarily) stagnant in the Earth's transition zone below the Izu-Bonin arc but penetrates into the lower mantle below the Mariana arc. We briefly speculate on the applicability of our model of the temporal and spatial evolution of slab morphology to other subduction zones. Although further investigation is necessary, our tentative model shows the potential for interpreting seismic images of slab structure by accounting for the plate-tectonic history of the subduction zones involved. We therefore hope that the ideas outlined here will stimulate and direct new research initiatives.  相似文献   
Efficiency of hydrological models mostly depends on the quality of the calibration performed prior to use. In this paper, an automatic calibration framework for the distributed hydrological model HYDROTEL is proposed. The calibration procedure was performed for three watersheds characterized with different hydroclimatological conditions: the Sassandra located in Ivory Coast, Africa, and the Montmorency and Beaurivage watersheds located in Quebec (Canada). Results of one‐a‐time (OAT) sensitivity analysis showed that the order of the most sensitive parameters differs for each watershed. Thus, the sensitivity depends on the hydroclimatic and physiographic characteristics of the watersheds. Co‐linearity indices showed that all model parameters were identifiable, that is, none of the studied parameters could be explained by a combination of the other parameters. Following these findings, an automatic calibration was run. Results indicated there was good agreement between simulated and measured streamflows at the outlet of each watershed; Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) ranging between 0.77 and 0.92 and R2 ranging from 0.87 to 0.97. When comparing NSE and R2 values obtained using a process‐oriented, multiple‐objective, manual calibration strategy, a slight increase in model efficiency was reached with the automatic calibration procedure (4.15% for NSE and 2.95% for R2) improving predictions of peak flows for the Montmorency and Beaurivage watersheds (temperate climate conditions) and flows beyond the rainfall season in the Sassandra watershed. The proposed automatic calibration procedure introduced in this paper may be applied to other distributed hydrological model. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A high-resolution sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity reconstruction on a sedimentary record collected at 36°S off central-south Chile (GeoB 7165-1, 36°33′S, 73°40′W, 797 m water depth, core length 750 cm) indicates that paleoceanographic conditions changed abruptly between 18 and 17 ka. Comparative analysis of several cores along the Chilean continental margin (30°–41°S) suggests that the onset and the pattern of deglacial warming was not uniform off central-south Chile due to the progressive southward migration of the Southern Westerlies and local variations in upwelling. Marine productivity augmented rather abruptly at 13–14 ka, well after the oceanographic changes. We suggest that the late deglacial increase in paleoproductivity off central-south Chile reflects the onset of an active upwelling system bringing nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor Equatorial Subsurface Water to the euphotic zone, and a relatively higher nutrient load of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the Last Glacial Maximum, when the Southern Westerlies were located further north, productivity off central-south Chile, in contrast to off northern Chile, was reduced due to direct onshore-blowing winds that prevented coastal upwelling and export production.  相似文献   
We present a study of the outflow velocity of the fast wind in the northern polar coronal hole observed on 21 May 1996, during the minimum of solar activity, in the frame of a joint observing program of the SOHO (Solar Heliospheric Observatory) mission. The outflow velocity is inferred from an analysis of the Doppler dimming of the intensities of the Ovi 1032, 1037 and Hi L 1216 lines observed between 1.5 R and 3.5 R with the Ultraviolet Coronagraph Spectrometer (UVCS), operating onboard SOHO. The analysis shows that for a coronal plasma characterized by low density, as derived for a polar hole at solar minimum by Guhathakurta et al. (1999), and low temperature, as directly measured at the base of this coronal hole by David et al. (1998), the oxygen outflow speed derived spectroscopically is consistent with that implied by the proton flux conservation. The hydrogen outflow is also consistent with flux conservation if the deviation from isotropy of the velocity distribution of the hydrogen atoms is negligible. Hence, for this cool and tenuous corona, the oxygen ions and neutral hydrogen atoms flow outward roughly at the same speed, which increases from 40 km s–1 at 1.5 R to 360 km s–1 at 3.1 R , with an average acceleration of the order of 4.5×103 cm s–2. The highly anisotropic velocity distributions of the Ovi ions found in the analysis confirm that the process which is heating the oxygen ions acts preferentially across the magnetic field.  相似文献   
The compositional variation of clinopyroxene and the partitioning of major elements between clinopyroxene and melt are estimated as a function of the cooling rate. Clinopyroxenes were crystallized under variable cooling regimes (15, 9.4, 3, 2.1, and 0.5 °C/min from 1250 down to 1000 °C) and at isothermal conditions of 1000 °C from a basaltic composition at a pressure of 500 MPa under anhydrous and hydrous (H2O = 1.3 wt.%) conditions. The clinopyroxene chemistry shows that, as the cooling rate increases, crystals are progressively depleted in Ca, Mg, Fe2+ and Si and enriched in Na, Fe3+, Al (mainly AlIV), and Ti. Di and Hd versus CaTs and CaFeTs form a continuous binary solid solution characterized by higher amounts of tschermakitic components with increasing cooling rate. Two parameters (DH = Di + Hd and TE = CaTs + CaFeTs + En) are calculated to describe the effect of cooling rate on the clinopyroxene composition. The variation of DH/TE with increasing cooling rate evidences the kinetic process induced by rapid cooling in basic rocks under hydrous and anhydrous conditions.Dynamic crystallization conditions affect the partitioning of major elements between clinopyroxene and melt; with increasing cooling rate, the value of crystal–melt partition coefficient departs from that obtained at the isothermal condition. However, in spite of these variations, the values of cpx–meltKdFe–Mg remain almost constant. Therefore, the Fe2–Mg exchange between clinopyroxene and melt is not suitable to prove the (dis)equilibrium conditions in basaltic cooling magmas, giving rise to possible mismatches in the application of thermobarometers. The results of our study are consistent with that observed at the margin of dikes or in the exterior portions of lavas, where the cooling rate is maximized and disequilibrium compositions of clinopyroxene have been found.  相似文献   
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