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In the Ligurian Alps, the Barbassiria massif (a Variscan basement unit of the Briançonnais domain) is made up of orthogneisses derived from K‐rich rhyolite protoliths and minor rhyolite dykes. However, on account of subsequent Alpine deformation and a related blueschist facies metamorphic overprint that are pervasive within the Barbassiria Orthogneisses, little evidence of the earlier Variscan metamorphism is preserved. In this study, new U–Pb laser ablation–inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (LA–ICP–MS) dating of zircon from the Barbassiria Orthogneisses and dykes was undertaken to unravel the relationships between protolith magmatism and the Variscan metamorphic overprint. The results suggest a protolith age for the Barbassiria Orthogneisses of ~315–320 Ma (i.e., Early/Late Carboniferous), and constrain the age of a subsequent rhyolite dyke emplacement event to 260.2 ± 3.1 Ma (i.e., Late Permian). The Variscan high‐temperature (greenschist–amphibolite facies) metamorphic event that affected the Barbassiria Orthogneisses was likely associated with both tectonic burial and compression during the final stages of the Variscan collision during the Late Carboniferous period. Emplacement of late‐stage rhyolite dykes that cut the Barbassiria Orthogneisses is linked to a diffuse episode of Late Permian rhyolite volcanism that is commonly observed in the Ligurian Alps. The age of this dyke emplacement event followed a ~10–15 Ma Mid‐Permian gap in the volcano‐sedimentary cover sequence of the Ligurian Alps, and represents the post‐orogenic stage in this segment of the Variscides. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Peloritani Mountains are a fragment of an orogen variably attributed to the Alpine or Hercynian orogeny. On the basis of 39Ar-40Ar, U-Pb and Rb-Sr dating, the main metamorphism of the two medium–high grade metamorphic units, the Mela and Aspromonte Units, and most of the thrusting responsible for stacking the orogenic edifice are seen to be Hercynian. The main thrusting of the Aspromonte Unit over the lower grade units took place at 301±2 Ma. Brittle deformation during Tertiary reactivation of Hercynian thrust planes did not generate any rejuvenation of white micas in the studied sector. Our dataset shows a great complexity and we propose to unravel it by considering different levels of information. To first order, the Mela and Aspromonte Units differ in their metamorphic paths and their geochronological evolution. The Mela Unit shows generally younger ages (Carboniferous) than the Aspromonte Unit and, unlike the latter, was extensively retrogressed in greenschist facies. The Aspromonte Unit is itself geochronologically heterogeneous. Proterozoic ages are preserved both in titanite and in amphibole relics of one tectonic subunit; Devonian to Carboniferous amphibole ages are found in different other subunits; tertiary overprint is minor and spatially limited. We propose to consider the chronologically heterogeneous subunits as accreted pre-Hercynian terranes amalgamated late during the Hercynian orogeny. Micas in both units give scattered Mesozoic 39Ar-40Ar and Rb-Sr ages, with evidence for heterochemical mica generations. We interpret them as a result of widespread hydrothermal circulation event(s). Tertiary overprint is generally absent, with the exception of a small area near Messina where biotite and muscovite underwent a complex recrystallisation history in the interval between 48 and 61 Ma.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
The aim of this paper was to analyse water dynamics in the soil from tensiometer data in two different plots, one with bare soil and another with geotextiles and grass, correlating the information generated in the study concerning biotextile efficiency in soil moisture maintenance, which is essential to vegetation development and to the recovery from and control of erosion. Tensiometers were installed on the bare soil and grass plots at different depths (15, 30, 80 and 120 cm), and the respective readings were taken with a digital tensimeter. Water dynamics inside the soil can be demonstrated by matric potential data from pressure differences. A large difference between the bare soil and grass plots was demonstrated by matric potential medium values at depths of 15, 30, 80 and 120 cm during monitoring.  相似文献   
We conduct shear wave splitting measurements on waveform data from the Hi-net and the broadband F-net seismic stations in Kanto and SW Japan generated by shallow and intermediate-depth earthquakes occurring in the subducting Philippine Sea and Pacific slabs. We obtain 1115 shear wave splitting parameter pairs. The results are divided into those from the shallow (depth < 50 km) and the deep (depth > 50 km) events. The deep events beneath Kanto are further divided into PHS1 and PHS2 (upper and lower planes of the double seismic zone in the Philippine Sea slab, respectively), PAC1 and PAC2 (western and eastern Pacific slab, respectively) events. The results from the shallow events represent the crustal anisotropy, and their fast directions are more or less aligned in the σHmax directions, implying that the anisotropy is produced by the alignment of the vertical cracks in the crust induced by the compressive stresses. In Kanto, Kii Peninsula and Kyushu regions, the results from the deep events suggest a contribution from the mantle wedge anisotropy. Events from all groups beneath Kanto show NW, NE and EW fast directions. This complex pattern seems to be produced by the corner flows induced by both the WNW PAC plate subduction and the oblique NNW PHS slab subduction with the associated olivine lattice-preferred orientations (LPOs), and the anisotropy frozen in the PHS slab. The deep events beneath Kii Peninsula show NE and NW fast directions and may be produced by the corner flow produced by the NNW PHS slab subduction with the associated olivine LPOs. The NE directions might also be produced by the segregated melts in the thin layers parallel to the PHS slab subduction. The deep events beneath N Kyushu show NNW fast directions, which may result from the southeastward flow in the upper mantle inferred from the stresses in the upper plate. Results from the deep events beneath middle-south Kyushu show dominantly E–W fast directions, in both the fore- and back-arcs. They may be produced by the corner flow of the westward PHS slab subduction with the olivine LPOs. Because the source regions with multiple fast directions are not resolved in this study, further detailed analyses of shear wave splitting are necessary for a better understanding of the stress state, the induced mantle flow, and the melt-segregation processes.  相似文献   
Observations of the solar corona in the FeXIV 530.3 nm “green line” have been very important in the past, and are planned for future coronagraphs on-board forthcoming space missions such as PROBA-3 and Aditya. For these instruments, a very important parameter to be optimized is the spectral width of the band-pass filter to be centred over the “green line”. Focusing on solar eruptions, motions occurring along the line of sight will Doppler shift the line profiles producing an emission that will partially fall out of the narrower pass-band, while broader pass-band will provide observations with reduced spectral purity. To address these issues, we performed numerical (MHD) simulation of CME emission in the “green line” and produced synthetic images assuming 4 different widths of the pass-band (Δλ = 20 Å, 10 Å, 5 Å, and 2 Å). It turns out that, as expected, during solar eruptions a significant fraction of “green line” emission will be lost using narrower filters; on the other hand these images will have a higher spectral purity and will contain emission coming from parcels of plasma expanding only along the plane of the sky. This will provide a better definition of single filamentary features and will help isolating single slices of plasma through the eruption, thus reducing the problem of superposition of different features along the line of sight and helping physical interpretation of limb events. For these reasons, we suggest to use narrower band passes (Δλ ≤ 2 Å) for the observations of solar eruptions with future coronagraphs.  相似文献   
Abstract— We performed a comprehensive study of the He, Ne, and Ar isotopic abundances and of the chemical composition of bulk material and components of the H chondrites Dhajala, Bath, Cullison, Grove Mountains 98004, Nadiabondi, Ogi, and Zag, of the L chondrites Grassland, Northwest Africa 055, Pavlograd, and Ladder Creek, of the E chondrite Indarch, and of the C chondrites Hammadah al Hamra 288, Acfer 059, and Allende. We discuss a procedure and necessary assumptions for the partitioning of measured data into cosmogenic, radiogenic, implanted, and indigenous noble gas components. For stone meteorites, we derive a cosmogenic ratio 20Ne/22Ne of 0.80 ± 0.03 and a trapped solar 4He/3He ratio of 3310 ± 130 using our own and literature data. Chondrules and matrix from nine meteorites were analyzed. Data from Dhajala chondrules suggest that some of these may have experienced precompaction irradiation by cosmic rays. The other chondrules and matrix samples yield consistent cosmic‐ray exposure (CRE) ages within experimental errors. Some CRE ages of some of the investigated meteorites fall into clusters typically observed for the respective meteorite groups. Only Bath's CRE age falls on the 7 Ma double‐peak of H chondrites, while Ogi's fits the 22 Ma peak. The studied chondrules contain trapped 20Ne and 36Ar concentrations in the range of 10?6–10?9 cm3 STP/g. In most chondrules, trapped Ar is of type Q (ordinary chondritic Ar), which suggests that this component is indigenous to the chondrule precursor material. The history of the Cullison chondrite is special in several respects: large fractions of both CR‐produced 3He and of radiogenic 4He were lost during or after parent body breakup, in the latter case possibly by solar heating at small perihelion distances. Furthermore, one of the matrix samples contains constituents with a regolith history on the parent body before compaction. It also contains trapped Ne with a 20Ne/22Ne ratio of 15.5 ± 0.5, apparently fractionated solar Ne.  相似文献   
Integration of landform and structural analysis allowed the identification of Late Pleistocene–Holocene pulses of tectonic activity in the Campos do Jordão Plateau with ages and regimes similar to the ones from the continental rift. Fault reactivation along Precambrian shear zones give rise to a series of conspicuous morphotectonic features, determine the formation of stream piracy phenomena, and divide the plateau into smaller blocks. Recognition of these tectonic pulses as well as of their effects in landform development—particularly clear on the Campos de São Francisco at the highest area of the SE edge of the plateau—show that besides the climate-related Quaternary environmental changes significant neotectonic instability should be considered in the geomorphic evolution of the Campos do Jordão Plateau.  相似文献   
In order to apply the mechanical properties (measured on material specimens or laboratory‐sized models) to large structures (such as concrete dams), a non‐linear theory able to predict the size‐scale effect has to be used. One of these theories was first proposed by Hillerborg and co‐workers (fictitious crack model) and is based on the earlier works by Barenblatt and Dugdale for metals (cohesive crack model). It is based on the existence of a fracture process zone (FPZ), where the material undergoes strain softening. The behaviour of the material outside the FPZ is linear elastic. A large number of short‐time laboratory tests were executed, by varying the load, under crack mouth opening displacement control. Since concrete exhibits a time‐dependent behaviour, an interaction between creep and micro‐crack growth occurs in the FPZ. Therefore, different testing conditions can be applied: rupture can be achieved by keeping the load constant before peak value (pre‐peak tests), or after peak value and after an unloading and reloading procedure (post‐peak tests). The crack propagation rate is shown to be small enough to neglect inertial forces and large enough to keep the time‐dependent behaviour of the process zone as dominant compared to the behaviour of the undamaged and viscoelastic zone. Due to the variability in material microstructure from one specimen to another, experimental data show large ranges of scatter. Well established methods in probability theory require sufficient experimental data in order to assume a probability density distribution. The objective of this study is to investigate the ranges of variation of the time response under constant load in simple structural elements associated with pre‐selected variation (fuzziness) in the main material parameters. For situations where the values of the material parameters are of a non‐stochastic nature, the fuzzy set approach to modelling variability has been proposed as a better and more natural approach. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We study earthquakes in and near the TTT type triple junction off Boso peninsula, central Honshu, to elucidate the plate interaction in this area. The Pacific, North America (northeast Japan) and Philippine Sea plates meet at the junction of the Japan and Izu-Bonin Trenches, and the Sagami Trough. We determine focal mechanisms using WWSSN data. We also determine accurate focal depths by modeling body-waves. There is no serious trade-off between focal depth and source time function for the events treated in this study.The earthquake mechanisms and their focal depths show two major modes of deformation of the Pacific slab at the junction. One mode is represented by nearly vertical normal faults with strikes perpendicular to the Bonin Trench. This mode of faulting is dominant in regions south of the junction and characteristically the southwest block is downthrown. The other mode is represented by nearly vertical normal faults that strike parallel to the Japan Trench and indicate the northwest block is downthrown. This latter mode is dominant in regions north of the junction. The former mode may represent the accommodation of the slab geometry to the change in dip angle between the northeast Japan and Izu-Bonin arcs; the Izu-Bonin slab has a larger dip than that of the northeast Japan slab. The latter mode shows that normal faults parallel to the trench strike, usually seen in trench axis-outer rise regions, continue to occur further landward of the trench axis in the area just north of the junction. This might be caused by the loading of the Philippine Sea slab which penetrates between northeast Japan and the Pacific slab north of the Sagami Trough.Further north of these normal faults north of the junction, we find earthquakes which represent the relative motion between the Pacific and North American plates. This means that the Philippine Sea slab does not exist there. With the aid of earthquakes which represent the Philippine Sea-Pacific and Philippine Sea-North America motions located northwest of the normal faults, we can depict a possible area where the Philippine Sea slab exists north of the Sagami Trough.  相似文献   
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