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Integrated studies and revisions of sedimentary basins and associated magmatism in Peru and Bolivia (8–22°S) show that this part of western Gondwana underwent rifting during the Late Permian–Middle Jurassic interval. Rifting started in central Peru in the Late Permian and propagated southwards into Bolivia until the Liassic/Dogger, along an axis that coincides with the present Eastern Cordillera. Southwest of this region, lithospheric thinning developed in the Early Jurassic and culminated in the Middle Jurassic, producing considerable subsidence in the Arequipa basin of southern Peru. This 110-Ma-long interval of lithospheric thinning ended 160 Ma with the onset of Malm–earliest Cretaceous partial rift inversion in the Eastern Cordillera area.The lithospheric heterogeneities inherited from these processes are likely to have largely influenced the distribution and features of younger compressional and/or transpressional deformations. In particular, the Altiplano plateau corresponds to a paleotectonic domain of “normal” lithospheric thickness that was bounded by two elongated areas underlain by thinned lithosphere. The high Eastern Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia results from Late Oligocene–Neogene intense inversion of the easternmost thinned area.  相似文献   
The optical characteristics of a black water river estuary from the north coast of Scotland were examined in the filtered (0.4 µm), ultrafiltered (5 kDa) and colloid-enriched fractions of estuarine samples. The samples were collected over the full salinity range during a period when the pH was relatively constant (8.2–8.5) throughout the estuary, allowing the influence of salinity on estuarine colloidal processes to be distinguished. The properties examined in the bulk, the low molecular weight (LMW) and the colloidal fraction (HMW) were UV–visible absorption, 3-D fluorescence excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectrum, inorganic and organic carbon, mean size (by dynamic light scattering), and size distribution by flow field-flow fractionation analysis (FlFFF). The combined results of these analyses support the view that river-borne, humic-rich colloids underwent two types of transformation upon mixing with the seawater end member. The first one resulted in an apparent increase in the abundance of LMW constituents and may be explained by coiling of the individual humic macromolecules. The second one resulted in an increase in the mean size measured in both the lower and higher colloidal size ranges, and may be explained by aggregation of colloids to form entities that were still mostly colloidal i.e., smaller than 0.4 µm. The LMW contribution to the bulk optical properties increased with increasing salinity. Very similar findings were obtained from simulated mixing experiments using a Nordic Reference NOM extract as a source of freshwater colloids. This indicates that changes in the molecular architecture and molar mass of river-borne colloids—not changes in their chemical nature—were responsible for the observed variations in the spectral characteristics of CDOM in this estuary.  相似文献   
Humans perceive and evaluate environments affectively. Some places are experienced as unsafe, while some others as attractive and interesting. These affective responses to environments influence people’s daily behavior and decision-making in space, e.g., choosing which route to take, or which place to visit. In this article, we report on a methodology of using people’s affective responses to environments for enhancing computer-based route planning. More specifically, we explore a crowdsourcing approach to model and collect people’s affective responses to environments; an Affect-Space-Model and a mobile application are developed to facilitate this crowdsourcing approach; a routing algorithm (named AffectRoute) is then proposed to aggregate and integrate the collected data for automatic route planning. Evaluation with human participants shows that the routes generated by considering people’s affective responses to environments are significantly preferred over the conventional shortest ones, which are employed in car navigation systems and many online route planners. In conclusion, considering people’s affective responses to environments contributes to the improvement of automatic route planning. The proposed method can be integrated into existing route-planning services (e.g., location-based services) to provide users with more satisfying routing results.  相似文献   
The eastern edge of the Djerba Island represents an important tourist pole. However, studies describing the environmental processes affecting this Island are scarce. Although never studied before, the peculiar Djerba lagoon is well known by the local population and by tourists. In July 2014, surface sediment and seawater samples were collected in this lagoon to measure grain size, organic matter content and living foraminiferal assemblages to describe environmental conditions. Seawater samples were also collected and the concentration of 17 chemical elements were measured by ICP-OES. The results show that a salinity gradient along the studied transect clearly impacts seagrass distribution, creating different environmental conditions inside the Djerba lagoon. Biotic and abiotic parameters reflect a transitional environment from hypersaline to normal marine conditions. Living benthic foraminifera show an adaptation to changing conditions within the different parts of the lagoon. In particular, the presence of Ammonia spp. and Haynesina depressula correlates with hypersaline waters, whilst Brizalina striatula characterizes the parts of the lagoon colonized by seagrass. Epifaunal species, such as Rosalina vilardeboana and Amphistegina spp. colonize hard substrata present at the transition between the lagoon and the open sea.  相似文献   
Numerous studies have shown that most beaches and coastal dune systems of the world are currently eroding but very few have investigated the combined sediment budgets of subaerial and nearshore submarine systems. In the case of the dune field of the Maspalomas Natural Special Reserve (in the south of Gran Canaria), the adjacent Maspalomas and El Inglés beaches and the adjacent submarine platform, the sediment budgets have been severely affected by erosion over the past few decades. The objectives of this study were to investigate the availability of sand within the modern sedimentary system, including the coastal dunes, the beaches and the submerged shelf, but also to assess local sediment sinks. An isopach map generated on the basis of topo-bathymetric data and seismic-reflection profiles revealed that sediment thickness varies from 0–22 m in the study area. Expanses of relatively low sediment thickness were identified in the south-western sector of the coastal dune field along Maspalomas beach, and in the nearshore region to the south of this beach. These localized sediment-deficit areas earmark Maspalomas beach as the most vulnerable shore strip threatened by erosion. The shallow seismic data also revealed that the submarine platform south of Maspalomas represents a marine terrace cut into an ancient alluvial fan, thus documenting an influence of the geomorphological heritage on the present-day morphodynamics. A side-scan sonar mosaic of this nearshore platform enabled the delimitation of areas covered by rock, boulders and gravel, vegetated sand patches and a mobile sand facies, the latter including ripple and megaripple fields. The megaripple field in a valley close to the talus of the marine terrace has been identified as a major sediment sink of the Maspalomas sedimentary system. It is fed by south-westerly storm-wave events. The sediment deficit in the coastal dune field and along Maspalomas beach can therefore only be explained by a currently faster loss of sediment to an offshore sink than can be compensated by the supply of sand from outside the system.  相似文献   
Based on studies of sediment accumulations deposited from-and erode by-alongslope flowing ocean currents on the European continental margin from Porcupine (Ireland) to Lofoten (Norway), the evolution of the Cenozoic paleocirculation was reconstructed as part of the STRATAGEM project. There is evidence of ocean current-controlled erosion and deposition in the Rockall Trough, in the Faeroe-Shetland Channel and on the Vøring Plateau since the late Eocene, although the circulation pattern remains ambiguous. The late Palaeogene flow in the Rockall Trough was almost probably driven by southerly-derived Tethyan Outflow Water. The extent and strength of any northerly-derived flow is uncertain. From the early Neogene (early-mid-Miocene), there was a massive regional expansion of contourite drift development both in the North Atlantic and in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea. This was most probably related to the development of the Faroe Conduit, the opening of the Fram Strait and the general subsidence of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. These may have combined to cause a considerable acceleration in the exchange and overflow of deep waters between the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. An early late Neogene (late early Pliocene) regional erosional event has been ascribed to a vigorous pulse of bottom-current activity, most probably the result of a global reorganisation of ocean currents associated with the closure of the Central American Seaway. During the late Neogene, contourites and sediment drifts developed in deep-water basins, between units of glacigenic sediments as well as infill of several paleo-slide scars. These sediments were derived from areas of bottom-current erosion as well as from the development of Plio-Pleistocene prograding sediment wedges, incorporating the extensive sediment supply derived from shelf-wide ice sheets. Presently a profound winnowing prevails along the shelf and upper slope due to the inflowing currents of Atlantic water. Depocentres of sediments derived from the winnowing are located (locally) in lower slope embayments and in slide scars.  相似文献   
The deleterious effect of moisture in the microstructure of asphalt mixtures, usually referred to as moisture damage, has been recognized as a main cause of early deterioration of asphalt pavements. The initiation and evolution of moisture‐related deterioration is strongly influenced by the internal air void structure of asphalt mixtures. Despite its importance, the majority of works conducted on the micromechanical modeling of asphalt mixtures overlook the role of the air void structure, mainly because of its high complexity and variability. This paper explores the influence of air void variability on the performance of asphalt mixtures subjected to moisture diffusion processes. A stochastic modeling technique based on random field theory was used to generate internal distributions of physical and mechanical properties of the asphalt matrix of the mixture that depend on probable air voids distributions. The analysis was conducted by means of a coupled numerical micromechanical model of moisture damage. The results showed that the variability and distribution of air voids are decisive in determining the moisture‐dependent performance of asphalt mixtures. Furthermore, it was also shown that a stochastic characterization of the diverse air void configurations is a feasible and useful approach to better represent and understand mechanically related deterioration processes in asphalt mixtures. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper documents the glaciovolcanic landsystem of the Brekknafjöll–Jarlhettur ridge in Central Iceland. Glaciolacustrine diamict is found beneath, and in association with, a complex assemblage of pillow lava, lava breccias and hyaloclastites. Three depositional environments are identified: glaciolacustrine fan, pillow lava dome, and hyaloclastite fan. These subaqueous environments occurred both simultaneously and at different times along the volcanic fissures which underlie the ridge and have given rise to a complex facies architecture. This facies architecture provides evidence that the ridge evolved in a time transgressive fashion during several episodes of volcanism, some of which may have been punctuated by periods of ice erosion. Associated with the ridge are large-diapiric folds in diamict and gravel which form by the loading and lateral displacement of saturated diamict beneath the developing volcanic pile. A depositional model is presented which emphasises the glaciolacustrine component and the time transgressive nature of the glaciovolcanic landsystem. Much of the eruption occurred in subglacial to englacial lakes or vaults, which were probably linked by water and sediment exchange. The initial subglacial vaults appear to have extended beyond the fissure limits and were infilled by glaciolacustrine diamicts, subaqueous outwash and the eruption of pillow lava. This was followed by the eruption of hyaloclastite sand and breccia forming an elongated fan.  相似文献   
We describe the quantitative and compositional (phytopigment, protein, carbohydrate and lipid) patterns of sedimentary organic matter along bathymetric gradients in seven submarine canyons and adjacent open slopes located at four European regions: one along the NE Atlantic and three along the Mediterranean continental margins. The investigated areas are distributed along a putative longitudinal gradient of decreasing primary production from the Portuguese (northeastern Atlantic Ocean), to the Catalan (western Mediterranean Sea), Southern Adriatic (central Mediterranean Sea) and Southern Cretan (eastern Mediterranean Sea) margins. Sediment concentrations of organic matter differed significantly between the Portuguese margin and the Mediterranean regions and also from one study area to the other within the Mediterranean Sea. Differences in quantity and composition of sediment organic matter between canyons and open slopes were limited and significant only in the eutrophic Portuguese margin, where the differences were as large as those observed between regions (i.e. at the mesoscale). These results suggest that the overall trophic status of deep margin sediments is controlled mostly by the primary productivity of the overlying waters rather than by the local topography. Moreover, we also report that the quantity and nutritional quality of sediment organic matter in canyons and adjacent open slopes do not show any consistent depth-related pattern. Only the Nazaré and Cascais canyons in the Portuguese margin, at depths deeper than 500 m, displayed a significant accumulation of labile organic matter. The results of our study underline the need of further investigations of deep margins through sampling strategies accounting for adequate temporal and spatial scales of variability.  相似文献   
Analysis of living (Rose Bengal-stained) benthic foraminifera in 13 multicorer samples taken along the Cap Breton canyon (Bay of Biscay) revealed that the combination of organic-rich material and sediment instability provides very specific benthic ecosystem conditions. The active canyon hosts different foraminiferal assemblages that appear to be determined by different types and frequencies of environmental disturbance at the sites. Most of them are strongly dominated by shallow-infaunal living taxa that combine a tolerance for low-quality organic matter with a high reproductive potential. Foraminiferal assemblages characterized by high densities, very superficially living taxa and strong dominance of bolivinids and buliminids, follow a poor pioneer fauna dominated by Technitella melo. These assemblages are observed in the narrow canyon axis, where frequent sediment resuspension occurs and affects habitat stability. Assemblages studied from sites outside the canyon axis are still dominated by shallow-infaunal species but show lower foraminiferal densities and higher diversities. Deep-infaunal taxa are only present in some inner meanders and more distal stations. These assemblages are typical for ecological niches that are relatively stable and unaffected by re-sedimentation processes. They have attained a more advanced stage of ecosystem stability. They are influenced by neither lateral sediment nor enriched organic matter input.  相似文献   
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