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We measured specific activities of the long‐lived cosmogenic radionuclides 60Fe in 28 iron meteorites and 53Mn in 41 iron meteorites. Accelerator mass spectrometry was applied at the 14 MV Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility at ANU Canberra for all samples except for two which were measured at the Maier‐Leibnitz Laboratory, Munich. For the large iron meteorite Twannberg (IIG), we measured six samples for 53Mn. This work doubles the number of existing individual 60Fe data and quadruples the number of iron meteorites studied for 60Fe. We also significantly extended the entire 53Mn database for iron meteorites. The 53Mn data for the iron meteorite Twannberg vary by more than a factor of 30, indicating a significant shielding dependency. In addition, we performed new model calculations for the production of 60Fe and 53Mn in iron meteorites. While the new model is based on the same particle spectra as the earlier model, we no longer use experimental cross sections but instead use cross sections that were calculated using the latest version of the nuclear model code INCL. The new model predictions differ substantially from results obtained with the previous model. Predictions for the 60Fe activity concentrations are about a factor of 2 higher, for 53Mn, they are ~30% lower, compared to the earlier model, which gives now a better agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   
We report on the discovery of a new shergottite from Tunisia, Ksar Ghilane (KG) 002. This single stone, weighing 538 g, is a coarse‐grained basaltic shergottite, mainly composed of maskelynitized plagioclase (approximately 52 vol%) and pyroxene (approximately 37 vol%). It also contains Fe‐rich olivine (approximately 4.5 vol%), large Ca‐phosphates, including both merrillites and Cl‐apatites (approximately 3.4 vol%), minor amounts of silica or SiO2‐normative K‐rich glass, pyrrhotite, Ti‐magnetite, ilmenite, and accessory baddeleyite. The largest crystals of pyroxene and plagioclase reach sizes of approximately 4 to 5 mm. Pyroxenes (Fs26–96En5–50Wo2–41). They typically range from cores of about Fs29En41Wo30 to rims of about Fs68En14Wo17. Maskelynite is Ab41–49An39–58Or1–7 in composition, but some can be as anorthitic as An93. Olivine (Fa91–96) occurs mainly within symplectitic intergrowths, in paragenesis with ilmenite, or at neighboring areas of symplectites. KG 002 is heavily shocked (S5) as indicated by mosaic extinction of pyroxenes, maskelynitized plagioclase, the occurrence of localized shock melt glass pockets, and low radiogenic He concentration. Oxygen isotopes confirm that it is a normal member of the SNC suite. KG 002 is slightly depleted in LREE and shows a positive Eu anomaly, providing evidence for complex magma genesis and mantle processes on Mars. Noble gases with a composition thought to be characteristic for Martian interior is a dominant component. Measurements of 10Be, 26Al, and 53Mn and comparison with Monte Carlo calculations of production rates indicate that KG 002 has been exposed to cosmic rays most likely as a single meteoroid body of 35–65 cm radius. KG 002 strongly resembles Los Angeles and NWA 2800 basaltic shergottites in element composition, petrography, and mineral chemistry, suggesting a possible launch‐pairing. The similar CRE ages of KG 002 and Los Angeles may suggest an ejection event at approximately 3.0 Ma.  相似文献   
EFFECTOFRIVERBEDWIDTHONSEDIMENTTRANSPORT1SilkeWIEPRECHT2ABSTRACTRiverbeddepresionofaprealpineriverbyseveralmetresduringthelas...  相似文献   
Advances in the chemical and isotopic characterisation of geological and environmental materials can often be ascribed to technological improvements in analytical hardware. Equally, the creation of novel methods of data acquisition and interpretation, including access to better reference materials, can also be crucial components enabling important breakthroughs. This biennial review highlights key advances in either instrumentation or data acquisition and treatment, which have appeared since January 2010. This review is based on the assessments by scientists prominent in each of the given analytical fields; it is not intended as an exhaustive summary, but rather provides insight from experts of the most significant advances and trends in their given field of expertise. In contrast to earlier reviews, this presentation has been formulated into a unified work, providing a single source covering a broad spectrum of geoanalytical techniques. Additionally, some themes that were not previously emphasised, in particular thermal ionisation mass spectrometry, accelerator‐based methods and vibrational spectroscopy, are also presented in detail.  相似文献   
Trade-wind cumuli constitute the cloud type with the highest frequency of occurrence on Earth, and it has been shown that their sensitivity to changing environmental conditions will critically influence the magnitude and pace of future global warming. Research over the last decade has pointed out the importance of the interplay between clouds, convection and circulation in controling this sensitivity. Numerical models represent this interplay in diverse ways, which translates into different responses of trade-cumuli to climate perturbations. Climate models predict that the area covered by shallow cumuli at cloud base is very sensitive to changes in environmental conditions, while process models suggest the opposite. To understand and resolve this contradiction, we propose to organize a field campaign aimed at quantifying the physical properties of trade-cumuli (e.g., cloud fraction and water content) as a function of the large-scale environment. Beyond a better understanding of clouds-circulation coupling processes, the campaign will provide a reference data set that may be used as a benchmark for advancing the modelling and the satellite remote sensing of clouds and circulation. It will also be an opportunity for complementary investigations such as evaluating model convective parameterizations or studying the role of ocean mesoscale eddies in air–sea interactions and convective organization.  相似文献   
The relationship between satellite-derived low-level cloud motion, surface wind and geostrophic wind vectors is examined using GATE data. In the trades, surface wind speeds can be derived from cloud motion vectors by the linear relation: V = 0.62 V s + 1.9 m s–1 with a mean scatter of ±1.3 m s–1. The correlation coefficient between surface and satellite wind speed is 0.25. Considering baroclinicity, i.e., the influence of the thermal wind, the correlation coefficient does not increase, because of the uncertainty of the thermal wind vectors. The ratios of surface to geostrophic wind speed and surface to satellite wind speed are 0.7 and 0.8, respectively, with a statistical uncertainty of ±0.3. Calculations of the ratio of surface to geostrophic wind speed on the basis of the resistance law yield V/V g = 0.8 ± 0.2, in agreement with experimental results. The mean angle difference between the surface and the satellite wind vectors amounts to - 18 °, taking into account baroclinicity. This value is in good agreement with the mean ageostrophic angle - 25 °.  相似文献   
An airborne downward-pointing water vapor lidar provides two-dimensional, simultaneous curtains of atmospheric backscatter and humidity along the flight track with high accuracy and spatial resolution. In order to improve the knowledge on the coupling between clouds, circulation and climate in the trade wind region, the DLR (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt) water vapor lidar was operated on board the German research aircraft HALO during the NARVAL (Next Generation Aircraft Remote Sensing for Validation Studies) field experiment in December 2013. Out of the wealth of about 30 flight hours or 25,000 km of data over the Tropical Atlantic Ocean east of Barbados, three ~ 2-h-long, representative segments from different flights were selected. Analyses of Meteosat Second Generation images and dropsondes complement this case study. All observations indicate a high heterogeneity of the humidity in the lowest 4 km of the tropical troposphere, as well as of the depth of the cloud (1–2 km thick) and sub-cloud layer (~ 1 km thick). At the winter trade inversion with its strong humidity jump of up to 9 g/kg in water vapor mixing ratio, the mixing ratio variance can attain 9 (g/kg)2, while below it typically ranges between 1 and 3 (g/kg)2. Layer depths and partial water vapor columns within the layers vary by up to a factor of 2. This affects the total tropospheric water vapor column, amounting on average to 28 kg/m2, by up to 10 kg/m2 or 36%. The dominant scale of the variability is given by the extent of regions with higher-than-average humidity and lies between 300 and 600 km. The variability mainly stems from the alternation between dry regions and moisture lifted by convection. Occasionally, up to 100-km large dry regions are observed. In between, convection pushes the trade inversion upward, sharpening the vertical moisture gradient that is colocated with the trade inversion. In most of the water vapor profiles, this gradient is stronger than the one located at the top of the sub-cloud layer. Lidar observations in concert with models accurately reproducing the observed variability are expected to help evaluate the role these findings play for climate.  相似文献   
Within the KUSTOS program (Coastal Mass and Energy Fluxes-the Land-Sea Transition in the Southeastern North Sea) 28 to 36 German Bight stations were seasonally surveyed (summer 1994, spring 1995, winter 1995–1996) for light conditions, dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations, chlorophylla (chla), and photosynthesis versus light intensity (P:E) parameters. Combining P:E curve characteristics with irradiance, attenuation, and chlorophyll data resulted in seasonal estimates of the spatial distribution of total primary production. These data were used for an annual estimate of the total primary production in the Bight. In winter 1996 the water throughout the German Bight was well mixed. Dissolved inorganic nutrient concentrations were relatively high (nitrogen [DIN], soluble reactive phosphorus [SRP], and silicate [Si]: 23, 1, and 10 μM, respectively). Chla levels generally were low (< 2 μg l−1) with higher concentrations (4–16 μg l−1) in North Frisian coastal waters. Phytoplankton was limited by light. Total primary production averaged 0.2 g C m−2 d−1. Two surveys in April and May 1995 captured the buildup of a strong seasonal thermo-cline accompained by the development of a typical spring diatom bloom. High nutrient levels in the mixed layer during the first survey (DIN, SRP, and Si: 46, 0.45, and 11 μM, respectively) decreased towards the second survey (DIN, SRP, and Si: 30.5, 0.12, and 1.5 μM, respectively) and average nutrient ratios shifted further towards highly imbalanced values (DIN:SRP: 136 in survey 1, 580 in survey 2; DIN:Si: 13.5 in survey 1, 96 in survey 2). Chla ranged from 2 to 16 μg l−1 for the first survey and rose to 12–50 μg l−1 in the second survey. Phytoplankton in nearshore areas continued to be light limited during the second survey, while data from the stratified regions in the open German Bight indicates SRP and Si limitation. Total primary production ranged from 4.0 to 6.3 g C m−2 d−1. During summer 1994 a strong thermal stratification was present in the German Bight proper and shallow coastal areas showed unusually warm (up to 22°C), mixed waters. Chla concentrations ranged from 2 to 18 μg l−1. P:E characteristics were relatively high despite the low nutrient regime (DIN, SRP, and Si: 2, 0.2, and 1.5 μM, respectively), resulting in overall high total primary production values with an average of 7.7 g C m−2 d−1. Based on the seasonal primary production estimates of the described surveys a budget calculation yielded a total annual production of 430 g C m−2 yr−1 for the German Bight.  相似文献   
The effect of temperature on the solubility of PAN and on its hydrolysis rate in near-neutral and slightly acidic water were studied in a bubble column apparatus. The results obtained are a Henry's law coefficient H=10–9.04±0.6 exp[(6513±376)/T] M atm–1, and a first-order hydrolysis rate constant k=106.60±1.0 exp[(–6612±662)/T] s-1, which was independent of pH in the range 3.2pH6.7. The products formed are nitrite and nitrate in approximately equal proportions under near-neutral conditions. At a pH<4, nitrite is oxidized in a secondary reaction, and nitrate becomes the only product at low pH. Previously measured deposition velocities of PAN on stagnant water surfaces are shown to be hydrolysis rate limited.  相似文献   
In the Central Rhodopes of southern Bulgaria, an eclogite-bearing rock sheet belonging to the Middle Allochthon (Starcevo Unit) is over- and underlain by eclogite-free, amphibolite-facies rock units along low-angle shear zones, the Borovica Shear Zone at the top and the Starcevo-Ardino Shear Zone at the base. The age of these shear zones is determined by U–Pb zircon dating of pre-, syn- and posttectonic magmatic rocks, mostly pegmatite veins, using LA–SF–ICP–MS. Zircons from pre- to syntectonic pegmatites within the Borovica Shear Zone yielded ages of ca. 45–43?Ma, indicating that the shear zone was active at that time, and zircons from a pretectonic pegmatite and a posttectonic granitoid body within the Starcevo-Ardino Shear Zone yielded ages of ca. 45 and ca. 36?Ma, respectively, giving a time frame for the activity of that shear zone which probably rather postdated the activity of the Borovica Shear Zone. By combining the ages with the kinematics of the shear zones and the metamorphic history of the rock units, the following scenario is sketched: Soon after the Starcevo Unit reached peak pressure (eclogite facies), it was exhumed to a mid-crustal level by top-to-the-north-west, extensional unroofing along the Borovica Shear Zone, in a kinematic framework of orogen-parallel extension. Beginning at ca. 40?Ma, the partly exhumed Starcevo Unit was underthrust from the south-west by continental crust of the foreland (Apulia), forming the Lower Allochthon of the Rhodopes, along the Starcevo-Ardino Shear Zone. These results underline the significance of orogen-parallel extension for the exhumation of high-pressure rocks. With respect to regional geology of the Hellenides and the Aegean, it is found that the tectonic architecture of the Rhodopes is essentially of Tertiary age. Cretaceous syn-metamorphic shear zones do exist but are largely restricted to higher levels of the nappe stack (Upper Allochthon). The Rhodopes do not represent an older essentially Mesozoic core of the Hellenides but are formed by the internal, higher-metamorphic portions of the same major nappe systems as occur in the Hellenides.  相似文献   
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