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In the current research, solidification/stabilization (S/S) treatment of the contaminated soil using hydraulic binders and additives was used to (1) reduce the mobility of organic and inorganic contaminants and (2) compare the ability of various binders in fixing contaminants. The samples were collected from Franco-Tunisian Petroleum Company, located in Sidi Litayem, Sfax (Southern Tunisia). Leaching tests were performed on contaminated soil, containing metallic elements, and hydrocarbons. Calcium aluminate cement (CAC), ordinary Portland cement (OPC), and ground-granulated blast-furnace slag (GGBFS), additives especially the bentonite and water, were used for S/S treatment. The obtained standard specimens were subjected for treating after treatment the leachability of pollutants, compressive strength (CS), and XRD analysis. The results of analysis conducted on contaminated soils showed that concentrations of metallic elements were in the range of 9.08–427 mg/kg and 15,520 mg/kg of organic compound. Next, 10% of the used binder improved the immobilization of pollutants and gave a satisfactory CS exceeding 1 MPa. Thus, the CAC is more effective in reducing the leachability of metal contaminants than OPC + GGBFS and produces much higher strength, which was of the order of 2.41 MPa. The mechanical characterization was confirmed by XRD analysis. The lowest values of organic compounds are presented in mixtures treated by 10% of used binder, indicating the effectiveness of those with the presence of 10% of bentonite. This work shows that 10% (OPC + GGBFS) +?10% bentonite improved the immobilization of metallic elements and hydrocarbons, thus proving its efficiency due to its low cost.  相似文献   

Soil erosion vulnerability and extreme rainfall characteristics over the Mediterranean semi-arid region of Tunisia are crucial input for estimation of siltation rate in artificial reservoirs. A comprehensive high-resolution database on erosive rainfall, together with siltation records for 28 small reservoirs, were analysed for this region, the Tunisian Dorsal (the easternmost part of the Atlas Mountains). The general life-span of these reservoirs is only about 14 years. Depending on the soil degradation in the different catchments, the corresponding reservoirs display a wide range of soil erosion rates. The average soil loss was 14.5 t ha?1 year?1 but some catchments display values of up to 36.4 t ha?1 year?1. The maximum 15-min duration rainfall intensity was used to determine the spatial distribution of rainfall erosivity. The northwestern parts of the Tunisian Dorsal display the most extreme rainfall erosivity. Spatial erosion patterns are to some extent similar; however, they vary greatly according to their location in the “soil degradation cycle”. This cycle determines the soil particle delivery potential of the catchment. In general, the northwestern parts of the Dorsal display modest soil erosion patterns due to the already severely degraded soil structure. Here, the soil surface is often the original bedrock. However, the greatest soil erosion occurs in the mid-eastern parts of the Dorsal, which represents the “degradation front”. The latter corresponds to the area with highest erosion, which is continuously progressing westward in the Dorsal. The large variation between the erosive rainfall events and the annual soil loss rates was explained by two important factors. The first relates to the soil degradation cycle. The second factor corresponds to the degradation front with the highest soil loss rates. At present this front is located at 300 m altitude and appears to be moving along an 80-km westward path starting from the east coast. A better understanding of the above can be used to better manage soils and soil covers in the Tunisian Dorsal area and, eventually, to decrease the soil erosion and reservoir siltation risk.

Citation Jebari, S., Berndtsson, R., Bahri, A. & Boufaroua, M. (2010) Spatial soil loss risk and reservoir siltation in semi-arid Tunisia. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(1), 121–137.  相似文献   
The Wadi Mina Watershed, western area of Algeria is characterized by rare and irregular rains and a fragile and weak vegetable cover. The sediments resulting from erosion are transported and contributed to silting dam Sidi Mhamed Benaouda. The combination of the thematical maps of the various erosive factors according to the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) in SIG by ArcGIS 10.2 software provided a reliable forecast of the annual rates of soil loss by delimiting the areas prone to erosive risk in the catchment above mentioned. The estimated potential average annual soil loss is 11.2 t/ha/yr., and the potential erosion rates from recognized erosion classes ranged from 0.0 to plus 100 t/ha/yr. About 50% of the catchment area was predicted to have very low to low erosion risk, with soil loss between 0 and 7.4 t/ha/yr. Erosion risk is moderate over 13.9% of the catchment, where calculated soil loss is between 7.4 and 12 t/ha/yr. Erosion risk is high to dangerous over 36.1% of the catchment, where calculated soil loss is more than 12 t/ha/yr. According to this study, it appeared clearly that we must intervene quickly by using reliable and effective conservation techniques.  相似文献   
At the southern margin of the Tethys, the Es Souabaa area recorded traces of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) around the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (C/Tb). The dark, laminated, filament- and pyrite-bearing limestones represent the typical facies of this event. In terms of sedimentary environment, these features reflect a transgressive drowning that had induced hypoxia in these sedimentary environments. Such conditions favored the deposition and preservation of organic matter of marine origin, the distribution of which was controlled by paleogeography and halokinetic tectonics at that period. The OAE2 reached a climax between the last upper Cenomanian occurrence of Rotalipora cushmani and the lower Turonian occurrence of Whiteinella praehelvetica. Positive shift of the δ13C excursion along with relatively high total organic carbon (TOC) contents during OAE2 both indicate palaeo-environmental modifications enhanced by a significant change in primary marine productivity. Meanwhile, negative δ18O peaks in carbonates reflect increasing temperatures. Comparison of the data from this study with those from the neighboring Kalaat Senan section (Tunisia) suggests close similarities of events, although OAE2 is much more enhanced in Algeria.  相似文献   

Climate models and hydrological parameter uncertainties were quantified and compared while assessing climate change impacts on monthly runoff and daily flow duration curve (FDC) in a Mediterranean catchment. Simulations of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model using an ensemble of behavioural parameter sets derived from the Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) method were approximated by feed-forward artificial neural networks (FF-NN). Then, outputs of climate models were used as inputs to the FF-NN models. Subsequently, projected changes in runoff and FDC were calculated and their associated uncertainty was partitioned into climate model and hydrological parameter uncertainties. Runoff and daily discharge of the Chiba catchment were expected to decrease in response to drier and warmer climatic conditions in the 2050s. For both hydrological indicators, uncertainty magnitude increased when moving from dry to wet periods. The decomposition of uncertainty demonstrated that climate model uncertainty dominated hydrological parameter uncertainty in wet periods, whereas in dry periods hydrological parametric uncertainty became more important.
Editor M.C. Acreman; Associate editor S. Kanae  相似文献   
Tunisia presents many favorable conditions for the outbreak of water erosion because of its climatic and physical characteristics. This phenomenon represents a serious threat to the natural resources of soil and water. The aim of the present study is to identify the most vulnerable areas in order to help managers implement an effective management program. Thematic layers and parameters were integrated in the InVEST (Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Trade-offs) SDR (Sediment Delivery Ratio). Soil loss and sediment yield were calculated by the model and compared to observed data. The Rmel river basin was divided into 17 sub-watersheds using the dam axis as the main outlet. Results reveal that approximately 60% of the basin presents soil loss more than 5 ton/ha/year. Soil erosion map demonstrates that soil erosion risk increases with increased slope gradient, especially in agricultural lands. Sub-catchment prioritizations have been fixed based on soil erosion risk. Results show that sub-catchment 16 presents the highest soil loss with a value of 65 ton/ha/year. Sub-catchment presenting high soil erosion risk needs to give a high priority in conservation planning.  相似文献   
The Enfida aquifer system is of importance to the economic activity of the eastern center of Tunisia. The planning of a marina is likely to present a significant risk on groundwater. Classical physically based modeling is used to better understand salty water intrusion in the aquifers. The transport model (MT3DMS) is coupled with the groundwater model (Modflow). Model calibration was carried out over the period 1972–2005. Four scenarios were then simulated for a 50-year period, to assess the effects of both planned marina and future abstraction regime. We predict a rise in the groundwater salinity generated by the planned pumping infrastructure. The impact of the planned project will be observed only near the marina. However, limited measurements of transmissivity may affect the model’s results. Thus, the second part of the paper is aimed to assess the models output error due to the uncertainty in transmissivity, using a stochastic approach. Hundred realizations of a log-normal random transmissivity field had been performed. According to the most pessimistic realizations, the uncertainty may reach 49 % in the sector of an important pumping field. Accordingly, the calculated concentration may reach 6.5 g/l in 2055 instead of 3.2 g/l.  相似文献   
The Semi-enclosed Mediterranean Sea records various signals of high anthropic pressures from surrounding countries and the industrialized European countries. This is particularly true for oil pollution. Although accounting for 1% of the world's ocean surface, it receives about 25% of the petroleum inputs to the ocean. To achieve a global budget we need to collect information from different parts of the Mediterranean. Particularly, we focus in this paper on the Southern Mediterranean, where data are presently very scarce. In this context, the University of Sfax has undertaken an estimation of hydrocarbon pollution along the coasts of Sfax and Gabès Gulf. Non-aromatic hydrocarbons were analysed in 8 surface sediments by FT/IR and GC/MS. Non-aromatic hydrocarbon concentrations vary in the range 310-1406 microg g(-1) sediments dry weight, which is high, compared to other Mediterranean sites. GC/MS data indicate a large group of unresolved compounds suggesting a petroleum contamination, confirmed by the identification of hopanes with predominant C29 and C30alpha,beta compounds and steranes with predominance of C27 over C28) and C29 compounds.  相似文献   
In this work, we developed a mean projection for climate change and assessed its impact on some hydro-meteorological indicators relevant to climatic condition, precipitation extremes magnitude and frequency for the Siliana catchment in Tunisia based on an ensemble of seven combinations of global circulation models (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCMs) derived from the EU-FP6 ENSEMBLES project. We performed quantile-based mapping (QM) bias correction technique of climate model projection using local observations. Because there is no warranty that the best climate model based on its performances in reproducing historic climate will be superior to other models in simulating future climate, we used the multi-model ensemble (MME) mean approach to derive a mean projection as the best guess for climate change projection for the Siliana catchment. We also quantified the uncertainty of the MME in the projected change in the selected indicators by comparing their values in the reference period (1981–2010) to these in the future period (2041–2070). Results reveal that the Siliana catchment will be prone to drier and warmer climate in the future with less rainy days for each month. The uncertainty associated with the MME projection suggests that no clear general tendency for extreme rainy days in the future is expected. These findings highlight the need to consider an ensemble of multi-climate models with an uncertainty framework if reliable climate change impact study is sought at the catchment scale.  相似文献   
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