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Fault throw gradients create transverse folding, and this can influence accommodation creation and sedimentary routing and infill patterns in extensional half-graben basin. The Fanja half-graben basin (Oman) offers an excellent outcrop of an alluvial fan succession displaying cyclical stacking and basin-scale growth-fold patterns. These unique conditions allow for an investigation of fault-timing and accommodation development related to fault-transverse folding. Our study combines geological mapping, structural analysis, sedimentary logging and correlation, and bulk mineralogical compositions. Mapping reveals that the basin is bounded by a regional-scale fault, with local depocentres changing position in response to transverse syncline and anticline development ascribed to fault-displacement gradients. The alluvial Qahlah Formation (Late Cretaceous) is unconformably overlying the Semail Ophiolite, and is in turn overlain by the marine Jafnayn Formation (Late Palaeocene). Facies and stratigraphic analysis allows for subdivision of the Qahlah Formation into four informal units, from base to top: (i) laterite in topographic depressions of the ophiolite, (ii) greenish pebbly sandstones, deriving from axially draining braided streams deposited in the low-relief half-graben basin. This green Qahlah grades vertically into the red Qahlah, formed by alluvial fanglomerates and floodplain mudstones, with drainage patterns changing from fault-transverse to fault-parallel with increasing distance to the main fault. The red Qahlah can be divided into (iii) the Wadi al Theepa member, found in a western basin depocentre, with higher immaturity and sand: mud ratio, suggesting a more proximal source, and (iv) the Al Batah member, located in the eastern part of the basin. The latter shows better sorting, a lower sand: mud ratio, and more prominent graded sub-units. It also shows eastward expansion from an orthogonal monocline, ascribed to accommodation developed in a relay ramp. Changes in sedimentary facies and depositional patterns are consistent with differential mineralogical composition. The Green Qahlah is composed of quartz and lithic mafic rock fragments, sourced from the ophiolite and schists of the metamorphic basement. The Red Qahlah is composed of chert and kaolinite sourced from the Hawasina Nappe succession in the footwall of the master fault. These changes in source area are linked to unroofing of fault-footwalls and domal structures during the extensional collapse of the Semail Ophiolite. The novelty of this study resides in linking sedimentology and fault-displacement events controlling fault-perpendicular folding, and its influence on depocentre generation and stratigraphic architecture. This is an approach seldom considered in seismic analysis, and rarely analysed in outcrop studies, thus placing the results from this study among the key outcrop-based contributions to the field.  相似文献   
The understanding of how clinoforms develop is approached based on shape and dimensions, correlation between geometric parameters, and internal characteristics of clinothems bounded by clinoform surfaces in high‐resolution 2D seismic data from the Giant Foresets Formation, Taranaki Basin, offshore New Zealand. The study subdivides the observed clinothems to identify nine types: 1. Oblique 2. Tangential oblique 3. Tangential oblique chaotic 4. Sigmoidal symmetrical 5. Sigmoidal divergent 6. Sigmoidal chaotic 7. Asymmetrical top‐heavy 8. Asymmetrical bottom‐heavy 9. Complex. Accommodation is a dominant control on the type of clinothem that develops, whereby limited accommodation promotes clinothems with significant shelf‐edge advance and low trajectory angles, while increasing accommodation promotes higher trajectory angles and increased deposition on the shelf. Further variations in shape, slope and deposition are influenced by many factors of which sediment influx appears be a fundamental driver. Sigmoidal clinothems tend to show a strong relationship between their maximum thickness and average thickness, their overall slope and maximum foreset angle, along with a high correlation between average thickness and toe advance. This suggests that they distribute sediment in a manner that may be possible to predict and quantify. The increasing steepness of the foreset slope from bottom‐heavy to symmetrical to top‐heavy clinothems, respectively, is dominantly the result of decreasing sediment influx. The clinothems with the steepest slopes, along with chaotic clinothems, are associated with comparatively large toe advance suggesting a strong link between over‐steepened slopes and/or collapse, and processes promoting sediment deposition along the basin floor. Apart from toe advance, the two types of chaotic clinothems develop differently from each other, and from their assumed parent‐clinothem. Tangential oblique chaotic forms steepen, and shelf‐edge advance is limited, suggesting upper slope collapse. Sigmoidal chaotic clinothems have comparatively higher shelf‐edge advance, lower shelf‐edge trajectories and gentler slopes and profiles, suggesting different processes are responsible for their development and resulting shape.  相似文献   
Recent accounts suggest that periglacial processes are unimportant for large-scale landscape evolution and that true large-scale periglacial landscapes are rare or non-existent. The lack of a large-scale topographical fingerprint due to periglacial processes may be considered of little relevance, as linear process-landscape development relationships rarely can be substantiated. Instead, periglacial landscapes may be classified in terms of specific landform associations. We propose “cryo-conditioning”, defined as the interaction of cryotic surface and subsurface thermal regimes and geomorphic processes, as an overarching concept linking landform and landscape evolution in cold regions. By focusing on the controls on processes, this concept circumvents scaling problems in interpreting long-term landscape evolution derived from short-term processes. It also contributes to an unambiguous conceptualization of periglacial geomorphology. We propose that the development of several key elements in the Norwegian geomorphic landscape can be explained in terms of cryo-conditioning.  相似文献   
Paleoceanographic changes since the Late Weichselian have been studied in three sediment cores raised from shelf depressions along a north–south transect across the central Barents Sea. AMS radiocarbon dating offers a resolution of several hundred years for the Holocene. The results of lithological and micropaleontological study reveal the response of the Barents Sea to global climatic changes and Atlantic water inflow. Four evolutionary stages were distinguished. The older sediments are moraine deposits. The destruction of the Barents Sea ice sheet during the beginning of the deglaciation in response to climate warming and sea level rise resulted in proximal glaciomarine sedimentation. Then, the retreat of the glacier front to archipelagoes during the main phase of deglaciation caused meltwater discharge and restricted iceberg calving. Fine-grained distal glaciomarine sediments were deposited from periodic near-bottom nepheloid flows and the area was almost permanently covered with sea ice. The dramatic change in paleoenvironment occurred near the Pleistocene/Holocene boundary when normal marine conditions ultimately established resulting in a sharp increase of biological productivity. This event was diachronous and started prior to 10 14C ka BP in the southern and about 9.2 14C ka in the northern Barents Sea. Variations in sediment supply, paleoproductivity, sea-ice conditions, and Atlantic water inflow controlled paleoenvironmental changes during the Holocene.  相似文献   
Multiscale methods can in many cases be viewed as special types of domain decomposition preconditioners. The localisation approximations introduced within the multiscale framework are dependent upon both the heterogeneity of the reservoir and the structure of the computational grid. While previous works on multiscale control volume methods have focused on heterogeneous elliptic problems on regular Cartesian grids, we have tested the multiscale control volume formulations on two-dimensional elliptic problems involving heterogeneous media and irregular grid structures. Our study shows that the tangential flow approximation commonly used within multiscale methods is not suited for problems involving rough grids. We present a more robust mass conservative domain decomposition preconditioner for simulating flow in heterogeneous porous media on general grids.  相似文献   
Palaeoglaciological reconstructions of the North Sea sector of the last British Ice Sheet have, as other shelf areas, suffered from a lack of dates directly related to ice‐front positions. In the present study new high‐resolution TOPAS seismic data, bathymetric records and sediment core data from the Witch Ground Basin, central North Sea, were compiled. This compilation made it possible to map out three ice‐marginal positions, partly through identification of terminal moraines and partly through location of glacial‐fed debrisflows. The interfingering of the distal parts of the glacial‐fed debrisflows with continuous marine sedimentation enabled the development of a chronology for glacial events based on previously published and some new radiocarbon dates on marine molluscs and foraminifera. From these data it is suggested that after the central Witch Ground Basin was deglaciated at c. 27 cal. ka BP, the eastern part was inundated by glacial ice from the east in the Tampen advance at c. 21 cal. ka BP. Subsequently, the basin was inundated by ice from northeast during the Fladen 1 (c. 17.5 cal. ka BP) and the Fladen 2 (16.2 cal. ka BP) events. It should be emphasized that the Fladen 1 and 2 events, individually, may represent dynamics of relatively small lobes of glacial ice at the margin of the British Ice Sheet and that the climatic significance of these may be questioned. However, the Fladen Events probably correlate in time with the Clogher Head and Killard Point re‐advances previously documented from Ireland and the Bremanger event from off western Norway, suggesting that the British and Fennoscandian ice sheets both had major advances in their northwestern parts, close to the northwestern European seaboard, at this time.  相似文献   
Strong experimental evidence is presented that the northern polar cloud observed in Titan's atmosphere by the Cassini orbiter (VIMS) was indeed composed of ethane aerosol as proposed by Griffith et al. [2006. Science 313, 1620-1622]. We report on the condensation and phase behavior of ethane aerosol under atmospheric conditions of Titan (145 hPa, 40 km altitude, 70-90 K, 10-30 ppm ethane in nitrogen). The results were obtained in an in-situ collisional cooling experiment combined with Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Apart from the liquid phase, three crystalline phases (solid I, solid II, metastable) and the transitions into each other have been observed in the ethane aerosol. The phases were found to have a significant effect on the particles' IR spectra, their growth dynamics and the final size of the aerosols which varies between 0.5 and 4 μm (compared to 1-3 μm observed on Titan). This has strong implications on the ethane vapor pressure, precipitation and optical aerosol detection.  相似文献   
A system for mesoscale analyses of selected variables has been developed. The analysed parameters are of general interest in operational weather forecasting, but normally not available from NWP systems, or available, but with a significantly lower quality than achieved by the mesoscale analysis system. A supplementary objective is to produce initial information to be used for now-casting techniques. Examples of parameters are precipitation, temperature, humidity, visibility, wind and clouds. The basis of the analysis system is the optimal interpolation technique (OI). The use of observations from automatic stations, radars and satellites have been investigated. The investigation indicates that a dense network of ordinary precipitation gauge measurements can produce more accurate analyses than more elaborate systems like radar that suffers from anomalous echoes and other errors.  相似文献   
A 2-D meridional model for the chemistry and transport in the troposphere is used to study the seasonal variation of the concentration of organic gases like C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C6H6, C7H8. CHCl3 and C2Cl4 at high latitudes. The anthropogenic sources for these species were estimated, and the temporal and latitudinal distribution of OH and O3 was calculated using a complex photochemical reaction system. There is fair agreement between the calculated annual variation and the measured concentrations for C2H2, C2H6, C3H8, C7H8 and C2Cl4 at Spitsbergen during July 1982 and March/April 1983, with a distinct late winter maximum and summer minimum. For CHCl3, the direct anthropogenic source is minor compared to indirect anthropogenic or natural sources. For benzene, emission in car exhaust is important, but other anthropogenic sources are required for the calculations to agree with the measurements. Measured C2H4 and C3H6 concentrations are much higher than the calculated ones based on anthropogenic emissions, and show opposite seasonal trends. This indicates biogenic sources for these compounds.A buildup of PAN (300 pptv) is calculated at high latitudes during winter. This makes it the dominant source for NOx as the temperature increases in the spring. NOx is found to be a limiting factor for O3 production at high latitudes during spring.  相似文献   
Two nested clinoform set types of different scales and steepness are mapped and analysed from high-resolution seismic data. Restoration of post-depositional faulting reveals a persistent pattern of small-scale, high-angle clinoforms contained within platform-scale, low-angle clinothems, showing a combined overall progradational depositional system. The large clinoforms lack a well-defined platform edge, and show a gradual increase in dip from topset to foreset. A consistent recurring stratal pattern is evident from the architecture, and is considered a result of interplay between relative sea-level change and autocyclic switching of sediment delivery focal points that brought sediment to the platform edge. This un-interrupted succession records how intra-shelf platforms prograde. Quantitative clinoform analysis may assist in determining the most influential depositional factors. Post-depositional uplift and erosion requires restoration with re-burial to maximum burial depth. Backstripping, decompaction and isostatic correction was performed assuming a range of lithologic compositions, as no wells test the lithology. Nearby wells penetrate strata basinward of the clinoforms, proving mudstone content above 50%, which in turn guide restoration values. Typical restored platform heights are 250–300 m, with correspondingly sized platform-scale clinoform heights. Typical large-scale clinoform foreset dip values are 1.3°–2.4°. Small-scale clinothems are typically 100 m thick, with restored foreset dip angles at 4.4° - > 10°. The results suggest that intrashelf platform growth occurs in pulses interrupted by draping of strata over its clinoform profile. The resultant architecture comprises small-scale clinoforms nested within platform-scale clinothems.  相似文献   
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