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松辽盆地徐家围子断陷火山岩裂缝形成机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
松辽盆地徐家围子断陷是位于松辽盆地北部深层的半地堑型晚侏罗世-早白垩世伸展断陷,火山岩发育。在已有研究成果的基础上,结合野外露头和岩心观测及镜下研究发现:本区火山岩构造裂缝和溶蚀裂缝都比较发育,具有明显的规律性,多数原生缝被后期的构造应力或溶蚀作用改造成次生缝。本区裂缝形成的控制因素较多,主要有应力、构造、岩性和岩相、溶蚀作用、风化淋滤、构造应力场演化等,其中构造应力场演化、岩性和岩相及风化溶蚀作用是控制裂缝形成的主要因素。构造裂缝以高角度的张扭性和张性缝为主,多为半充填和无充填,具有多期、多方向、组合复杂等特点,是晚侏罗世至新近纪各种地质作用相互叠加的结果。构造通过控制不同构造部位的局部应力场分布来控制裂缝发育程度,沿断裂带存在明显的应力集中,形成裂缝发育带,特别在正断层上升盘、断层端部、背斜轴部等应力集中部位容易形成构造裂缝。有效火山岩油气储层为各类原生孔隙与裂缝的有效组合。由于火山喷发多个旋回叠加,加之风化剥蚀及不整合面的存在,造成裂缝在纵向上发育具有旋回性,溶蚀裂缝主要在不整合面附近发育。在平面上,裂缝主要发育在断裂密集区、断裂交汇部位和背形或向形构造发育的地区。本区处于爆发相和溢流相火山岩的发育区,气孔和裂缝最发育,特别是溢流相的流纹岩中,裂缝和气孔均较为发育,是本区的优质储层最发育区,也是天然气富集区。  相似文献   
本文通过试验,测定了多种材料的阻氡效果。数据表明,即使采用薄铜片阻氡,也难以达到较好地阻氡外逸的目的。文中指出了阻氡的具体途径和最佳的阻氡材料。  相似文献   
The multidimensional morphological characteristics(including scale, horizontal shape and 3 D morphology) of precipitation areas over the Tibetan Plateau in summer were studied using 15 years(1998–2012) of observational data from the precipitation radar onboard the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission satellite. As the scale of the precipitation area increased from 20 to 150 km, the near-surface rain rate(RRav) of the precipitation area increased by up to 78%(from ~1.12 to ~2 mm h~(-1)). Linear precipitation areas had the lowest median RRav(~1 mm h~(-1) over the eastern Tibetan Plateau),whereas square-shaped precipitation areas had the highest median RRav(~1.58 mm h~(-1) over the eastern Tibetan Plateau).The 3D morphology was defined as the ratio of the average vertical scale to the average horizontal scale, where a large value corresponds to thin and tall, and a small value corresponds to plump and short. Thin-and-tall precipitation areas and plump-and-short precipitation areas had a greater median RRav, whereas the precipitation areas with a moderate 3D morphology had the lowest median RRav. The vertical structure of the precipitation-area reflectivity was sensitive to both size and 3D morphology, but was not sensitive to the horizontal shape. The relationship between RRav and the morphological characteristics was most significant over the southern slopes of the Tanggula Mountains and the Tibetan Plateau east of 100°E. The morphological characteristics of precipitation areas are therefore closely related to the intensity of precipitation and could potentially be used to forecast precipitation and verify numerical models.  相似文献   
林一骅  薛峰  练树民 《大气科学》2001,25(1):111-117
在局地热平衡情况下研究了简单热带海气耦合模式中不同扰动形式间的耦合,依次讨论了由大气准定常Kelvin波与海洋R0ssby波、大气准定常Rossby波与海洋Kelvin波、大气准定常Kelvin波与海洋KelVin波、大气准定常Rossby波与海洋Rossby波组成的耦合系统的性质,并研究了存在于其中的耦合扰动的特征。  相似文献   
通过岩心和测井资料分析,系统地研究了松辽盆地中央坳陷滨北地区上白垩统青山口组的沉积特征;采用单因素分析多因素综合作图法,编制出了研究区上白垩统青山口组各亚段的砂岩含量、暗色泥岩含量和紫红色泥岩含量等单因素图件,在此基础上做出沉积相图,深入分析了研究区沉积演化规律。研究表明,青山口组主要发育三角洲和湖泊2种沉积相,进一步分为三角洲平原、三角洲前缘、滨浅湖和半深湖-深湖4种沉积亚相。从研究区边缘到中心,沉积相类型由三角洲平原亚相渐变为三角洲前缘、滨浅湖和半深湖-深湖亚相;自下而上由半深湖-深湖亚相逐渐变为滨浅湖、三角洲前缘、三角洲平原亚相。青山口组沉积时期可划分为青山口组沉积早期、青山口组沉积中期和青山口组沉积晚期。不同时期、不同构造单元的沉积特征表现各异,从青山口组沉积早期到青山口组沉积晚期,研究区湖盆发育总体表现出规模由大到小的特点。  相似文献   
To understand how hydrological and biological factors affect near-to off-shore variations in the siphonophore community,we sampled zooplankton at 82 stations in the northern South China Sea during summer,winter,and spring.Forty-one species of siphonophore were collected by vertical trawling.The species richness of siphonophores increased from the nearshore to offshore regions in all three seasons of investigation,with maximum richness in summer and minimum richness in winter.The abundance of siphonophores was also higher in summer than in spring and winter,concentrated in the nearshore region in the warm season and scattered in the offshore region in the cold season.Four siphonophore groups were classified according to the frequency of occurrence:nearshore,near-offshore,offshore,and tropical pelagic.Among them,the nearshore group had higher abundance nearshore compared with the offshore.The tropical pelagic group had higher species number offshore than nearshore.Spatial and temporal fluctuations in taxonomic composition and abundance of siphonophores were due to the influence of the coastal upwelling and surface ocean currents of the South China Sea,driven by the East Asia monsoonal system.  相似文献   
一次大范围暴雨过程的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用ECMWF 0.75°×0.75°, 6 h间隔再分析资料、地面加密观测资料、Micaps资料和云图TBB资料, 对2012年8月20日一次大范围暴雨过程进行诊断分析。结果表明:本次大暴雨过程是在高层急流入口辐散和中低层的低槽切变线的耦合作用以及台风的间接影响使得低槽系统移动缓慢和提供水汽的有利条件下产生的。暴雨带中水汽主要来源于南海和东海。从等熵位涡、湿位涡和总能量分析说明这次暴雨和大暴雨是在水汽条件充沛条件下, 对流不稳定叠加斜压不稳定和对称不稳定等共同作用下, 产生暴雨-大暴雨。另外, 南北两支气流在暴雨区强烈辐合(南侧为上升运动, 北侧为下沉运动)也起到了重要作用, 且总能量垂直廓线与雨团中心对流强度和强降水时段对应较好。低层东海东南暖湿气流和干冷的东北气流对本次大范围暴雨过程的产生起触发作用。  相似文献   
Similarity methods provide a very powerful technique for modelling offshore platforms. Such methods are preferable for situations where the wave-structure interaction process is complex, and its modelling cannot be expressed by rigorous mathematical formulations.In modelling the interaction between waves and an offshore platform, the dynamic properties of the wave and structure must be considered together to determine the similitude parameters. The paper gives details of such an investigation using a frequency response function approach. Three different models, which are termed general, distorted and nondistorted Froudian models, are developed. From the general model, it was found that the velocity scales of the wave and structure could be treated differently. Internal and external force scales could also be different. It is observed then that a restrictive modelling criterion is used when the velocity scale of a structure is obtained from Froudian scale modelling. Furthermore, detailed scales for practical use are developed. The model parameters for an acrylic plastic tripod tower platform with length scales of 1/50 and 1/70 are given, and the accuracy involved among the three models determined for these scales. The sensitivity of the results to slight variations in thickness and Young's modulus are also discussed.  相似文献   
北黄海位于辽东半岛,山东半岛与朝鲜之间,海域及周围地区广泛发育了北东东向和北北西向断裂,据物探资料,它们控制了中、新生代盆地的成生与发展。我们通过部分同方向断裂的岩组学研究,将岩组动力学分析的观点引进岩组图的解释,获得了几点新认识: (1)显微统计测量得到的信息与宏观构造分析有机地结合起来,是对一个地区进行变形史分析的有效研究方法。 (2)以石英在变形过程中仅能以菱面或锥面为主要滑动面为基础,分析北黄海围域断裂的岩组图形,得出了与宏观一致的结论。 (3)北黄海及周围地区的北东东向和北北西向断裂,在第三纪末改变了一次动力学性质,是起因于太平洋板块运动方向的变更。  相似文献   
Liu  Shumin  Li  Xuelong  Wang  Dengke  Zhang  Dongming 《Natural Resources Research》2021,30(2):1467-1480
Natural Resources Research - Liquid nitrogen freeze–thaw has been used in oil, shale gas and coalbed methane exploitation as an efficient fracturing technology. This paper aimed to study the...  相似文献   
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