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A continuous survey examined short-term variations in the zooplankton community and physical ocean environment from the northeastern Izu Islands to Boso Peninsula in Japan. High copepod abundance and small upwellings in the surface layer and salinity minimum layer in the subsurface were observed on the north side of coastal fronts in the westernmost transect, moving southward as the Kuroshio Current left the Boso Peninsula. Thus, the salinity minimum layer might be a key factor forming upwelling and the fronts, leading to large abundance of coastal copepods off the northeastern Izu Islands. A community structure analysis of calanoid copepods revealed an intermediate belt assemblage between coastal and offshore (Kuroshio) assemblages. Copepod abundance was remarkably low and Ctenocalanus vanus dominated (nearly 37%) in the intermediate belt zone, indicating that C. vanus has a relatively high tolerance to adverse environments for calanoid copepods. As the Kuroshio Current left the Boso Peninsula, the coastal assemblage expanded in the same direction, and the intermediate belt assemblage off the northeastern Izu Islands disappeared. The largest population of Calanus sinicus was found along the two western transects off the northeastern Izu Islands (>1000 m depth), which was assumed to be transported from Sagami Bay and advanced southwestward while growing from copepodite stages CIII to CV. Larvae of C. sinicus would be an important food for fish larvae in addition to Paracalanus parvus s.l., the numerically dominant species in the coastal assemblage, and C. vanus under the adverse conditions for coastal copepods.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a method for forecasting the ionospheric critical frequency, f0F2, 1 h in advance, using the support vector machine (SVM) approach. The inputs to the SVM network are the time of day, seasonal information, 2 month running mean sunspot number (R2), 3 day running mean of the 3 h planetary magnetic ap index, the solar zenith angle, the present value f0F2(t) and its first and second increments, the observation of f0F2 at t?23 h, the 30-day mean value at time, t, fmF2 (t) and the previous 30 day running mean of f0F2 at t?23 h fmF2(t?23). The output is the predicted f0F2 1 h ahead. The network is trained to use the ionospheric sounding data at Haikou, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Lanzhou, Beijing, Changchun and Manzhouli stations at high and low solar activities. The performance of the SVM model was verified with observed data. It is shown that the predicted f0F2 has good agreement with the observed f0F2. The performance of the SVM model is superior to that of the autocorrelation and persistence models, and that it is comparable to that of the neural network model.  相似文献   
 Palaeodata in synthesis form are needed as benchmarks for the Palaeoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project (PMIP). Advances since the last synthesis of terrestrial palaeodata from the last glacial maximum (LGM) call for a new evaluation, especially of data from the tropics. Here pollen, plant-macrofossil, lake-level, noble gas (from groundwater) and δ18O (from speleothems) data are compiled for 18±2 ka (14C), 32 °N–33 °S. The reliability of the data was evaluated using explicit criteria and some types of data were re-analysed using consistent methods in order to derive a set of mutually consistent palaeoclimate estimates of mean temperature of the coldest month (MTCO), mean annual temperature (MAT), plant available moisture (PAM) and runoff (P-E). Cold-month temperature (MAT) anomalies from plant data range from −1 to −2 K near sea level in Indonesia and the S Pacific, through −6 to −8 K at many high-elevation sites to −8 to −15 K in S China and the SE USA. MAT anomalies from groundwater or speleothems seem more uniform (−4 to −6 K), but the data are as yet sparse; a clear divergence between MAT and cold-month estimates from the same region is seen only in the SE USA, where cold-air advection is expected to have enhanced cooling in winter. Regression of all cold-month anomalies against site elevation yielded an estimated average cooling of −2.5 to −3 K at modern sea level, increasing to ≈−6 K by 3000 m. However, Neotropical sites showed larger than the average sea-level cooling (−5 to −6 K) and a non-significant elevation effect, whereas W and S Pacific sites showed much less sea-level cooling (−1 K) and a stronger elevation effect. These findings support the inference that tropical sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) were lower than the CLIMAP estimates, but they limit the plausible average tropical sea-surface cooling, and they support the existence of CLIMAP-like geographic patterns in SST anomalies. Trends of PAM and lake levels indicate wet LGM conditions in the W USA, and at the highest elevations, with generally dry conditions elsewhere. These results suggest a colder-than-present ocean surface producing a weaker hydrological cycle, more arid continents, and arguably steeper-than-present terrestrial lapse rates. Such linkages are supported by recent observations on freezing-level height and tropical SSTs; moreover, simulations of “greenhouse” and LGM climates point to several possible feedback processes by which low-level temperature anomalies might be amplified aloft. Received: 7 September 1998 / Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   
Summary The open-path eddy covariance (EC) method often shows unlikely downward CO2 fluxes in late winter and early spring over drained paddy fields with few active plants. To understand why, we carried out intensive measurements in a bare paddy field from 9 to 11 April 2003, simultaneously using open- and closed-path EC methods; aerodynamic and dynamic closed-chamber methods were also used. During this period, the open-path EC method showed downward daytime CO2 fluxes ranging from 0 to −5.9 μmol m−2 s−1, even after application of the WPL correction (density correction) and ordinary quality control tests. Because the closed-path EC and aerodynamic methods showed upward CO2 fluxes, the downward CO2 fluxes observed with open-path EC appear not to represent true CO2 transport. Diurnal variations in the downward daytime CO2 fluxes appeared to be correlated with increases in solar radiation during the day, and also with increases in sensible heat flux in weak winds but not under strongly windy conditions. The daytime 10-Hz time series data of vertical wind and CO2 mixing ratio demonstrated that updrafts were CO2 depleted in the open-path system, whereas the same updrafts were CO2 enriched in the closed-path system. Careful examination of the discrepancies between the open- and the closed-path EC measurements revealed that the amplitudes of the 10-Hz temperature signals from the sonic anemometer and the resultant sensible heat fluxes were too small to compensate for the discrepancies observed during the daytime. The open-path EC method with the conventional application of the WPL correction is not necessarily appropriate for measuring small magnitudes of CO2 flux (≤5 μmol m−2 s−1) under such surface and atmospheric conditions that the magnitude of the WPL correction is as great as that of the uncorrected CO2 flux itself. Author’s addresses: Keisuke Ono, 3-1-3 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan; Akira Miyata, Tomoyasu Yamada, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   
 In situ synchrotron X-ray experiments in the system SnO2 were made at pressures of 4–29 GPa and temperatures of 300–1400 K using sintered diamond anvils in a 6–8 type high-pressure apparatus. Orthorhombic phase (α-PbO2 structure) underwent a transition to a cubic phase (Pa3ˉ structure) at 18 GPa. This transition was observed at significantly lower pressures in DAC experiments. We obtained the isothermal bulk modulus of cubic phase K 0 = 252(28) GPa and its pressure derivative K =3.5(2.2). The thermal expansion coefficient of cubic phase at 25 GPa up to 1300 K was determined from interpolation of the P-V-T data obtained, and is 1.7(±0.7) × 10−5 K−1 at 25 GPa. Received: 7 December 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 2000  相似文献   
We investigate numerically the effect of sample volume on the effective single-phase permeability of heterolithic tidal sandstones, using three-dimensional models reconstructed directly from large rock specimens measuring 45 × 30 × 15 cm. We find that both individual and averaged effective permeability values vary as a function of sample volume, which indicates that permeability data obtained from core-plugs will not be representative at the scale of a reservoir model grid-block regardless of the number of measurements taken. However, the error introduced by averaged data may be minimized using the appropriate averaging scheme for a given facies type and flow direction.  相似文献   
In-situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments of a natural apatite with the formula of Ca5(PO4)3F0.94Cl0.06 were carried out using a diamond anvil cell and angle-dispersive technique at Photon Factory (PF), Japan. Pressure–volume data were collected up to 7.12 GPa at 300 K. The pressures were determined from the ruby fluorescence spectra shift. The unit-cell parameters and volume decreased systematically with increasing pressure, and a reliable isothermal bulk modulus and its pressure derivative were obtained in this study. The third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state yielded the isothermal bulk modulus of KT=91.5(38) GPa, its pressure derivative KT= 4.0(11), and the zero-pressure volume V0=524.2(3) Å3.  相似文献   
Intense rainfall on July 12, 2012, triggered numerous shallow landslides on steep grassy hillslopes of Aso Volcano, Kyushu, Japan. The hillslopes are mantled by several meters thickness of fallout tephra accumulation from Holocene eruptions. The landslides occurred about 1 m deep in surficial tephra deposits. Stratigraphic surveys of three landslides showed that the tephra deposits beneath the ground consist of two layers, an upper blackish and a lower yellow-brown layer, and that the upper layer represents the accumulation of tephra during the last 1000 years. The surveys also demonstrated that the slip surfaces were formed near the boundary of the two layers, resulting in the sliding of the upper layer. We measured the saturated hydraulic conductivities of both the layers. The hydraulic conductivities of the lower layer are 1 to 2 orders of magnitude lower than those of the upper layer, suggesting that the lower layer acts as an aquiclude. Therefore, pore water pressure locally increases near the boundary between the two layers and failure occurs. We also examined the soil hardness, which has a high correlation with soil shear strength parameters, of the tephra layers at the three landslides. The soil hardness of the lower layer is greater than that of the upper layer in two of the landslides, suggesting that the lower layer collapses less readily than the upper layer. Comparison with previous landslides in the study area demonstrates that this type of rainfall-induced landslide event has occurred in the past and will recur in the future.  相似文献   
In order to understand the distribution characteristics of biomarkers in source rocks,which may be related to organic input,Quaternary sediments from the Caohai Basin and the Chaiwobu Lake were analyzed for sterols,As a result,various sterols,have been found in the sediments.The composition of sterols in the sediments revealed that cholesterols and cholestadienols are more abundant than their C29 counterparts in the Chaiwobu Lake sediments and that C29 sterols are more abundant in the peats from the Caohai Basin,It is also found that stanol/sterol ratios in clays are higher than in peats.Studies show that organic input to the Chaiwobu Lake is mainly plankton and zooplankton and to the Caohai Basin is mainly terrestrial high plant.The authors have proposed that the relative abundance of C27 or C29 sterane in source rocks may reflect input characteristics to some extent and the stanol/sterol ratios may reflect the redox conditions of the depositional environments.  相似文献   
新疆乌恰县乌拉根铅锌矿床地质特征和S-Pb同位素组成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乌拉根矿床是喀什中新生界凹陷内新近勘查的具超大型远景的铅锌矿床。铅锌矿体呈板状,顺层分布于乌拉根向斜南、北两翼,容矿地层为下白垩统克孜勒苏群第五岩性段(K1kz5)褪色灰白色砂砾岩及古新统阿尔塔什组(E1a)泥质白云岩。矿石具块状、微细浸染状、细脉状、团斑状等构造及胶结结构、交代反映边结构等。乌拉根矿床硫化物δ34S值为-27.9‰~14.6‰,指示相邻层位中石膏、天青石等硫酸盐提供硫,同时有机物的热分解也可能作为硫的来源,硫的还原可能包括生物还原与有机质热化学还原两种模式。硫化物的206Pb/204Pb、207Pb/204Pb、208Pb/204Pb分别为18.528~18.663、15.611~15.669、38.616~38.839,极为均一,指示上地壳和造山带剥蚀区是成矿金属的来源。综合分析乌拉根铅锌矿床地质、地球化学特征,并与已有成因认识进行对比,判定乌拉根矿床是与盆地流体活动相关的砂岩型铅锌矿床。  相似文献   
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