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Abstract: Analytical data for fourteen rare-earth elements, scandium, yttrium, zirconium and hafnium, received by May 1992, have been compiled on twenty-six GSJ (Geological Survey of Japan) reference samples. Seventeen of them are 'Igneous rock series' and nine are "Sedimentary rock series". The reported data including personal communication were evaluated under the consideration on analytical methods and geochemical evidences. No significant difference has been observed between the values obtained by the different analytical methods. Based on the selected available data, 1992 compilation values were tabulated.  相似文献   
Two new geochemical reference materials, copper ore JCu-1 and zinc ore JZn-1 have been prepared by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) for the determination of major and minor elements and isotopic compositions. JCu-1 is a sample of Cu-bearing sulfide ore typical of the Kamaishi mine in Iwate Prefecture, Japan, and is composed mainly of hedenbergite, chalcopyrite, quartz and calcite. Pyrrhotite, magnetite and actinolitic amphibole were also commonly found. The Zn-rich ore, JZn-1 is a crude ore from the Kamioka Pb-Zn mine in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. The sample consists of hedenbergite, quartz, calcite, sphalerite and epidote as main crystalline phase. Homogeneity test results showed that all studied constituents including ore elements such as Cu, Pb and Zn can be considered to be homogeneously distributed. Provisional collaborative analyses were carried out in ten laboratories, and the data were evaluated using a robust statistical method using z-scores. Recommended values for a number of major elements including TiO2, Al2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, Na2O, K2O, Fe (total), Zn, Cu and Pb were established. In addition, information values for eighteen major, minor and trace elements are presented to support future collaborative analyses.  相似文献   
The silver content of seventy-three geochemical reference samples has been determined by atomic absorption spectrometry using an air-acetylene flame or a graphite furnace atomizer, after extraction of silver as iodide with methyl isobutyl ketone (MIBK). A comparison with published data shows clearly the need for much more data on most reference samples.  相似文献   
Pyroclastic flows from the 1991 eruption of Unzen volcano,Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyroclastic flows from Unzen were generated by gravitational collapse of the growing lava dome. As soon as the parental lobe failed at the edge of the dome, spontaneous shattering of lava occurred and induced a gravity flow of blocks and finer debris. The flows had a overhanging, tongue-like head and cone- or rollershaped vortices expanding outward and upward. Most of the flows traveled from 1 to 3 km, but some flows reached more than 4 km, burning houses and killing people in the evacuated zone of Kita-kamikoba on the eastern foot of the volcano. The velocities of the flows ranged from 15 to 25 m/s on the gentle middle flank. Observations of the flows and their deposits suggest that they consisted of a dense basal avalanche and an overlying turbulent ash cloud. The basal avalanche swept down a topographic low and formed to tongue-like lobe having well-defined levees; it is presumed to have moved as a non-Newtonian fluid. The measured velocities and runout distances of the flows can be matched to a Bingham model for the basal avalanche by the addition of turbulent resistance. The rheologic model parameters for the 29 May flow are as follows: the density is 1300 kg/m3, the yield strength is 850 Pa, the viscosity is 90 Pa s, and the thickness of the avalanche is 2 m. The ash cloud is interpreted as a turbulent mixing layer above the basal avalanche. The buoyant portions of the cloud produced ash-fall deposits, whereas the dense portions moved as a surge separated from the parental avalanche. The ash-cloud surges formed a wide devastated zone covered by very thin debris. The initial velocities of the 3 June surges, when they detached from avalanches, are determined by the runout distance and the angle of the energy-line slope. A comparison between the estimated velocities of the 3 June avalanches and the surges indicates that the surges that extended steep slopes along the avalanche path, detached directly from the turbulent heads of the avalanches. The over-running surge that reached Kita-Kamikoba had an estimated velocity higher than that of the avalanche; this farther-travelled surge is presumed to have been generated by collapse of a rising ash-cloud plume.  相似文献   
We have estimated the timescale of material circulation in the Sanbagawa subduction zone based on U–Pb zircon and K–Ar phengite dating in the Ikeda district, central Shikoku. The Minawa and Koboke units are major constituents of the high‐P Sanbagawa metamorphic complex in Shikoku, southwest Japan. For the Minawa unit, ages of 92–81 Ma for the trench‐fill sediments, are indicated, whereas the age of ductile deformation and metamorphism of garnet and chlorite zones are 74–72 Ma and 65 Ma, respectively. Our results and occurrence of c. 150 Ma Besshi‐type deposits formed at mid‐ocean ridge suggest that the 60‐Myr‐old Izanagi Plate was subducted beneath the Eurasian Plate at c. 90 Ma, and this observation is consistent with recent plate reconstructions. For the Koboke unit, the depositional ages of the trench‐fill sediments and the dates for the termination of ductile deformation and metamorphism are estimated at c. 76–74 and 64–62 Ma, respectively. In the Ikeda district, the depositional ages generally become younger towards lower structural levels in the Sanbagawa metamorphic complex. Our results of U–Pb and K–Ar dating show that the circulation of material from the deposition of the Minawa and Koboke units at the trench through an active high‐P metamorphic domain to the final exhumation from the domain occurred continuously throughout c. 30 Myr (from c. 90 to 60 Ma).  相似文献   
Analytical data compiled on nine Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) reference samples, "Sedimentary rock series" received by February 1996 are reported. After excluding outliers and examining critically the analytical procedures employed, the data were evaluated statistically. Recommended or preferable values for fifteen major and sixty minor and trace elements are proposed.  相似文献   
The submarine eruption of a new small knoll, which was named Teishi knoll, off eastern Izu Peninsula behind the Izu-Mariana arc occurred in the evening of 13 July 1989. This is the first historic eruption of the Higashi-Izu monogenetic volcano group. The eruption of 13 July followed an earthquake swarm near Ito city starting on 30 June. There were subsequent volcanic tremors on 11 and 12 July, and the formation of the Teishi knoll on the 100 m deep insular shelf 4 km northeast of Ito city. There were five submarine explosions, which were characterized by intermittent domelike bulges of water and black tephra-jets, which occurred within 10 min on 13 July. Ejecta of the eruption was small in volume and composed of highly crystalline basalt scoria, highly vesiculated pumice, and lithic material. Petrographical features suggest that the pumice was produced by vesiculation of reheated wet felsic tuff of an older formation. The Teishi knoll, before the eruption, was a circular dome, 450 m across and 25 m high, with steep sides and a flat summit. Considerations of submarine topographic change indicate the knoll was raised by sill-like intrusion of 106 m3 of magma beneath a 30 m thick sediment blanket. This shallow intrusion is assumed to have started on 11 July when volcanic tremors were observed for the first time, but there was no indications of violent interaction between wet host sediments and intruding magma. The submarine eruption of 13 July appears to have been Friggered by a major lowering of the magma-column. The basalt scoria, having crystal-contents of more than 60%, is assumed to be derived from the cooled plastic margin of the shallow intrusive body. However, glassy scoria, which would indicate the interaction between hot fluidal magma and external water, was not observed. A scenario for the 1989 submarine eruption is as follows. When rapid subsidence of the hot interior of the intrusive magma occurred, reduced pressure caused the implosion of cooled plastic magma, adjacent pressurized, hot host material, and wet sediment. The mixing of these materials triggered the vigorous vapor explosions.  相似文献   
基于低温热年代学特征的构造重建(或解译)与浅部地表过程模型在诠释盆-山结构与演化过程中受到越来越广泛的重视与应用.青藏高原东缘米仓山—川北前陆盆山系统楔入冲断构造模型与浅部地貌建造(非)耦合的检验校正为米仓山造山带构造变形及其动力学模型研究提供了契机.基于稳态楔入冲断构造低温热年代学模型研究表明,米仓山—川北前陆盆-山结构带盆山地貌的建造和低温热年代学(磷灰石裂变径迹和(U-Th)/He)特征具有明显的耦合性,二者统一于(盆地向)具~4°古地貌斜坡的楔入冲断构造模型.现今米仓山地区低温热年代学不具有明显的海拔高程和年龄线性关系,但当古地貌具有~4°坡度时低温热年代学与古地貌具有明显的线性相关性,揭示晚白垩世米仓山东西段具有一致(或相似)的稳态抬升剥露特征,东西段剥露速率分别为0.05 mm/a 和0.03 mm/a.古地貌坡度与古地温梯度具有较好的相关性(R2=95%~98%),相关古地温梯度(25~35 ℃/km)符合米仓山稳态剥露地质结构特征.米仓山造山带楔入冲断构造模型的发育可能受控于多套滑脱层系(尤其是深部和浅部滑脱层系)和扬子板块能干性基底对造山带盆地向扩展变形过程的阻挡作用.  相似文献   
内蒙古达里湖全新世有机碳氮同位素记录与环境演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内蒙古中东部的达里湖为一水文封闭型湖泊,位于现今东亚夏季风的北部边缘区,对区域环境变化十分敏感.本文对达里湖沉积中心提取的岩芯(DL04沉积岩芯)顶部8.5m沉积物进行了有机地球化学分析.15个全岩样品有机质的放射性碳测年结果表明:岩芯顶部8.5m涵盖了过去大约11500年.按约50年分辨率分析的225个总有机碳(TOC)、总氮(TN)含量、总有机碳/总氮(C/N)原子比值数据以及221个有机碳和有机氮稳定同位素(δ13C和δ13C)数据,详细揭示了全新世东亚夏季风边缘区的水文和生态变化历史.在距今11500 ~ 9800日历年(ca1.aB.P.)期间,所有地球化学指标均呈逐渐增大趋势,指示入湖河流逐渐增强,达里湖开始扩张,水生植物生产率逐渐升高;在9800 ~ 7700cal.aB.P.期间,TOC和TN含量以及C/N比值维持稳定高值,δ13C和δ15N值较小,指示湖泊维持高湖面状态,陆源输入和浮游植物生产率较高;在7700~ 5900cal.aB.P.期间,C/N比值和δ15N维持低值,TOC和TN含量呈现更高值,并且波动变化,δ13C值逐渐增大,表明湖面维持高水平,湖水显著变暖,浮游植物生产率显著升高,流域植被大幅度扩张;在5900 ~ 4850cal.aB.P.期间,TOC和TN含量,C/N比值以及δ13C值显著减小,δ15N值显著增大,暗示地表径流显著减弱,达里湖湖面显著下降,湖泊生产率快速下降;从4850cal.a B.P.开始,TOC和TN含量以及C/N比值呈逐渐减小趋势,δ13C和δ15N值呈逐渐增大趋势,表明湖面逐渐下降,湖水盐度、碱度升高,湖水可能变冷,湖泊生产率逐渐下降,流域植被收缩.全新世东亚夏季风边缘区水文和生态环境的变化可能直接或间接受北半球夏季太阳辐射量和区域季风降水强度的共同控制.  相似文献   
To analyse suspended sediment sources in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation watersheds, field measurements and fingerprinting of the suspended sediment was conducted in the Shimanto River basin in southern Japan. For sediment fingerprinting, 137Cs and 210Pbex were detected by means of gamma‐ray spectrometry in the surface soil of the forest floor, stream bank and truck trail and mobilized sediment by interrill erosion. The 137Cs and 210Pbex activities associated with the forest floor materials were considerably higher than those of the stream bank and truck trail. The 137Cs and 210Pbex activities associated with the suspended sediment were found to vary with the sampling period. Evidently, the suspended sediment can comprise materials generated from the forest floor by interrill erosion and those from the truck trail and/or stream bank. The multivariate sediment‐mixing model using 137Cs and 210Pbex showed that the contribution of the forest floor varied periodically, ranging from 23–56% in the Hinoki 156 subwatershed and from 18–85% in the Hinoki 155 subwatershed. The difference in the average contribution of the forest floor between Hinoki 156 (46%) and Hinoki 155 (69%) may relate to the presence of truck trail networks in the watershed. The truck trail network can play roles of sediment source and pathway for sediment from forest floor to stream channel due to the concentrated overland flow on the truck trail during heavy rainfall events. These results indicate that the forest floor should be recognized as a major source of suspended sediment in unmanaged Japanese cypress plantation watersheds. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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