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1.IntroductionFig.1. RegionalgeologyoftheeasternLiaoningSouthernJilinarea(AfterZhang,1984)  ThePaleoproterozoicvolcanicsedimentarysequence,i.e.,theSouthLiaoheGroupandNorthLiaoheGroup,extendsbetweentwoArchaeancratons(Fig.1).Abundantmineralresources…  相似文献   
利用欧洲中期天气预报中心/世界气象组织(ECMWF/WMO)1981-11-1982-10逐日2.5°×2.5°网格点资料,按赤道西风判别指数确定了赤道西风的范围,讨论了这支基本气流的结构及季节演变特征,以及它和这一地区环流的关系。  相似文献   
Taxonomy and Stratigraphy of Late Mesozoic Anurans and Urodeles from China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Three anurans (Callobatrachus sanyanensis, Liaobatrachus grabaui, Mesophryne beipiaoensis) and six urodeles (Laccotriton subsolanus, Liaoxitriton zhongjiani, Jeholotriton paradoxus, Sinerpeton fengshanensis, Chunerpeton tianyiensis, Liaoxitriton daohugouensis) are reported from the late Mesozoic tuff-interbedded lacustrine deposits (mostly of the Jehol Group) in northeastern China. They document the first discovery of Chinese Mesozoic lissamphibians, and their old geological age, superb preservation condition, and large taxoncmic diversity are unique compared with other findings worldwide. The anurans occupy a higher evolutionary position than typical Jurassic taxa, supporting a post-Late Jurassic age of the fossil horizons. The urodeles all have unicapitate ribs, suggesting an evolutionary grade at the cryptobranchoid level, and are advanced in osteological features over non-urodeles from the Middle and Upper Jurassic in England and Central Asia. Some urodeles (Jeholotriton and Chunerpeton) exhibit neot  相似文献   
结合2014年7月30—31日滁州地区一次强飑线降水过程的地面雨滴谱观测资料,构建了雨滴谱模型参数与雷达反演降水中常用的Z=ARb中系数A和指数b之间的相关关系,得出了适用于此次飑线降水的新Z-R关系。通过与雨滴谱观测结果和参考关系(Z=300R1.40)反演结果进行对比,对新的Z-R关系反演降水效果进行了评估。结果表明:利用降水强度对粒子数浓度和尺度标准化处理后,Gamma分布可以较好地描述此次飑线降水的雨滴谱分布。Z-R关系随着降水雨滴谱的变化而变化,指数b与不同阶数矩量随雨强的变化有关,系数A与雨滴谱的谱型分布有关。此次飑线降水Z-R关系的指数b=1.37;雨滴谱在Gamma分布下,系数A=340.91,在指数分布下,系数A=371.95。新的Z-R关系和参考关系反演的降水强度较实际观测值均偏小,但新的Z-R关系提高了此次飑线降水的总体估计效果。  相似文献   
为探究太平洋褶柔鱼(Todarodes pacificus)秋生群资源丰度波动的原因,本研究利用适宜产卵的海表温度(SST)和水深数据,构建了太平洋褶柔鱼秋生群1979—2018年40年潜在产卵场模型,在此基础上开发了适宜海表温度均值(MVSS)、适宜性海表温度加权面积(SSWA)和等温线经向位置(MP)3种产卵场指数...  相似文献   
Taking the anisotropy of velocity and attenuation into account, we investigate the wavefield simulation of viscoacoustic waves in 3D vertical transversely isotropic attenuating media. The viscoacoustic wave equations with the decoupled amplitude attenuation and phase dispersion are derived from the fractional Laplacian operator and using the acoustic approximation. With respect to the spatially variable fractional Laplacian operator in the formulation, we develop an effective algorithm to realize the viscoacoustic wavefield extrapolation by using the arbitrary-order Taylor series expansion. Based on the approximation, the mixed-domain fractional Laplacian operators are decoupled from the wavenumbers and fractional orders. Thus, the viscoacoustic wave propagation can be conveniently implemented by using a generalized pseudospectral method. In addition, we perform the accuracy and efficiency analyses among first-, second- and third-order Taylor series expansion pseudospectral methods with different quality factors. Considering both the accuracy and computational cost, the second-order Taylor series expansion pseudospectral method can generally satisfy the requirements for most attenuating media. Numerical modelling examples not only illustrate that our decoupled viscoacoustic wave equations can effectively describe the attenuating property of the medium, but also demonstrate the accuracy and the high robustness of our proposed schemes.  相似文献   
利用NCEP再分析资料和WRF模式,对2014年8月31日重庆市云阳县特大暴雨进行形势分析和数值模拟,针对重庆地区地形设计了三组地形敏感性试验,分析地形改变对暴雨过程热力条件和水汽条件的影响。结果表明:低纬地区不稳定能量大量积聚并向北传播,在地形和急流的垂直扰动触发下,对流强烈发展;850 h Pa低空急流将来自南海的水汽输送至重庆地区,水汽低层辐合、高层辐散形成的抽吸作用引发水汽的垂直输送。大巴山高度降低后,不稳定厚度减小导致对流强度明显降低;阻挡作用降低不利于水汽在暴雨区的汇聚;水汽辐合、辐散的强度降低导致水汽的垂直输送强度明显减弱。齐岳山高度降低后,低空急流所引起的垂直扰动位置偏南导致高能舌和对流活动位置偏南;水汽输送中心南压,水汽通道变宽导致暴雨区上空水汽输送减弱;低空急流位置偏南导致其所引起的水汽辐合时间偏晚。  相似文献   
The Chitudian Zn‐Pb ore deposit, Luanchuan, Henan province, was recently discovered in the southern margin of the North China Craton. The Zn‐Pb orebodies are hosted in the Proterozoic Guandaokou and Luanchuan Groups, occurring as veins in interbedding fracture zones mainly in a WNW‐ and partially in a NS‐direction. The Zn‐Pb ores are characterized by banded, massive, and breccia structures, coarse crystal grains, and a simple mineral composition mainly of galena, sphalerite, pyrite, quartz, dolomite, and calcite. In addition to the vein type orebodies, there are Mo‐ and Zn‐bearing skarn orebodies in the northwest of the Chitudian ore field. Four types of primary fluid inclusions in quartz and calcite were recognized in the Chitudian Zn‐Pb ores, including aqueous, aqueous‐CO2, daughter‐mineral‐bearing aqueous, and daughter‐mineral‐bearing aqueous‐CO2 inclusions, with aqueous inclusion being most common. The homogenization temperatures of the fluid inclusions from the main mineralization stage are from 290°C to 340°C, and the salinities mainly from 3.7 to 14.8 wt% NaCl equivalent. In addition to CO2, CH4 and H2S were detected in the vapor phase and HS in the liquid phase of the fluid inclusions by Laser Raman spectroscopy. The δ34SV‐CDT values of ore sulfides from the Chitudian deposit range from ?0.32‰ to 8.30‰, and show two modal peaks in the histogram, one from 1‰ to 4‰, and the other from 5‰ to 7‰. The former peak is similar to that of porphyry‐type Mo‐W deposits in the area, whereas the latter is relatively close to the sulfur in the strata. The ore sulfur may have been derived from both the magma and the strata. The Pb‐isotopic compositions of the ore minerals from Chitudian, with 206Pb/204Pb from 17.005 to l7.953, 207Pb/204Pb from 15.414 to 15.587, and 208Pb/204Pb from 37.948 to 39.036, are similar to those of Mesozoic porphyries in the Chitudian ore field, suggesting that the ore‐forming metals were mainly derived from the Mesozoic magmatic intrusions. The Chitudian Zn‐Pb deposit is interpreted to be a distal hydrothermal vein‐type deposit, which was genetically related to the proximal, skarn‐type Mo ore deposits in the region.  相似文献   
The technique of gravitational microlensing is currently unique in its ability to provide a sample of terrestrial exoplanets around both Galactic disk and bulge stars, allowing to measure their abundance and determine their distribution with respect to mass and orbital separation. Thus, valuable information for testing models of planet formation and orbital migration is gathered, constituting an important piece in the puzzle for the existence of life forms throughout the Universe. In order to achieve these goals in reasonable time, a well‐coordinated effort involving a network of either 2m or 4×1m telescopes at each site is required. It could lead to the first detection of an Earth‐mass planet outside the Solar system, and even planets less massive than Earth could be discovered. From April 2008, ARTEMiS (Automated Robotic Terrestrial Exoplanet Microlensing Search) is planned to provide a platform for a three‐step strategy of survey, follow‐up, and anomaly monitoring. As an expert system embedded in eSTAR (e‐Science Telescopes for Astronomical Research), ARTEMiS will give advice for follow‐up based on a priority algorithm that selects targets to be observed in order to maximize the expected number of planet detections, and will also alert on deviations from ordinary microlensing light curves by means of the SIGNALMEN anomaly detector. While the use of the VOEvent (Virtual Observatory Event) protocol allows a direct interaction with the telescopes that are part of the HTN (Heterogeneous Telescope Networks) consortium, additional interfaces provide means of communication with all existing microlensing campaigns that rely on human observers. The success of discovering a planet by microlensing critically depends on the availability of a telescope in a suitable location at the right time, which can mean within 10 min. To encourage follow‐up observations, microlensing campaigns are therefore releasing photometric data in real time. On ongoing planetary anomalies, world‐wide efforts are being undertaken to make sure that sufficient data are obtained, since there is no second chance. Real‐time modelling offers the opportunity of live discovery of extra‐solar planets, thereby providing “Science live to your home”. (© 2008 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
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