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Some recent land use changes in Albania, such as deforestation, cropland abandonment, and urban sprawl, have caused serious increase of erosion risk. The main objective of this study was to map erosion risk in Korçe region and assess the degree at which every land use is concerned. The G2 erosion model was applied, which can provide erosion maps and statistical figures at month-time intervals using input from free European and global geodatabases. The mapping results in Korçe region were derived at a 30-m cell size, which is an innovation for G2. Autumn-winter months were found to be the most erosive, with average erosion rates reaching the maximum in November and December, i.e. 2.62 and 2.36 t/ha, respectively, while the annual rate was estimated at 10.25 t/ha/yr. Natural grasslands, shurblands, mixed forests, and vineyards showed to exhibit the highest mean erosion rates, while shrublands, broad-leaved forests and natural grasslands were found to be the most extended land covers risky for non-sustainable erosion rates (i.e. >10 t/ha/yr). A detailed examination of the detected hot spots is now necessary by the competent authorities, in order to apply appropriate, site-specific conservation measures. Notably, use of SPOT VGT data did not prevent the maps from having extended gaps due to cloudiness. Sentinel-2 time series, freely available by the European Space Agency (ESA), have the potential to improve spatiotemporal coverage of V-factor, thus further empowering the G2 model, in the near future.  相似文献   
A Raman spectroscopic study of Fe-rich sphalerite (Zn1 − x Fe x S) has been carried out for six samples with 0.10 ≤ x ≤ 0.24. Both the intensities and frequencies of the TO and LO modes of sphalerite are approximately independent of Fe concentration. However, the substitution of Zn by Fe results in five additional bands with frequencies between the TO (271 cm−1) and LO (350 cm−1) modes. Three of these bands are attributed to resonance modes (i.e. Y 1, Y 2 and Y 3 modes). The fourth band (B mode) is assigned to a breathing mode of the nearest-neighbor sulfur atoms around the Fe atoms. The band at 337 cm−1 is attributed to the presence of Fe3+. The excellent correlations between the normalized intensities of these five different modes and x Fe show that these modes depend on Fe-content. Another extra mode at 287 cm−1 is assigned to the presence of Cd in sphalerite.  相似文献   
Gulf of Suez consists mainly of three tectonic provinces that are separated by two accommodation zones. The southern edge of the gulf is bordered by N–S faults which mark the transition between the shallow water, Suez Basin and the deep northern Red Sea Basin. The sensitivity of coda Q measurements with respect to geological differences in the crust is demonstrated in three regions with a large variety of tectonic and geologic properties. The estimation of coda Q (Qc) is performed for 370 local earthquakes recorded at 12 digital seismic stations during the period from 2000 to 2007. The magnitudes of the earthquakes between 1.5 and ~4.5 have been used at central frequencies 1.5, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, and 24 Hz through three lapse time windows 10, 20, 30 s starting at once and twice the time of the primary S wave from the origin time. The time domain coda decay method of the single isotropic scattering model is employed to calculate frequency-dependent values of coda Q. The Qc values are frequency dependent in the range 1–25 Hz, and are approximated by a least squares fit to the power law [Qc(f) = Qo(f/fo]. The observed coda Q indicates that the area is seismically and tectonically active with high heterogeneities. The variation of the quality factor Qc has been estimated at different regions to observe the effect of different tectonic province. The average frequency-dependent estimated relations of Qc vary from 65f1.1 to 96f0.9 at 10 to 30 s window length, respectively. The decreasing value of the frequency parameter with increasing lapse time shows that the crust acquires homogeneity with depth. The variation of Qc with the variations in the geologic and tectonic properties of the crust was investigated. The frequency exponent η might be larger in active tectonic areas and smaller in more stable regions. In the northern region of the Gulf of Suez, the obtained value of η?=?0.8?±?0.011, which might indicate a low level of tectonic activity compared with η?=?1.1?±?0.005 and 1.3?±?0.009 for the central and southern regions of the gulf.  相似文献   
Facies analyses and a sequence stratigraphical framework with regional correlation of the upper Campanian phosphate province are presented, based on three main sections located in Egypt (Gebel Duwi and Abu Tartur sections) and north Jordan (Umm Qais section). Fifteen facies types were grouped into: phosphate (FT1–5), carbonate (FT6–11) and siliciclastic (FT12–15) facies associations. The main component of phosphate rocks is pellets in situ and common reworked biogenic debris, especially in the upper phosphate beds (e.g. fish teeth and bones), which along with abundant Thalassinoides burrows suggests that the skeletal material was the main source for phosphates in Egypt; in contrast the common authigenic phosphatic grains (pristine) in Jordan reflect an upwelling regime. Based on age assignment as well as stratigraphical position, the phosphorite beds show great similarity that may suggests a similar origin and proximity during the period of deposition of the Duwi Formation of the Red Sea coast of Egypt and its equivalent, the Al-Hisa Phosphorite Formation in Jordan, which represents an early transgressive system tract of a depositional sequence. On the Abu Tartur plateau, the presence of sandy pyritic phosphatic grainstone (FT1) and glauconitic quartz arenite (FT12) in the middle part of the studied section, along with the absence of chert facies (FT14), reflects a more shallow marine depositional environment with increased fluvial sediment supply compared to those along the Red Sea coast and north Jordan.  相似文献   
Nowadays many continuously operating reference stations (CORS) network were established in Middle East to improve the surveying tasks. Establishing such geodetic control networks can be a costly business where multiple stations should be occupied simultaneously and post-processed with scientific software. Recently, precise point positioning (PPP) provides precise positioning values that may be an alternative to precise relative processing. The current research aims to investigate that PPP has a potential as a reliable absolute positioning technique operational simplicity as well as to investigate the capability of PPP approach to be a low cost alternative to the conventional positioning methods used in position determination of core networks stations. In comparison with common relative GPS techniques, the costs are reduced; because no base stations and no simultaneous observations are necessary, no need for control network maintenance which could be the most defective factors that Egypt HARN network suffered from. To see the feasibility study of using PPP for precise determination of the CORS, 14 days of GNSS data for the 14 Kuwait integrated with 27 IGS stations were processed by Bernese software to calculate the precise coordinates of Kuwaiti CORS network in the latest terrestrial geodetic frame. Three days of these data were processed by Trimble business center software and using PPP approach to calculate the precise coordinates of Kuwait network. In the current research, a comparable investigation was carried out between the coordinates obtained from Bernese software, Trimble business center, and PPP approach. The comparison proved high level of agreement between the coordinates which confirm that PPP approach can be applied for establishment of CORS network.  相似文献   
The present study examines the natural radioactivity in basements rocks including granites and associated dikes besides stream sediments in Sharm El Sheikh area. Two main rock units are concerned; granites pertaining to Younger Granites of Precambrian age and clastic sedimentary rocks related to Miocene and Pliocene ages. This area is traversed by two shear zones that were delineated as the master fractures trending NW and NNE and controlling uranium and thorium enrichment in granites and dikes. The field and laboratory radiometric measurements revealed radiometric anomalies, in particular, along shear zones. The results of radiometric analyses including concentrations of equivalent uranium (eU), equivalent thorium (eTh), Ra, and K radionuclides as well as the calculated ratios eTh/eU and eU/Ra for representative samples belonging to all rock varieties, revealed that the felsic dikes have the highest values of the average radionuclides potential followed by the alkali feldspar granites, while the mafic dikes display the lowest radioactivity potential. On the other hand, the trends defined in the variation of uranium and thorium reflects the amount of remobilization of uranium that has occurred within the plutons. The eTh and eU/eTh ratios shows a negative correlation, suggesting that distribution of uranium and thorium was at least controlled by magmatic differentiation, while, the positive correlation between eU and eU/eTh ratios indicates enrichment of uranium through post magmatic processes. Some precautions and recommendations are proposed to avoid any possible environmental impacts from shear zone areas with high intensity of natural radiation sources.  相似文献   
Imaging soil moisture using GPR tomography and reflection field experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We performed GPR tomography and GPR reflection field experiments using a 500-MHz antenna to image relative soil moisture distribution around a poplar tree at the botanic garden of Kiel University, Kiel, Germany. The GPR tomography field experiment is carried out in two consecutive phases in order to obtain ray paths traveling from all directions and intensively covering the target. The radar tomographic data are inverted using the authors’ developed software code SeismoRad based on the finite difference technique. The attained Root-Mean-Square (RMS) errors after 200 iterations between the measured and calculated times range between 1.066 and 5.7 % in the two tomography experiments. The estimated GPR velocities range between 5.3 and 15.1 cm/ns. Two low-GPR velocity zones could be delineated coinciding with the locations of the tree root zone and a previously excavated sector. The high water saturation zone around the tree root system is found to be the main reason for such a decrease in GPR velocity. Interpretation of the two phases proved that the coverage of ray paths from all directions is important to delineate the effect of the poplar tree root system and hence to obtain accurate tomographic results. Furthermore, four GPR reflection lines are performed along the sides of the four trenches such that the antenna is moved longitudinally in the trenches and the radargrams are recorded along the horizontal xy-plane parallel to the ground surface. On the processed GPR reflection radargrams, relatively high-amplitude GPR anomalies could be outlined and are attributed to the boundary between the saturated and wet zones where different water contents affect the GPR velocity. Comparable results are obtained between the tomogram and the radar reflection results with respect to zones of increase in water content.  相似文献   
A method for estimating specimen tangent stiffness for hybrid simulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Researchers have long recognized the importance and potential benefits of utilizing the tangent stiffness matrix of a test specimen in hybrid simulations employing implicit and mixed‐integration schemes. However, the computation of the tangent stiffness matrix during testing has proved to be challenging, particularly for test specimens with more than one degree of freedom (dof). This paper presents a new methodology that is more straightforward and simpler than existing techniques for computing the tangent stiffness matrix of a multi‐dof test specimen. The proposed method is combined with the operator‐splitting method (OSM), and the capabilities, advantages and limitations of the new formulation are demonstrated through several examples. The accuracy, stability, and error propagation characteristics of the modified OSM are also studied theoretically as well as numerically. The research results show that the proposed algorithm provides results that are better than those produced via the regular OSM alone, especially for damped structures undergoing highly inelastic behavior during testing. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The scientific community is confident that warming of the Earth’s climate is unequivocal. Sea-level rise, which poses potential threats to coastal areas, is one of the most recognised possible impacts of this climate change. The nonlinearities, complexities, and spatial and temporal lags are common characteristics of coastal processes driven by human and natural interaction. With the acknowledgement of the complexity and dynamic nature of coastal systems, this paper introduces a spatial–temporal assessment framework, for addressing both the temporal and spatial variations, when assessing the vulnerability of natural and human systems in coastal areas. The framework is based upon a combination of system dynamics (SD) modelling and geographical information systems by taking into account spatial (x, y, z) and temporal (t) dimensions. The strategy of the adopted approach is to use the loose coupling approach by which a spatial model component is incorporated into a SD model component through a data converter.  相似文献   
An attempt was made to estimate seismic microzonation in Marsa Alam city, Egypt based on the analysis of seismic microtremor observations. Observations were carried out at 140 sites in the study region. Analysis and processing of microtremor were divided into two steps; the first one is to measure the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) for each site and picked predominant frequency and its amplitude for each site. The second step is to measure the average shear wave velocity in the upper 30 m (Vs30) of subsoil using inversion of HVSR technique. The results show well matching of theoretical HVSR and observed HVSR for body waves in all sites. The Vs30 parameter was used to classify subsoil into classes of soil properties converted to the slandered European soil code (Eurocode-8 (2002)) as follows; Vs < 180(class D), 180 ≤ Vs < 360 (class C), 360 ≤ Vs < 800 (class B) and Vs ≥ 800 m/s (class A). Our study exhibits that most of Marsa Alam city were covered by B and C classes with small portions of class D close to the shoreline and class A at the northeastern part of the region. The developed classification soil map of the study area was correlated with the distribution of the predominant frequency in view of the surface geology and given a good matching. The results of this study will be useful for planning the Marsa Alam region to be the future tourist dream for Egypt. The method used in assessment of seismic microzonation in Marsa Alam city could be the fast and inexpensive technique to measure the Vs30 based on the HVSR of microtremor and would be applied in many other areas in Egypt.  相似文献   
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