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We present an alternative scheme for implementing the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate and preparing multiqubit entanglement by using a frequency-modulated laser field to simultaneously illuminate all ions. Selecting the index of modulation yields selective mechanisms for coupling and decoupling between the internal and the external states of the ions. By the selective mechanisms, we obtain the unconventional geometric two-qubit phase gate, multiparticle Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger states and highly entangled cluster states. Our scheme is insensitive to the thermal motion of the ions.  相似文献   
Effects of degree of saturation on shallow landslides triggered by rainfall   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
The empirical rainfall threshold concept and the physical-based model are two commonly used approaches for the assessment of shallow landslides triggered by rainfall. To investigate in detail the rainfall-triggered shallow landslides, many physical-based models coupling the infinite slope stability analysis with the rainfall infiltration modeling in variably saturated soil were developed. However, in those physical-based shallow landslide models, the unit weight and the unsaturated shear strength were assumed constant rather than depending on the degree of saturation. In this study, the effects of the unit weight and the unsaturated shear strength as function of degree of saturation on rainfall-triggered shallow landslides are examined. Several designed scenarios and a real case scenario are used to conduct the examinations. The results show that not only the occurrence of shallow landslides but also the failure depth and the time to failure could be misassessed if the influences of degree of saturation on the unit weight and the unsaturated shear strength are neglected.  相似文献   
Acetes chinensis always ovulate in the dark at night. Two to five hours before ovulation, the mature oocytes change from white to orange. In the meantime, meiosis of the oocytes occurs, and reaches the metaphase just prior to ovulation. If ovarian colour change starts in the dark at night but ovulation does not start by break of dawn, ovulation will be inhibited and meiosis of the cells will be blocked.  相似文献   
陈永福 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1248-1256
吉黑东部金矿床集中分布于小兴安岭北麓、完达山和太平岭(东宁-延边),矿床类型以斑岩型-浅成低温热液型矿床为主。成矿年代大约为110 Ma左右。稳定同位素显示成矿流体具有岩浆水特征,而成矿物质则主要来源于深源岩浆,这说明吉黑东部金成矿可能与岩浆活动有关。同时,研究显示吉黑东部广泛发育一套120~95 Ma的中酸性火山-侵入岩,其与110 Ma金成矿事件时空关系密切。这套火山-侵入岩在矿区表现为英安-流纹质或安山-英安质火山岩组合和闪长玢岩、花岗斑岩及花岗岩等脉岩和小侵入体。而岩石化学特征则表明其属中酸性的钙碱性系列,为一套俯冲流体交代地幔楔起源的岩浆。区域对比研究表明,吉黑东部金成矿与俄罗斯远东地区Sikhote-Alin锡成矿、韩国南部金-银成矿可能处于同一大地构造环境的不同构造部位。成矿年代从吉黑东部向东南方向有变年轻的趋势,且成矿岩浆岩的酸性成分增强而幔源成分减少。综合区域岩浆岩和区域成矿特征,表明吉黑东部存在一期110 Ma的金成矿事件,其与中生代晚期板块俯冲及其后的岩石圈拆沉作用和弧后伸展有关,成矿大地构造环境为大陆边缘弧。  相似文献   
An unusual series of C22–C27 monounsaturated sterenes and C24–C30 tetracyclic terpanes (17,21-secohopanes) were detected in relatively high concentrations in an immature evaporitic marl sediment of the Jinxian Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, North China. The site of unsaturation in these novel sterenes is assigned tentatively to the D ring on the basis of mass spectral interpretation, which also distinguishes them from reported unsaturated sterenes. Other hydrocarbon biomarker or stable isotope characteristics are indicative of microbial (e.g. methyl hopanes), phytoplankton or higher plant (depleted δ13C values of isoprenoids and hopanes) inputs and an anoxic carbonate depositional environment (hexacyclic hopanes; tetracyclic terpanes). The hydrocarbon composition showed no obvious biodegradation and the relatively high concentration of unsaturated terpenoids (e.g. gammacerene) and low values of other established maturity parameters (Ts/Tm = 0.23; Ro = 0.44%; Tmax = 417 °C), are consistent with sediments of low maturity. The novel, low molecular weight sterenes and the tetracyclic terpanes may be early diagenetic products of microbial sources in a carbonate environment.  相似文献   
Factures caused by deformation and destruction of bedrocks over coal seams can easily lead to water flooding(inrush)in mines,a threat to safety production.Fractures with high hydraulic conductivity are good watercourses as well as passages for inrush in mines and tunnels.An accurate height prediction of water flowing fractured zones is a key issue in today's mine water prevention and control.The theory of leveraging BP artificial neural network in height prediction of water flowing fractured zones is analysed and applied in Qianjiaying Mine as an example in this paper.Per the comparison with traditional calculation results,the BP artificial neural network better reflects the geological conditions of the research mine areas and produces more objective,accurate and reasonable results,which can be applied to predict the height of water flowing fractured zones.  相似文献   
瑶琳仙境洞穴动物的研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
1980年11月至1986年5月,在瑶琳洞内各种生境作了观察、采集,并对微形动物进行了实验室培养。已经鉴定的洞穴动物有35种,隶属于28科、32属。从蜘蛛种类同五个不同面积溶洞的关系看,相关系数(r)为0.9707,两者为正相关。并分析了洞穴动物的营养源和食物链,在此基础上,还阐述了洞穴动物的保护利用问题。   相似文献   
It is becoming easier to combine geographical data and dynamic models to provide information for problem solving and geographical cognition. However, the scale dependencies of the data, model, and process can confuse the results. This study extends traditional scale research in static geographical patterns to dynamic processes and focuses on the combined scale effect of multiscale geographical data and dynamic models. The capacity for topographical expression under the combined scale effect was investigated by taking multiscale topographical data and meteorological processes in Hong Kong as a case study. A meteorological simulation of the combined scale effect was evaluated against data from Hong Kong Observatory stations. The experiments showed that (1) a digital elevation model (DEM) using 3 arc sec data with a 1 km resolution Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model gives better topographical expression and meteorological reproduction in Hong Kong; (2) a fine-scale model is sensitive to the resolution of the DEM data, whereas a coarse-scale model is less sensitive to it; (3) better topographical expression alone does not improve weather process simulation; and (4) uncertainty arising from a scale mismatch between the DEM data and the dynamic model may account for 38 % of the variance in certain meteorological variables (e.g., temperature). This case study gives a clear explanation of the significance and implementation of scale matching for multiscale geographical data and dynamic models.  相似文献   
陈晨  朱晨曦  陈火根 《江苏地质》2019,43(4):665-671
将地质资源环境调查与空间规划相结合,是规范土地开发行为、规避地质环境风险、有效利用地质资源的重要手段之一。统筹考虑地质调查成果内容和空间管制分区评价需求,应用Meta分析法计算指标权重,提出了一套以空间规划管制分区为切入点的矿地融合空间规划管制方案,并选取苏州中心城区进行了实证分析。结果表明,苏州市区建设用地适宜性较好,较适宜建设区域面积较大,主要分区在工业园区、相城区和吴江区,基本能满足近期规划的需求,从城镇扩展、生态用地保护、中心城区开发边界3个方面提出空间规划管制发展方向,证明未来城市建设应向南北两个方向发展。  相似文献   
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