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通过开展植被样方调查,确定苔原带的主要优势种,分析优势种的分布格局及其关联性,从地理角度分析长白山苔原带植被变化特征。研究表明:长白山苔原带8个优势种中,草本植物已占6个。灌木中牛皮杜鹃(Rhododendron chrysanthum)依然为最主要的优势种,但笃斯越橘(Vaccinium uliginosum)的优势地位已被草本的小白花地榆(Sanguisorba parviflora)取代。草本植物聚集程度强,苔原植被存在草甸化趋势。除牛皮杜鹃与大白花地榆(Sanguisorba stipulata)之间存在较显著的负联结,排它现象明显外,多种优势种之间存在正联结,有弱的伴生现象,牛皮杜鹃和小白花地榆为强正联结,伴生现象更明显,草本植物与灌木伴生将长期存在。各草本植物入侵、定植、扩展机制多样。小白花地榆分布广,聚集程度较弱,以种子繁殖为主,扩展速度较快;大白花地榆、小叶章(Calamagrostis angustifolia)等聚集程度较强,以无性繁殖为主,扩展速度较慢,但竞争能力强,在适宜生境中,能驱除其它物种。  相似文献   
丹巴县甲居滑坡复活机制及其稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甲居滑坡为一个特大型堆积层古滑坡,因其位于四川省丹巴县甲居藏寨风景旅游区而广受关注.结合滑坡形成的地质环境条件,从滑坡形态、坡体结构、地表变形破坏发育特征等方面人手,对该典型堆积层滑坡进行了分析论述.研究表明,滑坡形成演化历史较为复杂,是一个多级多层滑动形成的非连续复合变形体,其变形复活与滑坡岩土结构、河流侵蚀和人类工程活动密切相关,滑坡具有长期间歇性蠕滑变形特征,以局部滑移为主,难以产生整体性变形破坏,进而为滑坡下一步的监测治理提供了依据.  相似文献   
河东煤田煤储层中气胀节理的发现及其研究意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
在山西河东煤田石炭、二叠纪煤储层中发现规模类似于传统外生节理,而产状、节理面特征及发育载体等其他特征与内生裂隙极为相似的两组节理.该节理面上无擦痕和镜面特征,节理面产状与围岩中的节理差异明显.该节理属煤储层中流体间歇性释放造成的纯张节理.该区煤储层岩石物理研究表明,凡发育该类节理的煤储层,其渗透率较高,煤储层可改造性较好.该类节理发育的基本条件是:围岩封闭条件良好、煤储层中有机质丰度高达90%以上和具有相应温压的煤层气藏成藏条件.研究该类节理不仅可以丰富煤储层岩石物理的研究内容,深化煤层气藏形成与保存条件的认识,而且还有助于正确评价煤层气的可采性.  相似文献   
选取格尔木地震台2000年7月到2013年5月的680个地震,与中国地震台网中心提供的《国家台网大震速报目录》进行面波震级的对比,得出格尔木地震台的台基校正值、标准误差;通过计算分析,总结出不同方位、震中距、震级大小的地震震级差异性之间的关系。  相似文献   
The characteristic textures of eclogitic veins infilling the interstitial spaces among zoisite-glaucophanite pillows, the fractures crosscutting massive zoisite-glaucophanites and the relic conduits within the eclogite boudins demonstrate that the eclogitization of glaucophanites was accompanied by the presence of a free fluid phase in the Western Tianshan high-pressure metamorphic belt. Non-planar populations of fluid inclusions, parallel toC-axis, have been preserved within the omphacites in eclogitic veins. The microthermometric results indicate that fluids are low-salinity (1–4 wt%NaCl) aqueous fluids. The chemical compositions of major, trace and rare earth elements of eclogitic veins and related host rocks indicate that the eclogitization of glaucophanites required the addition of external Si and Na elements, and was accompanied by the loss of large-ion lithophile elements, rare earth elements and water. The record of eclogitization of glaucophanites along fractures and zones of high permeability by fluid infiltration has been preserved in the Wetsern Tianshan high-pressure metamorphic belt.  相似文献   
The vegetation of alpine tundra in the Changbai Mountains has experienced great changes in recent decades. Narrowleaf small reed(Deyeuxia angustifolia), a perennial herb from the birch forest zone had crossed the tree line and invaded into the alpine tundra zone. To reveal the driven mechanism of D. angustifolia invasion, there is an urgent need to figure out the effective seed distribution pattern, which could tell us where the potential risk regions are and help us to interpret the invasion process. In this study, we focus on the locations of the seeds in the soil layer and mean to characterize the effective seed distribution pattern of D. angustifolia. The relationship between the environmental variables and the effective seed distribution pattern was also assessed by redundancy analysis. Results showed that seeds of D. angustifolia spread in the alpine tundra with a considerable number(mean value of 322 per m2). They were mainly distributed in the low elevation areas with no significant differences in different slope positions. Effective seed number(ESN) occurrences of D. angustifolia were different in various plant communities. Plant communities with lower canopy cover tended to have more seeds of D. angustifolia. Our research indicated reliable quantitative information on the extent to which habitats are susceptible to invasion.  相似文献   
Daily global solar radiation is an important input required in most crop models. In the present study, a sunshine-based model, the ?ngstr?m–Prescott model, is employed to estimate daily global solar radiation on a horizontal surface during the growing season in Northeast China. Data from six control groups are used. The controls include the entire sequence, precipitation days, and non-precipitation days both during the growing season and year-round. Estimations are validated by comparing the calculated values with the corresponding measured values. The results indicate that estimating daily global solar radiation during the growing season using data only from the growing season is better than using year-round data. Classifying days with respect to precipitation and non-precipitation is also unnecessary. The performance on estimating daily global solar radiation during the growing season using the entire data in growing season performs best. A sunshine-based equation is obtained using our method to estimate growing season daily radiation for all meteorological stations in Northeast China. The approved approach is expected to be beneficial to crop models and other agricultural purposes.  相似文献   
This paper investigates monthly and seasonal precipitation–temperature relationships (PTRs) over Northeast China using a method proposed in this study. The PTRs are influenced by clouds, latent and sensible heat conversion, precipitation type, etc. In summer, the influences of these factors on temperature decrease are different for various altitudes, latitudes, longitudes, and climate types. Stronger negative PTRs ranging from ?0.049 to ?0.075 °C/mm mostly occur in the semi-arid region, where the cold frontal-type precipitation dominates. In contrast, weaker negative PTRs ranging from ?0.004 to ?0.014 °C/mm mainly distribute in Liaoning Province, where rain is mainly orographic rain controlled by the warm and humid air of East Asian summer monsoon. In winter, surface temperature increases owing to the release of latent heat and sensible heat when precipitation occurs. The stronger positive PTRs ranging from 0.963 to 3.786 °C/mm mostly occur at high altitudes and latitudes due to more release of sensible heat. The enhanced atmospheric counter radiation by clouds is the major factor affecting increases of surface temperature in winter and decreases of surface temperature in summer when precipitation occurs.  相似文献   
抗滑桩承受荷载的过程伴随着桩身结构的损伤累积,为了获得抗滑桩损伤演化情况,基于Najar损伤理论推导了随应变变化的损伤因子表达式,建立了抗滑桩受拉、压荷载作用下的混凝土损伤模型。将该损伤模型嵌入至Abaqus/CAE模拟程序自带的混凝土塑性损伤模型中,分析了二郎山1#滑坡抗滑桩损伤情况,得出如下结论,采用文中构建的拉、压损伤模型模拟得出的桩顶水平位移为30.3cm,与现场观测的桩后裂缝宽度数据相吻合,得出滑坡推力增大是导致二郎山1#滑坡抗滑桩产生大变形的直接原因;抗滑桩在产生大位移过程中受压损伤值较小,桩身未发生压破坏;抗滑桩在产生大位移过程中靠近滑坡一侧滑面位置的拉损伤较为严重,并产生了拉破坏,损伤区域达到截面面积的3/4,是抗滑桩工程修复亟需关注的位置。   相似文献   
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