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1IntroductionWestern Linyi of Shandong Province is one of the most important gold ore mineralization concen-tration areas. Tongjing skarn type gold copper de-posit, Jinchang skarn type gold copper deposit and Duijinshan porphyry type gold deposit were found in 1960's (Edited committee, 1996). Following the discovery of Guilaizhuang gold ore deposit related to alkaline rocks in 1988, the western Linyi region becomes one of the extensively studied areas of gold deposits in China (Lin etal.,…  相似文献   
采用正弦波形循环荷载动三轴试验获取土的动剪切模量和阻尼比的数据处理过程中通常存在两个困难:一是因为试验中存在各种噪声使滞回曲线椭圆形态不明显;二是椭圆拟合会因方法不当出现不收敛或者误差大等情况。为了在一定程度上克服第一个困难,本文将滤波技术引入到对应力应变时间序列的处理中来;为了更好地拟合滞回曲线椭圆,本文结合了主成份分析技术与椭圆的几何拟合方法,通过计算椭圆焦点位置、长半轴长度等来确定拟合椭圆,结果表明,该方法容易线性化且相对稳定,值得在动三轴数据处理中进行推广。  相似文献   
在构建现代地球模型时,地球内部分层结构主要是根据地震波资料确定的;而地球内部密度及弹性参数,特别是地幔以下大尺度结构的密度分布,则主要是根据地球自由振荡的弹性简正模观测资料确定的.本文概述了地球自由振荡简正模本征值的求解理论和方法,介绍了球型和环型模态位移场表达式,讨论了地球自由振荡模态的衰减、分裂与耦合效应;总结了多线态分裂谱线探测和分裂参数估计的方法,综述了利用弹性简正模开展地震矩张量、地球三维非均匀性结构和内核超速旋转约束与反演研究的主要进展和存在的问题.最后作为展望,本文还讨论了地球自由振荡简正模的未来研究趋势.  相似文献   
海洋碳循环与全球气候变化相互反馈的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋作为地球上一个主要吸收二氧化碳的汇,储存大量的二氧化碳.海-气间的二氧化碳交换,使得海洋中碳对气候产生反馈作用,从而影响着大气中CO2的浓度,甚至影响到全球气候的变化.本文主要介绍了海洋碳循环的过程,以及海洋碳循环过程对气候的反馈作用.  相似文献   
沈中兴 《福建地质》2005,24(3):147-153
岭头坪铅锌金银多金属矿产于南园组第二、三段中酸-酸性火山碎屑岩的夹层中,矿体呈似层状,受断裂构造及层间破碎带控制.成矿与中生代火山活动紧密相关,可能为中低温火山热液矿床.从成矿地质条件和金土壤异常分析,岭头坪矿区的周围及南、东侧以及石笋歧一带有很好的找矿前景.  相似文献   
为了查明山西省晋祠泉泉水断流、泉口水位下降及近年来泉口水位回升的原因,为泉水复流工作提供理论参考,以长系列气象、水文、开采量、泉流量、地下水位等资料为基础,在详细分析了晋祠泉域不同水动力分区年内、年际动态特征的基础上,从自然气候与人类活动两方面出发,阐述了不同历史时期晋祠泉域岩溶水位变化的影响因素。结果表明:1956-1994年,因20世纪80、90年代人工开采量达到历史高峰期,一度超过2.4 m3/s,且80年代以后我国北方干旱化发展趋势较为严重,晋祠泉水流量逐渐减小直至断流;1994-2008年,人工开采量虽有一定程度减少,但仍维持在2.0 m3/s左右,且恰逢连续枯水年,降水量、河流径流量较多年平均值分别减小了11%和27%,此阶段泉口水位快速下降至历史最低值;2008年以后进入相对丰水期,在采取多项措施减少泉域岩溶水开采量的同时,汾河二库蓄水水位逐步抬高,其对岩溶水的渗漏补给量在经历了约2 a的滞后期后到达泉域排泄区,晋祠泉口水位近年来逐步回升。  相似文献   
针对不同用户群体应急救助和地震灾情需求,基于MINA框架,运用阿里云基础架构、微信组件和应用程序接口等技术方法,设计并构建集灾情信息收集与报送、应急救助服务、科普宣教等功能于一体的管理平台。该平台的设计与实现不仅有利于震后现场应急队员收集并准确报送实时灾情信息,还可为被救助人员提供防震减灾知识和地震应急避难场所空间分布等应急救助信息,实现了应急救助与地震灾情的综合管理,提升了震后应急救助、应急指挥和辅助决策等方面的服务能力。  相似文献   
The Mississippian (Early Carboniferous) is generally a period of scarce carbonate buildups in South China. This study documents outcrops of stromatolite mounds at Mengcun and Helv villages, in Laibin City, Guangxi Province, South China. The stromatolite mounds contain various stromatolite morphologies including laminar, wavy-laminar, domal or hemispheroidal, bulbous, and flabellate-growth columns. Intramound rocks are brachiopod floatstone and dark thin-bedded laminated micrite limestone. Individual stromatolites at Mengcun village are generally 3–6 cm thick and morphologically represent relatively shallow-water laminar (planar and wavy-undulated stromatolites) and deeper-water domal, bulbous and columnar forms. Where mounds were formed, the stromatolites continued growing upward up to 60 cm thick. Thrombolitic fabrics also occur but are not common. Stromatolite microscopic structure shows the bulk of the lamination to consist of wavy microbialite and discrete thin micritic laminae. These mounds are intercalated in deep-water fore-reef talus breccia, packstone formed as a bioclastic debris flow and thin-bedded limestone containing common chert layers of the Tatang Formation (late Viséan). Further evidence supporting the deep-water setting of the stromatolite mounds are: (1) a laterally thinning horizon of brachiopod floatstone containing deep-water, small, thin-shelled brachiopods, peloidal micritic sediments and low-diversity, mixed fauna (e.g., thin-shelled brachiopods, tube-like worms and algae) that have been interpreted as storm deposits, (2) common fore-reef talus breccias, (3) lack of sedimentary structures indicating current action, (4) preservation of lamination with sponge spicules, and (5) lack of bioturbation suggesting that the stromatolites grew in a relatively low energy, deep-water setting. The stromatolite mounds are the first described stromatolite mounds in Mississippian strata of South China and contain evidence that supports interpretations of (1) growth history of Mississippian microbial buildups and (2) environmental controls on stromatolite growth and lithification.  相似文献   
Single-frequency precise point positioning (SF-PPP) is a potential precise positioning technique due to the advantages of the high accuracy in positioning after convergence and the low cost in operation. However, there are still challenges limiting its applications at present, such as the long convergence time, the low reliability, and the poor satellite availability and continuity in kinematic applications. In recent years, the achievements in the dual-frequency PPP have confirmed that its performance can be significantly enhanced by employing the slant ionospheric delay and receiver differential code bias (DCB) constraint model, and the multi-constellation Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) data. Accordingly, we introduce the slant ionospheric delay and receiver DCB constraint model, and the multi-GNSS data in SF-PPP modular together. In order to further overcome the drawbacks of SF-PPP in terms of reliability, continuity, and accuracy in the signal easily blocking environments, the inertial measurements are also adopted in this paper. Finally, we form a new approach to tightly integrate the multi-GNSS single-frequency observations and inertial measurements together to ameliorate the performance of the ionospheric delay and receiver DCB-constrained SF-PPP. In such model, the inter-system bias between each two GNSS systems, the inter-frequency bias between each two GLONASS frequencies, the hardware errors of the inertial sensors, the slant ionospheric delays of each user-satellite pair, and the receiver DCB are estimated together with other parameters in a unique Kalman filter. To demonstrate its performance, the multi-GNSS and low-cost inertial data from a land-borne experiment are analyzed. The results indicate that visible positioning improvements in terms of accuracy, continuity, and reliability can be achieved in both open-sky and complex conditions while using the proposed model in this study compared to the conventional GPS SF-PPP.  相似文献   
A synthesis of Holocene pollen records from the Tibetan Plateau shows the history of vegetation and climatic changes during the Holocene. Palynological evidences from 24 cores/sections have been compiled and show that the vegetation shifted from subalpine/alpine conifer forest to subalpine/alpine evergreen sclerophyllous forest in the southeastern part of the plateau; from alpine steppe to alpine desert in the central, western and northern part; and from alpine meadow to alpine steppe in the eastern and southern plateau regions during the Holocene. These records show that increases in precipitation began about 9 ka from the southeast, and a wide ranging level of increased humidity developed over the entire of the plateau around 8-7 ka, followed by aridity from 6 ka and a continuous drying over the plateau after 4-3 ka. The changes in Holocene climates of the plateau can be interpreted qualitatively as a response to orbital forcing and its secondary effects on the Indian Monsoon which expanded northwards  相似文献   
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