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In November 2012 EEFIT launched its first ever return mission to an earthquake affected site. The L’Aquila Earthquake site was chosen as this is a recent European event of interest to the UK and European earthquake engineering community. The main aims of this return mission were to document the earthquake recovery process and this paper presents an overview of the post-disaster emergency phase and transition to reconstruction in the Aquila area after the earthquake. It takes an earthquake engineering perspective, highlighting areas mainly of interest to the fields of structural/seismic engineering and reconstruction management. Within the paper, reference is made to published literature, but also to data collected in the field during the return mission that would not otherwise have been available. The paper presents some specific observations and lessons learned from the L’Aquila return mission. However, in light of current international efforts in conducting return missions, the paper ends with some reflections on the value that return missions can provide to the field of earthquake engineering in general, based on the EEFIT L’Aquila experience.  相似文献   
We present a field‐data rich modelling analysis to reconstruct the climatic forcing, glacier response, and runoff generation from a high‐elevation catchment in central Chile over the period 2000–2015 to provide insights into the differing contributions of debris‐covered and debris‐free glaciers under current and future changing climatic conditions. Model simulations with the physically based glacio‐hydrological model TOPKAPI‐ETH reveal a period of neutral or slightly positive mass balance between 2000 and 2010, followed by a transition to increasingly large annual mass losses, associated with a recent mega drought. Mass losses commence earlier, and are more severe, for a heavily debris‐covered glacier, most likely due to its strong dependence on snow avalanche accumulation, which has declined in recent years. Catchment runoff shows a marked decreasing trend over the study period, but with high interannual variability directly linked to winter snow accumulation, and high contribution from ice melt in dry periods and drought conditions. The study demonstrates the importance of incorporating local‐scale processes such as snow avalanche accumulation and spatially variable debris thickness, in understanding the responses of different glacier types to climate change. We highlight the increased dependency of runoff from high Andean catchments on the diminishing resource of glacier ice during dry years.  相似文献   
The tectonic development of a continental margin is recorded in the stratigraphic successions preserved along and across the margin in terms of stratal relationships (e.g., onlap, downlap, truncation), lithofacies, biostratigraphy, and paleo-water depths. By using these observations coupled to a kinematic and flexural model for the deformation of the lithosphere, we have elucidated the tectonic significance of the preserved stratigraphy that comprises the Gabon-Cabinda margin of west Africa. Two hinge zones, an Eastern and Atlantic, formed along the Gabon-Cabinda margin in response to three discrete extensional events occuring from Berriasian to Aptian time. The Eastern hinge zone demarcates the eastern limit of a broadly distributed Berriasian extension that resulted in the formation of deep anoxic, lacustrine systems as evidenced by the silts and shales of the Sialivakou and lower Djeno Formations and the regressive packages of the upper Djeno Formation. Approximately 1.5 to 2 km of asymmetric footwall uplift was induced across the Eastern hinge zone in response to the mechanical unloading of the lithosphere during this first phase of rifting. In contrast, the Atlantic hinge, located approximately 90 km west of the Eastern hinge, marks the eastern limit of a second phase of extension that began in the Hauterivian. Footwall uplift and rotation exposed earlier syn-rift and pre-rift sediments to at least wavebase causing varying amounts of erosional truncation across the Atlantic hinge zone along much of the Gabon-Cabinda margins. We interpret the thickness variations of reworked clastic sediment of this age (e.g. the Melania Formation) between the hinge zones as indicative of variations in the degree of uplift and erosional truncation of the Atlantic hinge. For example, the absence of Melania Formation across the Congo margin implies that uplift of the Atlantic hinge was relatively minor compared to that across the Cabinda and Gabon margins, the latter being characterized by significant thicknesses of Melania Formation (or equivalent). Material eroded from the Cabinda and Gabon Atlantic hinge zone may in part account for the thick wedge of sediment deposited seaward of the Gabon-Cabinda Atlantic hinge (the Erva Formation). Our modelling suggests that this wedge of reworked elastics represents deposition by along-axis gravity flows within a deep water (≈2 km) environment. A third and final phase of extension in the late Barremian-early Aptian was responsible for breaching the continental lithosphere to form the ocean/continent boundary and thus the installation of open marine conditions. Elsewhere, the environments will tend to be marginal marine to brackish, depending on the efficiency of the Atlantic hinge zone to act as a barrier to marine enchroachment. This third rift phase reactivated both the Eastern and Atlantic hinge0zones thereby creating accomodation for the Marnes Noires Formation (and equivalent) source rock deposition between the hinges and the Falcão source rock equivalent seaward of the Atlantic hinge. Two possible scenarios exist for the lateral distribution of the Marnes Noires Formation. If the reactivated rift flank topography across the Atlantic hinge was significant, then sedimentation would be restricted between the hinge zones within discrete lacustrine settings (e.g., Congo margin). Alternatively, if hinge zone uplift was relatively minor, then a coral-rimmed archipelago may have developed parallel to the margin with restricted communication across the Atlantic hinge zone (e.g., Cabinda margin). In this latter scenario, dilution of the Marnes Noires source rocks by terrigenous input from the eroding Atlantic hinge zone should be relatively minor thereby enhancing source rock quality. Furthermore, potential marine upwelling outboard of the Atlantic hinge zone is likely the cause for the production and accumulation of organic-rich material associated with the Falcão source rock of the Kwanza basin. By late Aptian time, the remaining accomodation between the hinge zones was partially filled by across- and along-axis prograding deltaic systems of the Argilles Vertes and Tchibota Formations. The progradation and interaction of the Argilles Vertes depositional lobes resulted in the formation of residual paleo-relief. Subsequent marine incursions and flooding of this paleo-relief led to the development of basal conglomerates (the Chela ‘lag’ unconformity) grading upward into fine-grained sands and evaporites. Consequently, an inverse relationship should exist betweeb evaporite thickness (in particular, the lower members) and the thickness of the underlying Argilles Vertes and Tchibota Formations. Variations in Loeme evaporite thickness is a consequence of stratigraphic and structural control with salt instability influencing local variability.Our modelling suggests the occurrence of two distinct evaporite sequences on the Congo margin, an earlier evaporite deposited seaward (west) of the Atlantic hinge during the second and third rift phases and the late Aptian Loeme Formation deposited between the hinge zones. An evaporite sequence seaward of the Atlantic hinge is inferred on the basis of extensive diapirs and salt tectonic structures observed in seismic data. In order to match the distribution and thickness of the observed post-salt stratigraphy across the basin, however, we require large paleowater depths west of the Atlantic hinge during the later Aptian. The existence of large paleowater depths precludes the formation of thick evaporite sequences within the outer basin. Consequently, we propose that the evaporites seaward of the Atlantic hinge were formed during the syn-rift development of the margin and are not contemporaneous with the post-rift Loeme salts deposited between the hinge zones. This double salt hypothesis is consistent with observations from the conjugate Brazilian margin.  相似文献   
The last 42,000 years of hydrological history of Lake Frome, a large playa located in the arid part of northern South Australia, which is hypersaline and most often dry today, is reconstructed using a combination of ostracod assemblages, other microfossil remains, and the trace elemental composition of the selected halobiont ostracod species of Diacypris and Reticypris.The Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of ostracod valves from 2 cores relate to significant hydrological changes that affected the lake over time. The reconstruction of the Sr/Ca of the lake’s waters, based on the Sr/Ca of ostracod shells, shows that when the lake fills the waters originate mostly from runoff, not from hypersaline waters located below the lake or the surrounding aquifers. The Last Glacial Maximum saw gypsum deflation from the lake.Prior to 25K yBP, Frome had a stable hydrological regime, permanent water and low salinities, with occasional freshwater conditions between 42 and 33K yBP. From 25 to 20.3K yBP, salinities fluctuated and ephemeral conditions operated. After that, until ∼14.8K yBP, a brine pool was located below the lake and was therefore under a different hydrological regime. Between 13 and 11.2K yBP, wet conditions occurred, but such conditions were not seen again during the Holocene.  相似文献   
Time budgets and activity patterns of sandgrouse were studied in semi-arid agricultural land in Spain (Black-bellied and Pin-tailed Sandgrouse) and in more desertic conditions in Israel (Black-bellied and Spotted Sandgrouse). During c. 75% of daylight hours, all four species were either foraging or inactive. The birds in Israel spent more time foraging than those in Spain, despite having lower thermoregulatory costs, reflecting a likely difference in the productivity of the sites. Partitioning of foraging habitat was evident at both sites and, contrary to expectation, it was the larger Black-bellied Sandgrouse which spent the most time foraging. In Israel, Spotted Sandgrouse became inactive at high temperatures whereas the Black-bellied continued to forage, utilizing the shade available in its dwarf shrub foraging habitat. The range of Black-bellied Sandgrouse may be limited by its thermoregulatory ability in hot conditions and its need to forage for long periods.  相似文献   
Analyses of the chemical and isotopic composition of carbonates rocks recovered from methane seepage areas of the Kodiak Trench, Hydrate Ridge, Monterey Bay Clam Flats, and the Eel River Basin, coupled with the studies of the chemistry of the pore fluids, have shown that these carbonates have grown within the sediment column. Geochemical profiles of pore fluids show that, in deep water seeps (Kodiak Trench—4450 m; Monterey Bay—1000 m; Hydrate Ridge—650 m), δ13C (DIC) values are low (isotopically light), whereas in the Eel River area ( 350–500 m), δ13C (DIC) values are much higher (isotopically heavier). In all cases, the δ13C values indicate that processes of methane oxidation, associated with sulfate reduction, are dominant in the shallow sediments. Data on the isotopic composition of authigenic carbonates found at sites in Kodiak Trench, Eel River Basin South, and Eel River Basin North indicate a variable composition and origin in different geochemical environments. Some of the authigenic carbonates from the study sites show a trend in their δ13C values similar to those of the pore fluids obtained in their vicinity, suggesting formation at relatively shallow depths, but others indicate formation at greater sediment depths. The latter usually consist of high magnesium calcite or dolomite, which, from their high values of δ13C (up to 23‰;) and δ18O (up to 7.5‰), suggest formation in the deeper horizons of the sediments, in the zone of methanogenesis. These observations are in agreement with observations by other workers at Hydrate Ridge, in Monterey Bay, and in the Eel River Basin.  相似文献   
Common-depth-point seismic reflection profiling indicates that the crust beneath western McMurdo Sound is capped by a thin veneer of layered reflectors. The absence of deep, layered reflectors suggests the crust beneath the coast is made up primarily of intrusions which we associate with plutons generated during the Ross Orogeny. The layered reflectors dip and thicken to the east, away from the coast, where they are found at two-way reflection times of 7 s, corresponding to depths of 14–16 km. Reflection data support earlier refraction, gravity, and magnetic interpretations that indicate fundamental differences in the crust beneath McMurdo Sound and the Transantarctic Mountains. Differences may be due to early Paleozoic subduction of the Ross Embayment crust beneath the Transantarctic Mountains during the Ross Orogeny. Orogeny has produced an over-thickened crust beneath the Ross orogenic belt which was followed by several periods of reactivation including the Jurassic thermal event and the uplift of the present-day Transantarctic Mountains in early Tertiary time. The presence of the McMurdo Volcanics and preliminary interpretations of reflection data suggest that the Sound is now being thinned by processes of extension.  相似文献   
Extensive compositional heterogeneity is shown to affect at least twenty four of the doped trace elements in the NIST SRM 610-617 glasses.
Compositional profiling and mapping using laser ablation ICP-MS reveals that all NIST SRM 610-617 wafers examined here contain domains that are significantly depleted in Ag, As, Au, B, Bi, Cd, Cr, Cs, Mo, Pb, Re, (Rh), Sb, Se, Te, Tl and W, and antithetically enriched in Cu (and Pt), with large enrichments in Cd, Fe and Mn also being encountered in some cases. These domains are visible in doubly polished wafers by unaided visual inspection and by transmitted light and schlieren microscopy. They occur in close proximity to the wafer perimeters and also as stretched and complexly folded forms within wafer interiors. The chemical and optical properties of these heterogeneous domains are consistent with those of compositional cords, a phenomenon of glass manufacture where glass bulk composition and physical properties are modified by loss of volatile components from the molten glass surface. The NIST SRM 610-617 glasses may be considered reliable reference materials for microanalysis of only between one half and two thirds of the trace elements with which they were doped, including Be, Mg, Sr, Ba, Sc, Y, REE, V, Zr, Hf, Nb, Ta, Th, U, Ga, In, Sn, Co, Ni and Zn. These elements show no evidence of significant heterogeneity, indicating that the original glass constituents and possible residues remaining in the furnace from preceding glass batch fusions were well homogenised during manufacture.  相似文献   
—Large, extended fault systems such as those in California demonstrate complex space-time seismicity patterns, which include repetitive events, precursory activity and quiescence, and aftershock sequences. Although the characteristics of these patterns can be qualitatively described, a systematic quantitative analysis remains elusive. Our research suggests that a new pattern dynamics methodology can be used to define a unique, finite set of seismicity patterns for a given fault system. In addition, while a long-sought goal of earthquake research has been the reliable forecasting of these events, very little progress has been made in developing a successful, consistent methodology. In this report, we document the discovery of systematic space-time variations in seismicity from southern California using a new technique. Here we present examples of this analysis technique on data obtained prior to events in seismically active areas that show coherent regions associated with the future occurrence of major earthquakes in the same areas. These results strongly support the hypothesis that seismic activity is highly correlated across many space and time scales within large volumes of the earth's crust.  相似文献   
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