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Kunhong Li Zhining Liu Bin She Hanpeng Cai Yaojun Wang Guangmin Hu 《Geophysical Prospecting》2021,69(1):85-100
Dictionary learning is a successful method for random seismic noise attenuation that has been proven by some scholars. Dictionary learning–based techniques aim to learn a set of common bases called dictionaries from given noised seismic data. Then, the denoising process will be performed by assuming a sparse representation on each small local patch of the seismic data over the learned dictionary. The local patches that are extracted from the seismic section are essentially two‐dimensional matrices. However, for the sake of simplicity, almost all of the existing dictionary learning methods just convert each two‐dimensional patch into a one‐dimensional vector. In doing this, the geometric structure information of the raw data will be revealed, leading to low capability in the reconstruction of seismic structures, such as faults and dip events. In this paper, we propose a two‐dimensional dictionary learning method for the seismic denoising problem. Unlike other dictionary learning–based methods, the proposed method represents the two‐dimensional patches directly to avoid the conversion process, and thus reserves the important structure information for a better reconstruction. Our method first learns a two‐dimensional dictionary from the noisy seismic patches. Then, we use the two‐dimensional dictionary to sparsely represent all of the noisy two‐dimensional patches to obtain clean patches. Finally, the clean patches are patched back to generate a denoised seismic section. The proposed method is compared with the other three denoising methods, including FX‐decon, curvelet and one‐dimensional learning method. The results demonstrate that our method has better denoising performance in terms of signal‐to‐noise ratio, fault and amplitude preservation. 相似文献
多旋回盆地油气藏形成后多经历复杂的构造改造作用,并对油气的保存与分布具有重要的控制作用。结合塔里木盆地油气藏实例分析,将碳酸盐岩油气藏断裂改造作用划分为断裂切割改造、断裂抬升改造、断裂褶皱改造、断裂再活动改造与断裂成岩封闭改造等5种类型。断裂改造方式主要有圈闭变化、盖层减薄、水力作用、压力变化与成岩变化等,并造成油气逸散与补充、水洗与降解及流体性质的变化等,从而导致碳酸盐岩油气藏与油气分布的复杂性。断裂改造作用研究对多旋回油气盆地勘探开发具有重要借鉴意义。 相似文献
利用车载LiDAR点云数据提取城市道路规则多边形 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0
随着自动驾驶高精地图的发展,准确高效地提取道路规则多边形成为必要。本文以苏州市某城市快速路为研究对象,通过使用徕卡车载激光移动测量系统获得城市道路点云数据,观察了解车载点云数据各类属性信息,根据观察结果组合利用点云数据高差、点云灰度差值、点云强度差值,在此基础上再利用网格密度法实现道路规则多边形的提取,然后通过对目标的矢量化得到三维矢量规则多边形。最后对提取的矢量化结果进行精度评定。试验结果表明:该方法在提取道路规则多边形方面能得到较好的结果且能满足高精地图需求。 相似文献
稀土元素和铌元素具有独特的磁—光—电物理特性及高熔点等优点,且能与其它元素组成性能各异、品种繁多的新型材料,大幅提高低碳能源材料的质量和性能,是发展低碳绿色新能源产业的关键矿产资源。内蒙古白云鄂博矿床是全球最大的稀土矿床,同时也伴生有大量的铁、铌、钪、钍及萤石等矿产资源,且具有非常复杂的矿物组成和共生组合。据统计,在该矿床已发现的矿物达200余种,其中新矿物20种。鄂博铌矿和翟钪闪石是近期在该矿床发现的两种新矿物。其中,鄂博铌矿,呈黄褐色至褐色,板状,自形至半自形,粒度约为20~100 μm,该矿物是一种结构简单的镁—铌氧化物类矿物,理想化学式Mg4Nb2O9,铌氧化物平均含量为58.0%,属于三方晶系,空间群P$ overline{3} $c1(#165)。翟钪闪石,呈淡黄色或淡蓝色,长柱状,自形—半自形,粒度可达350 μm,该矿物是一种含钪的角闪石族矿物,理想化学式为NaNa2(Mg4Sc)(Si8O22)F2,钪氧化物平均含量为6.4%,属于单斜晶系,空间群C2/m(#12)。两个新矿物的发现,不仅增加了白云鄂博可用铌、钪金属选冶矿物种类,进而助力资源高效利用,而且也是人类不断了解、认识大自然,并利用自然界物质的重要过程。 相似文献
华南晚中生代幕阜山复式岩体是我国重要的稀有金属成矿区,人们在该岩体南缘已发现仁里‒传梓源等超大型稀有金属矿床,但对其北缘广泛发育的含稀有金属伟晶岩的成矿时代和成矿作用研究较为有限. 以幕阜山北缘4个主要的伟晶岩密集区:断峰山、北港镇、麦市镇和黄泥洞含稀有金属伟晶岩为研究对象,通过详细的野外地质调查、岩相学、矿物化学和铌钽铁矿U-Pb年代学研究工作,探讨了幕阜山北缘稀有金属(Li-Be-Nb-Ta)的成矿时代、赋存状态和成矿过程. 年代学研究表明幕阜山北缘含稀有金属伟晶岩成矿于136~138 Ma,略滞后于幕阜山花岗岩类的侵位年龄,从而与其构成连续的花岗岩类侵位序列,代表了高演化末期的岩浆产物. 岩相学及矿物化学研究表明,Li主要赋存于锂云母、透锂长石和锂电气石中,Be赋存于绿柱石中,Nb主要赋存于铌铁矿和铌锰矿中,Ta赋存于细晶石和铌锰矿中. 矿物化学特征记录了熔体的演化过程,分离结晶作用是控制稀有金属不断富集的主要因素. 幕阜山南、北缘在锂赋存矿物方面存在差异,成矿温压条件的不同可能是造成锂成矿差异的原因. 华南幕阜山大规模含稀有金属伟晶岩成矿作用表明幕阜山地区在早白垩世处于伸展背景. 相似文献
西准噶尔东部碱性花岗岩体侵位机理的岩浆动力学初步探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
运用岩浆动力学原理探讨了西准噶尔东部碱性花岗岩浆侵位的驱动力、上升通道、通道最小临界宽度和定位过程。指出:碱性花岗岩体是由其岩浆主要在区域性挤压应力作用下,沿深大断裂以最小临界宽度1.33~301m的脉状上升,并在地壳浅部发生气球膨胀和岩墙扩张.定位于与区内深大断裂有关的次级张性裂隙发育部位后形成的。 相似文献
A correlative study of geology and metallogenic process in the bordering zones between China, Russia and Mongolia shows that the region of the western slope of the Da Hingan Mts. -Eastern Transbaikalia-Eastern Mongolia is a metallogenic focus-area associated with Late Mesozoic intraplate tectono-magmatic activation. During the period of 160–120 Ma a great number of multiplex deposits with similar genesis including large and superlarge mineral deposits were formed.