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中国海洋生物地球化学过程研究的最新进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
海洋是全球生态系统的重要组成部分,在地球系统中,其与大气、陆地紧密联系在一起,在调节全球气候等方面发挥着举足轻重的作用。全球变化引起的海洋变化十分明显,现在已经能够观测到海洋的大尺度物理、化学和生物特征的变化,其中海洋食物链结构、海岸带富营养化和珊瑚礁退化最为  相似文献   
为缓解淡水资源短缺及化石能源过度使用问题,提出多点液压式波浪能海水淡化系统,该系统主要由采能装置、液压传递系统与反渗透膜海水淡化设备组成。系统的采能装置采用振荡浮子式,可将波浪能转换为浮子振荡从而被液压系统吸收达到采集波浪能的目的。为了提高液压式波浪能海水淡化系统的采能效率及淡水率,利用AMEsim软件对液压传递系统进行建模与仿真,分析了蓄能器、浮子个数及波高对液压传递系统输出响应的影响。结果表明:蓄能器能够使液压马达的输出响应更加稳定;当浮子的数量增加时,液压系统达到稳定的运行状态所需的时间更短,从而有利于提高系统的效率;波高在2 m左右时,本系统的产水量达到最大。  相似文献   
本文提出了一种基于散射计风场数据的台风定强方法。该方法定义了台风所在海区的一个圆形区域上的风速平均值来对台风进行定强,并使用海洋二号卫星散射计历史数据对该方法进行了验证。验证结果表明,该台风定强方法可以克服散射计反演台风风速过低的问题。与台风强度监测的历史记录比较的结果显示,在台风强度低于"强台风"这一强度等级时,该方法能够有效估算台风强度。  相似文献   
为进一步提升广东省海洋灾害应急管理水平和全社会抵御海洋灾害的综合防范能力,文章在广东省机构改革的背景下,概述广东省海洋灾害应急管理"一案三制"体系,查找存在的问题,并提出对策建议。研究结果表明:广东省海洋灾害应急管理已初步建立应急预案以及体制、机制和法制体系,尤其是2018年机构改革后成立广东省应急管理厅,有力促进全灾种、全流程和全方位的应急管理,其中海洋灾害应急管理体制由应急管理领导议事机构、应急管理综合调度机构、海洋灾害专业管理机构和海洋灾害辅助管理机构4个部分组成;在防灾减灾救灾体制机制改革和机构改革的新形势下,广东省海洋灾害应急管理仍存在不足,亟须完善地方性法规等制度、优化管理体制机制、加强技术支撑和成果转化以及提高社会和市场参与度。  相似文献   
中国多数红树林陆地边缘存在着大量的养虾池塘。这些养虾池塘可通过:(1)换塘外排废水,(2)清塘直排污泥影响周围的红树林。本研究共包含两个实验,来探讨这两种类型的排污对秋茄幼苗生长的影响。实验一模拟虾池常规换塘情况,研究换塘废水对秋茄幼苗生长的影响。实验二设置四种虾池清塘污泥沉积厚度(0 cm,2 cm,4 cm,8 cm),研究虾池清塘污泥的累积效应对秋茄幼苗生长的影响。结果如下:在5,15和25三种盐度下,虾池换塘废水未对秋茄生长指标造成显著影响;而清塘污泥对秋茄生长的影响与其沉积厚度有关,大多数生长参数在污泥沉积厚度为4 cm时呈现最大值。秋茄幼苗在适量的沉积厚度下加速了生长,且本实验秋茄幼苗对虾池清塘污泥的耐受性为沉积厚度8 cm。  相似文献   
根据采集的3 500 km浅地层剖面资料,对闽北近岸海域末次盛冰期古河道体系的平面展布特征(宽度、深度变化特征)和垂向剖面反射特征(反射界面、层序内部反射特征)进行了详细的描述,系统地分析了研究区在末次盛冰期古河道体系的平面展布和古河道典型断面反射特征,初步推测了其起源及形成时的地质环境。结果表明:①研究区内存在一个古河道体系,结合当时古地形及地理位置综合分析,古河道分布与当时海底的地形变化大致对应,推测其中一条走向大致为EW向的古河道可能来源于闽江,另外一条走向为SN向的古河道可能来源于长江支流,具体起源尚待进一步探讨;②进一步验证了自末次盛冰期以来,研究区从发生海退裸露地表发育古河道到再次遭受海侵形成浅海环境的历史变迁。  相似文献   
Phytoplankton physiologies are dynamic and have sensitive responses to the ambient environment. In this paper,we examine photosynthetic physiologies of phytoplankton communities with Phyto-PAM in the eastern equatorial Indian Ocean during the spring inter-monsoon. Environmental parameters were measured to investigate the coupling between phytoplankton photosynthetic physiologies and their habitats. During the cruise, the water column was highly stratified. The mixed layer extended to about 75 m and was characterized by high temperature(28°C) and low nutrient level. The F_v/F_m values and chlorophyll a(Chl a) concentrations were lower at the surface, as consequences of nutrient depletion and photo-inhibition. Subsurface Chl a maximum(SCM) occurred between 75 and 100 m, and had the highest F_v/F_m values. The formation of SCM was a balance between nutrient availability and light limitation. The SCM may contribute significantly to pelagic food web and primary production in the water column. Phytoplankton in different layers encountered different light, trophic and hydrographic dynamics and evolved distinct photosynthetic characteristics. Despite of co-limitation of nutrient limitation and photo-inhibition, phytoplankton in the surface layer showed their acclimation to high irradiance, had lower light utilization efficiencies(α: 0.061±0.032) and could exploit a wide range of light irradiance. Whereas, phytoplankton in the SCM layers presented the highest light utilization efficiencies(α:0.146±0.48), which guaranteed higher photosynthetic capacities under low light level. These results provide insights into phytoplankton photo-adaption strategies in this less explored region.  相似文献   
为了探明热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫的多样性、垂直分布及纬向变化,我们于2012年11-12月在该海区四个断面采集了0-200 m的水样。共检出砂壳纤毛虫39属124种,多数种类喜好生活在表层和次表层。砂壳纤毛虫种丰富度、丰度以及多样性指数的高值主要出现在比叶绿素浓度最大值稍浅的位置,与温度和叶绿素浓度显著正相关,与盐度和采样深度显著负相关。多数优势种与环境因子间的相关性不显著。热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫多样性极高,各站种丰富度在25-52之间。在从表层至75 m处的多数采样点香农指数均大于3。该海区砂壳纤毛虫冗余种的比例很高,占砂壳纤毛虫总种类数的87.90%,贡献了砂壳纤毛虫60.38%的丰度,表明热带西太平洋海区砂壳纤毛虫群落对饵料组成和摄食压力改变的应对能力很强,稳定性很高。  相似文献   
在杭州湾浅滩上采用底座式ADCP测得单点的漫滩潮流流速、流向及同步水位的变化过程,并在此基础上建立平面二维潮流数值模型,分析整个潮滩上的漫滩潮流过程及其特征。在模型漫滩边界上采用向上取水位值的处理方法,使得模型计算稳定,并获得了稳定逼真的漫滩潮流模拟结果。模拟结果表明:漫滩潮流模拟过程与实测资料基本一致。因此在漫滩潮流模拟中向上取水位值的边界处理方法是可行的。研究成果为漫滩潮流的数值模拟提供了一种较实用的漫滩边界处理方法。  相似文献   
A three-dimensional coupled physical and water quality model was developed and applied to the Jiaozhou Bay to study water quality involving nutrients, biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved oxygen, and phytoplankton that are closely related to eutrophication process. The physical model is a modified ECOM-si version with inclusion of flooding/draining processes over the intertidal zone. The water quality model is based on WASP5 which quantifies processes governing internal nutrients cycling, dissolved oxygen balance and phytoplankton growth. The model was used to simulate the spatial distribution and the temporal variation of water quality in the Jiaozhou Bay for the period of May 2005 to May 2006. In addition, the effect of reduction of riverine nutrients load was simulated and evaluated. The simulated results show that under the influence of nutrients discharged from river, the concentrations of nutrients and phytoplankton were higher in the northwest and northeast of the bay, and decreased from the inner bay to the outer. Affected by strong tidal mixing, the concentrations of all state variables were vertically homogeneous except in the deeper regions where a small gradient was found. Obvious seasonal variation of phytoplankton biomass was found, which exhibited two peaks in March and July, respectively. The variation of riverine waste loads had remarkable impact on nutrients concentration in coastal areas, but slightly altered the distribution in the center of the bay.  相似文献   
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