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We present laboratory mid-infrared transmission/absorption spectra obtained from matrix of the hydrated Murchison CM meteorite experimentally shocked at peak pressures of 10-49 GPa, and compare them to astronomical observations of circumstellar dust in different stages of the formation of planetary systems. The laboratory spectra of the Murchison samples exhibit characteristic changes in the infrared features. A weakly shocked sample (shocked at 10 GPa) shows almost no changes from the unshocked sample dominated by hydrous silicate (serpentine). Moderately shocked samples (21-34 GPa) have typical serpentine features gradually replaced by bands of amorphous material and olivine with increasing shock pressure. A strongly shocked sample (36 GPa) shows major changes due to decomposition of the serpentine and due to devolatilization. A shock melted sample (49 GPa) shows features of olivine recrystallized from melted material.The infrared spectra of the shocked Murchison samples show similarities to astronomical spectra of dust in various young stellar objects and debris disks. The spectra of highly shocked Murchison samples (36 and 49 GPa) are similar to those of dust in the debris disks of HD113766 and HD69830, and the transitional disk of HD100546. The moderately shocked samples (21-34 GPa) exhibit spectra similar to those of dust in the debris disks of Beta Pictoris and BD+20307, and the transitional disk of GM Aur. An average of the spectra of all Murchison samples (0-49 GPa) has a similarity to the spectrum of the older protoplanetary disk of SU Auriga. In the gas-rich transitional and protoplanetary disks, the abundances of amorphous silicates and gases have widely been considered to be a primary property. However, our study suggests that impact processing may play a significant role in generating secondary amorphous silicates and gases in those disks. Infrared spectra of the shocked Murchison samples also show similarities to the dust from comets (C/2002 V1, C/2001 RX14, 9P/Tempel 1, and Hale Bopp), suggesting that the comets also contain shocked Murchison-like material.  相似文献   
We report the observation of a cloud system on Titan that remained localized near 40°S latitude and 60°W longitude for at least 34 h. Ground-based observations obtained with the SINFONI imaging spectrograph at the Very Large Telescope over four consecutive nights recorded the lifetime and altitude of the unresolved cloud system. Concomitant measurements made by Cassini/VIMS over 3 h resolved changes in the altitude and opacity of individual regions within the system during this time. Clouds are measured from 13 to 37 km altitude with optical depths per pixel ranging from τ=0.13 to 7. Short timescale rise times are consistent with previous measurements of the evolution of mid-latitude clouds; however the long timescale localization of the cloud structure is unexplained. We speculate about the role of mesoscale circulation in relation to cloud formation.  相似文献   
Accretional temperature profiles for Saturn’s large moon Titan are used to determine the conditions needed for accretion to avoid global melting as a function of the timing, duration, and nebular conditions of Titan’s accretion. We find that Titan can accrete undifferentiated in a “gas-starved” disk even with modest quantities of ammonia mixed in with its ices. Simulations of impact-induced core formation are used to show that Titan can remain only partially differentiated after an outer Solar System late heavy bombardment capable of melting its outer layers, permitting some of its rock to consolidate into a core.  相似文献   
We perform axisymmetric hydrodynamical simulations that describe the nonlinear outcome of the viscous overstability in dense planetary rings. These simulations are particularly relevant for Cassini observations of fine-scale structure in Saturn’s A and B-ring, which take the form of periodic microstructure on the 0.1 km scale, and irregular larger-scale variations on 1-10 km. Nonlinear wavetrains dominate all the simulations, and we associate them with the observed periodic microstructure. The waves can undergo small chaotic fluctuations in their phase and amplitude, and may be punctuated by more formidable ‘wave defects’ distributed on longer scales. It is unclear, however, whether the defects are connected to the irregular larger-scale variations observed by Cassini. The long-term behaviour of the simulations is dominated by the imposed boundary conditions, and more generally by the limitations of the local model we use: the shearing box. When periodic boundary conditions are imposed, the system eventually settles on a uniform travelling wave of a predictable wavelength, while reflecting boundaries, and boundaries with buffer zones, maintain a disordered saturated state. The simulations omit self-gravity, though we examine its influence in future work.  相似文献   
We present measurements of the altitude and eastward velocity component of mesospheric clouds in 35 imaging sequences acquired by the Mars Odyssey (ODY) spacecraft’s Thermal Emission Imaging System visible imaging subsystem (THEMIS-VIS). We measure altitude by using the parallax drift of high-altitude features, and the velocity by exploiting the time delay in the THEMIS-VIS imaging sequence.We observe two distinct classes of mesospheric clouds: equatorial mesospheric clouds observed between 0° and 180° Ls; and northern mid-latitude clouds observed only in twilight in the 200–300° Ls period. The equatorial mesospheric clouds are quite rare in the THEMIS-VIS data set. We have detected them in only five imaging sequences, out of a total of 2048 multi-band equatorial imaging sequences. All five fall between 20° south and 0° latitude, and between 260° and 295° east longitude. The mid-latitude mesospheric clouds are apparently much more common; for these we find 30 examples out of 210 northern winter mid-latitude twilight imaging sequences. The observed mid-latitude clouds are found, with only one exception, in the Acidalia region, but this is quite likely an artifact of the pattern of THEMIS-VIS image targeting. Comparing our THEMIS-VIS images with daily global maps generated from Mars Orbiter Camera Wide Angle (MOC-WA) images, we find some evidence that some mid-latitude mesospheric cloud features correspond to cloud features commonly observed by MOC-WA. Comparing the velocity of our mesospheric clouds with a GCM, we find good agreement for the northern mid-latitude class, but also find that the GCM fails to match the strong easterly winds measured for the equatorial clouds.Applying a simple radiative transfer model to some of the equatorial mesospheric clouds, we find good model fits in two different imaging sequences. By using the observed radiance contrast between cloud and cloud-free regions at multiple visible-band wavelengths, these fits simultaneously constrain the optical depths and particles sizes of the clouds. The particle sizes are constrained primarily by the relative contrasts at the available wavelengths, and are found to be quite different in the two imaging sequences: reff = 0.1 μm and reff = 1.5 μm. The optical depths (constrained by the absolute contrasts) are substantial: 0.22 and 0.5, respectively. These optical depths imply a mass density that greatly exceeds the saturated mass density of water vapor at mesospheric temperatures, and so the aerosol particles are probably composed mainly of CO2 ice. Our simple radiative transfer model is not applicable to twilight, when the mid-latitude mesospheric clouds were observed, and so we leave the properties of these clouds as a question for further work.  相似文献   
A lava channel identified on the wall of an Elysium Planitia impact crater is investigated to identify the dominant erosion mechanism, mechanical vs. thermal, acting during channel formation. Observations of channel morphology are used to supplement analytical models of lava channel formation in order to calculate the duration of channel formation, the velocity of the lava flowing through the channel, and the erosion rate in each erosion regime considered. Results demonstrate that the channel observed in the Elysium Planitia impact crater formed primarily due to mechanical erosion. In a more general sense, results of this study suggest that lava channels can form primarily due to thermal erosion in the presence of more gradual slopes and more consolidated substrates whereas lava channels can form primarily due to mechanical erosion in the presence of more energetic flows on steeper slopes and more poorly consolidated substrates. Therefore, both erosion regimes must be considered when analyzing origins of eroded lava channels that cut through strata of different strengths.  相似文献   
We present the results of modelling the subgiant star β Hydri using seismic observational constraints. We have computed several grids of stellar evolutionary tracks using the Aarhus STellar Evolution Code (ASTEC, Christensen-Dalsgaard in Astrophys. Space Sci. 316:13, 2008a), with and without helium diffusion and settling. For those models on each track that are located at the observationally determined position of β Hydri in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram, we have calculated the oscillation frequencies using the Aarhus adiabatic pulsation package (ADIPLS, Christensen-Dalsgaard in Astrophys. Space Sci. 316:113, 2008b). Applying the near-surface corrections to the calculated frequencies using the empirical law presented by Kjeldsen et al. (Astrophys. J. 683:L175, 2008), we have compared the corrected model frequencies with the observed frequencies of the star. We show that after correcting the frequencies for the near-surface effects, we have a fairly good fit for both l=0 and l=2 frequencies. We also have good agreement between the observed and calculated l=1 mode frequencies, although there is room for improvement in order to fit all the observed mixed modes simultaneously.  相似文献   
An analysis of our observations of the Geminga object with the GT-48 ground-based gamma-ray telescope has shown that its very-high-energy gamma-ray flux is modulated with a 59-s period. The 59-s period and its time derivative previously inferred from satellite data have been confirmed. According to our data, the period was 61.94 s in 1997 at MSD=50573. The statistical significance of this result is (1?4.5)×10?4.  相似文献   
The state of the art in the theory of processing of visual observations of meteor streams is considered. Of the three widely used methods of visual-observation processing, the method developed at the Engel'gardt Astronomical Observatory provides the highest accuracy of conversion to the hourly rate of meteors. For the first time, the dependence of the fine structures of the Geminid, Perseid, and Leonid streams on the minimum detected mass of meteor bodies is obtained from visual observations. A shift in the position of an activity maximum for smaller masses in the direction of lower solar longitudes is confirmed for the Geminids. For the Perseids, an activity maximum for meteor bodies with mass exceeding 0.01 g, sets in earlier than for smaller particles. In the Leonid swarm, no correlation was found between the node longitude of the mean swarm orbit and mass of meteor bodies.  相似文献   
Data on interstellar diffraction and refraction scintillation of pulsars are analyzed. Comparison between theory and the observational data shows that two types of spectra for electron density fluctuations are realized in the interstellar medium: pure power law and piecewise with a break. The distribution of turbulent plasma in the Galaxy has a three component structure. Component A is diffuse and it is distributed outside of the spiral arms of the Galaxy. Component BI is cloudy and associated with Galactic arms. Component BII is extremely nonuniform and associated with HII regions and supernova remnants. The origin of the interstellar plasma turbulence is considered, and possible sources of turbulent energy are discussed. The contribution of supernova bursts in the interstellar gas ionization and generation of turbulence are analyzed among other factors. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
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