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The legal regime of the Caspian Sea has been determined under Treaties 1921 and 1940 by and between Iran and former Soviet Union. In fact, we are neither to explain it nor to determine. As understood from the provisions therein, the exploitation and use of the Caspian Sea by both countries are based on the Condominium. However, there is a 10-nautical mile strip as exclusive fishing areas which have been allocated to the states under the 1940 treaty. It means that Soviet Union and Iran may benefit the marine livings resources out of that strip on an equal manner. This right also includes the seabed and underlying bed. So, the legal regime of this sea may be based on a 10-nautical mile exclusive region for all five states and the remaining part as common and joint area under an agreement until an explaining and supervising organization is established to exploit and supervise over living and non-livings resources.  相似文献   

The study of sediment load is important for its implications to the environment and water resources engineering. Four models were considered in the study of suspended sediment concentration prediction: artificial neural networks (ANNs), neuro-fuzzy model (NF), conjunction of wavelet analysis and neuro-fuzzy (WNF) model, and the conventional sediment rating curve (SRC) method. Using data from a US Geological Survey gauging station, the suspended sediment concentration predicted by the WNF model was in satisfactory agreement with the measured data. Also the proposed WNF model generated reasonable predictions for the extreme values. The cumulative suspended sediment load estimated by this model was much higher than that predicted by the other models, and is close to the observed data. However, in the current modelling, the ANN, NF and SRC models underestimated sediment load. The WNF model was successful in reproducing the hysteresis phenomenon, but the SRC method was not able to model this behaviour. In general, the results showed that the NF model performed better than the ANN and SRC models.

Citation Mirbagheri, S. A., Nourani, V., Rajaee, T. & Alikhani, A. (2010) Neuro-fuzzy models employing wavelet analysis for suspended sediment concentration prediction in rivers. Hydrol. Sci. J. 55(7), 1175–1189.  相似文献   
In regional exploration programs, the distribution of elements in known mineral deposits can be used as a guide for the classification of deposits, search for new prospects and modeling ore deposit patterns. The Sanandaj–Sirjan Zone (SSZ) is a major metallogenic zone in Iran, containing lead and zinc, iron, gold, copper deposits. In the central part of the SSZ, lead and zinc mineralization is widespread and hitherto exploration has been based on geological criteria. In this study, we used clustering techniques applied to element distribution for classification lead and zinc deposits in the central part of the SSZ. The hierarchical clustering technique was used to characterize the elemental pattern. Elements associated with lead and zinc deposits were separated into four clusters, encompassing both ore elements and their host rock-forming elements. It is shown that lead and zinc deposits in the central SSZ belong to two genetic groups: a MVT type hosted by limestone and dolomites and a SEDEX type hosted by shale, volcanic rocks and sandstone. The results of elemental clustering were used for pattern recognition by the K-means method and the respective deposits were classified into four distinct categories. K-means clustering also reveals that the elemental associations and spatial distribution of the lead and zinc deposits exhibit zoning in the central part of the SSZ. The ratios of ore-forming elements (Sb, Cd, and Zn) vs. (Pb and Ag) show zoning along an E–W trend, while host rock-forming elements (Mn, Ca, and Mg) vs. (Ba and Sr) show a zoning along a SE–NW trend. Large and medium deposits occur mainly in the center of the studied area, which justify further exploration around occurrences and abandoned mines in this area. The application of a pattern recognition method based on geochemical data from known mineralization in the central SSZ, and the classification derived from it, uncover elemental zoning, identify key elemental associations for further geochemical exploration and the potential to discover possible target areas for large to medium size ore deposits. This methodology can be applied in a similar way to search for new ore deposits in a wide range of known metallogenic zones.  相似文献   
Acta Geotechnica - A systematical testing program on frozen Onsøy clay under isotropic loading and undrained shearing at different temperatures...  相似文献   
The Naqadeh mafic plutonic rocks are located on a plutonic assemblage and include different granitoid rocks related to ~40 Ma. U-Pb SHRIMP data shows different ages of 96?±?2.3 Ma for mafic rocks. Naqadeh mafic plutonic rocks consist of diorite to diorite-gabbros with relatively high contents of incompatible elements, low Na2O, and $ {\hbox{Mg\# }} = \left[ {{\hbox{molar}}\;{100} \times {\hbox{MgO/}}\left( {{\hbox{MgO}} + {\hbox{FeO}}} \right)} \right] > 44.0 $ . These features suggest that the Naqadeh mafic rocks originate from enriched lithospheric mantle above subducted slab during Neotethys subduction under Iranian plate.  相似文献   

The Makran complex in southeast Iran provides a spectacular subduction-related accretionary complex to understand the mechanism of oceanic accretion and the evolution of subduction zones. In this paper, we present new major and trace element data as well as isotopic compositions of mafic volcanic blocks from the Makran ophiolitic mélange complex (OMC). Our aim is to assess the genesis of these rocks and discuss their implications on the evolution of Neotethys Ocean. These volcanic blocks are composed mainly of basalts with minor trachytes. The Makran lavas are occasionally interlayered with tuff layers. Zircons from these tuffs give U-Pb ages of 95 Ma, which is well in accordance with the reposted microfossil data for the interlayered pelagic limestones with pillow lavas. Makran basalts can be geochemically subdivided into four groups; normal to transitional MORB, enriched-MORB, Plume-type MORB and alkaline (-OIB-like) basalts. The OIB-like pillow lavas are represented by high values of Th/Tb (6.3–7.4) which are higher than other basalts (group 1 = 0.3–0.8; groups 2 = 0.7–1.6; group 3 = 1.58–1.36).143Nd/144Nd(t) ratios for basalts ranges from 0.51247 to 0.51292, whereas 87Sr/86Sr(t) isotopic composition of the OMC lavas varies from 0.704433 to 0.709466. The Pb isotopic composition of the lavas are quite high, ranging from 15.49–15.66 for 207Pb/204Pb(t), 18.09–19.12 for 206Pb/204Pb(t) and 37.80–39.23 for 208Pb/204Pb(t). The chemistry of these rocks suggests that they were formed most likely in an oceanic setting with clear plume-ridge interaction. These rocks can form from partial melting of a highly heterogeneous mantle source, which is extensively metasomatized with deep mantle OIB-type components. We suggest these rocks have been generated in an oceanic ridge with plume-ridge interaction, similar to the Iceland-Reykjanes Ridge, before being fragmented and accreted into the Makran accretionary complex.  相似文献   
Alborz Mountains host Caspian Hyrcanian forest ecoregion along the northern slopes and forest steppe ecoregion in highlands. Hyrcanian forest covers the southeastern part of Caucasus biodiversity hotspot and is of great biogeographic importance. Altitudinal pattern and correlation between woody species biodiversity (DIV), forest structure ((stem density (DEN), mean basal area (MBA) and mean height class (MHC)) and disturbance (DIS) were explored along 2,400 m altitudinal gradient in Hyrcanian relict forest, Central Alborz Mountains. Vegetation changes from lowland forest (LoF) to mid- altitude forest (MiF) and montane forest (MoF) in this area. The altitudinal gradient was divided into twelve 200 m elevational belts. Point centered quarter method (PCQM) with 96 sampling points and 83 vegetation samples by plot method (PM) were used to record field data. Shannon-Wiener index and Pearson coefficient were used for diversity and correlation analysis. The results showed that DEN decreased linearly, MBA and MHC showed relatively hump shaped and DIS showed a reverse hump shaped pattern of change along altitudinal gradient. Woody species diversity decreased non-steadily from LoF to MoF. Transitional vegetations of Carpinus-Fagus and Fagus-Quercus represented higher diversity of woody taxa compared to adjacent homogenous communities. Significant correlation was observed between altitude and all parameters: DEN with MBA, DIS and DIV; MBA with DIS; MHC with DIS along with DIV; and DIS with DIV at the study area scale. Surprisingly,correlation between studied parameters differed within each vegetation type. Altitude probably acts as a proxy for human and environmental driving forces in this area. Stability of warm and wet condition, season length, soil depth along with forest accessibility probably influences the altitudinal pattern of the studied parameters. Disturbance affects forest structure and consequently diversity; especially in lowlands. The obtained results recommend using both forest biodiversity and mensuration data in management process of forest ecosystems.  相似文献   
Non-steady state deformation and annealing experiments on vein quartz are designed to simulate earthquake-driven episodic deformation in the middle crust. Three types of experiments were carried out using a modified Griggs-type solid medium deformation apparatus. All three start with high stress deformation at a temperature of 400 °C and a constant strain rate of 10− 4 s− 1 (type A), some are followed by annealing in the stability field of α-quartz for 14–15 h at zero nominal differential stress and temperatures of 800–1000 °C (type A + B), or by annealing for 15 h at 900 °C and at a residual stress (type A + C).The quartz samples reveal a very high strength > 2 GPa at a few percent of permanent strain. The microstructures after short-term high stress deformation (type A) record localized brittle and plastic deformation. Statisc annealing (type A + B) results in recrystallisation restricted to the highly damaged zones. The new grains aligned in strings and without crystallographic preferred orientation, indicate nucleation and growth. Annealing at non-hydrostatic conditions (type A + C) results in shear zones that also develop from deformation bands or cracks that formed during the preceding high stress deformation. In this case, however, the recrystallised zone is several grain diameters wide, the grains are elongate, and a marked crystallographic preferred orientation indicates flow by dislocation creep with dynamic recrystallisation. Quartz microstructures identical to those produced in type A + B experiments are observed in cores recovered from Long Valley Exploratory Well in the Quaternary Long Valley Caldera, California, with considerable seismic activity.The experiments demonstrate the behaviour of quartz at coseismic loading (type A) and subsequent static annealing (type A + B) or creep at decaying stress (type A + C) in the middle crust. The experimentally produced microfabrics allow to identify similar processes and conditions in exhumed rocks.  相似文献   
In this paper, remote sensing and GIS have been used to assess the status of NO2 at the south west of Iran. 221 data about concentration of NO2 was extracted from Ozone Monitoring Instrument. Ordinary kriging and inverse distance weighting interpolation methods was used to interpolate data. Results showed that ordinary kriging method using cross-validation have had less error. North east of the study area has the highest concentration of NO2 (329 molecule/cm2) and the concentration of NO2 decreases from north east to South west of the study area. On the other hand, data trend results showed that the data seems to exhibit a fairly strong trend in the east west direction and a weaker one in the north–south direction.  相似文献   
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